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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

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by JG Jerome

  Girlfriend has some seriously mad skills!

  Lara crawled in my lap and cried as she told me about Valya killing her sister as if she were no more than a bug. It wasn’t the emotionally detached response I expected from a zombie, but I dismissed the anomaly as a result of the deep connection she had to her sister which predated her soul leaving. I assured her that if it was possible I would hand her the knife and let her finish Valya.

  The next day, Audrey travelled to Kansas City with her GCU team for a volleyball tournament. That is also the day Bernadette, Viktorija, Clarice, and Luis drove up for a day trip to look at the hotel. I started my work day early and took a break at 10am to meet them. I gave them a tour of the hotel construction site - complete with hard hats, coveralls, facemasks, and goggles.

  Without going into all the details, they liked the layout. The ground floor will be the hotel reception, cafe, a small ballroom, and a small retail space for a certain clothes designer I am very fond of. The second floor is all guest rooms. Essentially they are mini suites with a king bed, a small sitting area, and a ‘three-quarter’ bath. The concept is similar to Bernadette’s party rooms at her Phoenix salon. There are guest rooms around the perimeter of the building except for the back wall and where the elevator is. The rooms in the center alternate opening on either the north or south corridor. Cameras mounted on the exterior wall allow us to mount ‘windows’ on the walls of the interior suites. Viktorija came up with that idea when we were doing initial planning. The top floor is seventy-five percent residence and twenty-five percent salon.

  The salon will be reserved for Bernadette by default, but as she releases dates, I expect we can use it for small conferences, parties, etcetera. The salon itself is a forty foot by fifty foot open space. Around its perimeter there are a variety of rooms. There are two four-person restrooms, and a cloak room. There are four eight-by-eight multiple-use rooms with queen-size murphy beds, which will likely be used as party rooms during parties, but which can also serve as small conference rooms. There are two fifteen-by-twelve mini suites, which will double as guest suites when there are no events scheduled. Tucked between all these features are an eight-by-eight linen & supply closet and an audio-visual and electronics closet.

  In the twelve-foot corridor between the residence and the salon is a custom ten-by-ten cage elevator with a six-foot opening on the door, a broom closet, and a dumbwaiter that is served by the Cafe kitchen. The elevator looks vintage, but it’s brand new - no operator required. During the tour we were in the process of digging out the pit for the elevator twenty-four feet down into the rock. Josie has been using thaumaturgy to break up the rock and reinforce the walls. All of the machinery that makes the elevator work is in an even deeper pit at the bottom. The elevator will open into a twenty-by-thirty foot transportation room that will house Josie’s passageways to different locations. This will be the transportation hub for the family. I plan to have a Security Desk to monitor open passages and traffic in and out. It might be a good post for Koree. Accessing the basement will require a magnetic key fob. Security can override it if needed.

  After the tour, we lunched at the house on Mount Vernon. Judith joined us for lunch, which resulted in her and Bernadette sitting in a corner of the living room for lunch while the rest of us ate at the conglomeration of dinettes that still passes for our ‘dining table.’ The two grand dames looked like they were having a good time catching up. Rebecca gave our guests a tour of our home after lunch while Viktorija reviewed Judith’s documents with her. I noticed Rebecca put Viktorija’s bag in Audrey and Erica’s room. After Rebecca’s tour, I led the group through the passageway to the Cortez apartment and gave them a walking tour to the Cortez House. There wasn’t a lot to see yet because Zach’s crew had just started framing earlier in the week.

  Bernadette tapped her lips consideringly as she looked at the house. When we returned to the apartment ‘office,’ she said, “William Darling, as I will be taking a significant percentage from liquidating our recent gains, I might want to buy the house from you.” She tilts her head prettily. “Or maybe rent it from you when it’s complete. I suspect the time to reinvent myself is rapidly approaching.”

  I nodded, “We’ll see, Bernadette. Regardless, I want you close by. I’ve become quite attached to you, Love.”

  She gave me an inscrutable look. She slowly stepped up and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me below my ear. “Deal, William.” We shared up a wet kiss before continuing.

