Book Read Free

Intense - Aspen Drake & Emily Cain

Page 9

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  “Are you hungry?” she asked. “I can whip up something.”

  “No, thanks.” His footsteps sounded on the stairs. “I’m heading to bed. Good night, Jana.”

  “Sleep well.”

  His footsteps echoed past my door. Then I heard a door open and close down the hall. I assumed he’d entered his bedroom.

  I had been reading a book in front of the fire but I shut the book and walked into the hallway. There were a few doors down the hallway, but I assumed his was the last one. The room in the corner probably had the best view in the house.

  I rapped my knuckles lightly against the door and waited for a response.

  There was none.

  “Parker?” I whispered into the crack.

  Still nothing.

  After a few seconds, I opened the door and poked my head inside. His bedroom was similar to mine, but it was much bigger.

  I stepped further inside and wondered where he went. The bathroom door was open, and I didn’t think he was there. Then he stepped out from behind the door with a towel around his waist. His hair was damp, and water drops glistened on his wide chest. There was a small line of hair beneath his belly button that reached down underneath the towel until it could no longer be seen.

  There was no surprise in his eyes when he looked at me. He clearly knew I was there. “Hey, sweetheart.” He ran his fingers through his wet hair then opened one of his drawers. He grabbed a t-shirt and sweatpants.

  My jaw dropped, and my eyes were wide. I stood there in shock, caught off guard by his nudity. I’d seen him naked before, but knowing he was wet and warm…heightened the experience.

  My mouth went dry and felt like it was stuffed with cotton. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have barged in here…”

  “You’re fine.” He pulled the shirt over his head then pulled his boxers and sweatpants on underneath the towel. It was a deck change, and he did it fluidly like he’d done it a hundred times. “You can come in here whenever you want.” He yanked the towel off and tossed it in the hamper. Then he turned his gaze on me, his brown eyes unusually light.

  I couldn’t get the image of his perfectly chiseled body out of my head. His thighs were toned and his calves were tight. I loved the lines of muscle in his stomach that wrapped around to his sides. My cheeks flooded with heat at the images coming to mind.

  A slight grin was on his face, like he knew exactly why I was so speechless. “If it’s any consolation, I would be just as floored if I saw you walk out of the shower.” His fingers played with his hair again, making sure the strands didn’t fall too far down his face.

  Was I that obvious?

  “Can I get you anything?” He walked to his private mini bar.

  I finally found my voice and was finally able to breathe. “I’m okay.”

  He poured himself a glass of whiskey and took a long drink before he set it down. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing.” I snapped out of my daze and tried to focus. “You come into my room all the time without any purpose…”

  He released a sarcastic chuckle. “Sweetheart, I always have a purpose.” He gave me a sexy grin before he walked to the couch that faced his window.

  My thighs tensed before I joined him. I understood the meaning of his words, and I tried to remain unaffected by it. The memory of sex with Parker made my hair stand on end, but the idea of sleeping in his arms all night made my heart flutter. I wasn’t sure which one I craved more.

  His arm rested over the back of the couch as he looked out the window. “Have you considered my offer?”


  “Tell me your thoughts.” His other hand rested on the armrest, and he raised his ankle to the opposite knee. Even when he was relaxing, he looked handsome as hell.

  “I need more information.”

  He nodded in agreement. “What do you want to know?”

  “I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “Everything.”

  “Thanks for narrowing it down,” he said with a chuckle. He turned his eyes on me, and that playfulness was still there. “If you work with me, you’ll be asked to take on a lot of demanding projects. Danger will be involved, and there’s always a possibility you might get hurt. If that’s not something you can handle, we should stop now.”

  I nodded for him to keep going. “I can handle that.”

  “You would never have a mission I didn’t think you could handle. You would primarily be responsible for gaining intel on suspects or events. You would also be responsible for acclimating victims after they’re free.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Sometimes, when people are liberated, they don’t know what to do. They’ve forgotten how to be free.”

  That didn’t make any sense. “I can’t imagine…”

  “They’ve lived in such horrible conditions for so long that they don’t know anything else. They’re essentially brainwashed...”

  My eyes were glued to his face but my thoughts were somewhere else. “And how would I gain intel?”

  “A lot of it is research done from Fort Hood. Sometimes, you’ll be in a public place to spy on someone, but none of your missions will ever be intimate. You’ll never be face-to-face with a known enemy. That’s my job.”

  I processed everything he said. “It sounds like I’ll be an assistant.”

  “You kinda are. But that doesn’t make your job less important than mine.”

  “You don’t think I can handle anything more difficult?”

  “I didn’t say that,” he said coolly. “I’d just rather you not. We have enough guys who can handle the most lethal cases.”

  “What if I want to get my hands dirty too?”

  He seemed amused by my enthusiasm. “Maybe in a few years. But for now, that’s where you would start. It’s a very noble position. I’ll be relying on you for a lot of things.”

  It wasn’t exactly what I expected, but I was still intrigued. “What’s the pay?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said. “Salary should never be a factor.”

