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The Summoner's Path (D'Vaire, Book 10)

Page 31

by Jessamyn Kingley

  “Dear, there was nothing you could’ve done differently. It wasn’t meant for you to save us all,” Saura told him through her tears.

  “When I was well enough, I finally teleported to the place where I was born. The beautiful castle where I’d grown up. I was expecting to fortify my people and assure them their lives would be prosperous because I was Grand Summoner and that was my duty. You already know what I found. A hollowed-out skeleton of my home and not a single warlock left. There weren’t even any bodies to burn.…It was as if they’d all disappeared.”

  “The warlocks might not have had help in battle, but that didn’t mean we didn’t have allies. People who cared about the loss of life and tended to us,” T’Eirick said. “Killian the Dwyer himself saw to each body. Not only did he purify each of us with fire, but he gathered the ashes. He scattered them throughout beautiful gardens all over the world. There’s even some surrounding his own home. Or the one he had until a few years ago, I can’t peek in on him any longer. His people don’t know how to fight, but our deaths weigh heavily on his mind.”

  “Well, no wonder the man lives in a tree,” Dra’Kaedan muttered.

  “He’s still there? Have you spoken with him? He’s grown very isolated over the centuries,” T’Eirick replied.

  “He’s a recluse as far as we know. No one talks to him,” Renny commented.

  “Terribly sad. He’s an incredible man and a gifted sorcerer,” Saura said. “Dre’Kariston, he spared you the pain of lighting those pyres. Their deaths…our deaths were handled with dignity.”

  “Why do you think it’s okay to put me through that again? I’ve lost my familiar. Now I have to once again say good-bye to you in a few months,” Dre’Kariston blurted out. Inside he was raw with emotion, and there was no way to fix what happened. There wasn’t going to ever be that day where he could start over with Derwin. He’d been difficult, but Dre’Kariston had never wished for this.

  “Maybe we made the wrong decision in coming,” Saura said softly. “I didn’t think about putting us all through the inevitable separation. But I promise you I’ll do everything I can to find Derwin. We’ll make sure he finds some happiness. He’s free now to do whatever he wants. I think we might be able to track down the Coven of Familiars. I’m certainly willing to try. He’d probably fit in well with them. I just don’t want him alone.”

  “Don’t you get it? Don’t you understand?” Dre’Kariston roared at his mother. “I couldn’t save him. Nothing I ever did was good enough for him. He chose this. He would’ve rather crossed the veil than live the life I gave him. You didn’t make the wrong decision in being resurrected. The mistake you’re making is by going back. Fate didn’t take you. Carvallius decided your lives were cheap, and he was better suited to be Grand Warlock. He was fucking wrong. You don’t belong on the other side. We need you, dammit.”

  “He’s right. There’s nothing waiting for you on the other side. You gave up your magic. Derwin will find his own way. He’s always wanted that freedom, and now he’s got it. But here you’ve got your sons and the entire family of D’Vaires waiting to make you a permanent member of our household,” Dra’Kaedan added.

  Saura turned her gaze toward T’Eirick. Both of their beloved faces were wet with tears. When she turned back to face Dre’Kariston and he caught the look in her eyes, he shouted, “Don’t you dare say no!”

  “As well as you know me, you can’t read my mind, dear. It’s something for your father and me to discuss. That’s all I can promise. We can’t just be selfish and stay where we wish. We must consider your titles and what Fate intended you both to have. It’s easier without us—we’re a specter of the past.”

  “Mom. There are five warlocks and two familiars,” Dra’Kaedan stated flatly.

  “That number will grow,” she argued. “Dre’Kariston will summon his familiar, and you’ll find Klodjana. There are others missing.”

  “I’d just like to point out here that T’Eirick and Saura…well, you guys aren’t warlocks anymore. You’ve been resurrected. You’re undead. Right now there’s not even really a racial definition for you other than that,” Chander threw in, then pointed in the direction of Dre’Kariston and his brother. “They’re warlocks, and you guys aren’t, so you have nothing to do with their power structure.”

  “Thank you. That’s a good fucking point,” Dra’Kaedan retorted.

