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Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1

Page 11

by Brair Lake

  “I wasn’t expecting to be attacked. Shit Leon, I’ve known Al for most of his life. He and Leif have been best friends since kindergarten.” Leon continues to watch me, remaining silent as I talk. Still puzzled by today’s events, I flop back onto the mattress. My head bouncing as it lands on the goose down pillow. My gaze drifts over the nicotine stains on the faded wallpaper. Day may have only given us a three-month lease, and as I look at the decaying décor, I decide the place needs decorating, and that I’ll make a start on it this weekend. “Fuck, Leon. It’s been a crappy day. I came home, the house was a mess. Then Rosie visited and I was upset because she demanded money. Then she made threats about returning home. When Al offered me comfort, I greedily accepted it. I wanted someone to hold me.”

  “I’ll hold you Firebird. For as long as you want. I’ll hold you.”

  Leon’s words offer me comfort and strangely enough; I know he will hold me for as long as I let him.

  After the events of the night before, breakfast, which is usually a hub of activity with the boys and Poppy dashing around, grabbing toast before they left for school, is a somber affair. My siblings are leaning against one counter, while Leon pushes his hip against the sink. All eyes are on me as I make the coffee. The kitchen table and chairs are missing, and when I glance out of the kitchen window, I notice them pushed up against the garden fence.

  “Daisy.” Poppy breaks the silence and I turn to face her.


  “I can skip school if you want.”

  “Thanks, but no. I’ll be fine. Anyway, I’m going to the library and you taking the day off will be a waste of time.” At Poppy’s hesitant glance, I pointedly look at the clock. Yet no one makes any effort to move. “I’m going to work. I’ll see you all later.”

  Leon pours his half-drunk coffee into the sink. Then follows me outside. “Get on the bike, Firebird.” He grabs the spare helmet and pushes it at me.

  “I can drive.”

  “I know. But you wouldn’t deny me the touch of that lush body of yours pressed up against mine one more time.”

  I watch Leon’s face, and apart from his plump lips, which tremble as he attempts to keep his smile at bay, his features are steady. Unable to resist, the teasing gleam in his dark eyes, my pink lips curve, and with a gentle laugh, I climb onto the back of the bike. The journey to the library doesn’t take long and I spend most of the ride smelling Leon. Inhaling as much of his aroma as I can. A chuckle escapes me as Cheryl’s face flashes before me as I pull up at the library with my biker. Knowing Leon is parked in front of the library will irate the head librarian. With one final squeeze to his body, I dismount from the bike. Yep, Leon is mine. He may not know it yet, but he’s mine. When he lowers his head for his kiss, I avoid his mouth. My lips landing on his unshaven cheek. I’m too terrified to kiss him properly; in case everything I feel for him is revealed in that kiss. If I want to keep Leon, I’ll have to reel him in real slow, like I had with the feral cat that lives near the library. With one last wave, I watch as Leon disappears down the street.

  As I sit behind my desk covertly watching an elderly couple enter, I shake my head. My thoughts are in turmoil. When and how did it happen. It isn’t supposed to be like this. I’m supposed to be having fun. Some no harm sex. Instead, I’m finding myself falling in love. The pounding in my head is growing heavy. Maybe I’m not in love with Leon. Maybe my reaction has more to do with what happened last night, and I’m confusing the emotion with gratitude. As the door to the library opens once more, a groan escapes as I watch Hank stroll towards me. He’s a good-looking fellow. A safer bet than Leon, and before this thing with Leon had evolved, Hank had shown an interest. Now he has walked away. Briefly I play with the notion of asking the sheriff out.

  “Morning Daisy.” His low drawl and smile fail to arouse my libido and I decide that it wouldn’t be fair on either of us.


  “Any idea what happened to Al.”

  Moss green eyes bore into mine, and I’m sure my cheeks turn scarlet as a scorching flush rises over my body as Hank rests his hip and thigh on the corner of the counter.

  “No. Why do you ask?” My neck aches as I look up at the sheriff.

  “Poor lad can barely walk or see. His parents rang me because the kid refuses to press charges.”

