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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

Page 23

by JG Jerome

  Josie says, “The cloth ones that are big enough to pass through should have a small frame included.”

  I shrug. “If that’s what you think is best.”

  Jack says, “I like the crawl through variety. That leaves someone pretty vulnerable when they come through. It’s almost a feature for security against possible breaches. What are you putting into the salon?”

  Josie answers, “Walk-through wooden frames with metal security doors on them. They lock with deadbolts and each half has a security door.”

  Jack nods, “When can you have them?”

  Josie says, “Next week if I can get the doors. It took three weeks from the time I ordered these until the time they arrived.”

  Warren asks, “How much do they charge for the doors?”

  Josie says, “Custom ones are about two thousand five hundred. I can get standard ones from Lowes and Home Depot for $130 to $250, but they’re not to the standard I want. Ideally, I want a solid metal door on the far side, sheet metal welded to the metal frame all the way around the circumference, with a rubber gasket to seal the metal frame against the wooden frame. That keeps it vapor safe as well as intruder safe. I paid twenty-five hundred for those doors. The steel cage variety is okay for our side so long as they are welded all the way around - no spot welds. That should be fine on our side unless we think there is a big threat, then we want the same thing there. With the circumference welded as I want, they still charged me a thousand each for the cage type.”

  Warren says, “I’ll get the materials and have them for you four days after you give me the measurements. $500 for each, plus I’ll teach you how to make them.”

  Josie looks excited. “Sure!”

  She looks at me, and I nod my agreement. I add, “Warren, maybe we teach some of the elves the welding bit, too. It would be one more skill they could use to support themselves.”

  He shrugs, “I can’t give them a full trade school course, but I can teach them the basics with an arc welder.”

  I nod. “I’ll pay you for your time.”

  Warren nods solemnly. “Also, with the Church threat, I think I want to increase the number of folks to keep here. I was thinking ten originally, but now I’m thinking twenty-five or thirty.” He looks at Jack. “We need to teach them patrolling, scouting, and squad tactics in addition to the farm work.”

  Jack nods, “Maybe we can enlist Will to help with that. Or Monty?”

  I nod, “I’ll talk to him.” I look around to catch Susan’s eye. “We need to put Monty on the briefing list, too.” Susan makes some more notes. I grin at her, “You also need to turn over your scribing duties to Mica. As my squire, he will publicly appear as my Personal Assistant.”

  Darcie looks at the young elf. “I do that for Jack. When we go into the business world, I’m his PA.”

  I say, “Okay, rescuing Bernadette.” I stick to her alias here to keep things from getting confused. “Are we ready?”


  Bringing Bernadette home

  Jack says, “I don’t like setting up the elven portal here.”

  I look at T’os. “The basement of my house only has ten-foot ceilings - essentially three meters. Will that work?”

  “No,” he says. “We’d need about another meter.”

  I frown, “Jack, we need to get her now. I don’t know what Gabrielle will do to her.”

  Shryl chips in, “She’s had her beaten since our mistress is too good of a fighter for Gabrielle to do it herself. Plus that shocking device has been used on her repeatedly. Sooner is better than later.”

  “Fine,” Jack snarls. “But after that, it gets packed up and taken off the property.”

  Josie says, “We need a cavern. Hidden. Rock would absorb or reflect any energy leaks.”

  I ask, “Mine shafts wouldn’t be big enough, would they?”

  Josie says, “No. They’re generally just big enough to get equipment in and out. I suppose that’s bigger now than when I grew up in the mines, but still. Maybe we can purchase some property backed up onto a mountain. I could excavate a cavern.”

  “Okay, Josie. We can look into that this next week. Mica, put that on the list.” The young elf gets the pad and paper from Susan and sits at my feet. He slowly makes the note. I tell him, “Also put English reading and writing classes for everyone.”

  “Erica, would you be willing to rent a ten-by-twenty storage unit?” I ask. “I’ll give you the money, but you’re the one least obviously tied to me.”

