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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

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by JG Jerome

  Succubus Rescue

  Accidental Necromancer, Book 3

  JG Jerome

  Independent (via Kindle Direct Publishing)

  Succubus Rescue

  the Accidental Necromancer, Book 3

  By JG Jerome

  Edited by Heather Jerome

  Cover by Albert Chauw

  Copyright © October 26, 2020

  J.G. Jerome

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  “Love is at the root of everything.

  Love or the lack of it.”

  Fred Rogers




  1. Working the J-O-B

  2. Investigating

  3. Marshalling the troops

  4. Battle plans

  5. Line of departure

  6. Babette

  7. Consolidate the battlefield

  8. Evacuation

  9. Elf hostel Jerome

  10. A breakdown in relations

  11. Carla James

  12. A friendly little conversation

  13. Feeding Shryl

  14. Discipline and spies

  15. Come together

  16. Negotiating with Chrysilla

  17. Learning things

  18. Dinner with elves

  19. News from the front

  20. Bringing Bernadette home

  21. Insane with lust

  22. Saving succubae

  23. Homecoming

  24. Debriefing

  25. Lleandra




  Books by JG Jerome

  About the Author


  This is an adult fantasy for mature folks that comes out of my twisted mind. They are my dreams, daydreams, and fantasies transcribed onto paper.

  As such, this story includes descriptions of genitalia, descriptions of sexual activities, mixing of US and UK idioms, panamorous relationships, harem relationships, romance, bro-mance, BFFs, cursing, bathroom fondling, co-ed showers, off-beat humor, eating food while naked or partially naked, drinking, BDSM, unusual interpretations of supernatural conventions, erotic rope arts, martial arts, prostitution, going to the bathroom, the IT industry, domestic violence, cooking, construction, women trash-talking each other, and many other things that might possibly offend someone in our judgmental society.

  I also write in a first person, slice-of-life style.

  If you are offended or disgruntled by any of those things, then kindly close the book, tell Amazon you made a mistake, get your refund, and go forth to enjoy life elsewhere. I wish you the best.

  If you’re not dissuaded, then one more word before we begin.

  This is the continuation of the story of William James and his ladies as they come to terms with being a family together and learning what is happening in the unseen world. There is an appendix that summarizes the events of the first book in the series, Ghost Story, and the second, Den of Iniquity. They set the stage for the events in this book, so I definitely recommend you read them before you read Succubus Rescue.


  (Bernadette’s house in Phoenix - Wednesday after the elf attack)

  Upon waking from a long nap after his security shift, Luis is feeling hungry, so he heads down to the kitchen for a sandwich. He makes a sandwich of dark rye bread, Black Forest ham, Brie, tomato, pickle, mustard under the meat and mayo on the top. He thinks to himself, ‘All the drama hasn’t hurt my appetite. Thank goodness the decorators are finished. Maybe we can have some peace and quiet for a while.’’

  Luis plates his masterpiece, cuts it diagonally, and puts a scoop of Candice’s broccoli slaw next to it. He thinks, ‘I’m going to miss Candice’s cooking now that the Mistress has hired full-time kitchen staff.’

  He pours a glass of iced tea and then puts all the fixings away. He sits on a stool at the prep table to enjoy his late lunch right there in the kitchen. He takes a bite of the sandwich when he hears three bells repeating - one tone, down a fifth, back up to the first tone. Luis launches off his stool and runs to the back of the house thinking, ‘Shit! I jinxed us!’

  Luis opens the armory closet as Clarice runs up carrying a kevlar tunic and a eight-foot whip with a nasty iron barb at the end of it. She drops the whip and slides the kevlar over her head. Luis helps her pull the body armor into place before he grabs an MP5 from the closet. He hands it to Clarice and pulls on his own body armor vest and helmet. Finally he pulls an MP5 for himself. They clear and function check the weapons before locking magazines into place and chambering a round.

  Luis asks, “Where’s your helmet?” He looks at the screen and sees the problem.

  “In my room. I was doing a dance workout on the stage, and I forgot to grab it. I gotta get a couple more to stage in the armories like you do.” She frowns as she moves to block the corridor into the house. “I’m on overwatch. Ready.”

  Luis nods. “On point. There’s a male elf on the back step. Ready.”

  “Go,” whispers Clarice.

  Luis slides the bolts on the back door and opens it. He levels the weapon at the elf. “What do you want?”

  The elf’s eyes open wide. He says, “Um...I’m looking for the Mistress of the house or Miss Viktorija. I’m Koree. Duchess Valoren killed Rallent’or Nix when he made his claim for the bounty on the elf woman. Master told me to come here and report to the Mistress or Miss Viktorija if that happened.”

  Luis nods. “Okay. Strip.” He calls to Clarice. “Get Tori. Inform the Mistress.”

  Koree strips on the back veranda. He pulls a sheaf of paper out of his shirt and lays it on the patio before removing his jacket and shirt. Then he kicks off his running shoes and slides his pants down his skinny legs.

