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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

Page 3

by JG Jerome

  Rebecca catches me as she turns toward the entrance to the kitchen. She flashes me a big grin at catching me admiring her figure.

  I turn back to look at my boss. “Susan, this is the part we hadn’t gotten to yet. Our friend and sometimes lover is Bernadette. She is a complex, intelligent woman with lots of business interests. She is a lawyer, but one of her other business interests is a salon, a bordello if you prefer, that manages to just barely walk the line of legality. She is also a succubus.”

  “What?” Susan gasps. “You have a friend that is a demon?”

  “Yes,” I answer. “I guess if you count Lara and Shryl, I have three.”

  Audrey says, “Bernadette’s business model is more like hosting parties with expensive entry fees. Her staff are available for entertainment, but they don’t get paid for sex directly. It’s a grey line, but so far it’s kept her out of trouble. Will and I have both been in her bed. The bondage shows we do are at her salon. She’s a lovely person, and I’m pretty sure she is as deeply in love with William as you are.”

  Susan stutters, “I…”

  Carla says, “Don’t deny it, Susan. I was planning to sit down with you and explain what we’re thinking to make it legally possible for you to join us as an equal wife. There’s no rush, but I thought you should know we think it is possible. We won’t even be the first to do it.”

  I interrupt, “Susan, the rest of the stuff I haven’t told you yet is there is a nation of elves looking to colonize Earth. I suspect human genocide is part of their plan. Clarice thinks the elves took Bernadette.”

  “Who’s Clarice,” Susan asks. I can see she’s grasping at straws as her world view is violently yanked away from her.

  “She is Bernadette’s ward, or step-daughter. I think she is a niece by blood based on something Clarice said in an unguarded moment. Regardless, Bernadette loves that girl like she was her own, and Clarice considers Bernadette her mother despite never saying it out loud. They love each other fiercely.”

  Susan says, “That doesn’t seem like a demon from Hell.”

  “Yeah,” I admit with a nod. “Much of what our culture has taught us about angels, demons, and the afterlife is just wrong. Then again, I have it on good authority from the archangel Michael that God does exist.”

  “Wow,” Susan says.

  Josie blurts, “Mick is the archangel Michael?”

  The ladies are looking at me intensely. “I’m sorry, my loves. I thought I told you. Jack is the one that told me. Mick didn’t introduce itself that way.”

  “It?” Susan asks. “Don’t you mean him?”

  Rebecca calls from the kitchen, “No. Angels are androgynous. They have the sex organs of both males and females, and they are unbelievably beautiful.”

  Marissa adds, “They look like gorgeous female fitness models or bodybuilders with cocks. We have another angel friend, Gwen, that I’m fairly certain William would bed if the opportunity arose, despite its ‘additional bits’ - Will’s term.”

  “No,” I shake my head. “Gwen is beautiful, but I can’t get past the ‘additional bits.’ Sorry, I’m pretty open-minded, but I’m not that open-minded.”

  Rebecca counters, “Don’t forget, my love. Gwen can take either a male or female form.” She gives me an ornery grin.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Susan, the reason for rushing into these last topics is that I am going to hunt for Bernadette.”

  Marissa gasps, “Hunt! I think Jack is in Phoenix. Let me call him.” She picks up her phone and walks back to the kitchen.

  I look at Carla, “Would you summon the critters when we get to Phoenix? I think their sense of smell will prove useful.”

  “Of course,” Carla says as she stands. She slinks over to me and wraps me in a hug. “We’ll find her, Will. If she is harmed at all, we will shed a river of blood.” She pulls my mouth to hers and kisses me passionately.

  Carla releases my mouth. “I’m going to drink a litre of water and put on more appropriate clothing.” She’s still wearing a wool business skirt and black silk blouse. I turn to watch her leave. She calls over her shoulder, “Don’t you have things to do, Mr. James?”

  “You are mesmerizing, Ms. Jackson,” I flirt back. Unfortunately, my good humor vanishes quickly with Carla’s lean figure. I mutter, “I need to go change, too.”

  I look at my boss, “Susan, I think it’s too soon to bring you in on something like this. Stay here with the ladies. Take time. Acclimate.”