  “Okay, Will,” she agrees readily with a big smile. I cock my head, and she adds, “I’ve been wondering what I can do to help. You found something for me. It’s nice.”

  “My pleasure, sweetie,” I tell her. “Warren, I think I‘ll leave you a full crate of these rifles we took from the elves. We need to test fire them to see what they do.”

  Warren answers, “We can do that while you’re off rescuing Bernadette.”

  Marissa says, “Susan and I can take Erica to get the storage unit right now. We can’t help much with the summoning. We’ll take your car since it’s already at the house.” Susan and I both nod at the same time.

  Susan says, “I’m in. I need to get to know my new hometown.” She grins at me and stands.

  Audrey says, “We can do the banishment and summoning from the house. Carla and I can proof the circle and be ready to go in twenty minutes.” She grabs my face and kisses me passionately. She stands, and I follow her example.

  I help Rebeca up. I ask T’os as Rebecca wraps me in a hug. “How long to get the portal ready?”

  He looks at Chiara and Mica as he says, “Thirty minutes, maybe as much as forty-five. I will train some folks on how to help, so it will take a little longer.”

  I look at Warren. He says, “I’ll help them get it out and set it up in the machinery shed. It’s metal, so that should provide some shielding and keep it out of sight.”

  “Anything else we need to discuss?” I ask. Everyone shakes their heads. “Alright, let’s get to it.”

  I kissed Rebecca goodbye before following the rest of the group to the portal. Darcie, April, and Jack stayed. Maria came along to take the passage home, but Dan stayed to help set up the portal and test fire the weapons. Once he heard we were talking about elven weapons, he was very interested.

  Warren asked me to wait a minute. He ran into the depths of the house and returned in about three minutes with a gladius in a leather sheath. He said, “This isn’t my original, but it’s probably better quality. Use it with pride. It’s a gladius hispaniensis - used around the time the Romans conquered Hispania.”

  I cocked an eye at him. He clarified, “My feeding restores my body and my soul. If you ever want to hear Latin spoken by someone that spoke it fluently on a daily basis, let me know.” He winked at me and left the house.

  That blew my mind.

  I walked through the portal with Mica at my heels. I looked down at the elven youth. “Welcome to my home, Mica.”

  He responded with a genuine smile. “Thank you, Lord.”

  “Mica, how old are you?” I asked.

  He frowned. “I’m twenty-four years old, Lord. I have a little over five years before I’m an adult.”

  I smiled at him benignly. “When I was young, I couldn’t wait to be older. Then when I became older, I longed for some of that freedom from my youth. Five years will pass in a flash. Also, keep in mind that in the local culture, at twenty-four, you’re an adult already. We’ll have to figure out how that works with the elven population.”

  He frowned again, “Theoretically, in elven society it meant that I couldn’t have sex, open a business, or participate in a government job until I was thirty. In practice, my parents sold me to the court magician to be his personal sex toy. I don’t like getting buggered.”

  “I’m glad we let the imps eat him,” I growled.

  Mica grinned, “Me, too.”

  Clarice said, “Mica, we minors need to stick together.”

  I kissed
Marissa, Erica, and Susan when I arrived, and they left immediately in my CR-V to get the rental space arranged. Once they were out the door, I gave Clarice, Lara, and Mica the two-dollar tour of the house. I think the playroom is the coolest part of the house, but all three of them were more impressed with the music corner in the great room. I excused myself and left them to fend for themselves while I took a leak and cleaned my pistol and silencer. I grabbed a hip holster made specifically to hold my pistol with a silencer, and stuffed three spare magazines in the slots on the belt. Then I strapped the gladius on my left hip and took some practice draws of the blade. I worked some skills in the air and quickly decided that I liked it better than a wakizashi.

  I removed both weapons belts and reordered them, sword first, then gun over the top. I stuck a Taser X2 in the gun belt in an appendix carry. I stuffed the Taser flashlight in my jacket pocket. My clip knife is in my right pocket, so I put a telescoping baton in my back right pocket and the second baton in my left back pocket.

