Before We Knew
Page 32
“Yes, again, it was me. That’s the part of winning a few for you. I had to make it ironclad that no matter what, the company was yours from the moment your father signed it over.”
“So it wasn’t just the olive branch that was long overdue, was it? It was specifically designed for me to fail? And once I did, my father would swoop in, take it back, and turn it around into another successful win for CGI. I mean, Media Life, it really doesn’t get any bigger than that.”
“I’m so proud of you, Ben. You are an amazing human being, despite who your father is. I love you, godson, forever and always.” He brought me in for a hug and held on, held onto me, making sure we were okay.
“I love you too, uncle, and I always will.”
“When are you leaving?” he asked.
“Hallie takes her last exam on May 3rd, and we are on a plane that night.”
“Have you told your mother?”
“She knows.”
“I see, and your father?”
“No, he lost that right. I’m done, Peter, and I need to get the hell out of here before he takes hold of the life I have with Hallie and destroys it. I can’t stay, not even for my mother.”
“I know, and she does too. I will handle your father and make sure he doesn’t follow, at least for a while.”
“It’s fine if he does or doesn’t. He has his life here, and mine begins and ends with Hallie. I’m going back to North Carolina and marry the love of my life. I’m going to have babies with her, and I’m going to build Innovate Now to rival CGI and any other company that tries to stand in our way.”
After Peter left, we were on solid ground again. He understood my decision to remove him from my personal and business accounts, and although he wouldn’t be my lawyer anymore, he was my uncle forever, and that was best for us in the end.
I spent the rest of my afternoon walking the grounds and taking time to appreciate the gardens on the property. My mother loved to just get her hands dirty and plant for hours. She had a small army employed to take care of it for her, but as long as she had her small piece of dirt to work in, she was happy and content.
Later that night, it was time to finally tell Hallie my plans. We had dinner, and after a hot and steamy shower sex session, I waited until we were in bed to have the conversation I agonized over all day. She found her usual spot stretched out beside me, her beautiful lean body aligned with mine. She was exhausted from school and studying hard for her final exams at the University of London. She's earned top honors from the beginning, and all her accomplishments will look spectacular in her final transcripts.
“Hey, Hallie, are you awake?” I felt her slowly falling asleep until she heard my voice and opened her eyes and craned her neck up to look at me.
“I am now, sorry. I guess I was more tired than I realized. You okay?” she always asked as if she sensed something off with me.
“If you're up for it, I would really like to talk to you about something important, and I want to tell you now,” I said, shifting my body so I could sit up straighter.
Hallie moved too and sat up, leaning against my shoulder. I loved how she always wanted to be as close to me as she could. “I'm listening, Ben. Whatever you have to say will be okay.”
I gave her a kiss and told her that I loved her with all my heart. She said the same in return and then held my hand in hers as I began telling her what was on my mind.
“If you had a choice between living in London or going home to North Carolina, what would you choose?”
She looked at me cautiously not sure how to answer it.
I said, “It's okay. Tell me how your heart would answer?”
“My heart says: as long as we're together, I can make a home anywhere.”
“And what about your mind? What would it say?” I asked.
“It would say, North Carolina. However, it wouldn't matter if I didn't have you with me. So it's impossible to really say because you're in London, and that's where I want to be. I always want to be with you, Ben. I can't imagine anything else.”
I let out the breath I was holding, because deep in my heart I knew what Hallie was going to say, but until I heard it from her lips to my ears, I held my breath. I pulled her into my arms and told her over and over again how much I loved her, and yes, she was my home and it didn't matter where we hung our hat, as long as we were together.
“Hallie, we're going home.”
“Home?” she repeated the word.
“Yes, home to North Carolina, as soon as you finish your last exam. I'm taking you home, and once we are there, we will begin the first day of the rest of our lives.”
She began crying and quickly wiping away her tears before more fell down her beautiful face. “Are you sure? What about your mom? And then there's your father. He's never just going to be okay with you up and leaving again.”
I reached for her face and held her still so she could look in my eyes and see my truth behind the decision I was making.
“Hallie, none of this here was forever,” I looked all around the room and then back to Hallie. “Last year, this move to London served a purpose, and one I will never regret. You gave me my mother back by giving up everything that mattered to you to join me here in London. I swear when you agreed, I was blown away by your kindness. I mean, you have a heart that is so generous and kind, never second-guessing your decision. Again, this was not forever, but you are, Hallie. You are my forever, and I want to go home with you and begin the next chapter of our life together as husband and wife. I know we said we would wait, but I just can't imagine one more day without making you completely mine.”
“Oh, Ben, I'm already yours. You know that. I don't need a piece of paper to prove what we already know to be true.”
“What if I need it? Hallie, I want forever with you, and it begins with our wedding.”
She paused for a second and then lunged forward, wrapping her arms around my neck and falling on top of me. “Yes, Ben, I will marry you. I love you forever and always. You are my home.”
