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Purrfect Roast: A Dragon Cozy Mystery

Page 13

by Verena DeLuca

  "Don't hurry or anything," I mumbled. "We've got nothing but time officers."

  Aubrey giggled as Skylar said, "Totally, what's with these rent-a-cops?"

  "We should have called and asked for new officers," I said.

  "William is totally hearing about this nonsense," Aubrey said.

  We watched with bated breath, as Linda picked up a vase of flowers off the refreshments table outside the ballroom and examined it. Her eyes bulged as she turned it in her hands. The culprit must have turned the inscription to the back. I swear we were at that table this morning, but who looks at the decorations? What a fail.

  Linda cleared her throat and held up the flowers. The room quieted, knowing full well what was coming.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please?" Linda said.

  Get to the point, Linda, no one is breathing. Clearly, you have our attention.

  "It seems the trophies have been hiding in plain sight. We ask that you all spread out and check all the vases in the hotel. Please meet back here at seven to award the winners of this weekend's show."

  Officer Spencer stepped forward as soon as the words left Linda's mouth. "We will be fingerprinting these trophies so do not touch them when found. Whoever is responsible for this crime will be taking a car ride down to the precinct. If we find any of you harboring information regarding this case, we will also hold you responsible to the full extent of the law. Consider your next actions carefully, whoever comes forward will receive leniency."

  A hushed silence fell over the crowd and we all looked at each other.

  "What now?" Aubrey said.

  "I say we go eat dinner," I said.

  Aubrey laughed. "You would be thinking about food."

  "No," Skylar said. "She has a point, let's get a table in the dining room before anyone else does."

  "Let's go to the dining room," I transmitted to Azure, hoping Skylar was doing the same.

  We stood up, and I realized the rest of the tribe was giving us strange looks. Oops. Maybe I was not used to being a leader.

  "We're going to get something to eat, y'all can stay here, I wouldn't worry about helping. With all these people, it will probably only be an hour more. Rest, it's been a long weekend." I smiled at each of them, hoping they knew the next meeting would be a hard pill to swallow for a few of them. "Skylar and I are going to get a ride home with Aubrey, so as soon as they release y'all, feel free to head home."

  "On our way." Azure walked away from the tribe.

  They all chose not to respond. Which was probably for the best because I really did not think I would be able to hold my tongue from my disappointment. I mean, I got that Tori had been there longer, but why on earth would they follow her direction? I did not expect them to find clues. But to spend the entire day relaxing after I told them I wanted their help, well it hurt. More than I would have expected, too.

  I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused on getting to the dining room.

  "Are you going to wait for me?" Azure transmitted.

  "Oh. Right. Sorry," I transmitted, stopping to look around.

  "I just realized Azure isn't with us," Aubrey said.

  "You know, you're right," I said curiously. As if I did not know where he was for her benefit. "That's strange. It's rare he doesn't follow."

  Right after I spoke, he scampered up and rubbed on my leg. I bent down on instinct and picked him up. Shadow followed close behind for Skylar to do the same.

  "There you are, mister fluffers," I said, rubbing my face into his silky fur.

  "Stop it," Azure transmitted. "I have news."

  "I didn't even notice they left," Aubrey said. "Glad we stopped."

  "Totally," Skylar said, and turned to lead us to the dining room. She knew exactly how to change the subject from dragon talk, and it made me jealous. I needed that skill.

  "What's up," I transmitted as we weaved through more contestants.

  "I was over next to Sue before she announced the location of that trophy."


  "She didn't find it," he transmitted.

  "What do you mean?" I transmitted, carefully watching the floor as we walked to not step on any kitty tails. There was no telling what a dragon would do if I stepped on their tail. I was not about to find out either.

  "I mean," he transmitted in an increasingly frustrated tone. "It was Naomi, from the San Antonio tribe that pointed it out to Sue."

  "Wow," I said aloud without realizing it.

  Skylar and Aubrey both stopped walking and looked back at me, but I motioned for them to open the dining room doors. I would have to come up with a way to tell them about this.

