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The Summoner's Path (D'Vaire, Book 10)

Page 30

by Jessamyn Kingley

  Somerly was getting used to hearing people speak poorly of his father, and he was sadly learning that it was deserved. The man had tried to destroy his eldest son, imprisoned his middle one, and was now accusing the pair of kidnapping him. It was devastating to realize everything about your life was a lie, but Somerly was finding it refreshing to finally know the truth about his only parent. He was glad that he was no longer living in a delusional world and that Fate was clever enough to ensure he had Dre’Kariston at his side when he was slapped with reality. “Worth, you were right. He is a shit.”

  Worth’s smile was grim. “It’s not the best thing to be right about, but it can’t be denied. The man’s dreadful.”

  “I want to know where our fucking mother is,” Aleksander growled. “Is Somerly’s mother out there somewhere as well?”

  “I wish I could help you, but I wouldn’t even know how we’d search for either woman. We have no names, and King Ethelindraconis certainly isn’t going to cooperate,” Drystan replied with a shrug.

  “So, what happens now?” Brogan asked. “We know he’s a liar, and he isn’t going to stop spreading bullshit about our good name or our leader. It’s a battle we can’t win.”

  “No, it’s not but I’m not going to tolerate this bullshit about Somerly being kidnapped or that Worth’s a liar and a criminal. I’m not even going to go there with the suggestion he made that I’ve masterminded the whole business. If I wanted to take his ass down, I’d do it in dragon form and quickly, but nothing about him merits my attention. He gave me life, and then he tried everything he could to ruin it for me and the other dragons who decided to bear my name. For their pain and their struggles, I’ll never forgive him,” Aleksander stated. His exotic eyes were narrowed in irritation and fury.

  Somerly decided he needed to find a way to stop his father from continuing to bother the Reverent Knights and spreading rumors about his brothers. “I think I should speak with him.”

  “What the fuck for? He’s just going to try and convince you to return so you can marry Lucretia. I know you’re worried over the Ethelin dragons, but they’ve made their choice to stay under his rule. Look at my parents. I know Worth believes my father follows King Boian because he was taught unswerving loyalty to the man he gave fealty to, but he could find a more honorable ruler to give that to,” Lex retorted.

  Turning toward Dre’Kariston, he was met with a set of navy eyes filled with a mix of stress and love. His mate was under such strain, and the last thing he wanted was to have any more drama in their lives. He was proud to be with this man, and he wanted his father to know he’d left with zero regrets. With his gaze still locked on Dre’Kariston, he said, “There’s nothing that could ever convince me to return to his plan of marrying me off to Lucretia. My life’s here.” He twisted to face Lex. “You’re right. The Ethelin dragons have a choice. It was easy for us to come to the Council, and they’ve the same opportunity we did. I can’t worry over them. I need to tell my father he’s wrong. That he needs to leave us be.”

  “If you feel you need to call him to say those things, then I think you should, but I hope you aren’t expecting him to understand. He wants what he does and I’m sorry to say, Somerly, he’s not losing sleep over your dreams,” Lex countered.

  “I want to meet him face-to-face to tell him my thoughts.”

  “Somerly, I try to do everything I can to allow my people the freedom they wish to accomplish their goals. Even if we didn’t have the threat of Latarian hanging over our heads, I would still be in a position where I feel it’s necessary to forbid you from traveling to Court Ethelin. Boian’s not going to play nice, and I have no reason to trust he wouldn’t have some trick up his sleeve that could have dire consequences. I’m sorry but I can’t allow it,” Aleksander stated.

  “I understand. I’d be worried about the same,” he told his eldest brother, then gave his attention to the Reverent Knights. “Could we invite him to come to the Council? I think he’d be willing to meet me. He’s rather desperate for me to marry Lucretia and has no reason to believe he can’t convince me to do what he wants.”

  “I can’t imagine him having the balls to travel to the Council,” Worth warned.

  “You’re the mate of the Grand Summoner. If he wants to meet with you, he’ll have to do it at the Order of the Fallen Knights Headquarters with the Reverent Knights and the Lich Sentinel in attendance,” Drystan responded.

