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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 3

by M. K. Eidem


  Stephanie smiled as Evander Terwilliger's voice filled the room and he quickly moved to hug her. She'd known this man since she'd been in diapers. Or so her parents had always told her. She had different memories of him, all at important moments of her life, including her graduation from the Academy. So she was surprised when he suddenly froze moments before embracing her.

  Stepping forward, she embraced the older gentleman. "Assemblyman Terwilliger, how wonderful to see you again."

  "And you." He returned her hug, but much more tentatively then pulled back. "How are you doing?"

  "Fine, nearly fully recovered." She didn't need to look at Deffand to see his disbelieving look.

  "That's wonderful, just wonderful. That means we can proceed with the commendation ceremony."

  "Commendation ceremony?" she asked looking up at him with confused eyes.

  "Yes, for your heroism in saving the King and future Queen. I was just discussing it with King Jotham, but he thought it would still be some time before you were up and mobile. It's one of the few times I can say I'm glad he's wrong."

  "I couldn't agree more," Jotham said, stepping out of his office. "Stephanie, I wasn't expecting you today."

  "I know. My apologies, Majesty, I should have called in advance and scheduled an appointment."

  "Nonsense. Please." Jotham gestured toward his office with a sweep of his arm. "Come in."

  While Stephanie knew he was sincere, she also saw Chesney furiously typing on his keyboard, and the expressions that crossed those sitting in the chairs on the other side of the room patiently waiting for their scheduled turn with the King.

  "No please, Majesty, these people are waiting for their scheduled time with you. It's not right for me to disrupt that, especially when this isn't an emergency. I'll schedule a time with Mister Chesney."

  Jotham just looked at her for a moment, then turned to Chesney. "Please inform Safford that there will be three for lunch today."

  "At once, Majesty," Chesney said, immediately contacting the kitchen to relay the information.

  "I'll see you at lunch then, Stephanie. We can discuss whatever’s on your mind then."

  "Thank you, Majesty," she bowed her head slightly, and Jotham reentered his office.

  "I'll escort you to your mother, Lieutenant." Deffand opened the door then gestured for her to precede him. With a smile and with a nod to Chesney and Evander she did.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Stephanie!" Jacinda turned, the absolute pleasure at seeing her daughter easily heard by everyone present. "I didn't know you were coming."

  Stephanie found herself speechless at what she saw. Her mother was standing on a slightly raised platform with the designers, Kia and Pazel, working around her pinning and fussing with the gown she wore.

  Her Union gown.

  It was magnificent.

  And while it would shock many, it truly represented her mother.

  "Jacinda!" Kia snapped in exasperation. "I told you not to move."

  "Kia! Remember who you're talking to," Pazel hissed.

  Stephanie tipped her head back and laughed. Ancestors, she loved this couple. She'd known them for cycles ever since her mother used to take her with her for many of her fittings. Stephanie had been fascinated watching them create the stunning outfits her mother would wear during the next Assembly season. But all of those dimmed, like the light of the fading suns, compared to what her mother was wearing now.

  It was a simple sheath dress made from charmeuse with a V-neckline. Stephanie recognized it because it was one of her secret vices, to have her eadai made out of the soft, silky fabric. She blamed that on her mother because she’d introduced her to the luxurious fabric. But Stephanie would never have once considered wearing it the way her mother was.

  The gown was violet.

  House of Protection violet.

  There was no doubt where her mother's loyalty lay, or what House she would be Queen of, even though the beading along her shoulders and the nearly invisible material that made her back appear naked to the waist was House of Healing gold.

  It perfectly reflected her mother’s and Jotham's love.

  Kia's words had Stephanie chuckling. "Yes, Mother, stand still. How many times did you tell me that growing up?"

  "More than I should have had to," Jacinda replied, but she returned to her original position. "And Pazel, you know I don't expect either of you to address me any differently than you have for the last thirty-five cycles."

