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The Red Box

Page 74

by Laura Sgarella

  “There were people from any walk of life from what I saw,” said Jill.

  “Yes, this is the reason for which I wanted to bring you there. Are we ready for the aperitif now?” Phil said.

  They nodded and immersed themselves in the big queue out of Leicester Square bars. “What would you fancy my guys?” said Phil.

  “A glass of sparkling water,” said Jill.

  “The same for me,” said Samantha.

  “And you Araon?”

  “Some lemon tea.”

  “I follow your example,” said Phil.

  Waiting for a place to be free they talked within their limits. Finally, the waiter told them there was room free inside and he took the order before the four went to sit at the appointed place. The bar was usually crammed with people and this made Araon show off a dark irony. He thought that London was a place for making money and no feelings. Maybe just a bit. Phil and Samantha were like an oasis in the desert. They never stopped being funny. Not to talk of their generosity. And as far as Samantha was concerned, she saw Jill like a jewel. A woman to imitate very thoroughly. The waiter arrived with the drinks panting. The four toasted the brand-new successful deal. They talked softly until Phil reminded them it was time to make the vintage car driver stop waiting for them. He gave him a call and they left the place leaving a big tip.


  “Are you waiting for Godot?” said Araon.

  “No, I’m waiting for the first train. The one that made us meet. Do you remember Araon?”

  “Yes, it was Van der Baast, the part we had in common. And there is much more that we can share,” said Araon.

  “Now I leave you and Jill to your intimacy. She has to undergo an ultrasound scan and she must be thrilled about it. Let’s meet each other at seven pm. You deserve some intimacy in you Mayfair flat while me and Samantha will smell the perfume of roses at Holland Park House.

  “OK. See you later Phil.”

  Finally, Jill and Araon entered the laboratory. There was a woman in her fifties who welcomed them, smiling. “You are Jill. You have an appointment at two pm if I am not wrong. Come in. Can you wait outside sir?”

  “Sure,” answered Araon.

  “Come on lady. You don’t look joyful,” said the doctor.

  “I am just concerned,” answered Jill with a feeble voice.

  “Don’t you want to see your baby taking shape in your womb? You are starting the fifth month of pregnancy and this is great.”

  “Not really. I even don’t want to know if it is a baby boy or a baby girl. I just want to know if we both enjoy good health,” said Jill.

  “From the ultrasound scan I can see everything is fine. We will wait for the blood analysis to give you more information. You smell of nicotine. Do you smoke?” answered the doctor.

  “Not really,” answered Jill.

  “You are right. There are different cigarette stubs in the ashtray. It’s the other doctor who shouldn’t smoke in this place. I will hide all that rubbish in the dustbin or he risks being suspended from work. I will throw it into the dustbin to make it appear as something left by the patients in the aisle. Are you listening to me? Are you sure there is nothing you want to know?”

  “No really. I just want to feel well.”

  “So you can go now.” The doctor opened the door and watched Araon intensely. The doctor made a gesture to Araon with the thumb just to refer him that everything was fine.


  “Yes, Jill?”

  “I’m exhausted. I’m looking forward to going to the Mayfair flat and entertaining myself with crosswords.”

  “We will be home soon. Just remember that we have an appointment with Samantha and Phil this evening. We must be on great form”

  “Look outside there is a new car. A Mercedes is waiting for us.”

  During their trip home, Araon explained to Jill how Phil perceived the level of pollution in the street. It was not rush hour so the traffic was not particularly annoying and pollution didn’t hit its highest point. It was one of the wonders that Phil had saved for him and for Jill. At home, Jill felt more secure. She dressed herself with her nightdress while Araon slammed the door accidentally.

  “Now darling I have something for you. It’s called autogenous training. Just lay on the bed and concentrate on what I say. Take a big breath and close your eyes. Listen to my voice: you are tired. You see the colour red, then the yellow, the green and finally the purple one. You are in your mental laboratory. Now you see yourself in the delivery room. Van der Baast is next to you helping Rokin to come to life. You feel no pain. You are very relaxed. I’m next to you and I am asked to cut the umbilical cord. It is a success.