  “Sorry I can’t help.”

  “Leif hasn’t said anything to you.”

  My tongue is dry and sticks to the roof of my mouth “No, he hasn’t said anything. Do you want me to ask him if he knows anything?”. The strain of stopping myself from blinking or turning away from the sheriff’s penetrating gaze is not helping the slow thud of my heart or the sweat gathering in my palms.

  “No. Like I said, he’s not pressing any charges.” Hank looks at me once more, then he rises from the counter, and only as I watch him leave, does my pent-up breath free itself from my lungs. As the door to the library closes, I haul my cellphone from my purse and quickly look up Leif’s number.

  Daisy – How bad was last night’s fight?

  Leif – He got what he deserved.

  Daisy – Hank just called into the library.

  Leif – Did you tell him what Al did to you.

  Daisy – No.

  Leif doesn’t respond straight away and thinking that is the end of the matter, I was about to put my cell away when it pinged twice.

  Leif – You should report Al.

  Leon – Have lunch with me.

  A flutter of excitement flickers in my stomach and ignoring Leif’s text, I answer Leon. I need air and I need to think.

  Leon swiftly found a table in the busy café. The lunch time crowd not bothering him and as we wait for the waitress to come and take our order, I surreptitiously study my lover from over the menu. With his piercings and hair, I would have thought he was more Poppy’s type of boyfriend. His eyes are dark, and when they look at me. They offer me paradise. A paradise, he never fails to deliver. Slowly I move my glance down to his pale brown lips. Lips which are capable of the sweetest touch. My glance slides to his hands. Large golden hands that always take me to heaven. When I see the abrasions on those hands, I am violently reminded of Al. Last night, those skillful fingers managed to shatter me and my body, bringing me the peace I needed to sleep uninterrupted.

  “Like what you see?” Even his voice has a quality to make me wet myself, and I clench my thighs in self-defense.

  “Hank called into the library.” Leon’s lips grimace, however, he refuses to move his bold gaze from me. “Al’s parents reported his attack.”

  “And did you set the sheriff straight?”

  When I shuffle in my seat, which has nothing to do with arousal and unable to meet Leon’s gaze, I glance over his shoulder, watching a young woman as she struggles with a stroller and a preschooler. “No.”

  “And why not?”

  “Because I want to forget it ever happened.”

  “It happened, Firebird.”

  I don’t bother to answer Leon. Instead, I return my attention to the menu, ordering a burger with fries when the waitress finally approaches our table.

  “Move in with me.”

  The coffee I’m sipping, splutters and I choke as I breathe and drink the liquid at the same time. My startled gaze lifting to Leon, who has lost his smile. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “Move in with me.”

  My brain freezes and I blink several times as Leon’s invite vibrate loudly in my head. “Don’t you think it’s a bit too soon?”


  With a shake of my head, I replace my coffee mug back onto the table. “I can’t move in with you.”

  “Then I’ll move in with you.”

  Leon is unabashed as he makes his declaration. Whilst all I can do, is stare at the biker. My hands are clammy, and I flex my fingers several times, unsure what to do with them. “You can’t move in.”

  “Why not?”

  Grasping for a reason, my mouth opens, and the words
just tumble out. “Because of my father. What happens if he turns up?”

  Leon’s eyebrow arches. “Well, he’ll not be moving back into the house” and I bite on my lip to hide my smile.

  With a slouch, I lean against the back of the booth. Yeah, Pa will not be moving back in. It’s part of the agreement in the contract I’ve signed with Day. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Don’t spend too long thinking about.” Leon’s chuckle has my stomach flipping

  The library is quiet on my return and as I file the return books back on the shelves, all I can think about is Leon’s offer and the advantages. All in my favor. If he moves in, this leaves no room for Rosie and her boyfriend. Then there’s Pa. What if he returns. Will he think I was unsupportive with Leon living in his house. Former house I remind myself with a growing frown. I drop the pen I’m twirling between my fingers, watching it roll to one side. Is that why Pa is staying away? Have I annoyed him with my affair? I enjoy Leon’s company and I love the sex. A smile replaces my scowl as I retrieve my cell, reminding myself, I’m a grown woman who has the right to do what she wants.