  We wrapped up their visit with Bernadette reviewing the articles of incorporation for a cooperative that would be the legal basis for my marriage to all my ladies. All the ladies except Audrey joined us - she was in transit to Kansas City at the time.

  Bernadette explained that this is basically the same agreement she wrote for the Barns Cooperative in Ash Fork. They have a boutique hotel and an IT Service Desk outsourcing business as the income sources for the cooperative. Bernadette said she thinks they’re all normal humans, and the agreement seems to be lucrative and satisfactory for all involved.

  The concept behind the cooperative, or ‘co-op,’ is rather elegant to my untutored eye. The organization has three tiers of membership.

  The top tier of membership are ‘Households.’ Male members of a Household hold the role of ‘husbands.’ Female members are ‘wives.’ Transgenders go by what they present as, otherwise the roles are based on biology. That one caught us all by surprise, but apparently it came up in the Barnes Co-op. One individual is chosen to be the ‘Head of Household,’ and this person represents the Household to the rest of the cooperative. All income and properties of Household members belong to the Household. Sixty percent of all Household income goes to the cooperative. Personal financial allowances are agreed by the Household for its members. Rules governing conduct between the Household members are agreed by its members. All needs for the members of a Household are provided by the Household from its forty percent. Each member of a Household has duties to maintain the cooperative.

  The second tier is for individuals. These individuals make a long-term commitment to the cooperative, and their role is ‘Concubine.’ The cooperative provides Concubines food, housing, healthcare, legal representation, and educational opportunities - all funded by the co-op. They may be employed at cooperative-owned businesses. Fifty percent of each Concubine’s income goes to the cooperative. Concubines will have frequent personal interaction with members of Households, and they may be invited to join Households.

  Bernadette clarified that if a member of a Household desires a sexual companion outside the Household, they will look among the Concubines. Therefore, becoming a Concubine requires approval by the majority of Households in the cooperative.

  The lowest tier is also for individuals. These individuals are called ‘Associates,’ and they are employees of the cooperative’s businesses. They receive employment benefits including healthcare coverage, insurance, investment, educational opportunities through the cooperative. Each Associate pays ten percent of salary to pay for these benefits; although, the cost of the benefits is significantly higher than their contributions pay for.

  Bernadette handed a thumb drive and a sheaf of printed copies to Carla, who has become our de facto ‘in-house counsel.’ Bernadette encouraged us to review it and decide quickly if we want to go this route.

  Bernadette ended her presentation by saying, “There have been three lawsuits against the Barns Co-op, all of which have gone in favor of the Co-op. The Attorney General attempted to get an indictment for criminal charges, but the Grand Jury failed to recommend moving forward, or ‘indict.’ The agreement’s verbiage is quite tight and aligned with current state and federal law. I recommend you decide quickly. There is a risk the legislature may make a law against it. If you already have the agreement in effect, you would still be okay because you will be grandfathered.”

  We passed out hugs and kisses before Bernadette took her group back to Phoenix.

  Friday was gen
erally a standard workday for Marissa, Carla, and myself, but we had dinner with Aunt Judith and Julius Lafayette early in the evening. They told us they were leaving town together on Saturday. Judith will use her new documents until she is settled at their new location and she has finished her rejuvenation. Julius Lafayette said he also plans to rejuvenate slightly. He has his own source for IDs. He happily reported that his side business rejuvenating people is proving quite lucrative. He seemed nicer. Judith is having a positive impact on him.

  Audrey opened a passage Friday evening from her hotel room in Kansas City while her roommate was in the shower. We passed her a walk-through passage, and Josie went through, checked into our reserved suite, and hung the passage there. Audrey helped her check in. Marissa, Carla, Rebecca, Viktorija, and Erica went through the passage into the suite. Marissa went downstairs and checked into the adjoining suite. Steven and Lidia followed us through with their own roll-on bags and promptly ran downstairs to check into their own suite.

  I joined everyone in Kansas City after I finished my gig playing at the Lonesome Valley Brewing Company. I didn’t book another.