  ‘AHAHAH!’ At a certain point Jill awoke screaming. “It’s the red box Araon. Don’t forget it.”

  “I don’t understand what you are saying. Do you remember exactly what I made you imagine in your mental laboratory?”

  “Sure, but at the end something came out for which I am ashamed. Where did you learn about those teachings?”

  “Don’t you remember? We were in Venice and we were very interested in esoteric doctrines. Autogenous training is not that deep. We can do it easily at home without the fear of any inconvenience. You frightened me when you were screaming so much.,” said Araon.

  “Probably, I didn’t believe I had no pain. But forget it. Just let’s do something else. I’m looking forward to going out with Samantha and Phil. Do you agree to prolong our stay here for an indefinite time? I feel London, not Amsterdam is my home,” said Jill.

  “I do what you like, Jill. I also would like to spend some more time here. After all, I can be busy with some business affairs together with Phil. My only concern is that you feel well.”

  “I do Araon. I only want to have news about Sylvanus. He is so attached to me. I should phone him shortly just to apologize that I cannot be at his disposal at home now. I will be presently. We should also contact Albert and Ravina and Mark and Rose. They are also our friends. For the moment I am focused on Samantha and Phil. It’s nice to find out new glamour out of their faces. They finally argued. They never, or almost never, did it before marriage. Marriage is like a candle that tarnishes any fear. All the strongest emotions burst out. They are in a red box: whatever happens, they will never lose one another,” said Jill.

  “Hopefully that never happens to us. But we are also in search of the red box. I think this is something that Phil premeditated to show us who he is. He is a powerful man with a fragile nature. Now let’s wait for them to arrive.”

  “Here they are, Jill. Be ready to go out. Come on.”

  Samantha and Phil invited their friends to go out. “It’s time to leave,” said Phil.

  “We are coming,” said Araon.

  Jill was a bit dazed. “Jill you look tired,” said Samantha.

  “It’s the effect of the autogenous training,” said Jill.

  “Of what?” asked Samantha.

  “An autogenous training. It’s a practice that requires the involvement of people. One has the duty to hypnotize the other one and to suggest some sentences that would allow the partner to relax and to face bravely the situation they are dealing with. My case involves childbirth. While I was relaxing and quite asleep, Araon suggested to me that I wouldn’t have any pain and that the product of my joy was in my tummy. I do not know why I woke up screaming. Now you are here Samantha and my mood is improving. I adore your youth,” said Jill.

  “I am only five years younger than you,” said Samantha.

  “But it is an eternity to me,” said Jill.

  “Phil is quite old,” said Samantha joking.

  “It’s true, darling but you married me anyway. I never take you for granted, that’s why I woo you all the time. I have dreamt of marriage all my life. It arrived a bit late. Never mind. You are with me Samantha,” said Phil.

  “Jill you look lovely in this pink dress. Be careful: we are in September. I listened to the weather forecast
and I learnt that in a few weeks the temperature will drop to twenty-one degrees. Let’s enjoy these last days of summer,” said Samantha.

  “Well, guys let’s decide where to go. I would suggest a trip to Soho if you fancy it,” said Phil.

  “Soho? What is it famous for?” said Araon.

  “It’s a part of Little Italy. There are bars, restaurants and nice pavements in the street. I want to take you there because I want to disclose to you part of my past life. I have a flat over there, where I allowed my former girlfriend to live in. I never registered the flat in her name because she was a woman who was very attached to my wallet and with no feelings. I caught her sleeping with another man one day and she played the part of a chaste woman. I am not stupid. I was willing to slap her but at the end I renounced it for the sake of well-being. Now I don’t know what to do with this flat, if to sell it or not. But now come into the limousine: I will show it to you soon,” said Phil.

