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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 37

by Holloway, Daniel;

  So, how do they work? During the approximations of the spring and fall equinox and depending upon the moon phase during those seasons, we felt an unusually strong loosening of our minds. When that happened, we knew that the portal was trying to open, if only slightly and for a few days each year. Under those conditions and during those days, Earth’s magnetic field aligns well enough to allow a minute amount of portal function. As a result, we designed the pyramids to maximize those alignments to our advantage.

  It occurred to us that if we could somehow magnify a point of relative gravity during the equinox, then we could better utilize those conditions to open a mini-portal at the apex of the structure. To acquire the extra gravity requires mass, that is, -huge amounts of rock stacked in a very specific design and with an alignment that can funnel the geomagnetic energy of the earth. And even though our solution required a monumental amount of labor, we certainly had lots of time, so it really didn’t matter. The science of course can be seen in the pyramids construction:

  1. Mass: —mass creates gravity which has a co-dimensional property; this is the advantage of using heavy stone—the more weight, the more natural gravity.

  2. The pyramid’s alignment with either the existing polarity or the celestial equator—alignments affect the directions of the magnetic-fields and/or the gravitational flow of a pyramid.

  3. Sacred-geometry: —this was obtained via the Grid System. This is a form of mathematical purity. Much like a chemical reaction requires a perfect mixture, so too does the design of a structure that taps into the magnetic field.

  The sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza was born from the Grid System art. This huge machine gathered and focused the Earth’s local geo-magnetic energy by which to open a mini-portal.

  So-long as one lived within sight of a pyramid, their inherent design assured that your personal God-DNA was resurrected back into the higher dimension upon your earthly-death. The downside was that it only worked on or around the equinoxes when Earth’s magnetic-fields were better aligned with those of the sun. The calculations for these mini-portals took into account both the curvature of the earth, the height of the pyramid, and the point of incidence between them.

  During physical-death, the Atomos enjoys a small window of opportunity in which it either lingers or enters another living organism or, if within the critical distance from a pyramid, is ejected through its portal. If there’s no portal available, and no living organism to inhabit, the Element can lie stationary until Earth’s magnetic-circuitry captures and distributes it elsewhere around the planet. Excess or unattached source-element will always be subject to this roller-coaster ride of Earth’s magnetic currents. Eventually, however, it will always reconnect with a host-being, usually a human.

  So you see, our pyramids were by no means just for kings, even though their royal-arrogance demanded exclusivity therein. Obviously we told the kings whatever their ego needed to hear yet designed the pyramids for our own ends. They never knew the difference. The point was to siphon off as much dimensional DNA as possible, which is why we built so many pyramids in each of the ancient cultures. The more pyramids, the more humans within the sphere of our portal-mechanics.

  Perhaps you are wondering then, why more than one pyramid is often found in proximity such as those in Giza, Egypt. All I can say is that the kings were egotistical and competitive. They were also in control (sometimes at least) and often demanded, against our advice, that we build one at a given location. The kings were the worst when it came to the “bigger is better concept” and were only too eager to outdo the pyramids of their predecessors.

  Honestly, it wasn’t necessary to have these extra structures, but neither did it hurt anything. Either way, it didn’t matter to us as we weren’t the ones hammering, chiseling, lifting, and dragging of all those stones. All we had to do was design and oversee their construction.

  Like a well-tuned engine, most pyramids cater to the alignments of the Sun during the equinox and magnetic poles in order to function. The problem however, is that the natural tectonic movement of the continents over thousands of years has altered the position of these structures (some more than others). This in turn has reduced their effectiveness and resurrection value. Likewise the smoother outer surface of the Giza pyramids was found to aid the resurrection mechanics, but this too has been destroyed over time. These days most pyramids run more like an old car that’s missing a spark-plug.

  Not all pyramid designs were successful. An example of outright failure in fact is the Bent pyramid, which was an attempt to extend the structure’s resurrection cycle from the fall equinox through to the winter solstice and into the spring equinox. It was an experimental version in which its designer (wasn’t me) tried to capitalize upon the pyramid’s dual-angle design, thus matching the angular position of the sun during those seasons.

  Those angles are bracketed within the slopes of the pyramid to within 10° total. Again, this mimics the highest and lowest points of the Sun on March 21st and September 21st as well as on December 21st. These are the equinoxes and shortest days of the year.

  Likewise, we could easily judge the success or failure of a pyramid by merely sitting in its interior. If it gave us a “buzzed” feeling on or near the equinoxes, then it was trying to separate our angelic-consciousness from the human mind. However the testament to the Bent pyramid’s failure is that the design was never used again.

  Pyramid Fail: The Bent pyramid was designed to extend the window of resurrection each year, its slopes catering to the height of the sun between the winter solstice and the equinoxes and thus its magnetic angle-of-pull during those times. Had it been successful, the Egyptian sages would have surely built more just like it.