  We spent Saturday cheering on Audrey and the ‘Lopes volleyball team.

  Early Sunday morning we all did the express check-out and took the passage home - Steven and Lidia as well as all my ladies - except Audrey. Audrey folded up the passage, sent it home, and returned to her room in time to get ready for her morning match.

  Josie and I immediately took a passage to Bernadette’s with Viktorija. After handing out goodbye kisses, Josie and I caught an Uber to the Phoenix airport and flew to Chicago late Sunday morning. Josie finally got to ride on an airplane, and she was giddy the whole flight.

  We took a cab from O’Hare to downtown Chicago’s JW Marriott on Adams. It’s only about a six block walk to the Construction Insurance Brokerage office on Michigan Avenue overlooking Millennium Park.

  Monday was full of meetings at the office with business sponsors for next year’s projects, meetings with IT leaders, and setting up the conference room back at the hotel. Susan arranged for us to use a conference room at the hotel for the workshop to keep everyone focused on the workshop discussion rather than office distractions. Josie wandered Chicago while I worked. Tuesday through Thursday were dedicated to the workshop. It went well. One of the students was a VP of business development. He wanted me to do the same class for his staff, so I’ll be back in Chicago again in January. Friday consisted of more meetings with finance and contracting to get the statement of work, or ‘SOW,’ together for external developers for next year’s projects.

  In between bouts of work, Susan and I got closer. She joined me for a drink after work Monday. She slid an envelope across the bar table to me. I opened it to find a copy of her executed divorce decree. I asked her, “What do you want, Susan?”

  She looked around the bar before locking eyes with me. “You, Will. I want you.”

  “I’m happy to give you that, but you know my situation. Can you live with that?” I asked.

  “I want to get to know your family before I commit,” she responded.

  I nodded, “That’s fair. Would you join us for dinner on Friday?” Josie walks up in a short, midnight blue cocktail dress with heels high enough to put her eyes on the same level as mine.

  Susan nodded. “I would like that.”

  Josie leaned over to kiss me, catching Susan by surprise. Josie joined us for a drink before the three of us went for dinner at Morton’s.

  That night, Josie and I went home through a passage after dinner to sleep with our wives, but I woke early Tuesday to return to Chicago. Tuesday and Thursday evening, Josie and I went home through a passage for training. Tuesday night, Carla came back with us to Chicago, sleeping sandwiched between Josie and I. Carla dragged me out for a run along the lake parks on Wednesday morning. Wednesday evening Josie went to dinner with Susan, leaving me on my own to catch up on work and work out. Josie and I soiled the sheets heavily Wednesday night when she returned. Apparently, Susan got her quite excited.

  It feels good to relax after a very hectic week. It’s still more relaxing than fighting elves and greater imp lords, but the long sessions with groups of people is draining nonetheless. My brain needs to decompress. Susan joins Josie and I in the hotel bar for a drink before we retire to the suite.

  Once we are in the suite, I lock the deadbolt and slider. I also put a black rubber wedge under the door while Josie hangs a passage on the wall.

  I turn to catch Susan watching Josie with curiosity shining from her pretty face.

  “Susan.” She turns to look at me. “We’re about to go down the rabbit hole. This is a part of our family. We’re dining in Arizona this evening. Are you ready for a little adventure?”

  After sending a quick text, Josie hugs Susan and gently kisses her lips, surprising Susan. They did that Monday evening, but there was considerably more alcohol involved - less chastity, too. “Come with me, Susan. Meet my sisters.” Josie clasps her hand and leads my boss to meet my family.

  All of my various ladies - the wives, Carla, and Erica are all there. Erica is very clingy toward everyone, including Susan. We take Susan on a tour using passages - first the Mount Vernon house, followed by Carla’s townhome, and the apartment. Susan stands to admire the shadowbox she gave me with the rope gauntlet inside, biting her lip in blatant desire.

  Josie says, “Will tied me up the same way. It was mind blowing, wasn’t it.”