  "That might be what you expect, Majesty, but that isn't the way it shall be," he told her glaring at his wife, not realizing he was doing precisely what he'd scolded Kia for, chastising a Queen.

  It wasn't lost on any of the women.

  "So, Stephanie, who escorted you here?" Stephanie saw her mom's eyes widen suddenly. "Tell me it wasn't Jotham! I don't want him to see me until..."

  "Mom," Stephanie cut her off with a warm smile. "It wasn't Jotham. He isn't going to see your Union gown until you want him to." She saw the tension leave her mother's shoulders. "It was Captain Deffand."

  "Oh, that was so nice of Nicholas to take the time. He's been so busy what with all the changes going on."

  "Yes, I'm sure he has," Stephanie said noncommittally, moving so she could talk to her mom face-to-face.

  "You'll stay for lunch, won't you?" Jacinda continued. "It's such a beautiful day that we were planning on eating in the garden. Oh, I need to notify Safford that there will be one more."

  "Jotham's already done that, Mom."

  "He has?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

  "Yes, I stopped by his office before coming here," Stephanie confirmed.

  "He didn't tell me you had a meeting scheduled for today."

  "That's because we didn't," she admitted. "I showed up without an appointment. The King was gracious enough to allow me to speak with him over lunch."

  "You know you are always welcome to share a meal with us, Stephanie."

  "I know, you've said so enough times, but I also know it’s some of the only uninterrupted time the two of you get together."

  "True, but neither of us considers our children an interruption." She looked to Pazel and Kia. "Are we about done?"

  "Yes, we'll just adjust this hem, add the final beading, and it will be done." Kia took a step back. "I can't tell you how much it means that you would trust us to create such an important gown, Jacinda." Kia and Jacinda had become close friends over the cycles, and she would treat her as such.

  "There's no one else I would choose, Kia and Pazel. For not only are you extremely talented, but you are trusted friends. Now come, let’s get me out of this gown."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Turk stood at attention before the Captain of the Royal Guards’ desk.

  "Explain," Nicholas ordered.

  "Sir, I have nothing to add to what I've already said. The transport backed out of the garage attached to the house without anyone seeing who got in it. It was a mistake that won't happen again."

  "That’s right, it won't,” Nick told him. “I understand we are stretched to our limits, Turk, but mistakes like this can't happen. Gilbert will take over the protection of the Michelakakis residence." Turk's jaw tightened, but to his credit, he didn't argue with his Captain. "You will be reassigned to the Palace."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Go get some rest, Lieutenant."

  Chapter Three

  "I can't remember the last time I had a meal that good," Stephanie said as she sat back in her chair, rubbing her stomach.

  "Safford will be pleased to hear you enjoyed it." Jotham wiped his mouth with a napkin before setting it aside.

  "More coffee, Jotham?" Jacinda asked, holding the pot over his cup.

  "That would be wonderful, my love, thank you. You know how much I like the blend Pittaluga makes just for you." His gaze turned to Stephanie. "Now, Stephanie, what is it you wanted to discuss with me?"

  "The position you offered me

  "Position?" Jacinda asked, setting the pot back down after filling his cup.

  "I offered Stephanie the position of Commander of the Royal Guard for the House of Protection. It's a position that hasn't been filled in nearly thirty cycles, and she will be the first woman to ever hold it."

  "You did? Oh, Jotham..." Jacinda squeezed his forearm as she gave him a grateful look. He covered her hand with his.

  "She has yet to inform me if she'll accept it."

  "Stephanie?" They both looked to her.

  Stephanie's gaze moved from their clasped hands to the two sets of eyes waiting for her reply. In that moment, she actually saw the love between them. It was there for all to see in the little things like the way her mother made sure Jotham had his favorite coffee. And the way Jotham's thumb caressed the top of her mother's hand on his arm. She hadn't let herself see it before or after her injury, because she was too caught up in her own wants and needs. But she couldn't deny what she saw, and she needed to make sure they knew that.

  "I owe you both an apology," she started.