  Josie gave me a rolled up portal. I was surprised to find it has a 8” round opening. Josie showed me that it has red paint on the back side, and it’s black on the front. She reminded me not to stick my fingers through from the red side and also demonstrated how to manipulate the stiff fabric properly to use it as a cutting tool.

  I practiced while Josie coached me, “Although you don’t want your fingers to go through the red side, that would be the side you would put toward the locks. I tested it, and even metal readily cuts when you put it in backwards. I’ve got the mate right there on the wall, and I have a crawl-through portal ready. You probably won’t need it, but I feel better having a backup plan.”

  I hugged her voluptuous body to me and kissed her, squeezing her full, round ass. I told her, “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  I patted Mica on the shoulder before Carla, Audrey, Laura, and Clarice all collected kisses.

  Clarice handed my jo staff to me, and Shryl clasped my hand. She said, “Kiss for luck” before she kissed me to the succubus standard of chaste.

  Audrey said, “Shryl, wrap your arms and legs around him like he’s fucking you.”

  Shryl looked confused, so I backed her up against the wall and started kissing her again. She raised a leg, which I hooked around my waist. I leaned the staff on the wall next to her and hooked her other leg as I pressed my crotch into hers. Suddenly, she had arms and legs tightly wrapped around me while devouring my mouth and dry humping me. I held her up with my left hand under her ass as I reached for my staff. Someone placed my staff in my hand.

  I stopped the kiss and looked into Shryl’s eye’s. “Now,” I commanded.

  Audrey called out a short phrase that sounded kinda like French, and the world spun out of control around us.

  The world is coming into focus rapidly. My equilibrium struggles, and I drop Shryl. She lands lightly on her feet. We’re in a stone cell with metal bars on the front of the cell. Unfortunately, we’re not alone.

  A beaten and broken incubus is scrambling slowly to his feet. I shoot him with the Taser, and he jerks in the air before dropping to the ground. I stumble over to step on his tail and use entropy to remove the barb off the end.

  Shryl moans, “Nooooo.” I look out the front of the cell to the door of our neighboring cell. The door of that cell is open, and there is a 6’ tall greater imp leaning over a beaten and broken succubus with black wings. The vile fuck is licking the succubus’ face and chortling. It looks at us in the cell and laughs before returning to his task. I hand the staff to Shryl.

  I consider shooting the greater imp for an instant since it’s obviously here in the flesh. Then again, I remember how Xranalazny hated soul energy.

  I wrap the beast’s ankles with a loop of pure energy and cinch it tight. That pulls the beast off its feet. It howls as I tie up that wicked looking barbed tail next before I lift him off the ground and spin the beast like a bobbin as I wrap it in energy until it’s hanging in the air like a cocoon from the rope of energy running out from my hand. Then I repeated the compacting tactic I used to burn the hunter team. The cocoon gets smaller and tighter as I work my will on the energy. The beast howls, moans, and screams as I push heat into the construct and continue squishing it. I drag it out into the corridor as it approaches the mass of a softball. Then it flashes with a blast of heat, and the cocoon and the greater imp are both gone.

  The incubus in the corner starts to stir. I pull my pistol and shoot it in the knee with a quiet little ‘pew’ sound. It screams piteously as I holster my weapon and pull out the circular passage. I open it and bend it to start pulling chunks out of the locking mechanism until the door swings open.

  I roll it up quickly as I step into the corridor, but am not careful enough. The index finger of my left hand passes in the red zone, and a wave of pain engulfs my hand. I’ve got a bleeding stump where my finger used to be.

  I choke down the groan and push growth energy into my finger. Shryl picks up the passage and carefully rolls it up as my finger regrows.

  ‘Freaky!’ I think to myself.

  The broken form on the floor moans, “William, Darling. You shouldn’t be here.”

  I let Shryl hold onto the portal as I kneel next to the beautiful creature on the floor. Shryl cuts the lock of the shocking cuff and removes it as I survey Alöise in her natural form.

  Bernadette, or Babette, was a beautiful woman. Her succubus alter ego has similar facial features, yet somehow she is still beautiful despite her russet red skin, dark wings, and wavy black hair - or maybe because of it.