  Susan gives her a fond smile. “Yes, you told me Wednesday night at dinner.”

  Josie takes her hand, and the group walks south to show her the Cortez house under construction. When we finish there, we take the passages from the apartment to Mount Vernon and then to the hotel for a tour. We finish the tour of the hotel in time to walk the two blocks to John’s Chophouse for an early dinner.

  We get home after dinner around eight o’clock. We sit around the living room as we talk to Susan about the reality around us. Susan vows secrecy, so we ‘open the kimono’ - figuratively. Rebecca explains about magic. Audrey explains about demons. Josie talks about how thaumaturgy works at a high level. Carla and Erica discuss their experiences as zombies and their different experiences getting a soul. I explain what I can do with my craft.

  Marissa is refilling wine glasses again. She says, “Honestly, I’m just here because I’m a slut. I was dating Carla, but I periodically needed cock. I eventually found Will. Carla and I broke up, then Rebecca and Josie met us. I finally met Audrey. Carla and I have reconciled, too. I have a man to love me and use me harshly when I want that, and I’m surrounded by all these intelligent, strong women who let me shower them in affection. I’m swimming in pussy and cock, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  Everyone laughs in response. Rebecca adds, “She may be a slut, but she’s also a … Carla, what did you call her?”

  “Our badass warrior babe,” Carla says as she sends Marissa a smoldering look of lust.

  Audrey says, “I think I’m a bigger slut than Marissa.”

  Rebecca says, “No, I don’t think so, Kitten. You’re a badass warrior babe yourself, a gifted sorceress, and a great scientist. However,” Rebecca holds her finger in the air. “I do think you win the title of ‘kinkiest.’ I can’t imagine being bound and having sex on stage in front of people.”

  Erica says, “I give her competition for that. Don’t forget how I pay the bills - online sex shows.”

  Audrey says, “Yeah, but you don’t really like doing it all that much, do you? You do it for the money. I do it because I need it.”

  At almost nine, I get a phone call from Bernadette’s cell phone. I answer, “Hello Bernadette, can I call you back?”

  The response is not what I expected. “Hello, Will. Viktorija here. Clarice is with me on speaker. Our mistress is missing. We called Aldo, her driver. He said he got a cancellation message, so he didn’t pick her up. So now we’re at her office. Will, we found no sign of her. We walked around the building and found her
cell phone on the ground by the back entrance to the parking lot. The security footage looks like an abduction.”

  Clarice adds, “We were hoping you can come by tonight.” I hold my hand over my wine glass before Marissa refills it.

  I ask, “Did you call the police?”

  “Yes, Will,’ Viktorija answers. “But they took the report and said they’ll get back to us in a couple of days.”

  Clarice growls, “I smell Valerans, Lord.”

  I think to myself, ‘Oh, shit!’ I take a moment to focus. I tell them, “Meet me at the townhouse. Tell the staff to prepare for my arrival. I’ll be right there.”

  I disconnect and look at the ladies scattered around the room. “Someone has taken Bernadette.”



  After a pause while everyone processes the news, the ladies explode into a flurry of questions.

  “Calm down,” I respond forcefully. I explain once the quiet descends again. “That was Viktorija and Clarice. Apparently someone left a message with her normal driver to cancel her ride home. When she didn’t return home or answer calls, Viktorija and Clarice went to her office. There was no sign of her in the office, but they found her cell phone lying on the ground outside the back door to the parking lot. Viktorija said security video looks like she was abducted. Clarice said she ‘smelled Valerans,’ but I assume she was alluding to her suspicion that the elves took her.”

  I look around the room. “Who’s sober enough to go with me?” All hands go up, but several slowly drop. Carla, Marissa, and Susan all have theirs in the air after Audrey, Erica, Josie, and Rebecca figure out that maybe not.

  I ask, “Rebecca, any ideas how to process the alcohol out of our systems faster?”

  She shakes her head, “Not possible. You have to process it. I can give you something to replace minerals and fluids. Give me just a moment.” She saunters past me towards the kitchen. I watch her ass as she glides toward the kitchen.


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