  Susan says, “No, Will. I want to go. The only thing that kept me going through the divorce was that you...all of you...were waiting on the other side. I didn’t know a quarter of what that meant, but I am all in. Plus, I’m an expert pistol shot. I seriously considered shooting Elliot when I found out he was fucking his toy in our bed, so I invested the time to learn.” She fumes silently for a moment. Finally she sighs, “The affection you gave me coupled with the gentlemanly way you handled me in my lowest moment have just added to my craving to be yours. My divorce was thankfully fast, but it was brutal. Memories of our two evenings together kept me sane. We have both kept everything professional, but I don’t want to be professional with you. I want to release my passion and give it to you, Will. I will stand with you in battle if needed.”

  Marissa calls from the kitchen. “Jack is in Phoenix. I think I caught him in the middle of fucking Darcie, but he said he could be there in an hour or less.”

  I wave an acknowledgement to Marissa. “Okay,” I respond to Susan. “Just know that if it looks overly dangerous, I will send you back.” Susan nods. “I need to change. My primary pistol is in Chicago, so I better go get it, too. Marissa, please see if we can find a pair of jeans and boots that will fit Susan. We’ll need to get her a pistol, too.” I take a breath. “Pardon me, ladies.” Rebecca hands me a big glass of water as I go downstairs to get my pistol in Chicago.

  Thirty minutes later, Marissa, Carla, and Susan follow me out of the passage into our suite at Bernadette’s salon wearing similar outfits of long-sleeved dark t-shirts, dark jeans, boots, shoulder holsters, and light jackets. We are all equipped with a taser flashlight and collapsible baton, too. I’ve got two batons. Marissa brought a rattan jo staff, instead of a second baton.

  Chantelle is standing by the passage to greet me with a tearful hug. Jack and Darcie are standing in the seating area watching us emerge. Jack and Darcie look surprised to see us essentially walk out of the wall.

  I introduce Susan to Chantelle. Marissa and Carla collect hugs from Chantelle as I introduce Susan to Jack and Darcie. Jack shakes her hand. Darcie hugs me and then Susan. She asks, “Are you new to the family?”

  Susan said, “Yes. I have known Will for over three years, and I grew to love him rapidly. I just got divorced, and Will invited me to dine with him and his wives this evening.

  Carla hugs Jack and says to Susan, “I’m not a wife, yet.”

  Darcie pulls her from Jack’s embrace. “Carla, from my perspective, it looks like a done deal,” she says.

  Carla hugs her tightly and nods. “We love each other, but I want to wait on consummation until I can order my thoughts better. I don’t think you know my whole story.”

  Darcie squeezes her back. “I noticed a change in you at brunch after Rebecca’s birthday. You seemed warmer. More emotionally available.”

  Carla places her fingers on Darcie’s lips. “Don’t say another word unless you want me to weep like a little girl. I’ll tell you the next time you visit. Okay?” Darcie smiles and nods enthusiastically.

  Jack frowns at the passage. I tell him, “It’s a ‘passage,’ an invention of Josie’s.”

  Jack says, “It’s a portal.”

  I nod, “Exactly. Matched pairs of doorways.”

  Jack scratches his scalp. “I’ve never heard of a necromancer doing anything like that.’

  I look at him. “Jack, you don’t know all of our secrets anymore than we know all of yours. I don’t have the time to pussyfoot around right now. Can I
trust you to protect my family? Protect our secrets?”

  Jack says, “As long as you commit the same to me and mine.” His eyes are locked on mine.

  I nod, “Done.” I offer him my hand, and we shake. “Josie was a thaumaturge before she started studying necromancy.”

  Jack is gobsmacked. “The last thaumaturge died in the early 1900s.”

  I nod. “Yeah. 1891 in her case. We can discuss that over drinks some time soon.”

  Jack points at the passage. “I might be in the market to buy a set from Josie.”

  I purse my lips and nod. “I’m sure she would be happy to discuss it with you. Shall we go find our friend?”

  “Let’s do it,” he nods.

  Chantelle starts disassembling the passage. She says, “Go ahead. I’m going to send this back to Josie, and then I’ll join you.”

  I lead the way down the stairs. Clarice and Viktorija run from the back of the house to intercept us as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

  Clarice throws herself at me and wraps me in a tight hug. She looks up at me. “Will, they took Mummy!” Tears flow freely down her face. Viktorija loses it when the normally cheerful and flirtatious girl breaks down.