  “I’d like the arrangements to be made by you,” Aleksander said to the Reverent Knights.

  “Can do,” Conley answered. “There’s one other thing, and it’s a big one. But we don’t have all the details yet. The humans have contacted the Emperor with two more dragons who want to join the Council.”

  “They’re still working out the transportation, and of course we don’t have their forms with their names yet since they arrive with them, but it was the same Sergeant Brown who called about you three. Chrys spoke to them before we headed over here and pushed for more since he figured they must be Ethelin dragons. He was told it was a man and a woman who were married. We assume that means they’re mates. Chrys asked him what reason the two had decided to leave now and he revealed that the pair have a son who belongs to the Council,” Drystan explained.

  “We all thought it was too much of a coincidence that one of you has parents who still belong to the Consilium, and so our thought is that it might be your folks, Lex,” Conley revealed.

  Lex’s brown eyes filled with shock. “You think my parents are coming to the Council?” He turned to Aleksander with a pleading gaze. “If they’re right, could they come here? You’ve spoken highly of my father. He’s been a first duke even when you were growing up.”

  “About that,” Drystan interjected. “It’s Duke Drogo, right?”

  “Yes, his father’s kind, and I never knew anyone when I was young who had a harsh word for him. Not only was he dutiful but he’s got a very good sense of right and wrong. When my father kicked me out, he was the one who told me to go to the Emperor. He gave me a few coins and helped how he could,” Aleksander replied.

  “He’s always been good to me as well. Dear old Dad might’ve wanted me to be miserable, but it was His Grace who’d come and keep me company. We’d play cards, or he’d bring me home-cooked meals. Duke Drogo’s an asset to anyone,” Worth added.

  “I’ve got this idea in my head. You know my parents have been building their court. They have a couple of young dukes but no one to essentially run the show as first duke. When they advertised with D’Vaire for more help, you guys won the lottery with Mac. They didn’t wind up with anyone. You’ve got a first duke and they don’t. If these two dragons are Duke Drogo and Lex’s mother, what if we introduced them to my folks? Maybe they could go to Court Bera. They’re right next door and are encased in your big magic bubble. Lex, you could go visit them whenever you wanted,” Drystan suggested.

  “Emmeline. My mother’s name is Emmeline,” Lex replied. “I suppose it would be difficult having two men experienced as first dukes under the same roof and if King and Queen Bera are needing help, I know my father would be interested in helping. He’s always been the sort to lend a hand. I think it’s a fine plan. As you said, I could visit all the time. We share flying space, don’t we?”

  “We do—they’re considered our extended family. Our plan was to have them all over soon so you, Worth, and Somerly could meet,” Aleksander confessed.

  “But Derwin decided to steal two stones and disappear,” Dre’Kariston added dryly.

  “Any news there?” Conley asked.

  “There’s not even a trail for the sentinels to follow.”

  “I’m sorry,” Conley offered. Dre’Kariston nodded in response.

  “Okay, great. I’ll keep you guys posted on the new Council dragons. Lex, if we’re right, we’ll be sure to reunite you with them as soon as they get here. Somerly, when are you thinking about meeting with King Ethelindraconis?” Drystan asked.

  “I can’t do it unti
l Derwin’s found. Perhaps you can tell him of my intentions, and then we’ll get back to him with dates?”

  “Sounds good. Okay, we’ve got some phone calls to make, and Chrys is going to keep us informed about the two dragons on their way over here. Anything else you need from us before we go?” Drystan responded as he got to his feet.

  “I think we’re good. Thanks for everything,” Aleksander said.

  The Reverent Knights teleported out of the office, and a stillness reigned over the room for several minutes. Then Worth grabbed Lex’s shoulders and gave him a shake. “Your parents.”

  “I’ve decided not to get my hopes up that it’s them. If I do and it turns out to be two other smart dragons who want to come to the Council, I’ll be devastated. Somerly, are you doing the right thing meeting with King Boian if he agrees to come?”

