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Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1

Page 13

by Brair Lake

  Data's gray eyes glance up at me, chuckling as he pushes his body from the chair he’s using. Firebird watches him and flashes him one of her smiles. “Thanks for unblocking the sink.”

  “Hey, anytime you need something doing round the house, give me a call. You have my number.”

  “I will do.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Data. I or one of Firebird’s brothers can fix anything which is broken.”

  “The bedroom needs decorating Leon, and I’m not letting my brothers anywhere near it.”

  With a groan, I acknowledge the trap I’ve just walked into. Swiftly I change my grimace into a smile as I lean into Firebird. Enjoying the welcoming kiss, she gives me. Her lips soft as they stroke over my own. When her tongue makes a foray into my mouth, I suck on the appendage, exhilarating in her moan as her hand rests on my thigh. Her fingers close, but not quite touching my crotch. As I deepen the kiss, I guide Firebird’s hand over my cock. Encouraging her to stroke me.

  Chapter 13

  Daisy – The Davaro’s Home Noir Valley

  “What do you think of this top?”

  Suppressing the smile which is attempting to break free, I glance at the fourth Tee-shirt Poppy has tried on. From what I can tell, it’s no different to the previous three tops she has shown me. “I think the second one you tried was your color.”

  “What do you mean by color?”

  Without answering my younger sibling, I flash her a smile as I rise from the bed, strolling to the door where I come face to face with Leon. As I stare into a set of warm brown eyes, I swiftly close the door when a semi naked Poppy emits an ear-piercing scream. “I didn’t hear you arrive.”

  Leon reaches out to stroke the flesh on my bare arm as he guides us to our room. Thinking of Pa’s old room as ours, has me pulling up. It was weird to think how easily Leon fits into our lives. Not that it has been all fire and hearth. There have been arguments, and not just between Leon and me. Leon is giving me free rein in how I raise my sibling, however, if he thinks they are pushing me too far, he throws in his opinion, which often leads to a heated argument which I’m sure the whole street can hear. “Just checking you haven’t changed your mind about this afternoon.”

  “Humph, as if I could. Poppy and her friends are excited about having the party at Demon’s Lair.” Leon’s hand drops from my elbow to my ass. The stroke of his fingers against the material of my jeans does little to ease the slow ache between my legs. Leif, closing his door to his bedroom draws my attention. His fingers fiddling with the buckle of the belt on his jeans as he bumps into Leon before he comes to a standstill.

  “Oh Leon. - Hey, I’ve been looking at a bike. Maybe you can come along and take a look. Let me know what you think.”

  Leon nods. “Sure.” A frown replaces his smile as he watches Leif bounding down the stairs. The door slamming on his way out. “Isn’t Leif coming.”

  I follow Leon into our bedroom. “No. He’s got a date and he doesn’t want her head filled with all that exposed testosterone.”

  Leon chuckles as he closes the bedroom door, pulling my body into his, sending a wave of warm heat through me. “I have some testosterone which needs soothing. Why don’t we have our own party and go to the club latter?”

  Licking my lips, I pat Leon on his chest as I push away from the gleam of lust in his eyes and his all too tempting body. “I’m Poppy’s lift. And if she’s late for her own party she’ll never forgive me.”

  Leon doesn’t let me go, pulling me in close to his body once more. “I’ll teach Poppy to drive. Then she’s not reliant on you or the others.”

  A rattle against the door and an excited female voice has me breaking free of Leon’s hold. “Come on you two. There’s a party waiting on its guest of honor.”

  “She appears to be enjoying herself.”

  Snuggling into Leon’s body as he sits with his hip pushed up against one of the picnic tables, my gaze glances over to Poppy, who is flirting with Data. “She’s the center of attention. Of course, she’s enjoying herself. Even Day’s behaving himself around her.”

  As though he knows we are talking about him, Damian approaches my sister, and the air in my throat becomes trapped, only to be freed when he flashes his devil free care smile at her. None of his usual antagonism showing in his body language. Leon’s chuckle vibrates through me as he nuzzles my neck. His hand stroking my stomach. “We have Day trained. He knows how to behave in public.”

  “Just not with me.”