  Clarice picks up the phone and reports to the security closet at the front of the house. “Hey, Tanu! Please send Viktorija to the back door. Have her bring my helmet if she’s in the dorms. Let the Mistress know the elf Koree is at the back door and that we called Viktorija to handle it. The Mistress may want to contact Lord William.”

  Luis tells Koree, “Put your clothes in the middle of the garden, and then get in here.” Koree follows instructions, snagging the papers on his way inside. Luis keeps his weapon pointed at the elf, kicking the door closed. “Kneel on the floor - hands on your head, head against the wall.”

  Clarice locks all the bolts on the door before moving back to the door of the security closet, aiming at Koree. Once she’s certain Luis has him covered, she starts checking all of the side and back cameras.

  Luis asks Koree, “Who else came with you?” The elf lifts his head to answer, but Luis pushes the muzzle into the base of his skull. “Don’t move. Just answer,” the stoic Latino says.

  “Ne-no one,” the overwhelmed elf stutters.

  Clarice nods to Luis.

  They wait for about a minute before Viktorija runs down the hall in a grey tie-die version of her halter lounger, a slate blue cotton cardigan, and white deck shoes. She holds a phone against her head and extends her other arm to deliver Clarice’s helmet.

  Viktorija says into the phone, “Yes, Lord. He looks like the same person. I don’t have the same skills you do, but it looks like him.” Luis nods at Clarice, so she hands her weapon to Viktorija.

  Once she has a hand free, Clarice pulls the two ch
opsticks out of her updo, tucks them into her waistband, and puts on her helmet. She retrieves her weapon from Viktorija.

  Viktorija says into the phone, “Yes, Lord. He has a sheaf of papers in a death grip. We’ll get him water, food, and a shower while we await your arrival.”

  Lara, the elf lady that William brought back as a zombie, walks up with a long dagger in her right hand. She looks at Koree, while Viktoria listens and nods. Viktorija touches her shoulder gently before sliding her free arm over Lara’s shoulders to hug her.

  Viktorija responds, “Yes, Lord. I’ll have it set up shortly. I’ll text when we are ready.”... “Bye.” She bites her lip to hide her joy at William’s return. Then she turns all business. She nods to Luis, and he and Clarice adjust their position to keep their weapons on the male elf.

  Viktorija addresses the naked man. “Hello, Koree. I’m Viktorija. You asked for me. Turn to face me and tell me why you are here.”

  Koree looks carefully over his shoulder before he slowly adjusts his posture to face Viktorija and Lara. He is surprised with the apparent affection Viktorija is showing Lara. He hisses, “Miss Viktorija, she is the Duchess’ creature.”

  Viktorija nods and squeezes Lara gently. “She was, and the Duchess Valeran treated her poorly. Ilara’en died protecting our family. Your master brought her back, just like he did you. We call her Lara. Why are you here?”

  Koree answers, “Master said to come here if anything happened to Rallent’or Nix. Duchess Valeran refused to pay his claim. Instead, she had him tied to a post in the brothel. She personally opened his veins before turning her pets loose to beat and sodomize him to death.” He pauses for a moment, “Ilara’en, Maliar’en was on duty on the pillar next to him. She heard that he killed you and immediately became hysterical. Duchess Valeran slit her throat to quiet her screams.”

  “No!” the little elf woman wails. “You lie!”

  Koree shakes his head sadly. “I wish I were, Ilara’en. Your sister was a beautiful person. She was too good to be one of us. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Lara weeps quietly for a moment. She mutters, “I thought the blessing of my condition is the emotions wouldn’t affect me.” She looks up at Viktorija. “It still hurts! I’m going to kill Valya!”

  Viktorija pulls the smaller woman to her breast and caresses her back. “Our Lord may do it himself, but if it means that much to you he may arrange for you to strike the final blow. Talk to him. He will be here soon.” She looks at Koree over Lara, “If you came here just to torture Lara, I will kill you myself.”

  Koree’s eyes bug in fear. “No, Miss Viktorija. I brought the map Master ordered. I also brought inventory records, bank records, and something called ‘bearer bonds.’ They have large numbers on them.”

  Lara slides out of Viktorija’s comforting embrace and takes the papers from Koree and hands them to Viktorija. Lara stands facing Koree with her arms hanging limp and the dagger dangling from her right hand. She looks lost.

  Viktorija quickly scans the papers and a malicious grin slowly forms on her face as she reads the bank records. She murmurs, “Valya, I am so going to fuck you up with these.” As she reaches the ten bearer bonds, her eyes bug out. They are $500 million US Treasury Bonds. “Holy shit,” Viktorija exclaims. “These are very rare and unbelievably valuable!”

  “How valuable?” Clarice asks.

  Viktorija looks at her. “Take a huge chunk out of the national debt level of valuable.” She looks into the distance and murmurs, “Valuable enough to buy your own army, supply it, and fund operations.” She pauses to collect her thoughts. “Valya, you conniving bitch. Where the hell did you get these?”

