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The Red Box

Page 73

by Laura Sgarella

  “Don’t worry Samantha, they are understanding people. Go downstairs to talk to them and to apologize.”

  “Sure, I’ll do it.”

  Jill and Araon felt relieved to see Samantha serene again “It’s just a casualness,” said Jill just to re-establish good contact with her.


  “Yes Samantha?”

  “Call me Nelly if you want. It’s my real name.”

  “Oh, I’m so used to call you Samantha.”

  “It was a sort of subordination to you if it pleases you,” said Samantha.

  “Don’t worry. You are my best friend,” said Jill.

  “So guys, would you fancy a drink in the swimming pool room,” said Phil.

  “By the way: the other day I drunk some vodka from my bedroom fridge and I couldn’t sleep because of the effect of the hangover only to realize that it was a placebo effect since the drink was non-alcoholic. Do you enjoy this Phil?” said Araon.

  “Not with everybody. You are full of life and I have always appreciated it. It was part of the Mensa game I had prepared for you,” answered Phil.

  “Phil you told me that the swimming pool has to be chlorinated today.”

  “It’s true Samantha. We won’t use it. We can just relax and enjoy the weather in the deckchair,” said Phil.

  “What about you Jill and Araon?” said Samantha with a concerned expression.

  “For us it’s fine. We have used the swimming pool a lot during your absence,” said Araon.

  “And now I’ll read all the business messages recorded in my mobile. The, are quite a lot from what I see. Thank you Araon, you have done a great job,” said Phil.

  “There was nothing easier than that. I guess you have to choose the best appointment together with me,” said Araon.

  “We will talk about it. Now just relax in this chair. Do you want me to call Jane to bring us something to drink? By the way, Samantha has forgotten to go and say hello to her,” said Phil

  “There is a remedy. Let’s do it now,” said Samantha.

  Phil called Jane to bring four cups of coffee with milk and she arrived with a disappointed expression. “Sorry Jane: we didn’t come to say hello to you. To be forgiven I allow you a free day.”

  “Thank you, Phil. I had a lot of free time recently. I really desire a vacation”

  “So forget everything and go for a walk through London. Wait: I give you some money. Here you are. Bye and sorry again.”

  “Bye everybody,” said Jane.

  “What do you think about Jane, Araon?” said Phil.

  “I think she is a highly efficient, considerate and obedient. And last but not least, she is an excellent cook,” said Araon.

  “Yes, it’s true. We had a really great time with her,” said Jill.

  “So guys, do you want to enjoy yourselves with Mensa games?” said Phil. “I like the way you dealt with the vodka, Araon,” said Phil.

  “Just forget it. I believed that you would be very angry seeing me with that bad hangover. The worst has gone away now. But now you know me quite well. I don’t disdain nasty jokes. My only concern is that Jill is pregnant and I don’t want to do anything that may shock her. I swear she knew it was not real vodka what I was drinking,” said Araon.

  “Sure. He would have disappointed me a lot if he hadn’t disentangled the puzzle. It serves him well anyway,” said Jill.

  “Wise words. I won’t disappoint you any more, Jill,” answered Araon.

  “Now let’s toast our arrival. Coffee and milk are all that are needed. Enjoy it to the full,” said Phil. “Now it’s time to start playing Mensa,” he carried on. “I have some easy tests to which we have to undergo. Each of us has to say two things not related one to the other and unconsciously linked. Once we all have talked it should come out the sentence of the day as an outcome from what we have said. Are you OK?”

  “I have three mice and a parrot,” said Jill.

  “What’s the reason for why you have chosen that?” asked Phil.

  “I am frightened by mice and the parrot is the image that crosses my mind when I am frightened.”

  “I see a black horse and a bride,” said Samantha.

  “So, darling what’s behind that fuss?” said Phil.

  “Because it is the theme of an obscure marriage. The bride comes into my mind associated to a horse. You know: the Cinderella little thing,” said Samantha.

  “Great, and what about you Araon?” said Phil.