  “I know how to behave in front of you.”

  Leon gives a subtle shift of his hips, not bothering to disguise the ridged outline of his cock, which is steadily growing as I rub my ass against his lower body. “Ha. If Damian acted like this towards me. I think I’d run. House or no house.”

  Leon’s hand stills against my thigh, his gaze following Damian, who is now heading in our direction. “That’s good to hear Firebird. I’ve never fought over a woman with a brother before. And I don’t want to start now.”

  My own hand gently slaps Leon’s as I flick my gaze up to him. “The only bed Day wants to see me in. Is my death bed. So there really isn’t any threat.”

  “Do you want me to have a word with Data to stay away from your sister?” The strain in Damian’s voice breaks tickles along my spine.

  My gaze breaks from Leon’s smoldering one, as I glance over at Poppy and the Prospect. Slowly I shake my head. “Poppy can take care of him. If she’s not interested in him, she’ll tell him.”

  “And if she is.” The contempt in the other man’s tone, brings home just what Damian thinks of my family and me. That we are not good enough for his men.

  Pulling myself away from Leon, I stand as tall as my small frame will allow. “If Data steps out of place or causes trouble for Poppy. I personally will ring Hank.”

  Damian’s hand cups my cheek, freezing me to the spot as I wait for his response. The cool touch of his cruel lips as they brush over mine, was not what I was expecting. Shock has me starring as Leon’s threat ring in my head. Is Damian aware of what will happen if he showed an interest in me. I that what he was hoping to do? To drive a wedge between Leon and me. Then he steps back. His gaze on my lover. “If she was anyone else Leon. I’d ask you to share her.”

  “If she was anyone else. I’d willingly share her.” Leon’s body brushes up against mine, his hand cupping around my waist, leaving it so that I am unable to breathe.

  “Did Damian just hit on me.”

  When Leon leads us both into the group of dancers, his contented chuckle warms me. “No. If Day had hit on you. We’d already be in one of the cabins.”

  “But you said you’d hit him. If he made a play for me.”

  “But he didn’t hit on you.”

  “You also said you wouldn’t share.”

  “But I wouldn’t stop him from watching.”

  “Leon!” In my haste to break free of his hold, I stumble into another dancing couple.

  “Firebird!” The rise of Leon’s eyebrow and the smirk which flitters across his face fails to ease my temper. “Firebird. You are glorious when you let your body go with passion, and there’s no bigger turn on for you, than having someone watch as you lose yourself in the orgasm you have been given by your lover.” Pulling me closer, Leon cups my cheek. His head lowering. “I knew that the first time you willingly exposed your body to me.”

  “Shit.” Alex’s startled exclamation breaks the heated tension rising between Leon and myself. With a swift step back, I find myself free as Leon turns to his biker brother.

  “What’s going on.”

  “Data’s in a fight with one of those kids.” Alex’s statement has me glancing over to the commotion he is fussing about. As though I am watching a film, the sea of bodies in front of me part. In the middle of the parking lot, are two bodies huddled together. From my vantage point, it is easier to see who is winning. And it most definitely isn’t the younger boy. His skinny arms and legs flaying everywhere as he att
empts to connect his fist to the larger, older body.

  Damian has come to stand beside me. His hand drops from the club whore, while the lopsided smile of earlier disappears. His cerulean eyes almost black. “Fuck. You, Davaro’s cause trouble no matter which one it is.”

  I glare at him, my fingers curl into my fist. “You shouldn’t make assumptions.”

  Damian turns his damming gaze towards me. His lip curling. “When two men are fighting. You can guarantee it’s over some slut.” Damian’s smug expression has me sweeping my gaze over the gathering crowd, and it is then I notice Poppy and Herbie are missing.

  My cheeks are warm as I turn back to Day. “Have you seen my sister.”

  His smile is patronizing as he tilts his head. “Bastian escorted her onto the boat.”

  It doesn’t take me long to find Bastian and my sister. Along with Herbie they are in a small office. Tear tracks smudged the foundation on Poppy’s cheeks. Her mascara and eyeliner have run. Gone was the artfully made eyes. Now I am facing two of the blackest, bleakest eyes I have seen in a long time. “What’s going on?”