  “Listen, we’ll take all that into consideration. But today’s not the day for that discussion. Right now, we need to mourn the loss of Derwin and do our best to put the past back where it belongs. Our family deserves to be remembered for more than just the devastating loss of nearly all our people. I know it’s difficult, but it’s important to find a way to focus on what happiness exists instead of all this pain,” Saura argued.

  Dre’Kariston would have argued further, but his mother was right. Losing someone wasn’t an easy task; he’d had way too much experience in the matter not to know that. He took two steps, putting himself back near Somerly, and held out a hand. Once his dragon took it, he led him inside the charred remains of the cottage where his life had been altered irrevocably. Wandering back to the bed where he lay for months while he recuperated, he found what they’d come to this desolate place for. He’d known it was here, Dre’Kariston had felt the pull on his magic as soon as he’d teleported everyone to outside the small structure after a few tries of getting the location wrong. Something about him refused to remember just how to return to the hated cottage.

  With a few whispered words, he created a thick copper box which neutralized the negative effect of the Cwylld stones. He pulled back the blanket and located two milky white rocks edged in blues and purples. As a familiar, Derwin left no body behind, but there was a stuffed bag of Derwin’s belongings on the floor. Derwin had planned on a much longer trip than he’d managed.

  “Somerly, can you lift those and put them in the box?”

  The dragon did as he was asked, then held out his hand. “Can I carry it? It’ll make me feel better knowing they aren’t harming you. I know you’ve told me the box will keep it from draining you, but humor me?”

  Dre’Kariston passed it over. “Thanks.” He turned back to find their assorted group traipsing through the crumbling cottage. “Hey Mom, remember when Dra’Kaedan almost burned down the kitchen?”

  She laughed as he’d hoped she would. “Do I ever. As usual, he was hungry and wanting sweets. He thought he could speed up the process with more heat, but he was still discovering the extent of his magic and nearly torched us all. Thank goodness your father was able to get it under control quickly. Of course Dra’Kaedan was always a bit addicted to fire.”

  “Tell me about it. He set me on fire,” Brogan complained.

  Saura’s eyes narrowed. “I meant to discuss that with him. Dra’Kaedan, you and I will have words later.”

  “Just had to bring that up,” Dra’Kaedan griped at his mate.

  “Your mom likes me,” Brogan countered.

  “I like both of the dragons Fate gave my sons,” Saura replied.

  Dre’Kariston thought about all the joy he’d once experienced in this cottage that now fueled his nightmares. His mother was right; sometimes you needed the happy to overlay the bad. He peeked over at the dragon that stole his heart. “Somerly?”


  “Will you be my mate?”

  His handsome face was a study in confusion. “I thought I was?”

  “I mean, do you want to have our matebond ceremony? You know, exchange blood, dragon chomp, all that?”

  Somerly leaned in. “I don’t know much about the way things are done here. Do I have to chomp in front of everyone?”

  “No, that part we can do privately.”

  “Well, I’ll be thanking your Fate for that one. Yes, Dre’Kariston. I would love to have our matebond ceremony. As soon as possible, if you please.”

  “A fine way to move forward,” T’Eirick declared. “Congratulations to you both.”

  Dre’Kariston accepted similar sentiments from everyone in their assembled group as well as plenty of hugs. After the jubilation of the moment was over, he took in the charred remains of his past and he said good-bye. He gave a final farewell to the familiar he wished he’d given a better life to and he hoped Derwin was able to find a measure of happiness on the other side of the veil. He made a silent vow not to forget him and to try to focus on the incredible gift of life Derwin had so begrudgingly supplied as he cared for him after that fierce battle with Carvallius. Without him, he wouldn’t have been rewarded with all he had, which included the man at his side.

  Chapter 41

  Somerly was enjoying the heat of the sun as Dre’Kariston walked toward him. The last few days were a flurry of activity, but he was glad they’d finally gotten to the most important event of his life. In a few minutes, his new family would hear him pledge his undying love for Dre’Kariston. While they were separated, Somerly was sure they wouldn’t ever be mates in truth, and he was relieved to have been so very wrong.