  I kiss Clarice’s forehead. “We’ll get your Mummy back, and whoever did it will pay in pain and blood, my dear girl. Trust me on that.”

  Clarice buries her face in my chest. “I do, my Lord. I do trust you.”

  I open an arm and Viktorija slides in to make it a group hug. I kiss her tears away before I give her a chaste kiss. I tell the two young ladies in my arms, “Go get your battle rattle my loves. We’re going on a hunt.”

  Lara runs in from the dining room door in ballistic vest, a black mail skirt, and black combat boots. She has a long dagger strapped to her right hip, an MP5 on a sling under her left arm, and a helmet tucked under her right. Viktoria and Clarice slide away and run off to get ready. Lara slides in for a hug, and Susan gasps as she see’s Lara’s long pointed ears.

  Marissa whispers in her ear, and Lara looks up at me. Lara says, “I’m ready, Lord.”

  I kiss her forehead gently. “I see that, Lara. You’re assuming Valya took her?” I ask.

  The gorgeous diminutive woman nods. “Who else, Lord?”

  I cup her face in my hand. “Lara, you’re probably right, but we need to find her quickly. That means we need to be certain. We’re going to summon imps to track them. Then we hunt.”

  Lara says, “You promised, Lord.”

  I look into her glistening eyes, “I promised that if it were possible, you could finish her. I will ensure you can do so safely. You are important too, Lara. First we rescue Bernadette. Clear?”

  She closes her eyes and tears escape. “Yes, Lord. You’re right. Save the mistress first.”

  I kiss her tears dry and hug her to me. “We’ll get her, Lara.”

  Jack says, “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” Lara looks at him like he’s insane. Jack continues, “Yeah, I never understood that either, but it is a common proverb.”

  Manuel joins us from the salon. “Hello everyone.” His normally cheerful demeanor is subdued. “Luis and Viktorija will be driving you. Coffee and water are in the trucks. The rest of us will maintain security, plus we have a few guests in the house. Lara will lead the way.” He nods to the small elf.

  Lara disengages from me. “This way, Lord.” I follow closely behind.

  I ask, “Lara, do you have vests I can put on my ladies?”

  “Yes, Lord. We have them for you, Jack, and your ladies. We prepared them after you told Manuel how many to expect. Viktorija has the map from Koree. He’s locked in a dorm room until this is over.”

  Lara helps me fit Susan, Carla, and Marissa with a vest. Jack says, “Darcie and I have our vests in my car. We’ll follow behind.”

  Viktoria runs up holding Clarice’s hand. Both have kevlar tunics on over jeans and hiking boots. Each carries a helmet in the crook of her arm. Clarice has a wicked looking whip coiled around her shoulder.

  Each grabs an MP5, checks it, and loads it. Viktorija looks up. “Let’s go.”

  I jump in the Lincoln SUV with Viktoria. Susan and Clarice sit in the back.

  Marissa rides in Luis’ SUV with Carla and Lara. Jack and Darcie hop in his CR-V to follow behind it. It looks like a newer model than mine, but I approve of his choice of vehicles.

  Viktorija leads the way, followed by Jack and then Luis. She takes us to Greenway, and then we head east to US-51. Along the way, I introduce Susan to Viktorija and Clarice.

  Viktorija comments as she drives, “No wonder Audrey was jealous, Susan. You are quite pretty.” I hear a Slavic accent coming back into her speech. She hasn’t had that since she first arrived at Bernadette’s years ago. “Welcome to the family.”

  Clarice just stews quietly in the back seat as Susan replies, “Thank you.”

  We follow US-51 south through the center of town to Lincoln. We take Lincoln east to 24th street to Camelback. I spy Valya’s stronghold as we turn east on Camelback towards Arcadia. We turn north on 44th Street and then left into the complex of offices that houses Bernadette’s law office. I see the sign for ‘Pasquale and George, Attorneys at Law.’ We pull in, and Viktorija launches out of her seat.

  Viktorija pulls her phone and dials a number. “Hello, Mr. George. Viktorija Ozoliņa again. I’ve brought some investigators.” She waits a moment. “Thank you, sir.” Viktorija turns to me after she hangs up. “He doesn’t know anything about the hidden world, Will.”

