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Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1

Page 12

by Brair Lake

  Fuck, I’m still reeling from that one. How the whore has kept quiet about her affair is beyond me? Fucking someone in public office would be a coup for someone with Lou-Lou’s pedigree.

  “He wants to blackmail George.”


  Lou-Lou’s glance skims the room before returning to Day. “To run you out of Noir Valley.”

  “Get out of my sight, Lou-Lou.” Day jerks away from the woman, turning his back to the whore as he faces TJ and myself.

  “What about my reward, Day?”

  Day swings his head over his shoulder, his look cold. “Not now, Lou-Lou. But I promise you. You’ll get your reward later.”


  Bastian was the one to lean forward to whisper in her ear. “Day’s said we’ll fuck you later and we will, Babe. Now be a good girl and go to your cabin.”

  Chapter 12

  Daisy – The local drugstore Noir Valley

  “Hey, Daisy. There’s a special deal on condoms. Shall I throw several packets in the cart?”

  Poppy’s crack about the condoms has me scanning the aisle of the local drug store to see if anyone has heard her. My stunned gaze clashes with Old Sid Sidcup. If you want to know where the drama in Noir Valley is happening, he is the busybody you talk to.

  “Well, Daisy. How many packets do you think you need…? Hello Mr. Sidcup.” Poppy continues to wave the pockets of condoms, her smile directed at Sid. “What size should I get. Does Leon need extra-large. I bet he does, doesn’t he, Daisy,”


  Poppy raises her arm above her head. “Now, Daisy. We don’t want any little Leon’s running around. Do we?” This is directed at Sid Sidcup who scoots pass Poppy. His cheeks redder than an over ripe tomato.

  “Why did you do that Poppy?” My voice is nothing more than a loud whisper as I come to stand beside my sister, grabbing the condoms from her to stuff them back on the shelf.

  “I’m sorry Daisy, it’s just that Old Sid was watching you for five minutes. And with him only living two doors away from us, he’s bound to know Leon’s living with us. Besides, you’re not actually quiet when it comes to the old monkey love thing. The bro’s and I have bought earplugs, but I doubt if the neighbors have.”

  “Damn it. Poppy. Why didn’t you say something earlier - Are we really that noisy?” Discussing my sex life with Poppy normally wouldn’t be a problem. After all, we have been talking sex and any relating issues since Ma died. Yet, as I stare at my younger sibling, I wonder if I have made a mistake. Especially when she blushes. Something I have never witnessed her do before.

  “The walls are pretty thin at the house, Daisy. It was kinda embarrassing at first. Especially as the boys were just aware as well. It was Leif’s idea to use the earplugs.”

  “I’ll talk to Leon.”

  “Hey. I’m sorry I even brought the subject up.”

  “No, don’t be.” Daisy’s teasing comments keep running through my mind as I push the cart, and as I think about what she said, I silently throw in the odd item as we wonder down the aisles. Hell, I know my siblings are aware I’m having sex with Leon. Shit, the bastard’s living with us. He has been for nearly two weeks, yet, the idea of them hearing us hadn’t been something I had thought about. “Would you like me to ask Leon to move out?”

  “Hell no. Having him living at the house has improved my street cred.”

  “And the sex thing doesn’t bother you.”

  Poppy comes over and wraps her arms around my waist. “Daisy you’re smiling more. So, don’t ask Leon to move out.”

  “Poppy say’s you’re good for her street cred.”

  Leon glances up from the pizza he is munching on. His smile glistening from the melted cheese. It was Saturday, and after dropping Poppy off with the shopping, I’d returned to Noir Valley to meet Leon for lunch.

  “I knew I had my uses.”

  “Maybe. But is her street cred with the kids healthy.”

  “Want me to ride pass the school and scare the boys away?”

  At his scowl, I was about to ask how serious he is, until I spot the glint in his eye. “How about a compromise, I buy you a rocker and you sit at the front door with your gun in your lap. I’ll even buy you a straw hat and some chewing tobacco and a spittoon.”

  “Only if you’re sitting on my knee.”