  "For what?" Jacinda's eyes filled with confusion. "Stephanie, what are you talking about?"

  "The way I reacted, the things I said, especially to you, Mom, when you told me that the two of you were involved. I should have handled it better."

  "It was a shock..."

  "That doesn't matter," Stephanie cut her mother off. "I've been trained to handle shocking situations."

  "Professional situations," Jotham quietly interjected. "This was personal."

  "Yes, it was. Is. I grew up idolizing my father. He was so handsome to me, so strong, and did such important work. When I was little, I used to sneak into his office and hide under his desk."

  "Stephanie!" Jacinda didn't try to hide her surprise.

  "I know, I was supposed to be in bed, but Dad was always gone so much. It was the only way I could spend time with him. It never took long before he found me, but no matter how busy he was, he would stop what he was doing and talk to me. He'd ask me about my day, school, then he'd pick me up, tuck me back in bed, and tell me he loved me."

  "I never knew," Jacinda murmured.

  "I know, neither did Danton or Ethan. It was something only Dad and I knew about."

  "You two always had a special relationship," Jacinda acknowledged.

  "We did, but that wasn't the only reason I reacted so badly. You see," she looked to Jotham, "I was there, under the desk, when you told Dad you would never take another Queen."

  "What?" Jotham asked appearing shocked.

  "You and Dad were on a comm. He was trying to introduce you to someone. I don't remember her name. I really wasn't paying close of attention, not until you raised your voice."


  "You said in no uncertain terms there would only ever be one woman for you... one Queen. You said that woman was Lata, and she was gone." She looked at her mother. "I knew from what you said to me that day in the hall that you were going to stand by Jotham no matter what. The way you did with Dad. You always put his needs first, then ours, and I couldn't stand to see you do it again. Not when it felt so wrong. You were never meant to be a companion, Mom. Not even to a King."

  "I couldn't agree more, Stephanie," Jotham agreed, "and I should never have allowed anyone, your mother included, to think I would. The only defense I have is that I wanted Jacinda with me so badly, wanted to have something that was just ours, that I never realized how others were going to view it, especially her family. As soon as I did, I made sure everyone understood exactly how I viewed her and that her place in my life was at my side."

  "I know that. It's just taken me some time to actually accept it."

  "Are you saying you do now?" Jacinda asked, hope filling her voice.

  "Yeah, Mom, I do, and I'm so happy for you." She reached out and gripped her mother's other hand then looked to Jotham. "For both of you. Welcome to the family, Jotham. I hope you know what you're getting into."

  Jotham tipped his head back and laughed. "I believe I will thoroughly enjoy finding out." After a few moments, the humor left his face, and he was again the King. "So, Lieutenant, are you going to accept the position I offered you?"

  Stephanie straightened in her chair and looked her King in the eye. "Majesty, if you truly believe I am the right person for the position, because of my experience and skills and not because of my sex or our new relationship, then yes, I would very much like to be the Commander of your Royal Guard."

  "Excellent." Jotham leaned over and kissed Jacinda’s cheek before he rose. "Then, my love, Stephanie and I need to return to my office so we can finalize this."

  "Of course." Jacinda smiled up at him. "I'll see you at last meal. You too, Stephanie, if you are still in the Palace."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Several things need to be taken care of before your promotion can be made public, Stephanie," Jotham said, as he moved around his desk. He'd informed Chesney on their way in to let his afternoon appointments know that they would be delayed. If they were unable to wait, they would be rescheduled for the earliest possible date, and to also notify Deffand he was needed in his office.

  The first had surprised Stephanie, as she'd never heard of a Royal willing to rework his schedule for the benefit of others. It gave her an insight into the man her mother had fallen in love with. The second she realized was necessary as she and Deffand would be working together.

  "First you will need to submit your resignation from the Coalition to the High Admiral." Jotham sat down and began to enter a code into his comm.


  "Is that going to be a problem?" His fingers paused before completing the code.

