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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 4

by M. K. Eidem

  "What? You can't be sure I would have. Completed the training, that is."

  "Oh, I have no doubt you would have, neither did Peter. His belief in you was so strong that he recommended you to become a member of Cassandra's personal guard." Stephanie knew her shock showed on her face. "It is a position never before offered to someone who was not from the House of Knowledge. It speaks to the belief Peter has in your skill, that he would trust you to protect his sister."

  She knew what a high honor that was. "I never knew."

  "You weren't supposed to, and you more than proved Peter's belief was well placed with the way you protected your mother and Jotham."

  "It’s what I was always meant to do," she told him quietly.

  "I agree, and now you will be in charge of making sure the rest of the Royals in the House of Protection are as well protected. It is a daunting task, but I'm sure you are more than up for it. I'm also sure Jacinda will appreciate having you near after coming so close to losing you."

  "You speak as if you know my mother."

  "I do. We went to the Academy together. We never reconnected though until Jotham brought her to Kisurri. We were both surprised to discover how intertwined our lives have actually been."

  "She never said a word." It seemed there was a great deal more for her to learn about her mother.

  "She wouldn't now... would she? Jacinda is a truly remarkable woman, and her daughter takes after her."

  “She does,” Jotham agreed. “Have the paperwork sent to Chesney, Will. Some arrangements need to be made before the official announcement can be made.”


  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Deffand nodded at Chesney when he waved him directly into Jotham’s office. He wasn’t sure why he’d been summoned at this time of day, unless it was because Jotham had learned his security had failed with Stephanie before Deffand himself had been able to inform him. As Stephanie had lunch with Jotham and her mother, he was sure that's what it was. He needed to be prepared for whatever consequences the King felt fitted such a heinous transgression.

  Pausing only long enough to make sure his uniform was straight, he entered the office. Inside he found the King sitting behind his desk as he expected. What he didn't expect was for Stephanie to be sitting across from him.

  "Nicholas, come in. Close the door."

  Doing as his King commanded, he moved and stood at attention before his sovereign.

  "Sit, Nicholas." Jotham pointed to the chair next to Stephanie's, and after only a moment’s hesitation, he did but remained stiff which had Jotham frowning. "What is wrong, Nicholas?"

  "Sire, I take full responsibility for what happened. I should have anticipated the possibility and taken measures."

  "Possibility? Measures?" Jotham's frown deepened. "Nicholas, what are you talking about?"

  "I believe he's talking about how I arrived here today," Stephanie quietly spoke up.

  "How you arrived?" Jotham asked.

  "I failed to inform my protective detail that I was leaving," she told him.

  "You did what?" While Jotham didn't raise his voice, there was no doubting the anger that filled it.

  "I'm not used to having to account for my comings and goings, Sire, so when I decided to come to speak with you, I got in my transport and did so. As soon as Lieutenant Turk contacted me, I realized my mistake. Instead of stopping and waiting for my detail to catch up as he requested, I assessed the situation and decided the best course of action would be to proceed to the Palace. The fault is mine, as are the consequences. Not Lieutenant Turk's or Captain Deffand's."

  "Is that how you would see it if you were in charge?" Jotham asked.

  "No, but this situation is different," she told him.

  "I have already removed Turk from Lieutenant Michelakakis' protective detail, Sire. Lieutenant Gilbert is now in charge."

  "But it wasn't Turk's fault." Stephanie rounded on Nicholas.

  “He was in charge of your protection and failed in that task,” Nicholas fired back.

  “Enough.” Jotham’s sharp order had both of them snapping their mouths shut as they turned to face him. “While that’s not why I asked for you here, Captain, I should have been informed.”

  “I intended on telling you during our scheduled afternoon meeting, Sire,” Nicholas said stiffly.

  “When a member of my family is without protection, I expect to be immediately informed, Captain!”

  “Yes, Sire. It won’t happen again.”

  “I know it won’t, Captain, because you will no longer be overseeing that protection.”

  “I...” Nicholas’s eyes widened in shock, and his skin paled. He’d known Jotham would be upset when he’d learned about what had happened, that there would be consequences, but he’d never thought it would cost him his position as Captain of the King’s Guard. Not after all the cycles of loyal service he had given his King. “Of course, Majesty. I will immediately remove myself from your House.”

  “What?” Jotham frowned at him for a moment then cursed. “Ancestors, Nicholas, you have been with me for more cycles than I can remember. I have complete and utter trust in you. I didn't mean to imply otherwise.”


  “I only meant that you will be returning to your original duty of overseeing just my protection.”

  “But, Sire, Prince Barek, Queen Jacinda, and the rest of the Michelakakises...” Nicholas could believe it. Those details needed to be coordinated. If he didn't do it who would?

  “Will have their own Captains and they, along with you, will answer to the Commander of the Royal Guard. She, in turn, will answer to me.”

  “Commander? She?”

  “Stephanie has retired her commission with the Coalition, and as soon as the High Admiral completes the paperwork, she will be assuming the position as Commander of the Royal Guard."

  "I see," Nicholas said slowly.