  “A man on duty and three wives. It’s the recurrent theme of Muslims,” said Araon.

  “And do you guess which is mine? Two stunning legs and an apron. This means that I see Samantha as the perfect bride. Apparently, none of us has established a real link to each image. But there is a reason why we have placed them one next to the other. Now I tell you the final image: the red box. Is it clear? We will never stop playing Mensa until we have understood what the red box is. Now we can have a pause. Jill there is an apple for you. You must have wishes because of your pregnancy. That red one is perfect for your anger.”

  “Thank you, Phil. I don’t want to appear as a privileged. There is Samantha here.” said Jill.

  “Don’t worry about me Jill. You are expecting a baby and you need to be cuddled. You have also to be aware that Jane cooks healthy so you can ask whatever you want without worrying about the calories. So you have to know that you won’t put on weight even if you eat far from your meals,” said Samantha

  So, Jill grabbed the apple and devoured it with three bites. Definitely she was very hungry. “Now, ladies you can walk along the swimming pool while Araon and I will discuss affairs. There are a lot of proposals recorded in my mobile. We should pick the ones we like most. We don’t want to oppress you with our businesses,” said Phil.

  “Sure Phil. I will take Jill around the house. There are some niches which are still secret to her. We have indefinite things to say one another. When you finish contact us at the wristwatch,” said Samantha.

  “Oh, the wristwatch! I forgot to tell you how it works. It’s electronically linked to different functions and to the bodyguards. It records the level of adrenalin and when this reaches certain degrees the bodyguards intervene. Now let’s see what these messages say,” said Phil waving hello to Jill and Samantha.

  “Well, here you are Phil. I have done exactly what you have asked me to do,” said Araon.

  “Let me see the messages. One wants a sponsor for his activity, but it’s not clear which one is it. Another one wants an associate to build a swimming pool in central London. Small things. Another one wants somebody to invest money in a big restaurant with accommodation on top of it.”

  “Stop here, Phil. I think this is quite interesting, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, why not? It’s not a big business but it will do. If you want, I take an appointment. Here is the name: Joseph Boulevard. The name seems French, but he lives in London. It’s a great opportunity for your knowledge of the French language while working.”

  “You make me laugh, Phil. Now I have to overcome my initial awkwardness.”

  “Great. Let me dial the number. One, two, zero, five, six, one. Hello, this is Phil Morris. I’m calling for the message dated twenty-eighth of August. Can I talk to Joseph Boulevard?”

  “This is he speaking. I left a message for you because you have a great name. It would be good to work with you. My intention is to build a restaurant with a full board. I need somebody to help me with money. We can share fifty per cent of the expenses and of the income out of it if you agree,” said Boulevard.

  “Not bad at all. I’m working together with my business associate, Araon, that I will introduce to you. He has listened viva voce all our discussion and he is suggesting me that I should accept your proposal. I ask you to meet each other within two days at ten am. in my London office to better discuss it. My office is in Piccadilly. I will send you my full address,” said Phil.

  “Thank you, a lot. See you and have a nice day,” said B

  Araon was quivering with emotions. He was looking forward to informing Jill about their next deal. Phil offered him something to drink to toast for their new business affair. “Where are the two women, Phil?”

  “They are wandering along the house. Samantha is showing to Jill each room of the mansion. After all they need time to enjoy themselves together. When I first started my relationship with her, I was too possessive. And I told you that once she smacked me because she felt oppressed by the excess of power exercised by me. Now I let her enjoy the full friendship with Jill just to moderate our intimacy.” said Phil.

  “Jill and I made a similar decision. When we are in Amsterdam we go out in the morning to different destinations. Oh! I hear a certain voice,” said Araon.

  “They are arriving. Let’s hug them,” said Phil.

  “And try not to be possessive Phil,” said Araon with a vein of irony just to make his friend exhilarated.

  “And now, guys other Mensa exercises,” said Phil. “We have to say quickly something that gets on our nerves. A secret is a secret,” started Jill.