  Luckily the traffic was not an obstacle and they reached the place very soon. Phil let Jill, Samantha and Araon enter the flat and they all started rummaging. It was really untidy; a total mess. There was a bulb of a lamp in the floor, paper scattered everywhere, dust on the dining room sofa. Phil never felt so ashamed before in his life.” “You know guys, it’s the first time I’ve been here since I split up with my former girlfriend. I couldn’t imagine to find all this mess all around. You see: there is the safe open in the floor. She had no jewels to keep and guard. Not from me, at least. Hopefully there are no pictures of us together anywhere. A chapter of my life has come to an end; that’s it. What do you think Samantha? Do you like this flat?”

  “I mean, it’s up to you darling. If the memory of this woman annoys you, you’d better sell it,” answered Samantha.

  “OK, I’ll sell it and with the income I’ll buy a new flat for you somewhere in London. You have to choose where to have another beautiful shelter,” said Phil.

  “A flat overlooking the River Thames. Yes, it’s my favourite part of the city. I’m sure you will find a nice little one for me there,” said Samantha.

  “Good idea, grace. But now we have to pay more attention to our friends,” said Phil.

  “Nice story, Phil. Are you able to track your former girlfriend if you want?” said Araon.

  “How nosey you are, Araon. Of course I can know everything about that girl but I consider that story buried in the past.”

  “I hope not to have offended you. I was speaking just for curiosity. If you are disturbed by all these bad memories we’d better go away. What do you think?” said Araon.

  “I would think so. I would like to hear your opinion as well, Jill.” said Phil.

  “I hope you won’t carry on thinking of your past, so it’s better we go away. Soho is such a good place for two loving couples. Samantha is looking forward to enjoying our stroll from what I see. She doesn’t deserve to camouflage her jealousy during our staying in that place where your ex was dwelling,” said Jill.

  “A quick glance at the toilet and we go. Oh my God! It’s all filthiness. Let’s go out,” said Phil.

  Finally, the four where on the pavement waiting for a genial suggestion from Phil to arrive. He felt purified and more humble, at the same time. It wasn’t unusual for Phil to look around and enjoy the rhythm of life. He was not alone any more. A most for an old businessman who wanted everything from life. He compared the adrenalin of the moment to the one he might have with a parachute jump. Money, money that was what life gave to him. The limousine was parked far from that street. He was just concerned that Jill was comfortable enough and not tired at all.

  “It’s time for a smooch,” said Samantha suddenly.

  “A smooch. Why not; just in the middle of the crowd,” answered Phil and the four abandoned themselves to their effusions.

  It was midnight in Mayfair. Jill and Araon were still wide awake. “What is the red box, Araon?”

  “I don’t know, Jill. Phil is enjoying himself a lot to puzzle us with Mensa games. But I’m more stubborn than one can imagine. Your fantasy runs very quickly Jill. You should be able to find an answer soon. I don’t like people testing my IQ,” said Araon.

  “I don’t think this is Phil’s purpose. He wants just to socialize. Or maybe you are right, Araon. The truth is that I cannot sleep.”

  “And you are taunting me, Jill. Tomorrow I’ll go mad because of my eye sockets and bags under my eyes.”

  “The same thing can happen to me, Araon. Don’t worry too much. You look great anyway.”

  “But my point is that I won’t make a good impression to Phil and Samantha. I know they will want us sleep in the swimming pool room while they both enjoy a bathe.”

  “Don’t think about it. Are you thirsty? There is some bitter in the fridge.”

  “I’ll have a look. Oh! There is also a feeding bottle. It’s the first time I’ve seen this here.”

  “Do you seriously believe that Samantha and Phil have intruded on our privacy by bringing here this bottle?”

  “Of course I don’t, Jill.”

  “During my last visit to the hospital, they gave it to me to be quiet, just to have clear in mind what is obvious: that I am pregnant. If you don’t mind, I’ll phone to Sylvanus. It’s a long time since I heard from him. I’ll be quick.”

  “Just do it, Jill. and don’t forget to say hello to him on my behalf.”

  “I will. Here is the number. How stupid: I know it by heart.”.

  A husky voice answered immediately. “This is Sylvanus. Who am I speaking to?”

  “I’m Jill. How are you? It’s a long time that since I heard from you. Is there any news?”.