  “I told you before we left, I need him to know why I’ve made the choices I have. He might not understand, but I’ll have him know I don’t appreciate the lies and manipulation. Not to mention the poison he forced into me making me short. I’ve a lot of anger, and it needs to be expressed so I can put it all behind me. My life’s going to be a good one. Dre’Kariston and I have a few thousand years to love each other, and I’m going to cherish that.”

  Dre’Kariston let out a chuckle and squeezed his thigh. “A bit longer than that.”

  “Do warlocks live longer than dragons, then?”

  “He’s got that same look I must’ve had when I learned Idris was immortal,” Mac teased.

  Somerly whipped his head around toward Dre’Kariston’s amused face. “I’m to live forever?”


  “I’ve no idea what to think,” Somerly confessed. The truth was, he didn’t even know how to process an endless lifespan, but the idea of being with Dre’Kariston forever sounded pretty damn great. “Magic’s a wondrous thing.”

  Dre’Kariston’s smile was bright and he winked. “Dragons aren’t so bad either.”

  Chapter 40

  A tear slipped down his cheek as Dre’Kariston woke up from a series of troubling dreams. The past chased him, and his subconscious wanted him to relive every moment of his near-death battle with Carvallius, the hasty summoning of Derwin, and the devastating loss of his parents. Tightening his arms around the dragon using his chest for a pillow, Dre’Kariston dropped a kiss onto his messy hair as he wept in silence. As a young sorcerer learning how to use magic, he was taught exactly what the presence of a familiar felt like. He and Dra’Kaedan were born so powerful, the mark on their back that represented the extension of their potential was there from the start. It wasn’t painful, but it was undeniable.

  It was something Dre’Kariston hadn’t sensed for over six centuries, but it was impossible to ignore that he once again bore that symbol on his skin. Derwin’s plan had failed, and now the Grand Summoner had the ability to recast a familiar. Fate gave him one no matter what, but he couldn’t comprehend the loss of his first. Memories of all that they’d shared filtered through his mind, and he grieved for the loss of a friendship they didn’t have. From the beginning, they appeared destined to be adversaries.

  Carvallius’s attempt to kill him had altered the course of his intertwined destiny with Derwin. As that thought coalesced, Dre’Kariston suddenly realized exactly where they could find the two missing Cwylld stones who no longer had a familiar using them to disguise his magic. He wondered why in the hell the thought hadn’t occurred to him before, but he wasn’t even sure he remembered how to get to the fucking cottage where he’d fought for his life. Let alone if it was still standing or if the land was being used for some other purpose by a new owner.

  Swiping the moisture away from his face, he roused his mate. “Somerly, wake up.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Dre’Kariston paused and choked back his emotions. “It’s Derwin.”

  Somerly’s head popped up and, in his eyes, Dre’Kariston found both love and compassion. “He’s crossed the veil?”

  “I’m afraid so,” Dre’Kariston whispered.

  Scrambling out of the bed, Somerly held out a hand. “Come on, then. Time for a shower, and afterward we have to find your family. You’ll be needing them.”

  Slowly dragging himself off the mattress, Dre’Kariston stood there in front of his mate who took him into his arms. “You’re my family too,” Dre’Kariston said into his hair as he held him tight.

  Reluctantly letting go, Somerly grabbed his hand and they ambled over to the bathroom. Once inside, Dre’Kariston headed for the shower and adjusted the taps. Somerly’s concerned voice reached his ears. “You’ve a mark on your back.”

  “Fate’s granted me the power back to summon a familiar.”

  “You’re not ready for that.” It wasn’t a question and Dre’Kariston was glad Somerly understood his feelings.

  “No. I’m not sure I’ll ever be, but it’s something I have to do.”

  “Why is that?” Somerly asked as he climbed into the shower and they took on the task of getting clean.

  “There’s a man trapped inside me. He’s learning my spells and reliving my past. I can’t keep him locked in there forever.”

  “Rather strange. Is he there when we fuck?”

  Despite his grief, Dre’Kariston laughed. “I’m sure he’s not happy about it, but he doesn’t live it along with us. The memory is his as well as mine, though.”

  “Then I hope he thinks we give it a good go.”