  Bastian’s gaze leaves Poppy’s to meet mine. His large body unfolding from its kneeling position. “I’ll leave you three to talk. I need to find Leon.”


  Topaz eyes glare directly at me. As he passes, Bastian’s hand rests on my shoulder. “Look after Poppy.”

  “What about Leon?”

  “I’ll take care of the bastard.”

  Frustrated with my lack of success in obtaining any answers from the biker, I switch my attention to my siblings. “Well.” Poppy burst into more fresh tears and Herbie flashes me his hound dog gaze. “Is someone going to tell me what’s going on.”

  “I can’t believe.” Poppy hiccupped several times before she continued. “He said it, Daisy.”

  As I walk further into the room, to sit in the vacant spot left by Bastian, I take my sister’s hand in mine. “What can’t you believe.”

  Poppy’s looks at the floor as her tongue swipes her lips. “Robbie and Claire.”

  My heart constricted. “What did they do?”

  Poppy finally turns her gaze to me. The whites of her eyes shot with red, and as up close as I am, I see how puffy the surrounding flesh is. “Claire was telling Robbie now that you’re screwing a bbbbiker. That made us both easy game.”

  “You have to tell Hank about Al, Daisy.” My glance shifts from Poppy to Herbie.

  “What the fuck has Al got to do with this.” Herbie shuffles on his toes as he glances over my shoulder. His troubled amber eyes avoiding mine. “Herbie.”

  “He’s been telling everyone that before Leon came along you two were having an affair.”

  My stomach clenches violently. It still amazes me at how wrong I got Al. “Poppy.”


  I cup her face between my palms. “You can do one of two things.”

  “What’s that.”

  Placing a smile, I’m not feeling confident about, I stand. “You can go back to the party and carry on having fun. Show everyone you don’t care. Or we tell your friends, it’s over and you can go home.”

  “We’re Davaros. We don’t hide.”


  Leon – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  Firebird’s silence since our return to the cabin, has me on tenterhooks. I’ve never known her to be this silent. Especially not for this length of time. When she enters the bathroom still without saying a word, I find myself pacing the small cabin. My eyes shifting over to the bathroom door as I impatiently wait for her return and for the explosion which is sure to erupt at any moment. “Do you have something to say?” On her return from the bathroom, Firebird continues to ignore me as she stretches over the bed, leaning back on her elbows as she gazes up at me. Her amber eyes laughing in her recently scrubbed makeup free face. Her glorious red hair free as it tumbles down her back has my cock twitching. Wearily I step towards the bed.

  “No.” Still nervous at whatever game she is playing, I raise an eyebrow at her cryptic answer, then hunching down to the floor, I unzip her black knee-length boots, trailing kisses down her inner calf as I expose her smooth flesh. “Thank you.” Her voice is a whisper which caress my spine.

  Breaking from the kiss at her ankle as I remove the boot, I glance up at my woman. “What for.”

  “For today.”

  “Data will be punished.”

  “What for.”

  “For attacking that boy.”

  “He shouldn’t be punished for that.” Firebird leans further back into the mattress, her hips rising as she slides her white shorts down. From my kneeling position I have a wonderful view of her pussy. A satisfied smile spreads across my face as I watch it glisten in preparation for me. Yep, my woman is ready for me.

  With her lower body exposed to my gaze, I raise Firebird’s legs onto the bed, placing her feet flat as I spread her thighs. My tongue traces a path up her inner calf. The shiver she releases, sends a corresponding one through my body. As I reach her thigh, my tongue slithers further up until I reach her pubic bone and I skate my tongue under the hem of her bright tangerine Tee-shirt. “The boy was a guest.”

  A sigh escapes Firebird as her head falls back. “He insulted Poppy and me.”

  I lick her flesh and smile at the tiny shudder beneath my tongue. “He did. So, Data’s punishment will be pretty mild.”

  “Promise.” Firebird’s soft sigh wraps around my cock as she raises her hips and spreads her arms above her head, searching for and finding the wall where she presses her palms against the cold white plywood. My licks quickly turn to nips against her flesh. Firebird’s breathing grows labored when I feast on her lower stomach, before sliding across and down to her other thigh. The kisses I leave, lead me to the back of her knee. With a tentative prod of my tongue, I taste the salty flesh. Enjoying the indrawn breath, she takes.