We made love and further sealed our commitment to one another. We trusted the promises we made and looked forward to the day we sealed our union in front of those who loved us most in the world.
“You’re ready, babe,” I said as I closed the study test packet for Hallie’s final exam.
“Oh, Ben, I’ve never been so nervous before. Are you sure you don’t want to quiz me one more time?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Hey, is this about what we talked about? Hallie, I know I’ve asked a lot of you, and here I am asking again, but I really believe it’s right for us.”
“Ben, you need to stop worrying about my every thought. I would follow you anywhere, you know that.”
“Yeah, I do, but then why all the nervous tension?”
“When I first started college, Leah encouraged me to take it by storm and have an amazing time doing it. High school for me was staying in-between the lines and keeping my eye on the prize. I studied so hard to get the grades and even the higher SAT scores, and when I got to UNC, I met you.”
I drew her closer so she could sit on my lap. I put my arms around her tiny waist and held her to me. “Is that a bad thing?” I knew it wasn’t, but I loved teasing my girl.
“Never, Ben. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You opened my eyes to what I was missing and gave me an incredible adventure this past year. I never dreamed of having anything as close as this opportunity I’ve been given here in London. And please listen to what I’m going to say next, okay?”
“I’m here. Go on.”
“I’m thankful for your father.”
“No, baby, he doesn’t deserve your gratitude. He may have made the calls to pave the way for you, but you did the hard part. You have worked so hard, and you literally accomplished two years of college in one. Do you know how extraordinary that is? When I say I am proud of you, it is just the tip of the iceberg of how I feel about what you have done here. As for my father, he’s not all ba
d and does have his moments, but—and this is a huge but—” I paused to find the right words. “He’s one manipulation after another, and I just can’t play the game anymore, and I certainly do not want you to either. Now, you need to get to class and rock your professor’s world by passing that test. I have to finish up here and then visit with my mother.”
“Ben, I’m not ready to leave tonight. It just feels unfinished. Please let’s take the weekend and have a proper goodbye with your parents, and Peter. Please, Ben, do this for me?”
I sighed, knowing I wouldn’t say no, not when she’s looking at me the way she is right now. I swear her eyes are penetrating my soul. “Okay, Hallie, I will for you.”
“Thank you, Ben. You won’t regret it. Give your mom a hug from me.”
I stood in front of the door, deciding if I should walk in or knock on the door. I let out a few calming breaths, and when I was ready to walk inside, the door opened, and there he stood: my father.
“Come in, Ben. I’ve been expecting you.” He turned away from me and walked toward his office. “Have a seat,” he gestured to the chairs in front of his desk.
“I’d rather stand,” I answered in return.
“Suit yourself. So, I’ve become aware that Hallie has not submitted her paperwork for the new term this fall. Why is that?” He swirled the bourbon around in his glass while coldly staring back at me.
“Hallie will be completing her education in America at UNC.”
“I see, and when was anyone going to tell me about this?”
“Well, see as you are aware of it now, why does it matter?”
“Hmmm, aren’t you the one that always says everything matters? So, I believe this would constitute as a subject that matters. When are you leaving, Ben?”
“I planned on this evening, but Hallie wants to take the weekend to say our goodbyes, especially to mother.”
“Is there anything I can say to change your mind?”
“No, there isn’t. Coming back here was never permanent, but what is, is my life with Hallie.”
“Very well. Your mother is in the garden.” Without another word, my father got up from behind his desk and walked out of his office.
I took a minute to compose myself and then left in search of my mom. She was knee deep in the dirt with the biggest smile on her face.
“Benjamin, look at these roses. They just arrived from Holland. They are exquisite.”
“No more than you, mother. Can you take a break? I’d like to talk to you for a minute.”
“Sure, let me quickly change, and we can have some tea.” She got up and kissed my cheek before going inside to clean up.
“So, is this the part where you tell me you’re leaving?” she said and poured a cup of tea for me.
“You knew it was coming.”
“Yes, I know, and it’s okay. I told you that it would be. Have you talked to your father?”
“Yes, he knows.”
“Ben, I’m not going to lecture you on the finer points of your father. You know well enough who he is and what he is capable of. He will go to great lengths to keep you here, no matter what the cost. What I need from you is to not hate him for it. He is your father forever and will love you to the end of time. Yes, I said love, because it’s exactly how he feels when it comes to you. You can look up in a dictionary what the word love really means, but how can you ever really be satisfied with just a few sentences? Not when it’s different for every human being who ever felt that emotion. We need to remain a family, no matter where life takes you. If not for any other reason, please remember that, okay?”
“I will mother, I promise.”
“That’s my son. Now, bring Hallie back this evening, and we shall have dinner.”
I arrived back at my flat and turned on the cameras to find my father back in his office along with Peter. I planned on disabling the cameras when I believed my father was at his office in town, but to my surprise, he was home. I would have to keep him occupied while I removed the cameras tonight, so while they were still there, my curiosity got the better of me, and I raised the volume to listen.