  “Okay, honey.” I turn to Susan. “That means all the stuff we were discussing at our house doesn’t get mentioned until we are back to Bernadette’s house or until Mr. George leaves.”

  Susan nods seriously at me. “Got it, Will.”

  A fifty-ish man with a bald head and glasses opens the door. He’s still wearing his suit pants and braces, but his shirt is open at the collar. “Please come in.”

  “Thanks, Mr. George,” Viktorija responds with a slight smile. He pats her shoulder as she walks by. He looks questioningly at our body armor, especially Lara, Clarice, and Viktorija’s. Lara’s helm is fortunately covering her ears.

  I nod as we walk past. Viktorija leads us to a reception desk. She sits at the desk and pulls up a security application.

  Mr. George says, “I’m leaving. You have a key, Viktorija?

  She says, “Yes, sir. Thank you for your trust.” She pulls up the security control console on the monitor.

  Mr. George says, “Please let me know if you learn anything.”

  Viktorija says, “Of course, sir.” She opens the recording from the back door camera. She backs it up to 17:12. We see Bernadette with a small purse over her shoulder and holding her phone in her hand. She drops her phone down behind her right thigh. A driver runs around the car to open the door. He’s very short, and slightly built.

  Bernadette drops her phone behind her. The driver opens the door. The driver says something, and Bernadette squats down to see into the back seat. I see her mouth move as she kicks her phone toward the trash bin by the back door. She says something and shakes her head. She stands and sighs to the sky. She looks at the camera and says something. I’m crap at lip reading, but it looks like ‘Valya’ to me. Bernadette steps forward and crawls into the back seat of the car. The car pulls away. I watch to see if the license is visible, but the camera is pointing in the wrong direction.

  Viktorija pulls up a different camera and we watch the car turn toward the camera. She says, “They scoped the cameras. This one should have caught the license.” She pulls up another camera. We watch the car pull off at an oblique angle to the camera to drive behind a line of parked cars. “Yeah, they planned this well.”

  I put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Viktorija. You’ve done what you could. Let’s give Carla and the critters a chance. Is there room in Bernadette’s office?”

  She looks at me with tears in her eyes. “Yes, Lord. We will have to move the furniture around and roll up t
he rug, but there is enough space in her office. Let me show you.”

  She gets up and walks down the corridor. She opens a door and walks in. I stop everyone else at the door. “Carla,” I call over my shoulder.

  “Here, Will.” The response comes from right next to me. She caresses my face. “I got this.” She looks into the room and then cocks an eye at me. “As soon as my big, manly man moves all the furniture.”

  I kiss her quickly. “Yes, dear.”

  I start moving the chairs from the conference table to the side as I hear Darcie say, “Are you sure you’re not a wife, Carla? That kinda sounded like you bossing Will around.”

  Jack comes to give me a hand as I call out, “Yeah, Darcie. Carla has mad skills like that.”

  “I love you too,” Carla says as we clear the conference table out of the way.

  Jack and I set the table to the side. I walk quickly over to Carla and kiss her passionately. I release her and look into her wide eyes. I murmur, “I do love you, Carla.” Marissa and Susan are both looking at me hungrily. I hold up a finger. “Hold that thought, loves. I need to get Carla started summoning the critters.”

  Jack and I roll the oriental carpet to the side of the room as Viktorija says, “I’ll take some of that too when you get a minute, Will.”

  I nod and focus on my task, “You bet, honey.”

  Jack says, “That should do. Go get your reward, Will.”

  I look at him. “Are you smirking at me, Jack?” He laughs, and I get up and walk over to the door. Carla grabs another kiss before pulling out her chalk. I watch her squat down and start scribing on the floor.

  Carla doesn’t even look up. “Don’t you have ladies to kiss, Mr. James?”

  “Yes, dear,” I sigh. I wink at Marissa, and she laughs. I pull her into an embrace and kiss her like I just came back from war.

  When we break for a breath she gasps, “Damn! Hey, Carla. I want you to warm him up all the time.” I spank Marissa’s hard, round ass. She moans, “Oh yes, Will”

  I smirk and brush her lips with mine once more. “Careful, Strumpet.”


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