  Leaning forward to kiss him, Dre’Kariston stole the soap and washed his sexy dragon. “How couldn’t he?”

  “I’m sorry about Derwin.”

  “It’s pretty shameful to have your familiar hate you and with such depth that he was willing to risk his life. Something he paid much too dearly for.”

  “He shoulders the blame for his decisions, Dre’Kariston.”

  “So do I.”

  Cocking his head to the side, Somerly studied him through the hot water coursing over them. “Tell me what you could’ve done differently to change any of it.”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know. But there’s always something that can be different.”

  “You’re a rather stubborn one.”

  Dre’Kariston shut off the tap and slid the shower door open. He grabbed a towel for his mate, then secured his own around his waist. “I know but you’ve met my parents. I come by it naturally.”

  “They’re rather intimidating, but I like them.”

  “Let’s get dressed, so we can go talk to them.”

  “And your twin and your cousin.”

  He offered a Somerly a lopsided smile. “And their familiars. We can’t forget them.”

  “No way. Brexton might offer you a knife in the belly and I’ve a feeling when riled, Renny’s truly terrifying.”

  “Well, he is Dra’Kaedan’s familiar, so that’s a given.”

  “I’ve asked Fate to help Derwin on his journey to the other side. I’ve read in your Council book that’s how it’s done.”

  Dre’Kariston closed his eyes as pain washed over him. “Thank you,” he answered softly. “It is, and I do hope Fate cares for him well on the other side of the veil.”

  * * *

  “I can’t believe this is what remains of our little family cottage,” Dra’Kaedan remarked from where he stood at Dre’Kariston’s side.

  “The history books aren’t lying—the ground is dark and barren,” Renny observed.

  “I watched the life leach from the land as Carvallius crossed the veil. Fate left us a reminder that true evil exists,” Dre’Kariston said. The air in his lungs hitched as the memories bombarded him. He couldn’t forget those dark days, but it wasn’t always this bright and clear in his mind. It was something he was now extraordinarily thankful for because the past was brutal.

  “I’m trying to recall all those lovely times we had here, but all I see is pain,” Saura remarked as she squeezed between Dre’Kariston and his twin. She snaked an arm around him. “You’ve ne
ver told anyone what you went through, have you?”

  He shrugged. “What do you want to know?”

  “You might feel better if you tell us about it all,” Somerly suggested. “You had to summon Derwin, and he was pissed?”

  “I lay here for days. I struggled in and out of consciousness,” Dre’Kariston revealed as he freed himself from the comfort of his mate and his mother and walked toward the cottage. “You see how it’s half-burned down? I nearly torched the fucker when I lit Carvallius’s funeral pyre. It was shocking that I couldn’t control my magic. Not since I was boy had that happened, but it was so twisted inside of me. It wasn’t a simple battle between light and dark. It was evil ripping through my body, and it nearly took me. After days without water or food, I knew the only thing that could keep me alive was summoning my familiar. All our people were at war, and no one was going to stop by to see how I was doing. I couldn’t teleport, I didn’t know where I’d wind up, or if I could even manage and stay in one piece.”

  “You would’ve teleported yourself home and into certain death. You had no choice but to summon him,” T’Eirick said. Dre’Kariston heard the truth ring through his words, but he wasn’t sure he could forgive himself for Derwin’s death. He also remembered the darkest of those bleak days and needed to share it with the two people he didn’t think he’d ever see again.

  “I suffered for months, barely able to move,” Dre’Kariston confessed as he turned back to face his family. In front of him were not only the warlocks he’d grown up with but several of the dragons who’d breathed happiness into his world. Even the Arch Lich, Lich Sentinel, and Skeleton Seven were a part of the amazing people who were now interwoven in his life. “But there was one day where the pain grew too deep to handle.”

  Dre’Kariston rubbed his arm right where Fate had marked him as Grand Summoner. “My wrist itched and burned. When I looked down and saw this dragon, I screamed as I realized you were dead,” he told his parents. “Nothing else about those horrible days could break me but that. I had nothing. My twin had already disappeared.”


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