  “Five are not three,” followed Samantha.

  “I’m not a foreigner,” said Araon.

  “And I must not be dressed in red,” finally said Phil. “Do you know the reason for this exercise? Try to think about it a bit. It’s easy. It’s something that makes your ego free from any kind of inhibitions. You may think this has nothing to do with our IQ. It’s not like that. Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy yourselves. I have still in mind the image of Araon drinking vodka. Can you believe I mistreat my guests like that, Araon?” said Phil.

  “It was something stronger than me. Hopefully it has been sorted out,” said Araon.

  “So now we have enough of this swimming pool. I’d suggest a tour of London if you are OK. I’ll call the vintage car driver,” said Phil.

  Everybody agreed and they found themselves immediately out in the street. “Do you remember about our business commitment Araon?” Of course I do. We have just discussed about it right now.”

  “My intention was to point out that we have to do something to ask our ladies if they want to be our VIP hostesses. We have only three days for the meeting to happen.”

  “Yes, we want to come,” said Jill and Samantha together.

  “OK we are ready. Aren’t we Araon?” said Phil with energy.

  “Sorry, Phil. Today I am a bit absent- minded. I’m focused on this car. It’s a new one. It’s simply fantastic.”

  “So get on. Jill first, please.”


  “Yes Samantha?”

  “Do you remember the first time we met each other? It was in Oxford Street. I was working in the Versace shop in New Bond Street. I believed that I would have done that job for at least six months, but I met you. and my life changed. It was love at first sight. Now I am another woman. I wouldn’t imagine my life without you,” said Samantha.

  “Me too, Samantha. And what about you Jill and Araon. How did you meet each other?”

  “We were in the same ice cream parlour. I was eating a very tasty chocolate ice-cream when Araon approached me and splashed my ice-cream on my shirt. He asked immediately for a stain remover and apologized, blushing. He made me feel like an idiot but he calmed me down by pledging that we would meet again. And destiny wanted it. We met each other in a park the following day. We talked a lot and at the end we realized it was love at first sight. From then on, we are inseparable. It was fifteen years ago,” said Jill.


  “Yes, Samantha?”

  “I would like to show Jill the shop where I was working when I first met you and my life turned upside down.”

  “I have already asked the driver to take us over there. Don’t you recognize the street? I would also like to show to Jill and Araon the flat I presented you with in the first place before you came to live with me at Holland Park House,” said Phil.

  “Oh, Phil you always read my mind. I hope Jill and Araon won’t be bothered by all the particulars of our love story,” said Samantha.

  “Not at all. Go ahead,” said Jill.

  “Sorry if I interrupt you: do you fancy some water? There is the still and the sparkling one,” said Phil

  “Thank you, Phil. I am a bit thirsty,” said Araon.

  “Here you are.” said Phil. “Five minutes and we are opposite the shop. Here it is. Can you see it? There is a new shop assistant but not a model,” He added

  “Now let’s show Jill and Araon the flat,” said Samantha.

  The car stopped and the four entered the luxury building facing the shop. “My favourite Bible passage is this: to those who are rich in this world, there is a command, to be generous and willing to share. And I do my best to be generous and willing to share. Jill this flat is the fruit of my beliefs,” said Phil.

  They visited the flat whose simplicity was striking and overwhelming. It was the ideal place for a single person. “I didn’t want to stay here long. This man entered my life like a volcano. Look at the bed: it is exactly the way I left it the day I went to live with Phil. I never came here on my own but I loved it,” said Samantha.

  “Oh, this is the safe. I think there are still documents of mine saved in it. I must remember the combination. You know Jill here I left the first necklace Phil presented me with. I am always proud of it. I guess you are sweating too much here: do you prefer to go for a walk in Oxford Street?” said Samantha.”

  “Yes, if you don’t mind,” said Jill.

  “Yes, let’s go,” they all said in unison.