  "Do you think Naomi was avoiding being the finder?" I transmitted to Azure. "If I would have found it, I would have told Aubrey to show the police. No way would I want all these eyes on me."

  "Not sure," Azure transmitted. "Sue was definitely excited to make the find. But I don't think she realized who whispered to her. Naomi had a huge smirk plastered on her face. Like she knew Sue was going to announce it."

  "Well then," I transmitted as we got in line for the dinner buffet, "that's suspicious."

  "You don't say," Azure transmitted with an eye roll.

  I am surrounded by sass.

  "Now you know how we feel," he transmitted, "dealing with you."

  "Touche," I transmitted.


  Sunday, May 17th, 6:45 PM

  After making sure Azure and Shadow were fed dinner, we dug into another plate full of the best comfort foods the buffet offered. To my dismay, the dining room was far from empty. Many of the contestants followed us in to eat instead of searching for the trophies. While I would have preferred the silence, it just confirmed the fact that too many protectors thought the cat show was a joke.

  Why did they choose this event to be a requirement? Were all these people too scared to speak up?

  "Did you talk to the tribe about the idea of not holding the meeting at the cat show?" I transmitted to Azure as I stuffed my face.

  "No," he transmitted, clearly focused on eating as well. "I enjoy the competition. Why would I want to change the meeting location?"

  "Because not everything is about you," I transmitted, along with an eye roll through the transmission.

  "Says you," he retorted. "I'm not the only dragon that enjoys the show, you know."

  I started to take a bite, but as his transmission came through, I looked down at him with disgust.

  "Maybe not, but as a leader you should be considering the thoughts of the majority." I sent it through jumbled and fast. His inability to consider anyone else's feelings drove me crazy.

  I took in a deep breath and filled my mouth with food, so the other ladies did not notice my frustrations. I did not want to explain why my heart rate was up and I wanted to scream. I glanced around the room and found comfort in the fact that no one was paying attention to our table, let alone me having an internal freak-out. His behavior toward his fellow dragons was beyond out of line.

  "The majority do enjoy the show." He transmitted in one of the most pretentious tones I had heard come from him.

  "You're kidding, right?" I transmitted. "I get that you are high on attention right now, but maybe take a step back and review what all we've heard today. Only a self-centered tea tart would think the majority want to be here."

  Azure did not respond, but he did not need to. How inconsiderate could a dragon be? There was no way the majority of dragons were here for the show. They were here because it was required. It was the only reason I came. Not that I was hiding it as well as some of these other tribe ladies.

  Skylar and Aubrey deserved a medal for putting up with my whining. While I felt like a brat, I knew it was from being overstimulated and under-caffeinated. I pushed food around my plate and looked up at the girls focused on eating.

  "I appreciate y'all putting up with my whining today," I said.

  Both of them looked up from their pla
tes, and Aubrey rolled her eyes while Skylar shook her head with a smile.

  "We know you," Aubrey said. "No different from any day in the cafe."

  She winked and took a drink from her water glass.

  "Hey now," I said, and took a drink of my coffee.

  "Totally," Skylar said. "Just another day in the life with Hailey."

  She followed suit by taking a long drink of her sweet tea. I still had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that sweet tea was a southern delicacy. Cold coffee was the obvious choice for the cold drink of Texas. But then again, I was not here for any type of tea, warm or cold.

  It made me giggle to think of how people in the UK would react to this state's obsession with sweet tea on ice. World war tea anyone? I could see the argument already. Who drinks cold tea? Where are the leaves? Are you supposed to microwave it? Then China would get involved, as tea was clearly invented there. It would be a total mess of weak arguments for how it was supposed to be drank. Likely ending with tea going right where it belongs—in the harbor. But that was tea, messy and weak. Not like coffee, understanding of preferences, and strong.