  "I know this comes as a surprise to you, Nicholas, but this change isn't because of the way you have executed your duties of late. In fact, you have handled the sudden increase in those needing protection admirably, but you are being pulled in too many directions. I want my Captain back. Stephanie has the skills needed to coordinate multiple security details while not having to worry about being in one."

  They both saw Stephanie stiffen and Jotham instantly regretted his words.

  "My apologies, Stephanie," Jotham said apologetically.

  "No need to be, Sire. You were just stating the truth," she said stiffly then looked at Nicholas. "Perhaps it would be best if we took this to your office, Captain. There's a great deal we need to discuss, and the King has a busy schedule we are interfering with. If that's alright with you, Majesty?" She looked back to Jotham.

  "Yes, of course. I have complete faith in both of you. You can report back to me with what you've decided at last meal tonight."

  Chapter Four

  No words were spoken between Stephanie and the Captain as they walked side-by-side through the corridors to his office in the Guard Wing. The Wing was situated between the Guest and Servant Wings. It was where Royal Guards were quartered when on shift. Some, mostly those that were single, lived there permanently while those with families used it when Palace security was heightened, as it had been ever since the attack on Jacinda.

  Stephanie ignored the surprised looks she received as they entered the Wing and passed through a large, open room where several guards were relaxing. She knew this area was 'no man's land' for women, except for the occasional wife of a guard. She not only expected the stares, but was used to it. While more and more women were choosing to serve as security guards in the Coalition, they were still a tiny percentage of the total force, and that percentage was even lower in the Palaces.

  Deffand pushed open the door to his office, and tried to ignore the fresh citrus scent that filled his nose as Stephanie entered. He closed it firmly behind her, shutting out all the curious eyes and ears.

  Stephanie let
her gaze travel over the room, taking in everything at once. It wasn't an overly large space and only contained two desks with a multitude of chairs. One desk was shoved up against a wall and covered with what looked to be maps, charts, and empty cups. The other was covered with files, stacked in a neat and orderly fashion across its well-worn top. It was obvious which one Deffand used.

  It wasn't what she had expected for the Captain's Office, not after seeing the one in the House of Knowledge. She'd only gotten to see that one because it was right next to Captain Chamberlain's and she'd been with him when he'd stopped in to speak with the Captain of Cassandra's Guard.

  Deffand watched her silently assess the room as he moved around his desk, her expression giving nothing away. Gesturing for her to take the chair on the other side of his desk, he sat and waited.

  'Begin as you mean to finish.'

  Her father's words echoed in her mind, and Stephanie realized they had never been more accurate. If she was ever going to earn the respect of this man... which she very much did, and that of the men under her command, then she needed to show them that she was more than capable of holding the position.

  "I would like to speak to Lieutenant Turk," she told him.

  "I told you..."

  "Yes, I know. You relieved him from commanding my protective detail, which means you told him to return to the Palace and resume his original duties."

  "And you know what those duties were?" The eyebrow Deffand raised told Stephanie he found that hard to believe.

  "Lieutenant Turk was born thirty-two cycles ago to Malvard and Helen Turk and is the oldest of five. He graduated third in his class at the Academy and served all six of his cycles in the Coalition on the Retribution. He then applied for the Royal Guard Training Program. His initial application was denied, so he served as a Palace Guard. His second application was accepted. He completed the program and became a Royal Guard for the House of Protection. For the first cycle, he was stationed at the doors of the King's Wing. You then worked him into the rotation guarding King Jotham where he remained until you put him in charge of my detail."

  She caught the flash of surprise that crossed his face. "How do you know all this?"

  "Before my injury, I fully planned on becoming a member of King Jotham's Royal Guard. I made sure I knew who I would be working with."

  "That information is confidential."

  "Information on Royal Guards and their families is easy to access... too easy. That's something I plan on changing when I become Commander."

  "So you're saying you know all about my men."

  "My men," she corrected, not missing the doubt in his voice, "and yes I do, including you."

  "Me?" Deffand leaned back in his chair. "What do you think you know about me?"

  "You are the oldest of three. Both of your parents are alive and live in the Lake Baku Region. Your younger brother works with your father in the family business, and your sister is married with two children. Her husband works for the Pechora Security Force, and he was there when my mother had her accident several moon cycles ago. You graduated top of your class at the Academy, served in the Coalition, and were decorated multiple times for bravery. Your first application to the Royal Guard Training Program was accepted, and you were the top of that class too. You so impressed Captain Rutherford, King Jotham's former Captain, he recommended you to replace him when he retired. Making you the youngest to ever be the Captain of a King's Guard. Should I go on?" she asked.

  Deffand's mouth twisted. "I believe you've made your point."

  "Look, Captain. I, better than anyone, know how this looks and what people are going to say, but I am qualified for this position."

  "I know that, Lieutenant, because part of my responsibility as Captain is to know everything about the Royals under my protection. As soon as I became aware of my King's interest in your mother, it became my job to find out everything about her and her family, which includes you."