  I kneel beside her, “Hello, Love. Have you had enough adventure?”

  Alöise laughs weakly. “Definitely, beloved.” I help her sit before I lift her to her feet.

  “You look like someone beat the shit out of you, Your Grace.” I try to arrange her broken wings. She locks her lips and screams out her nose. She sighs when I’m done.

  “You should see the other guy,” she quips in between moans.

  I nod to Shryl. “Tell them we’re ready.”

  Shryl sticks her fingers through the correct side and wiggles them. I hold Alöise tightly and wait for the summons.

  And I wait.

  And I wait.

  Slowly the incubus in the other cells starts laughing quietly.

  ‘Oh, shit! A trap,’ I curse to myself.

  I maneuver Bernadette around to hold her with my other arm and pull my pistol. I tell the Incubus, “Let us pass.”

  He laughs, “It won’t matter. There are six of us. All of our lives are forfeit if Duchess Alöise escapes.”

  I keep my weapon on him. “Shryl, tell them we need the passage.”

  Shryl screams into the small passage, “We need the passage.”

  Apparently they heard me say it because the larger rolled passage bumps Shryl in the face.

  “Lay it on the floor,” I direct as I hear a door clang open at the far end of the corridor.

  Shryl grasps the roll and throws it open like a carpet on the dirty straw of the cell. I pick up Alöise and stick her feet into the passage. “Keep your wings close to your body, my Love. I’m going to drop you through.” She kisses me quickly and nods. I drop her and she disappears through the floor. I can see the ladies carrying her off on the other side, but the perspective is a little off.

  I take the small passage from Shryl. “Go, sweetie.”

  Shryl takes a little hop and gravity carries her through and I hear a delicate “Oomph” as she drops a couple of inches to the floor. I roll up the small passage and tuck it into my coat as I see a royal incubus and two succubae a couple of cells down. I jump into the hole to land on the floor of the playroom.

  Josie hands me a string with two hooks. I look through the passage and see three faces looking down at me. I shoot hot darts of magic at them, and they back off. I reach into the passage and hook each of the two ‘walls’ from my perspective.

  Something scratches my hand as I withdraw it. That doesn’t prevent me
from reeling in the string to pull the passage on the other side. The cloth frame on Ravissement starts to pass through the one on the near side, and then the hole in the wall goes dark and shows only the wall of the sub-basement behind it.

  I scramble over to Alöise and start pumping growth energy into her body. Her beautiful wings slowly right themselves with a couple of gentle pops and a crackle. Alöise sighs and moves her wings gracefully to shake them out. Clarice kneels next to her and sobs, “Mummy.” Alöis wraps her into a hug.

  I sit back on my ass with a thud as I notice my hand tingling. I look down at the scratch as warmth spreads rapidly up my arm from the scratch. Alöise grabs my hand and licks the wound. Her face falls.

  “Clarice, go hide,” she says sternly.

  Clarice says, “Why, Mummy? What’s wrong with Daddy?”

  Alöise says, “One of the succubae scratched him with its tail spike. Your Daddy is about to go insane with lust! If he survives, he will NEVER forgive himself for raping you! GO!”

  Clarice’s eyes bug as my whole left arm turns into an erogenous zone. She runs off to her room.

  I gasp out, “Shryl to Alafair. Carla. Take her. To the farm. Take Mica, too. Please.” I’m slowly losing my grasp on what’s going on as the tingling spreads across my chest.

  “Not yet,” Alöise countermands my direction. “Ladies, help me strip him and get him up to the bedroom. Shryl and I will start him off. We’re built for this. Humans aren’t. Audrey, you’re next after that. You’re used to being brutalized by him.”

  Josie says, “Marissa likes to have him pound her for hours. She can probably handle him in a frenzy. I’m pretty sure I can handle anything he deals out. I’ll call Marissa and meet you there.”

  Alöise says, “I don’t think he got a full dose, so I’m hopeful his passions will drop down into the normal range after three of us are worn out.”


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