  She looks at Koree. “You did well, Koree. I will tell your master when he arrives.”

  Koree says, “They were lying on a desk in the finance department next to the bank records when I was grabbing the inventories.”

  Viktorija says, “Luis, we need to go on full alert. When Valya learns these are missing, she will go on a hunt to find them. I imagine she will throw everything she has at us.”

  Koree bites his lip. “It might be a while, Miss Viktorija. I started a fire in the finance office as I left. I heard what she did to Rallent’or Nix, so I started collecting more information for the Master before I left. I heard my commander send a detail to find me. I scurried into the finance office to hide, and that’s when I found these. The treasurer left his pipe and matches on the desk, so I lit several piles of paper, slipped out in the smoke, pulled the fire alarm, and slinked out past the humans.”

  “Lucky that,” she says.

  Lara says, “I would hate to be the treasurer right about now. What Valya did to Nix will likely seem mild.”

  “Regardless,” Viktorija says. “Full security coverage. Get everyone in battle gear. Clarice, notify the Mistress. Luis, Tanu is on shift. Is she able to organize everyone?”

  Luis shrugs. “She’s coming along, but I think she would appreciate the help. I’ll go check on her before I finish my lunch.”

  Viktorija shakes her head. “Finish your lunch. Clarice, brief Tanu before you contact the Mistress. Tell her Luis will join as soon as he fuels up. Also, have her execute a full recall. Everyone gears up and rallies in the salon.”

  Clarice snaps to attention. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll brief her via the comms, so I can cover the back door.

  Viktorija nods her agreement. “Lara, get Koree some water to drink and then take him to the dorms for a shower. Get him some clothes and get him something to eat once he is clean. We don’t have your armor yet, so I want you to stay in the Salon once you are complete with these tasks.”

  Lara nods, “Yes,’am.”

  Viktorija hugs her and murmurs into her hairline. “You will have justice for your sister, sweetie. Count on it.”

  Lara squeezes her before grabbing Koree by the arm. She takes the belt from her uniform and wraps it around his eyes. “You stay with me with your eyes covered until I tell you otherwise. If you make a mistake I will kill you. You’ll stay that way until Master decides to bring you back.” She drags the frightened, blindfolded, naked elf towards the dorms.


  Working the J-O-B


  After all of the excitement of ending Xranalazny and dealing with the elves last week, traveling for work is positively low stress. There were a few events of interest in the week before this business trip.

  Before we left Bernadette’s on the Sunday after the battle, I raised John Copeland. He appeared to be more robust and his brain worked fine. Bernadette sent him home Monday through her foundation, and we were all happy that all the crap with Xralanazny yielded a positive outcome.

  Wednesday I had to run down to Bernadette’s because one of the trojan horses I sent to Valya managed to survive. Viktorija set up the passages to allow me to step through after work. Jack and Darcie were still in town, so they met me there. Steven arrived with them. Bernadette recalled all of her staff to establish a security perimeter.

  Jack, Steven, Bernadette, and I debriefed Koree. I praised the elven zombie profusely for the quick thinking that allowed him to not only harvest all the information, but also to survive to deliver it. He was pretty certain that Rallent’or Nix gave him up under torture because his commander was looking for him as he made his escape.

  Koree walked us through the hand-drawn map, and talked us through every detail. Viktorija pulled up a graphic she had created of the floor plan of the Esplanade on her computer and filled in the details as Koree explained. By the time we were done with the briefing, we had a detailed package of maps to scale. Jack and Steven each took a copy with them and left immediately after the debrief.

  Bernadette committed to liquidating the $5 billion in bearer bonds. She and I agreed to split the proceeds sixty-forty with any fees coming from her sixty percent. Viktorija hacked into a White House server and took over the user account of a deputy National Security Advisor. She used that credential to access a
CIA mainframe to hack into all three of the banks where Valya had money stashed and emptied them into a CIA account. I watched her do it; I found it fascinating. The bank accounts held a little over $300 million. Afterward, Viktorija planned to use an account belonging to a North Korean hacker to access the CIA account and send all of Valya’s money to a variety of accounts all over the Carribean, South America, and Europe that belong to organized crime families. From there, the money will travel to a variety of political organizations of every imaginable bent courtesy of a ‘Russian hacker.’ Finally, a ‘Brazilian hacker’ will move all of the money as payments to a variety of card services institutions that exclusively handle pornography services. Those institutions will mysteriously buy a bunch of Bitcoin on the dark web courtesy of a ‘Chinese hacker’ before the trail gets really murky.

  Viktorija explained that she started putting this together about a year ago for another project but never pulled the trigger on it. Now that she’s used it, she can’t ever use any of those accounts or accounting trails again. She has a few other catfish established that continue to generate regular traffic, so she can start to set up a different network in case she ever needs it again.


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