  “I promise.”

  Firebird’s body shudders as my breath warms her. “Touch me, Leon.”

  “I am.”

  “Not just there.”

  With a smile, I kiss the back of Firebird’s knee. Tormenting the flesh as her body twists. The aroma of her arousal drifts towards my nose. As tempted as I am to feast on her pussy, I continue to play with the back of her knee. Lick, kiss, nip. The fingers on my free hand drift across to her other knee to stroke the soft flesh and I smile as she quivers beneath my touch.

  “Leon. More.”


  “No. Now.”

  “If you don’t behave yourself, I’ll invite Day to watch.” My chuckle is low as it vibrates against the flesh of Firebird’s calf. The tremor which runs through her body, sends an answering one in mine. “Put your hands back on the wall.” Firebird’s hands are swiftly replaced against the wall as I continue to lick and nibble her leg until I reach her ankle, then her foot. Each brightly painted orange toenail is sucked. When I lick the under arch of her foot, Firebird’s body arches of the bed and the room fills with her loud moans.

  “Leon, I ache.”

  “When your burning Baby, then I’ll pound into that sweet pussy.”

  “I’m burning now.”

  “But not enough.”

  My tormenting touch is now focused on her other leg, sucking on the orange painted toenails and slowly I glide my tongue along her calf. Each lick, nip and suck I deliver, emits a groan and a twist from Firebird. “Leon!”

  “Tell me what you want.”



  “In my pussy.”

  Slowly I draw back, kneeling between Firebird’s bent legs, my fingers slip to her pussy, parting the plump lips, exposing the pink glistening flesh to my heavy gaze. “Here?” Gently I brush my finger over the tender flesh, smiling as she bucks under my touch. Firebird’s ‘Yes’ is shrill as she arches once more. “Or here?” I tease as I prod at the opening of her channel. Her body thrusts harder as she attempts to take my finger in further.

  “Deeper, Leon. Deeper.”

  With a satisfied chuckle, I practically fall on to Firebird’s pussy. Savoring her flesh. Relishing the texture of her cream as my tongue swirls, licks and pushes against her. Sucking on the hard nub of her clit. As my tongue plays with her clit and pussy, I slide my thumb to her rear, pressing against her sweet small rosette opening. “Soon, Firebird. I’m going to take you there.”

  “Erm” Firebird’s legs tense, yet I wasn’t ready for my Baby to come. With one last deep kiss on her pussy, I slide up Firebird’s body, pushing her orange Tee-shirt up as I latch on to the ridged nub of her tit. Clamping my teeth on the hard length as I pull vigorously on the flesh. “Let me touch you, Leon.”

  “Soon.” With a wicked laugh, I slide over to the other nipple, playing, sucking and nipping on the bud whilst Firebird’s body writhers under mine. Her pussy seeks my cock as her hips thrust upwards. Teasingly I slide my cock against her plump lips but refuse to give Firebird what she hungers for.

  “Stop being a bastard. Leon. And fuck me.”


  “No - Now.”

  Pulling once more on the puckered nipple, I tug at the flesh then let it go. Leaning back to stare down at the flushed body beneath me. I glide my hands over the side of her body. My thumb coming to rest against Firebird’s mouth.

  “Seems like I need to shut you up. And there’s only one way to do that Firebird.”

  Shuffling my body until my knees surround Firebird’s head, I use my thumb to open her mouth. With my free hand, I release the zipper of my jeans, sliding the head of my cock over her lips. When her tongue comes out to play over my slit, a shiver races through my body. As her tongue grows more daring, I slide more of the head of my cock into her mouth until she is sucking on the bulbous ball. With one hand on the wall and one hand wrapped around my cock, I slowly slide my cock in further.

  “Don’t move your fucking hands.” Firebird quickly places her hands back on the wall. Her eyes opening as she pleads silently. With gentle strokes, I drag my cock back, only to push it further in. When I reach Firebird’s gag reflexes, our eyes clash. “Relax, Firebird. Open up. You know you can.”


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