  Daisy – You can move in on a trial period.


  Leon – The Davaro’s Home Noir Valley

  I’m still finding it difficult to believe how easy Firebird capitulated in allowing me to move in with her. When she said, she would think about my request, I assumed she would make me wait. That I would have a fight on my hands. That I would have to persuade her what a good thing she has with me. Not that it would have taken much to persuade Firebird once I had her on her back and on the brink of an orgasm, then refused to give her the release she was begging for until she accepted my offer and let me move in. It may have been underhanded, but if I want something, I’ll do what I must. Using any means available to me. However, because Firebird relented quickly, here I am, unpacking the few belongings I have brought from Demon’s Lair. There isn’t much stuff, just a couple of jeans, several Tee-shirts with motifs on them. My socks and a couple of pairs of sneakers. I hadn’t brought any underwear because I didn’t own any. As far as I’m concerned commando is best, and maybe soon I’ll be able to persuade Firebird to forego her underwear. Especially as I can never get enough of my Old Lady.

  “Everything okay?” Firebird stands in the doorway. Her gaze lingering on me as I stuff my clothes into a drawer she had cleared out earlier. Along one of the walls are her father’s things. They must have been lying there waiting for the old bastard to come and collect them since Firebird took possession of the room. Firebird still hasn’t moved from her spot when I return from the bathroom where I have tossed my toiletries. With what I hope is a sexy swagger, I approach the redhead., placing my lips against her soft welcoming mouth. As the kiss breaks, a thrill passes through my body, and I shuffle my junk into a comfortable position.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I have business at the club to attend to.” Firebird hides her gaze behind lowered lashes, stepping further into the room as I go to pass her. With a willpower I did not believe I possessed; I resist the urge to take Firebird back in my arms. To kiss away the uncertainty from her face. “I’ll pick you up to take you to the club later.”

  Firebird’s gaze is on the bed and as she continues to refuse to look at me, I head for the main door.

  When I arrive at Demon’s Lair, TJ is waiting for me, greeting me as I board the boat. “Where is everyone?”

  “Alex and Oyster are over at Maria’s”

  “Why?” Marie was another club whore. She’s also Lou-Lou’s sister, Jono’s ex Old Lady. Raising an eyebrow, I search TJ’s face for some clues.

  “She didn’t turn up for her shift last night. Then rang this morning. Apparently Jono was over at her place last night.

  “What the fuck did he want?” I follow TJ as we make our way for the main saloon.

  As we enter the room, Day joins us. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out.” His gaze glacial as he grabs several beers from behind the bar, handing over a couple of bottles to TJ and myself.

  “But he didn’t make a move on Lou-Lou.” I swallow some beer as my gaze glances around the room as I wait for an answer.

  “No. Lou-Lou’s taken one of the rooms below.” Day tilt’s his head towards one of the doors at the far end of the room. Just then Alex and Oyster stroll into the saloon, removing their leather gloves before placing them in the pockets of their cuts. Alex sits his fat ass on a table, while Oyster leans against the bar. Both men look pissed. Then Oyster turns his cold gaze to Day. “Jono want’s Lou-Lou.”

  Day raises his bottle to his lips, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when he has finished then glances at Oyster. “That’s up to Lou-Lou.”

  Oyster rolls his shoulder and takes a large swallow of his own beer. Silence fills the room. Puzzled by Jono’s sudden interest in Lou-Lou, who is nothing more than a whore who earns her living lying on her back, I swiftly recall the names of her popular clients. When I come up blank, I decide to drop the subject. Maybe my instincts are wrong on this and he simply wants his Old Lady back. “Maybe the girls aren’t as easy in Miami as Jono makes out.” I smirk at the bikers as I take another swallow of my beer.

  “What.” TJ turns to me, a frown marring his dark walnut forehead as he flashes a white smile. “Come on. He rode out of Noir Valley without the woman. So why the sudden interest in her.”