  Obviously, he’d never worked for minimum wage. “I’m just curious.”

  “It’s significant.”

  I suspected a lot of money was involved. He had several different homes around the world, and money never seemed to be an issue for him. I didn’t care much about money, but I wouldn’t mind having a home in Hawaii someday.

  He smirked. “Do you have any other questions?”


  He stared at me in silence.

  “You need to tell me about my father.”

  He didn’t react in the slightest. “What’s the relevance?”

  “How can I join your organization when I’m not certain if he’s an enemy?”

  Parker sighed in irritation. “You’re not ready.”

  “I am ready,” I said firmly. “I can handle anything. You’ve seen that firsthand.”

  “This is different,” he said quietly. “He’s is the only living family you have in the world. The truth will break your heart.”

  I was getting scared, but I couldn’t avoid the truth forever. “I still want to know.”

  “For argument’s sake, let’s put that aside. Would you want the job?”

  There was no doubt what I wanted. There was nothing waiting for me back home, and Parker was the only person left for me to care about. Besides, I’d always wanted to do something meaningful with my life. “Yes.”

  His eyebrows rose slightly. “Really?”



  The answer was simple. “I want to do what you do. I want to help people.”

  He nodded in approval. “Then you’ve got the job.”

  For the next week, Parker worked with me to increase my speed and agility. He didn’t go easy on me like I thought he might. When we were in the underground training facility, he turned into a drill sergeant.

  “You’re too slow.”

  “What are you talking about?” I was damn fast.

  “You’re. Too. Slow.” He gave me a venomous glare like he hated me.

  “I’m as fast as you.”

  “You’ve got to be faster. You can’t defeat me with your size. You’re too small. Your best offense and defense will be speed. There’s nothing I can do to you if I can’t catch you. Do you understand?”

  I blew out a deep breath. “Yes.”

  “Then why aren’t you faster?”

  “We’ve been training all day, and I haven’t eaten once.”

  “What’s the relevance?” He put his hands on his hips.

  “Uh, I’m starving. That’s relevant.”

  “You aren’t always going to have the luxury of burritos and cheese sticks. Now, toughen up.”

  “Toughen up?” I asked incredulously. “I am tough.”

  “Doesn’t seem like it.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “I understand you’re trying to train me but being a dick about it isn’t going to get us anywhere.”

  “Let’s get this straight,” he snapped. “When we’re working, I’m not your friend. I’m your teacher. I will push you, break you, and then slaughter you if that’s what it takes to make you the best possible version you can be. So stop bitching and whining.”

  “I’m not bitching and whining.”

  “Then we have very different definitions of what those two things are.” He took a defensive stance in front of me. “Now, let’s go.”

  “Why are you so adamant about this?” I asked. “If I’m not going to be sent on any dangerous missions, then what’s the point of all this? I’m already a great fighter, and I’m an even better shooter.”

  “Because you never know when you might need it.” He gripped my shoulders and gave me a violent shake. “Now get your head in the game before I floor you.”

  I knocked on his door later that night. He had enough time to cool off, and I thought it was safe to make an appearance.

  “It’s open.”

  Parker was sitting on the couch, reading a book with a glass of whiskey on the table next to him. He didn’t look up or acknowledge me at all.

  I sat on the couch beside him and patiently waited for him to pay attention to me. When three minutes passed, I knew the ball was in my court. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier.”

  His eyes didn’t stray from the pages.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  Like I hadn’t said anything, he drank his whiskey.

  “Parker, I said I was sorry.”

  Still, he ignored me.

  I snatched the book out of his hands. “Okay, enough with the silent treatment.”

  His eyes slowly locked on me, and while there wasn’t anger in his gaze, he was still terrifying. The indifference was somehow worse.

  “I said I’m sorry.”

  “You’re apologizing for something I don’t care about.”

  “Then what are you upset about?”

  He took a deep breath before he launched into his speech. “You aren’t taking this seriously. You think it’s a damn joke. It doesn’t matter what kind of assignment you have. You need to be the best you can possibly be. If not for your own safety, for the fulfillment of the mission. Not only will I and the other agents be depending on you, but many innocent people will be too. If you’re just going to be a smartass all the time, what’s the point? Maybe you should just go back to school and change your major five more times.” He snatched the book out of my hands. “I’m trying to prepare you for what’s going to come. Instead of listening to me, you choose to doubt everything I say. If you have no respect for me or my experience, then this isn’t going to work. Perhaps I was wrong in recruiting you. I took a risk because I thought I’d found one of the greatest agents I’ve ever had. But now I realize that was a mistake.” An unquenchable fire burned in his eyes.

  The realization hit me like a lightning bolt. “That’s why you took me?”

  He nodded.

  “That’s why you let him go in exchange for me…”

  “I saw so much potential in you that day. Plus, you know things about him that I don’t. If I kept him, I would have tortured him until he talked. But he never would have. With you, I can get more information. I can find his accomplices, his dealers, everything. But that doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen.”