  Eventually, however, we all came to the same conclusion: the scriptures were the only sure method for long-term successful resurrection. Other than in the Americas, with which I personally had no contact, one may draw a definitive timeline in which pyramid-building ceased and scriptures began to be written—that, and the fact that in places like Israel and Greece the lower populations didn’t allow for pyramid construction.

  Instead we achieved the necessary mass by having everyone gather and listen-to or repeat the scriptures upon command. There is strength in numbers; thus, the more people who could read or repeat our verses, the stronger the output signal of the Word. Meanwhile the alignment issue was solved by the inherent math of the Word and even the timing of the day and year in which those scriptures were employed.

  The difference is that instead of siphoning-off the Element upon each person’s death and only during the equinoxes as with the pyramids, the Word will instead cause a general exodus once Earth’s axis realigns. Ultimately, 12° is the final tilt that solidly locks the portal into perfect function, but by then the angelic force will all but be gone and a flood of new element will cycle through on a monthly basis, thus bringing a return of the new Covering Cherub (see “Day of the Fallen”). This is the Paradise-alignment in which Earth’s rotation is nearly perpendicular to the sun.

  As a side note, the Mayan’s reasoning for human-sacrifice atop their pyramids was trifold: First was the resurrection theme in which the forfeiture of the physical body was necessary in order for the Element to access heaven. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the higher-dimension as even the Book itself states in 1 Corinthians 15. The Mayan priests knew this as well and were by no means shy about the issue of physical death.

  Next was the marketing value: I’m fairly certain that people watching these ritual slaughters considered the cost of breaking the rules, any rule. To do so might mean front-row seats for getting your heart cut out and then your head rolled down the pyramid like a ball in front of your family and friends. Call it “effective crime deterrent and crowd control.” Capital punishment spoke loudly to miscreants and thieves; it reduced crime and helped maintain social order.

  The third reason for human sacrifice, however, was population control. Food shortages as a result of drought and
crop failure were a real problem then, just as they are today. So instead of making the breeding situation worse, we simply rid ourselves of the surplus population until the rains and food-sources returned. In the near-term those deaths released that much more angelic DNA if accomplished atop the pyramid itself. Basically we eliminated the extra mouths and put a few angels back into heaven. There, fixed it.

  Let the bodies hit the floor: Human sacrifice served multiple roles for the Mayan (magi) priesthood: ressurection value, crime-deterrence and population control during crop-failure.

  We were by no means heartless and cruel, just simply not concerned about individual human lives but rather the God-Element that lies within. We stayed focused on the goal, and so should you. We would all do well to remember this going forward: even today our outlook should not be on who we are temporarily by the flesh but on the eternal source that sleeps; this is the real person of whom we will all want to awake.

  However, the Mayan sacrifices were also pictorial, as even the four Chaacs, (the sacrificial assistants), represented the four cardinal points of the compass by which the pyramid was aligned. Another interesting note about the pyramids is their baseline harmonics. When we built a temple via celestial-math, it was inherently tuned with acoustics that “messaged,” or separated, the angelic-consciousness from the human mind. Everything exists on a vibrational frequency of one sort or another, thus the correlation of gravity and dimensional-Element were critical to this end. It’s not so much that we accounted for this in our engineering calculations, but rather the sacred math figured it for us.

  To better magnify the pyramids’ effectiveness, many were also infused with the best superconductor we could produce at the time: liquid mercury. Mercury has been found in both Chinese and Aztec pyramids. As time goes on, however, you will surely find it in more ancient structures including many of those in Egypt. So keep looking.

  We typically either lined the foundation of a pyramid with a connective stream of Mercury or, sometimes, with a sealed container in the lower or center third of the structure. This in turn served to better channel and gather the Element from within the surrounding magnetic-field. Had there been more mercury available, we would have surely integrated it within each and every layer of our structures. This detail of pyramid construction is just one of many designs that you are yet to discover.

  The Granaries of the Heavens

  “And the famine was over all the face of the earth: and Joseph opened all the granaries, and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.” Genesis 41:56

  A mosaic from a dome in St. Mark’s Basilica showing the traditional belief that pyramids were storehouses for grain. But the real grain of the Bible’s code were the stars that provided the math of an open portal. These numbers were also housed within the dimensions of the pyramids themselves.

  Religious tradition and literalism have for years led folks to believe that the “granaries” of Genesis 41:56 were the pyramids themselves. And while scholars today have seemingly debunked that belief, it is only because they misunderstood the scriptures. Remember, the Bible is written in code; it is an encrypted catalog of the alignments of the heavens. Thus, once again the word “granaries” is a symbol-word for stars, that is, the “grains of heaven” or the “math of the stars” that are indeed stored within the dimensions of the pyramids themselves. So though the Bible never directly mentions the pyramids, we were in fact alluding to them.