  Not that sweet tea was even really tea, it was more of a dessert with all that sugar. A dessert as Texas as longhorns. I tried it once in college on a dare, never again. Way too sweet for my blood. Even Aubrey, the dessert queen, requested half-n-half—non-sweet mixed with sweet—when ordering it from our favorite chicken eatery. Ugh. I shook myself out of my thoughts, realizing they had moved to making laughable impressions of my sassy ways.

  "Rude." I stuck my tongue out.

  "Whatever," Aubrey said. "I know full well how you feel about crowds. This weekend had to be a hard one to muddle through. I'm actually surprised you didn't walk out."

  "Not going to lie," I said. "The thought crossed my mind more than once."

  They laughed and vocalized agreement with the sentiment.

  I took another bite of macaroni and cheese, pondering over the day we had.

  "Really," I said. "If I'm being honest, it hasn't been too bad of a day. We talked to some interesting people. Glad it was y'all I was stuck here with."

  "It has been a pretty good day, all things considered," Aubrey said. "I still feel bad for bringing y'all into solving the trophy thing. We should have just hung out."

  "Totally," Skylar said. "Taken a page out of the girls by the pool's book."

  We all laughed again.

  "Too true," I said. "They knew exactly how to relax amidst drama."

  "Don't feel bad," I said to Aubrey. "It would have been a dull day had we not been investigating. Today's just been overwhelming is all. With the lengthy stay here, plus the drama of Tori, and Sue. Just a lot for a single day."

  Aubrey gave me a heartfelt smile, and we let the silence linger between us, finishing up the rest of the food on our plates. She knew exactly what I was feeling. I needed to get home, take a long bath, and think through everything. It would all work itself out, just needed some time alone with my thoughts is all.

  A cheer came from the lobby and we looked at the glass doors that separated the two rooms. You could barely make out people cheering, and I figured they found a second trophy.

  "Guess we need to get back in there," I said.

  "Totally," Skylar said.

  "Just wish we knew who did it," Aubrey said.

  "Oh!" I said, causing them both to jump. "I forgot! When we were walking into the dining room, I overheard some ladies saying that it was actually Naomi that told Sue a trophy was on the coffee table."

  "Fascinating," Aubrey said. "Which group was she in?"

  "The ones by the pool," Skylar said. "What do you think that's about?"

  I fidgeted with my cup as they spoke and kept my eyes on the table. Someone was going to get away with this, and it was not right.

  "Not sure," I said. "But maybe we should ask?"

  "I don't know," Aubrey said. "I think y'all made a valid point of not pointing fingers."

  "You should ask Veronica," Azure said.

  "I could ask Veronica," I said. "She seems to be an open book."

  "Hmm," Aubrey said.

  We sat in silence for a few moments longer, then I stood up.

  "I'm going to do it," I said. "What's the worst she can say? It was nothing?"

  "Good point," Skylar said. "We'll come with you."

  I smiled and let the relief melt over me. While I knew Veronica would not attack me over it, I was not looking forward to talking to her alone about the transgressions of a tribe mate. Especially after she let me in on my own tribe issues. Would she see it as revenge? Me not believing her and wanting to shame one of her members? I hoped not, but I had to try. We deserved answers.

  "It will be fine," Azure transmitted.

  "If you say so," I transmitted back as we left the table.

  Halfway to the door, Azure transmitted an apology for his behavior. I bent down and picked him up with a simple thank you. While I could have sassed him, I figured I was not the only one feeling the pressures of the day and let him slide.


  Sunday, May 17th, 7:15 PM

  We entered the lobby, and for a moment I felt like a true crime stopper. Woof. My girls flanked me as I walked with a purpose, my head held high, to hunt down Victoria. But my confidence deflated the moment I laid eyes on her, sprawled out at a table in the recessed area surrounded by her tribe.

  How can I get her away from them? Think Hailey, think.

  The lobby held fewer people than before dinner. With so many off looking for the final trophy, only a handful were eating dinner. It left the audience for our altercation sparse, at least.