  His final words were like a stab wound. My hands felt numb, and my heart slowed down to a painful rhythm. “I’m sorry.”

  He searched for the sincerity on my face.

  “I’ll take it seriously from now on. I didn’t mean to give you the impression I didn’t care. Because I do.”

  The fire in his eyes started to dim.

  I held my hands together in my lap. “I guess I was cocky for a moment there. You’re right when you said there’s always room for improvement. I shouldn’t have been so arrogant.”

  He nodded slightly.

  “I want to keep learning. I want to be better.”

  His anger disappeared altogether. Like parted clouds, his eyes became clear. “Then let’s give this another try.”

  I held back all the sarcastic remarks I wanted to make and did as I was told. I was a bit headstrong when it came to things like that. Taking orders and blindly following them wasn’t my thing and never had been. It was no wonder why every teacher I’ve ever had hated me.

  And Parker was almost one of them.

  He was a different person when we trained together. He was harsh, strong, and unforgiving. When we were outside of the training room, he opened every door for me and treated me like a lady. He never interrupted me when I spoke, and he was in tune with my feelings.

  But down there, he was a commander.

  “Again.” He faced me on the mat, his fist in front of his face.

  I hopped on my feet and threw a quick jab.

  Parker blocked it then tripped me in a fluid motion.

  When I fell to the ground, I didn’t waste any time before quickly rolling out of it and getting back on my feet.

  Parker looked impressed but he didn’t say so. He lowered his hands for a moment and removed his shirt. His skin was covered in sweat, and the moisture outlined every crease of definition.

  It was distracting, to say the least.

  He rushed me again, and I barely managed to evade the attempt. I darted out of the way then kicked him in the ribs. Hitting him was like hitting concrete slab. The impact stung.

  He snatched my leg then twisted it, forcing me to spin.

  I launched my other leg into the air and kicked him right in the face.

  Parker released me and stepped back.

  We kept sparring back and forth, neither one of us getting the upper hand for too long. I took his advice and tried to beat him with my speed, not strength. He was twice my size and the most formidable opponent I would ever face. If I could beat him, I could beat anyone.

  Since I was hot, I removed my shirt too. I wore a sports bra underneath, and my stomach was slick with sweat.

  Parker’s concentration broke for a moment as he openly stared at my body. My belly button was pierced, and his eyes kept drifting back to the small ring.

  With his fists near his chin, he slowly circled around me. Then he charged me, running like a bull with its horns exposed.

  I darted out of the way just in time, but he quickly shifted his momentum in the other direction and shoved me to the mat. I tried to scramble out of the way, but his body was on top of mine. He pinned me down, keeping my legs immobile and my hands above my head, a look of victory on his face.

  “Dammit.” I tried to move, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  He stared at me without blinking, like he expected me to do something.

  “Fine. You win.” He didn’t best me often, but when he did, it was demoralizing.

  He kept his weight right on top of me.

  “Get up, fatass.”

  He didn’t even smile. “No.”

  I tried to flex my hips, but it didn’t get me anywhere.

�Get out of it, Sierra.”

  I tried twisting my arms then kicking my legs. I even tried head butting him, but he always moved out of the way so I couldn’t make contact. “I give up, okay?”

  “There’s no such thing as giving up.”

  “Yes, there is. It’s called surrender. And you wave a little white flag.”

  He gave me an angry look.

  I realized how sarcastic I was being, but it was a hard habit to break. “Just give me a second to think…”

  Parker’s face was just inches from mine. His stomach rubbed against mine when he shifted his weight, and the smell of masculinity came into my nose. Both of our bodies were covered in sweat, and we were both warm. Being pinned underneath him wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Truthfully, I liked it.

  I looked into his eyes as I tried to think of a solution. “Are there any rules to this?”

  “Rules?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Is everything fair game?”

  He looked mildly confused. “When it comes to surviving, you do whatever is necessary. It doesn’t matter how moral or immoral it is. All that matters is making it to see another day.”

  “Okay.” My options were limited, so I used the only weapon at my disposal. I leaned my head up slightly and pressed my mouth against his.

  His lips were immobile from shock. It took him a few seconds to process what was happening. Then he kissed me back, matching my cadence. He moved his lips against mine softly, just the way he had in the past.

  It felt so good.

  He kept my body pinned to the ground, but he kissed me with eagerness. He sucked my bottom lip gently before he breathed into my mouth, making a quiet moan I wasn’t sure I heard at all.

  I kissed him harder, loving the spark that ignited in my body. The chemistry was so intense. My entire body sizzled, eager for more.

  I tried to pull my hands away so I could feel his shoulders and back, but he refused to loosen his hold. Instead, he tightened his grip and made sure I couldn’t move.

  He broke our kiss but his lips were still pressed to mine. “You’re going to have to do better than that, sweetheart.” Then his mouth was on me again, taking it like he owned it. “I can do this all day.”

  I could too.


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