  The temperature of the weather was slowly dropping. Jill was all sweating but she didn’t want to spoil the sense of adventure of her companions. She walked hand in hand with Araon and Samantha and Phil followed suit. They were the center of people’s admiration. They could perceive everybody’s glance at them. Useless to say they despised arrogance. The city offered a different vibe to a woman with a ring on her ring finger. Samantha tried to identify herself with Jill. She was so bursting with joy. And now she was looking forward to hearing other Mensa games from Phil.

  The day of the business appointment was an amazing one. Jill, Samantha, Araon and Phil arrived early at the office in Leicester Square with the vintage car. “Sliced bigots,” said Araon.

  “What?” said Phil.

  “I was talking to myself about an article I read in the newspaper earlier. A woman in her twenties has been excommunicated for choosing to undergo chemotherapy during pregnancy, which caused an abortion. She chose to save her life. Not everybody is able to lay down their life no matter the circumstances and our faith. But now we are concerned with business. We are nearly there,” said Araon.

  The businessman was already there smoking a cigar. He introduced himself: “Do you mind if I smoke? I am your partner.”

  “No, go ahead. We’ll go upstairs to my office,” said Phil.

  “So guys, we are all here to discuss the details of my proposal,” said the man with appropriate manners.

  “I only want to know how much you want to invest,” he carried on. “Will one million pounds be enough?” Interrupted Phil. “I mean you have not the clear idea of the place. It will be a huge restaurant with top cuisine associated with some accommodation overlooking the Cornwall Sea, tennis court, swimming pool, rooms with internationally equipped TV, sauna, excellent refurbishment and I can carry on for hours. It depends on how much you want to earn out of it,” said the man.

  “OK, I suggest five million pounds. Do you agree Araon?”

  “Yes Phil. It is the exact amount of money that came into my mind,” said Araon.

  “Now you are reasoning,” said the man.

  “As far as chances are concerned,” said Araon instinctively.

  “Are you crazy, darling?”

  “Sorry Jill. It all depends on my emotions.”

  “You are excused. It means you are enthusiastic about the affair,” said the man.

  “Araon it’s great,” s
aid Phil.

  “Have you got any questions?” said the man.

  “Now we are ready to sign the contract,” said Phil and Araon together.

  “So here you are. You are quick from what I see. I wish you good luck. I’m looking forward to starting working with you,” said the man.

  “We accompany you to the exit. We will keep in touch,” said Phil.

  The four went out of the office after the man. “We were standing there doing nothing,” said Samantha.

  “You are complaining too much lately, aren’t you?” said Phil.

  “You have no idea of what a statuette may be. Anyway, you are right; I’m complaining too much,” said Samantha.

  “And you Araon? What went wrong with you?” said Jill” Do not worry Jill. Araon is a perfect businessman. He has done instinctively what other businessmen do on purpose. They try to appear quivering with emotions not to offend the other side. I mean, too much self-confidence can damage the situation,” said Phil.

  “And there was something else,” said Araon. “Your jewel Jill. You came with your necklace with diamonds. It makes you show no greed for money,” said Araon.

  “I think we are playing Mensa games without a deckchair,” said Phil.

  “Sure love. I have been enjoying myself a lot recently with those Mensa games. They are so intriguing. What shall we do now?” said Samantha.

  “Either we can go to have a drink or to take a ride within the tube. I want to show to Jill and Araon what hidden London is,” said Phil.

  “I am surprised with the emotions scattered over all my personality. I’d like to see London by underground. The drinks can wait,” said Jill with enthusiasm.

  “OK. Let’s go. We take the Piccadilly line to leave from Leicester Square and go later to Oxford Circus station. Not a long trip. Are you ready for the escalators?” said Phil.

  “Yes,” said Jill and Samantha smiling.

  Their note was an extravagant one. Now Phil stopped reminding his mates that the vintage car driver was waiting for them somewhere. Araon laughed on any word from his friend. They were so-called man-pleasure seeking. “This is London mon amis,” said Phil. “Our journey ends here. We are back at Leicester Square.” he added.


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