  “Jill, what a joy. I was missing you a lot.”

  “I’m still in London and I have no idea when I might be able to come back to Amsterdam. Here the temperature dropped suddenly but there is still nice weather. You know that Gulf Stream thing. But let me know more about you and all the other friends of ours.”

  “You know I went to the disco with Albert and Ravina. We were dancing with the music of the sixties. A dark lady was staring at me in disbelief. I was sure she wanted to strike up a conversation with me. She seemed quite shy but at the end I approached her. She was sweet but annoyed. She told me I have beautiful blue eyes. Actually, my eyes are brown, you know it. She found all the excuses to dance with me and at the end she won me. You know we were arm in arm as if we were no strangers. The feelings were not blue. But I was a walking disaster. The problem arose when, after a few days, I contacted her on the phone just to realize that she had given me a wrong number. What can I do if I am unlucky with women? Albert and Ravina, Mark and Rose came back from their honeymoon. They all asked about you. I’m happy I have seen Ravina radiant, shining again. She is a Mrs now. The sad thing comes from Mark and Rose’s side. Rose’s mum has only one week to live. She asked them not to worry about a sparkling ceremony. She wants just a mass in the local church and a lot of prayers for her to be saved. What about you Jill.?”

  “I’m very busy here in London. Araon is working with our friend Phil and me and Samantha are committed to stand by them at their meetings. By the way, Araon asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. I have a lot of stories to share with you but now I feel it’s time to try to sleep.”

  “Yes Jill. Please call me tomorrow night. Tomorrow is the come back to work day for me and Albert. Sure, I will tell him about you. Good luck with your little Rokin and goodnight.”

  “Good night Sylvanus.”

  The phone call finished and Jill was suddenly crossed by a strange form of sadness. “Sweetheart?”

  “Yes Araon?”

  “How many things have you in common with Sylvanus? I thought you had disappeared somewhere in Mayfair by night.”

  “Sorry honey. I believed you were sleeping.”

  “Not really. And this time there was no placebo effect. I’ll tell you a story: A deer was hunting a squirrel and this was unusual because deer don’t do things like these. He simply
wanted to be welcomed with honour and healthy attention by his owner. At the end, they were in the mood of doing something. This is to let you know that Mensa has brought its good fruits. I’m sure that sooner or later one of us will disclose the secret of the red box. Now I am more concerned with my eye sockets. What good news! Please lay on the bed. I will massage your feet and your body very thoroughly. It’s already four am. And we are here wasting our time. I’m sure that cuddles are what you need just now.”

  “Yes Araon. It’s like being in Niagara Falls. That nightdress doesn’t fit me any more. I give you the pleasure to pick one of my size for me from the armchair. Why am I saying stupid things while you are so romantic with me? Sorry Araon. The walking disaster is me now.”

  “Shut up,” Araon said and he mastered the outrage he had so much coveted. The outrage of pure love maybe, but still an outrage. And Jill was finally happy on her own and chatting the night away to a ghost husband!

  Phil never missed the occasion to spend some time in the swimming pool room. He was there smoking a cigar early in the morning. Samantha arrived and she was half-shocked to see Phil smoking. “Phil. what are you doing? You take me for granted now that we are married and you are swallowed by your vices.”

  “I knew that some question would arise. But I can tell you smartly that this is an electronic cigar. It’s not so harmful. The worse thing it can do is to make somebody loose his inhibitions. I extinguish it immediately It’s just to please you,” said Phil.

  “Phil you never stop surprising me,” said Samantha.

  “Have a seat We have to wait for Jill and Araon to arrive. They should be here shortly.”

  “Sure enough, a certain noise makes me think they are already here. Yes Phil, they are here.”

  Jill and Araon entered the swimming pool room and apologized for the inconvenience. The sleepless night endowed them with beautiful bags and sockets. They looked like two ghosts. “Hi Phil. Hi Samantha. Have you noticed our ghost-like look?”

  “Actually, your sockets and bags are invisible. What’s the matter?”


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