  Bastian has silently joined us and his gaze drifts towards the door. “Data, go fetch Lou-Lou and don’t take any crap from her.”

  Data scuttles off his chair without a backward glance. Two minutes later, the prospect returns with a petulant Lou-Lou. Her dyed red hair, in a disarray condition. The zipper on her shorts unfastened and she is in the process of tucking in the green tank top into the open waistband.

  “Pull up a chair, Lou-Lou.” The whore glances at Bastian, then her gaze sweeps over the rest of us. Her ice-blue eyes weary. After a moment’s hesitation, she sits in the chair Bastian is pointing at.

  “Why is Jono interest in you?” Day’s cerulean eyes drill into Lou-Lou, who shuffles on the chair before settling back, her head held high as she returns his gaze.

  “How should I know? Perhaps he wants to re-live the old days.”

  Day pulls his chair closer to the whore’s. Once their knees are touching, he places his hands on either side, trapping the woman. Her gaze once more flittered around the room before coming to settle back to Day’s. “No. It’s not that, Lou-Lou. If you meant something to him. He would have taken you with him when he left.”

  “Did you ever think that maybe he asked, and I turned him down.”

  TJ’s deep chuckle echoes around the room as his gaze flickers over Lou-Lou’s body. “Honey, I’ve fucked you. You’re good. But not good enough to visit from another state to ride again.”

  Lou-Lou throws a baleful glare at TJ. Her pale pink lips, bare of its usual gloss, compressing together. “Well, obviously Jono doesn’t agree with you.”

  Day’s fingers trail over Lou-Lou’s bare flesh, coming to rest at the crotch of the denim shorts. His fingers slip under the hem to stroke her skin. All eyes are on his fingers. “Now Lou-Lou, be a good girl and tell me the truth.” Day continues to stroke the top of Lou-Lou’s thigh. Her breathing grows shallow as her eyes darken, “If you don’t tell me. I’ll stop touching you and take away your shifts for the next two weeks and any other privileges you have.”

  Lou-Lou’s gaze went around the officers in front of her. With Day touching her in front of us, it’s a clear indication we all get to fuck her. Since Firebird came into my life, Day’s slow seduction of Lou-Lou isn’t shifting my cock. However, I don’t reveal this to Lou-Lou. Instead, I lick my lips, watching her eyes darkened, turning almost black with lust. Her hands grip onto the chair edge as she attempts to close her legs. Something she is denied when Bastian stands behind her and spreads her legs. “I can’t.”

  “Can’t what, Lou-Lou
? - Fuck us or tell me what’s going on.”

  “Tell you.”

  Day gives one more skirmish of his fingers over Lou-Lou’s flesh before dropping his hand as he turns away. “If that’s how you want to play, we’ll play it your way, Lou-Lou. Data, take her back to her cabin. Then tell the rest of the brothers, that the whore’s out of bounds to them and she’ll not be working for two weeks.”

  Data, who was eagerly watching as he stood behind Alex, nods as he steps forward.

  “Wait.” If there was one thing Lou-Lou loves, it’s sex and to be denied it for two weeks would break her little heart. Day returns his gaze to the whore who is licking her lips and I snigger. “I’ve been seeing George Mallard.”

  “The fucking Mayor.” Day blinks at Lou-Lou as she nods. Her eyes alight with anticipation of what is to come next.


  “And what does this have to do with Jono.”

  “He found out.”


  “Maria told him.”

  Day’s body grows still as he watches the whore. “Why would Maria tell him?”

  “Because she’s been in touch with him since he left Noir Valley.”

  Shit, could this day turn any worse. As I listen to the drama unfold, I wipe my hand over my forehead.

  “Are you fucking telling me that Maria’s been spying on us for that bastard.” Lou-Lou gives another nod as Day continues to stare at her. Then his cold blue gaze is on two of the Bikers. “Alex, Oyster go fetch the slut.” As soon as Alex and Oyster leave the room, Day turns his attention to Lou-Lou. “What was Jono going to do about you and the Mayor.”


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