  Under the table Leon’s hand strokes my thigh. His fingers creeping closer to the crotch of my jeans and I wiggle my ass, hoping to shift his hand. Failing miserably as his finger press firmly against the seam. When I emit a small moan, Poppy’s quip about my loudness has me clamping my lips. With a quick furtive glance around the small restaurant, I check to see if anyone has heard or noticed what Leon is doing to me. To all appearance, we look as though we are enjoying a cozy lunch. Leon has his arm draped around my back; his hand well hidden from what is happening under the table.

  “We’re having a cookout next Sunday. That’s when it’s Poppy’s birthday, isn’t it?” Vaguely I bob my head. My concentration focused on Leon’s hand which has managed to undo my zipper and his fingers have slipped into my panties. I was too busy concentrating on biting my tongue to suppress the moan rattling at the back if my throat as I watched the room. When his fingers slip in a little further, I push my hips forward for closer contact. “…. I’ve cleared it with Day. To turn the cookout into a birthday celebration for Poppy.”

  “That’s nice.”

  Leon bent his head close to mine, his lips brush against my ear. “What’s nice Firebird. That you’ll allow Poppy to celebrate her birthday at the boat… - Or that I’m finger fucking you in public and although you’re fighting it. You’re about to come.”

  “Leon.” As my mouth opens, Leon lowers his head until our lips meet. His tongue slips into my mouth as he slides his finger into my wet pussy. With each thrust he makes with his tongue; he matches with his finger.

  “Come for me Firebird. Spill your cream round my fingers.”

  Leon’s finger grows more demanding against my inner flesh. Gripping on to his arm, I moan into his mouth. My release when it comes, leaves my body shaking. Weakly I lean against the back of the booth. Watching open mouthed as Leon places his juice covered finger in his mouth. Shock, leaves me gasping as he closes his eyes, murmuring his appreciation.


  “So, you’re okay holding Poppy’s birthday celebration at the boat. Like I said. It’ll be in the afternoon and they’ll just be the brothers and the women there.”

  I was still reeling from the fact I had just orgasmed in public and Leon wanted to talk about Poppy. With a shake of my body, I glance out of the window, only to discover Sherriff Cartwright watching me. An appreciative smile on his face. I hadn’t thought to check the window for any passersby. “Leon, did you know Hank was watching?”


  “You have no shame.”

  “Firebird, I already know you like to watch others… And all he did was watch…. Besides, we are in public, so someone was bound to see.” As I watch Hank stroll into the diner, coming our way, I shift in my seat. The throb in my pussy building up again. Knowing Hank watched as Leon finger fucked me, is turning me on again. Leon’s chuckle has me glancing up at him. “Would you like me to invite him into our bed?”

  My startled gaze returns to Hank as he comes closer. His hazel eyes twinkling. Almost as though he knows what we are discussing. I shake my head vigorously. “No.”

  “Fine. Tell Poppy she can invite some friends to her birthday bash.”

  My gaze is still on Hank as he sits in the seat opposite us. Had I really thought he would have been a safer option to Leon. Just because he wears a uniform doesn’t mean he didn’t have his kink. Suddenly an image of being sandwich between them both rises up in front of me. Their hands and tongues touching my body. No part of me left unscathed. Leon’s chuckle, and Hank’s deepening smile has me glancing at Leon. “Firebird. Should I be jealous?”

  I lick my lips. “No… N
o. No.”

  Hank’s laugher booms in the room. “Sorry, Hank. She doesn’t mind you watching. But she objects to you touching.”

  “Stop it, Leon.” The possessive, self-satisfied tone of Leon’s voice has me slapping him on the arm. Shit, what was it about today? First Poppy and now Leon is declaring I have a sex life to anyone who will listen.

  “I’ve got to go, Firebird. I’ll pick you up later..” Leon rises and gives me a quick peck on the cheek, then he turns his stare to Hank. “Firebird and I will be out of town in a couple of weeks, can you keep your eye on her siblings and the house?

  “Sure. Going anywhere nice.”

  “Just a club I know.” Leon winks and Hank chuckles at his retreating back, making me wonder what just passed between the two men.

  The Sherriff takes a sip of his coffee as he looks over at me. “Everything okay, Daisy?”


  His eye bow rises. “Are you okay with what just happened.”