  "I... No, I just hadn’t considered that."

  "You can't serve both the Coalition and your King, Stephanie," he told her quietly.

  "Isn't that what I've been doing my entire life?" she asked.

  "To a point, yes, but you've always answered to and taken your orders from the Coalition. Now you will take them from me. Can you do that?"

  "As the Commander of the Royal Guard, I will take orders from no one when it comes to making sure those under my protection remain safe, including you, Majesty. Can you do that?" She could see she'd surprised him as Jotham stared at her in disbelief.

  "You would disobey a direct order from me?" Jotham's eyes widened in surprise.

  "If it puts you or any other Royal in danger, then yes. That's the job, isn't it? To make the hard decisions?"

  "It is," he agreed.

  "Then as long as we agree who is in charge of your protection, then I have no problem giving up my commission in the Coalition."

  Nodding Jotham gestured for her to sit, and finished entering the code into his comm.

  "Zafar." The High Admiral's voice filled the room.

  "High Admiral, I am contacting you to officially inform you that Lieutenant Stephanie Michelakakis will be resigning her commission in the Coalition. Effective immediately."

  A long pause greeted the King's statement, letting Stephanie know the King had taken the High Admiral by surprise.

  "King Jotham, with all due respect, you are outside your authority. No Royal, King or not, can resign the commission of an officer in the Coalition unless it is the heir to the throne."

  "Lieutenant Michelakakis is now my daughter, High Admiral," Jotham's voice rose his displeasure easily heard.

  "But she is not the heir to the throne. Which means only she can resign her commission."

  Jotham turned the screen toward Stephanie so she and the High Admiral could see one another.

  "High Admiral," she spoke, "I hereby give notice that I will be resigning my commission with the Coalition. I realize this isn't the proper chain of command, but ultimately you are my Commanding Officer."

  "That is true." The High Admiral paused for a moment. "Are you sure this is what you want, Lieutenant? While I realize your injury makes it impossible to return to your previous position, there is a place for you i
n the Coalition."

  "High Admiral, with respect, we both know that's not true. I would be nothing but a handicap out in the Fleet with the ever-changing pressures and sudden leaps to warp speed."

  "There are always positions on planet or the Bering."

  Stephanie appreciated him giving her options but it was unnecessary. "Thank you, High Admiral, but no. My time in the Coalition is over. I'll be accepting the position King Jotham has offered me."

  "And what position is that?" The High Admiral asked, frowning at her.

  "As soon as you release the Lieutenant, Stephanie will become the Commander of my Royal Guard," Jotham informed him.

  "Commander..." the High Admiral trailed off, his gaze sharpening. "The Coalition will sorely miss you, Lieutenant, but I honestly believe you are where the ancestors always meant for you to be."

  Stephanie felt her cheeks heating at the compliment. "I... thank you, High Admiral."

  "No thanks necessary. I’ll get the paperwork started. It will be done by the end of the day."

  "That fast?" Stephanie couldn't keep the shock out of her voice. Couldn't believe her old life could be over that quickly.

  "You prefer I wait? In case you change your mind?" the High Admiral asked.

  "What? No. No, High Admiral. I know this is what I want. I was just surprised."

  "Well, while you are not the heir to the throne, you are now a Royal, and there are always exceptions for when they need to leave the Coalition." She watched him take a deep breath before continuing. "If I may, I'd like to speak to you on a personal level."

  "I... yes, of course, High Admiral."

  "It's William, Stephanie. May I call you Stephanie?"

  "I, yes, of course."

  "I have not had the chance to personally apologize for what happened to you while in my House."

  "High... William, it was not your fault," she told him unable to believe he would ever think that.

  "It was, because not only am I the High Admiral, but I am the King of the House of Knowledge, and I take the protection of those within it very seriously. It also comes from being from the House of Protection." He and Jotham shared an understanding smile. "I fully planned on offering you a position within the House of Knowledge once you completed Peter's training."


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