  Genesis 41 also compares this “grain” as the “sand of the sea,” also a metaphor for the countless stars of the night sky that are likewise portrayed in the lower section of the Wisdom Wheel:

  “And Joseph gathered grain as the sand of the sea, very much, until he quit counting; for it was beyond number.” Genesis 41:49

  Stars’ symbolism: food for the mind and the sands of the night sky. Though Genesis was describing a Grid System image, it also spoke a truism of the ancient pyramids. Within them was housed the math of the stars and the answers to the mysteries of Heaven.

  Aside from their resurrection value, the pyramids were also astronomical clocks. Within them is a record—not only the divine math but also the timeline in which all things will happen. More importantly, as the Element awakens within your subconscious, it will decode itself for you, thus giving testimony to the coming day. That’s how this works.

  The amount of data stored within megaliths such as the Giza Pyramid complex or even Angkor Wat in Cambodia, is beyond logical comprehension. Constants such as Pi and the golden ratio were used throughout, not only within the architecture of these time capsules but also in their relative locations. Indeed, they even replicate the critical dimensions of the earth as well as the final placement of the magnetic poles upon the portal’s reopening. The information is all there.

  The long journey across the eons from which the magi first appeared is well preserved for you today that you might believe. The symbolism and design, our intentions and even more, are there for you to decode. The magi knew each other’s mind, and spoke little. Likewise, most of what we did say was in the code of our constructions. Through them we spoke yet kept silent, in that keeping silent we spoke countless volumes to the generation that would one day hear.

  We did, however, find it necessary to give verbal direction to our humans, directing the captains and overseers who built our temples according to instruction. The high-priests too were but figure heads, middle men who delegated our will to the multitudes who labored. The kings, the captains, and our illusions—it was a balancing act of deception for the pitiful bands of beasts with whom we lived. Again, we did what we had to do.

  Over time, however, and with the passing of each magistrate, came the diminishing of the intellect. But best as possible we passed our energy to those who lived and worked in proximity. It wasn’t the same, but it was something. This second generation of magistrates did not live thousands of years, but only a hundred or so, then progressively fewer with the diminishing and solidification of the ages. They did, however, number in the hundreds and, for a time, assisted in the continuation of our science as best they could.

  Though humans saw us as gods, they did not realize that it was God who slept in us all, that it was the divine Master Himself who was the seed that fell to the ground of this world and died in all our forms, not merely once, 2000 years ago as the literary façade would suggest, but since the beginning of the fall itself.

  We told you that the spirit was crucified from the foundations of the world in all our human forms, but most people seem to miss that fact:

  “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame” Ephesians 1:4

  “…whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13:8

  Yet within these countess deaths is the power of the universes itself. Therein the irresistible force of God will birth in such a way as to defy all imagination. It is not an abstract; it is real.

  The Egyptian Ankh


  Can you see the symbolism? The ankh represents a perfect, paradise-alignment and not our present alignment. That said, we can already see how the portal/magnetic reconnection is attempting to function in this NASA heliophysics image. Only a little more tilt to go . . .

  The moon’s function in opening the pyramid portal was detailed in this Egyptian hieroglyph. Each person in white represents a full moon, while the darker-dressed characters reveal a new moon phase, etc. The ankh in their hands symbolizes the paradise-alignment and reveals the specific-phases in which the pyramid portal functioned.

  The Egyptian ankh was envisioned as the “breath of life” and rightly-so. Simple in design, this ancient symbol is found in hieroglyphics throughout Egypt yet represents the profound science of portal technology. The shape of the ankh is that of the magnetosphere during the paradise-alignment and it is this that will bring real life and
eternity. Truly a breath of life for creation.

  Again, however, modern man is left with the question of how the ancient Egyptian priests knew about the shape of the magnetosphere without satellites and telescopes—and over 8,000 years ago! Indeed it is humbling to ponder that, today, mankind knows nowhere near as much as they think. We should let that be a lesson and listen to what they knew. Modern science has some catching up to do and we left you the cliff-notes and text books by which to learn. Now all we must do is learn how to read them.

  The Knights Templar


  It is very likely that the Knights Templar, so named due to their housing atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, also knew about the Grid System. The question is, how did they know? Well, according to lore, around 1099AD eleven knights dug under the ruins of Herod’s Temple—the same structure that trapped me in 70AD during the Jewish rebellion. As the story goes, they tunneled for nine years before reportedly finding something of great significance.

  The discovery was big too, so big that it needed guarding for fear of disrupting the entire Catholic Church and thus social order. Some speculate that the discovery was the Holy Grail or perhaps a text that undermined the Catholic Church as a genuine authority on God. Shortly thereafter the Templars met with the Pope in Rome and, I believe, extorted the promise of free rein from the Church in return for the Templars keeping their findings secret.

  Incidentally, the Templar’s wealth quickly increased and is reflected in that they built hundreds of their own churches shortly thereafter. Consequently, they integrated Grid-System imagery within the architecture of these structures as well as within the design of their clothing, flags, and even their shields. This includes both the Morning Star, abstracts of the zodiac, the white and black sectors of the Wisdom Wheel and even the Cross of the Wisdom Wheel itself:


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