  “If I wasn’t, would you arrest yourself, Hank?”

  “No, but I would arrest Leon. That way I have a legit reason to dispose of my rival.”

  I have a soft spot for Hank; however, I wasn’t sorry we haven’t managed to get together. His short hair and uniform makes him one hell of a sexy guy. Especially if you combine his smile and come to bed, hazel eyes. Hank’s wife divorced him several years ago. No one knows why and as far as everyone knows, there hadn’t been anyone involved.

  “Any news about your Pa, Daisy.”


  Hank withdrew his notebook and pen. “Are we going to issue an official missing report?”

  I glance out of the window. Pa has been missing for over a month. Day and The River Demons have come up empty, Leif and Herbie have failed to find out anything, and I’ve almost given up looking. Returning my gaze to Hank, I finally admitted defeat and nod. “Yes.”


  Leon – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  “Ready?” My gaze is fixed on Alex as he drops the cloth he is using to polish the chrome on his Harley into his toolbox, then stores it away at the bottom of his pannier.

  “He better be. Or we’re leaving without him.” Day slaps Alex on his shoulder, then mounts his own Harley, revving the engine as we wait for Alex to finish.

  “It’s a beautiful day, Day.” Alex smiles as he slams the lid of his pannier. The twinkle in eyes has me hiding my own smile as I watch Day look over the lake.

  The sun is just breaking the surface. His smile crinkles the skin around his mouth, exposing his dimples as he nods. “It sure is.”

  We pull up beside Bastian and Oyster, who have spent the night watching the Skull Collectors clubhouse and notice all is quiet.

  “Where’s TJ?” Day’s question brings Bastian’s attention to him and he rubs his hands over his eyes.

  “He’s taking one more ride around the perimeter.” Just as Bastian finishes talking, the sound of a Harley breaks into the air and our attention is focused on the biker as he approaches.

  “Are we going in or watching the sun?” Removing his helmet, TJ, shakes his dreadlocks, then runs his hands through them as he waits for our answer. Oyster chuckles as he revs his bike. Soon we have our bikes revving, roaring into Jono’s camp like a pride of lions. Alex and TJ ride over the dust covered ground, skidding their bikes as stones flies in the air. Grit sails as we yell out our presences. This is no pussyfoot visitation. This is The River Demons declaring war on the Skull Collectors.

  The door to the shack opens and Jono saunters onto the porch. “Morning Day - This is becoming a habit.” He turns to his lackeys, nods, then with a mocking smile, he returns his gaze to Day. “I have an opening for a prospect. If you’re interested.”

  “Thanks for the offer Jono. Most appreciative of it” Day, sends his own men a mocking smile as he dismounts from his bike. When he is up close to Jono, all pretense of friendliness vanishes. His face serious as he turns his full glare on the younger man. “I’ve been talking to Lou-Lou.”

  “Yeah.” Jono slips his hands into his jean’s back pockets and rocks on his feet.

  Day nods. “You really should have chosen someone better than Maria to spy on us.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. She did pretty well.” Jono, runs a speculative glance over his enemy. His gaze just as cold as Day’s.

  “She’s a whore Jono. Do you really think my men are going to talk to her?”

  “They may not. But your clients do.”

  “TJ. Get me a list of everyone Maria’s been paid to fuck in the last three years. Then bring the slut here…” Day turn his gaze back to Jono. “The only thing you’re getting from The River Demons, is a whore you and your men can willingly share.” Day steps closer to his adversary, bringing his face in close. His words carry across the yard for all to hear. “You’re not man enough to break me Jono. As for the Mayor… We’re like this.” Day crosses his fingers, waving them in front of his old friend as he demonstrates his relationship with the Mayor. Fuck, the Mayor is so deeply entangled in corruption, that if it wasn’t for The River Demon’s, he wouldn’t be in office. “Keep out of Noir Valley. Keep away from my club and its workers, Jono. If you don’t. Be prepared to be destroyed.”

  Day spits on the ground as he turns his back on the biker. As soon as he’s remounts his bike, we ride around the compound, circling the Skull Collectors, who stand and watch while Jono never shifts his gaze from Day, following him as he circles him. The hatred is deep, and a shiver runs through my body. Jono is here to stay.