“So, you’re just going to let him go? I find it hard to believe that you are so complacent when you’ve never been before.”
“It’s a new day, Peter, and one I am not willing to discuss with you. What I will ask is: why did Ben remove you from his accounts? Why would he do that, Peter? And why now when I believed everything was going so well?”
“Come on, Oliver, do you really have to ask? You know why and so does Ben. He is the son you raised and a damn fine man. I know this is a hard pill to swallow, and like it or not, you are going to have to accept his choices and right to live his own life.”
“A life…away from me. Isn’t that what you meant?”
“Yes, any other questions you want to ask that you already know the answers to?”
He let out a sigh and then picked up a picture frame. He held it for a minute and then placed it back on his desk, looking over at Peter.
“No, I’m done with the Q&A part of today. Excuse me, but I would like to spend some time with Lily. She’s in the garden and could use a hand planting the roses. Care to help?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
I leaned back in my chair as I watched my father walk out of his office, with Peter following. Would it be so easy for my father to truly let me go without any consequences? I guess time will tell.
So, that happened
From the moment our plane touched down in Raleigh, North Carolina, it was as if Ben hit the start button on our new life. When we visited Leah back in April, I never knew how busy Ben was and all he accomplished in the short time we were there, until now.
He blindfolded my eyes and told me not to peek until he removed the mask. His arm was around my shoulder as he led me up a long path.
We stopped, and he kissed my forehead and said, “Say you will keep an open mind, okay?” He kissed me again and removed the mask.
My eyes adjusted to the sun, and I used my hand to block the rest while I focused on the beautiful house in front of me. It had a realtor sign on the front lawn with the word ‘Sold’ written across it.
“Is that ours?” I asked.
“It can be if you say yes.”
“Yes!” I said and then flung my arms around Ben's neck. “It's beautiful, but when did you find the time to do this?”
“It's been in the works for a while.”
“What's a while?”
“Last May,” he answered.
“What?” I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
“Yes, last May. I bought the property, had the old house torn down, and did a new build. The sold sign is just for show. It's been ours for a long time now, and construction wrapped up in April when we were here visiting Leah and Harry. Hallie, it's been tortuous keeping this from you, and I may have stolen your thunder a bit by furnishing it and doing everything on my own for something that belongs to the both of us. I guess I just wanted everything to be perfect and move-in ready for you. Would you like a tour?”
“Lead the way, Mr. Chapel,” I giggled as Ben did more than that.
He lifted me into his arms and carried me up to the stairs to our front door. Once he walked over the threshold and into our new life, I beamed with happiness.
“It's breathtaking, Ben, how can I not love anything you do?” he kissed me passionately and held me close to his hard chest of muscles.
He whispered, “Thank you,” sounding relieved that I liked it. He then asked, “Would you like to christen the master bedroom?”
“Is that a serious question?”
“Just checking, love.” We kissed and kissed as Ben made love to me, promising to make all my dreams come true. The thing is, he already has.
There was a knock at the door, bringing me back to the present.
“Hey, can your matron of honor come in?” Leah called out.
“Oh, Halli
e, you look beautiful, and mom's dress even with the alterations looks as if was made for you to wear it. She would be so proud of you.”
“You really think so?” I asked my sister as I turned away from the mirror.
“Yes, I know so, and daddy would be too. It's like I blinked, and you grew up before my very eyes. You worked so hard in college and then graduate school, all with top honors. You've made a beautiful home with Ben, and now today I get to watch my daughter walk down the aisle, dropping rose petals so that her godmother can marry her prince. Yeah, I'm proud too!”
I hugged my sister and thanked her for always being there for me, and now for Ben.
Bethany Joy practically skipped down the aisle, perfectly dropping the petals as she happily took her place at the front. She gave Harry a hug and then one to Ben. Oh, she was so adorable. She's going to be a great big sister when her little brother arrives in six months.
After my bridesmaids took their turn, it was my turn. Harry came back and escorted me down to Ben. On my way, I saw Ben's parents, Lily and Oliver, and beside them was Peter. She wiped away a tear and smiled as I walked by. Oliver smiled too, looking just as happy as his wife.
Ben and his father have come a long way since the day we said goodbye back in London. He gave his son the freedom he always wanted, and Ben was never happier after that. Peter took over at CGI while Oliver stepped down to enjoy time with Lily. They took a year to travel the world and reconnect as husband and wife. She remained in good health, and Oliver slowly became the father Ben always wanted him to be.
When I reached the altar, Ben had tears in his eyes. He wiped them away and slowly lifted my veil, kissing me gently on my forehead.
“We're not at that part yet,” I whispered, causing Ben to do it again.
“I know, but who cares? This is our day,” he said and wiped away a lone tear before it had time to fall. “Hallie, you've changed my life, and I promise for the rest of mine and a lifetime later, I will love and honor you always until the end of time.”