  As they’d arranged to have rings made and a mating athame designed, the D’Vaires learned that the two dragons from Court Ethelin were indeed Lex’s parents. King and Queen Beradraconis were waiting for them the moment they stepped off the plane and the four of them had gotten along well right from the start. It was immediately apparent the arrangement of them living next door was going to be a perfect one. Lex was reunited with his folks, and there were plenty of happy tears all around. It was a nice burst of joy after the death of Derwin.

  It wasn’t easy to see pain in Dre’Kariston’s eyes over the loss of his familiar, and all the things they hadn’t shared, but the previous day the elves of D’Vaire put together a beautiful memorial service. The entire D’Vaire clan and special guests, which included the Emperor, dressed in traditional elven attire and gathered in the garden. Anchored by a stunning fountain and a gazebo built for Dra’Kaedan, to the side was a circle of warlock statues. The family added one of Derwin right next to Eldwyn with the hopes it would help guide him toward the man who now led his own coven on the other side of the veil.

  After it was revealed, the elves gave Dre’Kariston, and Somerly as his mate, mourning necklaces. Saura had surprised Somerly with one from her as well. She’d placed it around his neck and hugged him close. In his ear she’d whispered that it was for the life he used to believe was his and for the ghost of the father who’d deceived him with lies and potions. Somerly was incredibly grateful for her gift, and the entire ritual soothed him but more importantly, it’d done the same for Dre’Kariston. Many of the dark clouds in his eyes washed away, and Somerly hoped it meant he was on the road to forgiving himself.

  “You’re staring rather intently at me,” Dre’Kariston said. He’d been standing in front of him for several minutes while Somerly’s mind had raced. The warlock looked amazing with his black curls shining, dressed in a stunning cloak of navy with intricate silver embroidery covering a great deal of it. It matched the one Somerly had on.

  “Woolgathering, I’m afraid.”

  Dre’Kariston reached out and caressed his cheek, then let his arm drop back to his side. “Everything okay?”

  “Today couldn’t be more perfect.”

  “I guess that means you’re ready to do this.”

  “Since the day I met you.”

  “It’s kind of my job to tell you to let me know when you’re ready, and now you’ve kind of usurped that duty,” Aleksander said from next to them. He was dressed in his formal attire, and the crown sitting on his head suited him.

  “My apologies, go on and start,” Somerly told him.

  “You sure?” his brother teased.

  “Get on with it,” Somerly ordered.

  Aleksander let out a chuckle, then addressed the D’Vaires and their guests. “Ladies and gentlemen, the best thing about being King D’Vairedraconis is getting to officiate mating ceremonies, and today’s no exception. Grand Summoner Dre’Kariston D’Vaire arrived here by strolling up and knocking on our front door. Since the moment we discovered his real identity, we’ve been moved by his courage and resilience. Not only was he solely responsible for taking down the biggest enemy of the Coven of Warlocks, he never once complained about the cost of that fateful battle. Now, at his twin brother’s side, he helps to oversee our sanctuary while simultaneously maintaining the same level of honor to his title that his predecessor gave it. It would be remiss of me not to mention that without him choosing his correct path and by accepting his darkness, his parents wouldn’t be sitting in attendance here with us.

  “Grand Summoner-mate Somerly D’Vairedraconis is a dragon new to the Council of Sorcery and Shifters. With his best friend and his brother at his side, he bravely left behind everything he knew to embark on a new life here in our family. It was as much a shock to me to find out that he was my brother as I’m sure it was for him. Like all of you, I’m looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about him. What I’ve discovered so far is that he’s got a deep well of selflessness. He was willing to forgo his own dreams and desires to try and give the people of his former court better lives.”

  Somerly smiled at Aleksander and his kind words, then turned his attention back to his mate. Dre’Kariston was grinning as well and for the first time in days, it was radiant and reached his eyes completely.

  “Gentlemen, please raise your left hands,” Aleksander requested. Somerly did as he asked with such haste that Dre’Kariston chuckled as he obeyed in a much more leisurely fashion.