  When the River Demon’s make to return to Noir Valley, I decide to stay behind. I also send a text to TJ. My decision to remain near the Skull Collectors isn’t appreciated as indicated by Day as he frowns, yet he returns to The Demon’s Lair without a fight or me.

  From my perch up an old knotted oak tree, I watch the activity in the compound below. Over the shift of the morning, I count twenty men. All wearing the colors of the Skull Collectors. In his time away from Noir Valley, Jono has managed to build himself a reasonable size club. I don’t know who these men are or where they came from. The phone I have has a pretty good camera on it. But not one that was meant to be used in surveillance. Another text to TJ is sent.

  The sun is beginning to set when the sound of a bike interrupts my stakeout. From my advantage point, I watch, TJ park his Harley next to mine. As he dismounts, so did the whore who is behind him. A pretty blonde with pale sky-blue eyes, and one of the best mouth’s in Noir Valley to give head. She’s several inches shorter than TJ, but considering he measures six-six. That still made her a fairly tall woman. I jump from the lower branch of the tree and fist thump TJ. “Did you get the information I asked for?”

  “Data’s looking into it…. Do you know what you’re doing?”

  My gaze turns to the whore as I dip my head. Holding my hand out to her, I lead her to an old tree trunk, sitting her down to face me. Her blue eyes skitter from TJ then to me. “Yeah, I know what I’m doing.” Hunching in front of Maria, I lift the hands which are gripping her knees. “You know why you’re here.”


  “Look at me. Not TJ.” Maria brings her gaze back to mine. Her pale skin luminous in the dusk light. “Day’s mad with you. You should have told him what was happening when Jono approached you. We could have helped you.” As I chat to the woman, I stroke her arm. Sensing her tremors ease as she relaxes. “There’s a way you can make it up to him and the rest of The River Demons - Afterwards you get to see Lou-Lou again.” Maria smiles. When you are exiled by The River Demons, it’s not just the club, but your friends and family are excluded from you. “You were a fool. And maybe a little in love, Maria.”

  Maria bobs her head in earnest. “A little, Leon. He was nice to me.”

  “Well, I’m going to be nice to you, Maria. However, I want something back.”


  “And if I find out you’ve played me for a fool. You’ll live to regret it.” This time I le
an in closer to the blonde, brushing the loose pale hair behind her ear. “And you will live, Maria. No matter what. I’ll make you live for a very long time.”

  Maria’s throat constricts as she swallows air and saliva. People believe The River Demons are soft, but those who know us well, know different. “I won’t play you, Leon. Whatever you want. I’ll do it.”

  “Good girl. Now listen to me.” Quietly I explain to the whore what I need her to do. “You see that bag TJ’s burying. When it’s safe, you come back and collect it. Then you use what’s inside it when you can. I expect to hear from you in the next forty-eight hours. If I don’t, I’ll take that to mean you’ve changed your mind.”

  “I won’t.”

  With a kiss to her forehead, I pass Maria back to TJ.

  “You did what.” When TJ and I returned to The Demon’s Lair, Day called an impromptu meeting, and now he is staring at me. His cerulean eyes, showing their disbelief. “You did this without discussing it with the club.”

  “Something needed doing quick. Jono isn’t going anywhere and we need to know what he’s up to.”

  “So, you planted your own Mata Hari.”

  “Yep.” Sipping my beer, I lean against the back of my chair.

  Day’s smile finally breaks free as he chuckles. “Shit, Leon. If she comes up trumps, I’m going to owe you one. If she fails, then it’s you who owes the club.”

  I raise my bottle to the club’s president. Confident on which side the coin was going to fall.

  “Meetings closed brothers, let’s go party.”

  On my return to the Saloon I spy Firebird sitting at a table with Data. Her red hair tied back in a topknot. The upper curves of her tits are clearly visible thanks to the low cut of her silk tank top, making my cock twitch as I think of our upcoming night. Which reminds me the club still owes me the weekend I canceled due to Spanish Pete’s murder. It may be gone one in the morning, but this doesn’t stop me from placing my call as I approach the table. “Scoot, Data.”


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