  We paused mid-stride before descending the two steps into the area. I turned to Aubrey and Skylar, gave them a wide-eyed look, and slightly tilted my head in Veronica's direction. They cringed at the sight of her surrounded by her tribe. They were just as apprehensive about confronting her, and it stressed my already anxious mind.

  "Don't look," Aubrey whispered. "She's walking over here."

  Oh tea, but why? I am not ready!

  "You're welcome," Azure transmitted.

  I let out a small yelp. In the heat of the moment, I forgot I was holding him, much less that we could communicate mentally.

  "Not nice," I transmitted.

  "Are you saying you didn't want to speak with her alone?" he transmitted.

  "You? But how—"

  Before he answered, Veronica joined our circle with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Azure leapt out of my hands, leaving me nothing to do with them. I leaned back against the rail and used my right hand to hold my left elbow.

  A real power stance, Hailey. So intimidating.

  "With your glances in my direction," she said in a slight whisper. "You might as well have yelled my name and waved a flag."


  I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. She was just another tribe leader, not a bully.

  "We did not want to cause a scene," I said. "We weren't sure how to signal that we needed to speak with you privately."

  "Well, I got your message," she said. "Loud and clear, so out with it."

  I put my hands on the railing behind me as I tried to figure out how to word the accusations, but Aubrey beat me to it.

  "It has come to our attention," Aubrey interjected, "that Naomi knew the trophy was on the table, we'd like to know if she is the one that placed them there."

  "That's cute," Veronica said. "Y'all want to be that blonde drew girl or something?"

  "What's cute?" I stepped closer to her, crossing my arms to prevent myself from poking her chest with my index finger. "How you come here and pretend to be a leader in this community, when really you're stabbing each person in the back with your lies? If you don't want to tell us, that's fine, but don't think for a second that our next stop won't be Linda. It's already seven o'clock. Enough is enough. The prank is played out."

  To my dismay, she took a long look at me, and for a sec
ond I regretted the word vomit. But facts were facts. If she knew what Naomi did, there was no reason to play nice anymore. Either she was a tribe leader, or she was not.

  "I didn't think you had it in you," she laughed. "New girls got spunk. Fine, you win. Just not in the way you think. Naomi may have been running her mouth, but she would never be involved in something so petty. You and Azure may feel like your superior, but it won't soon be forgotten that you both stuck your nose where it wasn't requested."

  Regardless of what that meant, I would take the win. I adjusted my stance to appear less hostile. It did not go beyond my notice that Skylar had withdrawn into her silent self. But more voices would not help the situation, so I tried not to look at her or draw attention to her silence.

  Veronica looked at Aubrey and asked, "Be a doll and go get Linda, would you?"

  Aubrey looked as if she was going to tell her off, but glanced at me instead. I nodded for her to go ahead. She left after giving Veronica one last death glare.

  "I know this is your first show," Veronica said. "So you have no idea of the bigger picture here. But I'm just going to say. My girls didn't mean any harm by what they did."

  "No harm?" I said louder than intended. "Are you serious right now? Some of these ladies have to drive over five hours to get home. Had plans for after the show. Have lives! She meant no harm in keeping us here? That's malarkey. She was only thinking about herself, and doesn't need you to cover for her anymore."

  Two other girls walked up behind Veronica, interrupting her chance to respond.

  "It's okay Roni," the girl I presumed to be Naomi said. "She's not wrong. This went too far."

  "Annabelle," Veronica said without looking behind her. "Go sit back down."

  Wait, what? Boob job, Annabelle? I glanced back at Skylar and we exchanged wide eyes. We stayed quiet though, not sure what to say.

  "No." Annabelle put her hands on her hips, as if she was ready to fight about it. "This isn't your battle. You can't cover for us anymore."

  I had to admire Annabelle's power stance. She looked to be in her late twenties. I would not admit it to her, but I could not help but swoon over her long black hair. How did she keep it so straight? She also did seem to have a boob job. Guess the gossip from our tribe was on the right path all along. Just not in the way they intended.


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