  T’Eirick approached Dre’Kariston with the beautiful navy and black athame Madeline D’Vairedraconis made for them. It was heavily embellished in silver as was befitting their rank. He made a cut across the palm of his son’s hand and handed the dagger to Lex, who did the same to Somerly. The pair pressed their wounds together, so their blood would mix.

  “Draconis to warlock. Grand Summoner to Grand Summoner-mate. Their souls are now tied, and their lives now linked. May their hearts always stay united, so they will never want another,” Aleksander said.

  Somerly’s soul connected with Dre’Kariston’s and although it was beautiful, it wouldn’t be complete until he bit his warlock later.

  “Dragons claim their mates with a bite that leaves no mark. Centuries ago, a draconic tradition began of exchanging rings,” Aleksander stated. “Dre’Kariston and Somerly will exchange bands to allow the world to bear witness to their joining.”

  Renny handed them both rings, and then Dre’Kariston lifted his chin. He slid a thick band of navy, which flowed gracefully into the unique mix of blue and black that was D’Vaire and adorned in silver filigree, onto Somerly’s finger. “Chosen by Fate and accepted by my heart as true, I accept you as my mate.”

  Repeating the action for Dre’Kariston, Somerly made sure his words were loud enough for everyone in the garden to hear. “Chosen by Fate and accepted by my heart as true, I accept you as my mate.”

  “By the tradition of the Draconis Court of D’Vaire, you are now mates. You have honored all of us by allowing us to bear witness to your joining,” Aleksander said.

  Dra’Kaedan walked up as they handed their cloaks off to Scheredin to reveal their sleeveless shirts and once again lifted their palms. He winked at Somerly, then sliced a fresh wound onto his hand. He repeated the action for his twin. Their blood mixed a second time as Dre’Kariston’s voice rang out. “Draconis to warlock. Grand Summoner to Grand Summoner-mate. Our blood has spilled, and our spirits have bonded. We ask Fate to grant us a mark from left shoulder to elbow so the world may bear witness we belong only to each other.”

  A fiery burn worked its way down Somerly’s arm and he grimaced. He noted that his mate’s facial expression didn’t change at all, so he guessed Dre’Kariston had a higher pain threshold than he did. Peering down at his arm, there was a stunning image of Dre’Kariston looking sexy as fuck in his silver crown and fancy dark cloak. Sneaking a peek at Dre’Kariston’s biceps, he found his own dragon emblazoned
on his skin. Both marks were perfect to Somerly.

  “Congratulations to you both. I wish you an eternal life of love and happiness,” Aleksander said.

  “Thanks, that’s my plan,” Somerly replied. Then he took a single step and snaked his arms around Dre’Kariston’s neck. The warlock took his mouth in a deep kiss, and Somerly lost all concept of space and time as he was thoroughly tongued. When Dre’Kariston finally pulled away, Somerly was half-hard.

  “Now look what you’ve done,” he complained to his mate.

  Leaning in to whisper in his ear, Dre’Kariston said, “I’ll make it up to you later. I love you.”

  Somerly leaned as close as their bodies would allow. “I love you too.”

  * * *

  Dre’Kariston was thoroughly enjoying the festivities after his mating ceremony. Everyone had changed into comfortable clothing, and they were enjoying a barbecue with King Aeron Beradraconis and Dravyn sharing the task of cooking over the open fire. He’d managed to eat enough steak to possibly keep him from being hungry for a week, and every bite was delicious. There was a damn cake for his greedy twin, and he’d choked down a piece to please him. As for the man he’d shared the ceremony with, Dre’Kariston was doing everything he could to drive him crazy.

  At every available opportunity, he discreetly squeezed his fine ass and had even managed to swipe a flirty hand over his package a few times. Somerly admonished him and glared, but the dragon wasn’t keeping any space between him, so he wasn’t really upset. He figured it was the perfect foreplay for what he hoped was an amazing time in bed as Somerly bit him and united them fully.

  But his penchant for teasing Somerly had side effects, and Dre’Kariston needed a diversion to keep from having a full-fledged boner in front of his parents.

  “You want to go talk to Lex and his folks?” he asked the dragon staring at him through narrowed eyes.

  “Don’t grab my cock on the way over there.”


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