  Stephanie's lips pressed together for a moment. She didn't like the thought that this man had investigated her. Understood it, but didn't like it. She'd always guarded her privacy fiercely because as the daughter of a powerful Assemblyman, she hadn't had a lot. Oh her parents had tried to shield her and her brothers from it, but there was only so much they could do. Then in the Coalition, with the career path she'd chosen, she'd had to be even more careful.

  "Did you find anything interesting?"

  "Yes," he reluctantly admitted. "Your record is impeccable, and you are highly thought of throughout the Fleet."

  "And that surprises you?"

  "No. What surprises me is that there isn't as much of a whisper of you being personally involved with anyone."

  Stephanie hadn't expected that. "My private life is just that, Captain. Private."

  "Oh I couldn't agree more, but still I find it interesting." There was a tinge of respect in his tone.

  "Why? My father was a well-known Assemblyman. I learned at a young age the necessity of discretion. It seems you have too since I couldn't find any intel on you being involved with anyone since you became a Royal Guard."

  "It would seem we live our lives quite similarly."

  Stephanie found she liked that, maybe too much, but she'd think about it later. Right now she needed to get down to business. "So, Lieutenant Turk?"

  Deffand touched his comm. "Lieutenant Turk, report to my office." He disconnected before there was a chance for anyone to respond.

  "How do you know he heard you?" she asked.

  "There is a special channel that connects to every guard’s earpiece. He doesn't have to answer."

  "I'll need one of those."

  "I'll make sure you have it," he told her and Stephanie watched his full sensual lips turn up in what she considered a sexy half smile.

  "And if he doesn't have his earpiece in?" she asked moistening her suddenly dry lips. "After all, you did remove him from my protection detail."

  "All Royal Guards, when within the Palace walls, are required to wear their earpiece." Deffand's gaze followed her tongue as she wet her lips.

  "Even when they are off duty?"

  "No one is ever off duty when they reside in the Palace, and lately even those outside it are required to be in constant contact." Deffand gaze slowly returned to hers and she wasn't sure what she was seeing in them.

  "Because of the increase in the number of Royals?" she asked.

  "Yes. As I'm sure you’re aware, we began the process of increasing the number of Royal Guards once Jotham made it clear that Jacinda was going to be a part of his life."

  Stephanie knew that was going to be a huge challenge, but she knew she was up for it. "That's going to take time."

  "Yes, there have only been two classes since the increase in need. So we've been using every available guard we have."

  "How many applicants successfully completed the courses?" she asked, leaning forward slightly, catching the slight hint of musk he wore. It fit the sexy man perfectly.

  "Thirteen from the first and twelve from the second that was completed yesterday."

  "Really?" she frowned at that. "That's an unusually high completion rate, How many are willing to commit to the House of Protection?"

  "All of them."

  "What?" That completely pulled her attention away from her thoughts about how sexily Nicholas Deffand was. "That's unheard of."

  "Not when every applicant in the classes was from the House of Protection." When she just stared at him in disbelief, he knew he needed to explain further. "There's a little known clause that allows the House of Protection to admit only those from its House when there's an immediate need to increase our House's Royal Guard. There was a need."

  "I've never heard of that clause."

  "That's because it's never been enforced before."

  "Then why now?"

  "Because we suddenly have seven new Royals to protect. Eight when you include Prince Barek who is now permanently on planet. That's eighty additional guards, at the mi
nimum. We need another forty to get them so they're not working twelve-hour shifts, seven days a week."

  "There's no way you can ask that of your men."

  "My men? I thought they were your men."

  "They are, but they were yours first, and they will always be loyal to you because they respect you."

  Nick looked at her, not so much surprised that she realized that, but that she would admit it."

  "I have worked and served with men all my life, Captain. Did you really think I'd come in here and believe they'd just accept and respect me? The first they will have to do because I am the Commander, but the second can only come with time."

  Before Nick could respond there was a knock on his office door.

  "Enter," he ordered.

  When the door opened, Lieutenant Turk walked in. When he saw Stephanie, he paused.

  "Lieutenant Turk." Stephanie rose and turned to face him. She hoped neither of them noticed the slight grimace on her lips as she twisted. Turk was a well trained and well respected guard even though he was several cycles younger than her. It said a lot for the hazel eyed, light brown haired man. "I owe you an apology."

  "Lieutenant?" His brows rose in surprise.

  "I should have notified you that I would be leaving for the Palace. That I didn't was inexcusable. It put not only you, but those under your command at risk. I'm sorry, and I promise you it will not happen again."

  "I... thank you, Lieutenant, but I am no longer in charge of your protective detail.”

  “So Captain Deffand has informed me." She let him see she wasn't pleased about that. "Again I am sorry my thoughtless actions affected you in such a way.”

  It told Stephanie something about the man that while he nodded his head acknowledging her words, he didn’t say it was all right, or that it didn’t matter, because they both knew that would be a lie. She looked back to Deffand. “Do you have him returning to his rotation in the King’s Guard?”

  “No," Deffand didn't hesitate to answer her. "Prince Barek has meetings scheduled in the Assembly Hall. Turk will be part of his protection detail.”


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