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Purrfect Roast: A Dragon Cozy Mystery

Page 14

by Verena DeLuca

  Veronica looked back at Annabelle as if to tell her to shut up, but Annabelle stayed firm in her stance. I had to give it to her, I would have crumbled under Veronica's gaze. She had her tribe under control in a way I would have never thought possible. They had fun but did not seem to disrespect her in the slightest. By Veronica's expression, it seemed this behavior was a first for her.

  I looked around the room to see if Linda was sneaking away from the building tension. Sure enough, she was hurrying over with the two other coordinators and Aubrey trailing behind her.

  "We all knew it was going to come down to this at some point," Annabelle said. "Blair and I didn't mean to hurt anyone. We just wanted—"

  "Here comes Linda," I interrupted Annabelle's confession.

  The other girl, Blair, looked familiar but I could not place her face. We had spoken to so many women today, they were all blending together as a string of dragon protectors. She too looked to be in her late twenties, early thirties. And seemed rather embarrassed at the attention being directed her way.

  As Linda walked up to our group, the elevator doors opened with a wave of loud cheering. They found the final trophy. Linda leaned over to Samantha, whispered something, and she headed for the cheers.

  "Aubrey tells me y'all have a confession to make?" Linda said.

  "Yes, ma'am," Annabelle said, and stepped out from behind Veronica.

  As she spoke, Nathan left us as well—I assumed it was to find the police. I still was not sure these ladies deserved to be arrested. Maybe banned from the cat show and given a tribe timeout. Arrested just seemed a bit extreme.

  "This weekend," Annabelle said, "during the competition, I made a joke to Blair about how it would be hilarious if the trophy table rolled out, and there weren't any trophies to be handed out. One thing led to another, and we found ourselves putting the trophies around the hotel. It was just a joke. We didn't mean for it to go on this long. I thought someone would find them by now."

  "We just thought everyone was taking the show too seriously," Blair said in a quiet voice. "We only wanted a laugh."

  She wiped her eyes and appeared to take the confession harder than Annabelle. They both should have been ashamed. Causing all this drama for a laugh? What in the childish antics? The last thing I would expect from protectors.

  "Attention, we have found the culprit," Azure transmitted. "Annabelle and Blair stole the trophies and hid them around the hotel as a practical joke."

  "Duh, I'm standing right here," I transmitted. "Don't tell me the dragons knew this whole time."

  "I am extremely disappointed that anyone competing in this show would do something so childish," Linda said. "You ladies are far from your high school years. It's an embarrassment to the show and the organization to have you here any longer. As of right now, you are both banned from future shows, and as soon as the police get over here, we'll let them do with you as they please. You both owe the entire show an apology for your behavior."

  I shuttered at Linda's words. Her stern tone was one I never wanted to be on the receiving end of.

  "Their dragons did not find out until about thirty minutes ago," Azure continued.

  "Oh, wow," I transmitted.

  As he transmitted, the police and Nathan came up behind Linda. They walked a few paces away from us and started a heated conversation.

  "The planning happened while we were on the competition tables," Azure transmitted. "They were unaware of the misdoing of their protectors. Collectively, we scanned our protectors to verify they weren't involved. During which they discovered the truth."

  "There is no need to charge them over trophy theft." We could hear Nathan saying. His voice rose as Linda's scowl deepened. "We found them. No harm done. Let's wrap up and go home."

  "Wasting city resources is a criminal offense," Officer Spencer said. "We can ticket you for calling us out here for this."

  It appeared his tone was more for theatrics than anything else. The officer beside him grimaced but did not voice her opinions.

  "Are they not going to charge them?" Aubrey said.

  "I mean, I don't think they need jail time," I said.

  "Yeah, that's true," she said.

  "You did what to me without my knowledge?" I transmitted and glanced at Skylar.

  Her face told me she was getting Azur's transmission as well. She met my eyes and mouthed "wow".

  "But instead of turning herself in," Azure continued, ignoring my questions, "Annabelle told Naomi that a trophy was on the table. Naomi couldn't help but investigate and tell Sue when questioned what she was laughing about."

  "It would have been helpful if the city sent officers that actually investigated," Linda said, changing her tone to side with Nathan. "What exactly did you do all day? Relax in the A.C.? I want both of your badge numbers as the police chief will hear about this. Lucky for you both, he is a member of my church."

  Wow, this woman knew no bounds. She must have realized it was a losing battle to press charges over trophies. Good for her, switching tactics with Linda to save your reputation. Better to save face with the show than the officers.

  "They have let us know, that the reasoning behind the theft was indeed to take a jab at the tribes that love the show. In the future, it would behoove anyone with a complaint to come forward instead of resorting to childish behaviors. These dragons and their protectors will be dealt with by their tribe leaders. As it has now come to our attention that the majority of the tribes do not care for the show. We leaders have agreed to find a new location for the yearly state meeting. A place that will work as a vacation instead of an obligation for all involved. Thank you for your patience, we will discuss this more at the next meeting. As soon as the police release you, you are free to leave. Have a safe trip home."

  "Wait, were you transmitting to the entire tribe?"

  "Yes," Azure transmitted. "Each leader is currently explaining the same to their tribemates."

  "No wonder it just became eerily quiet in here."

  Though an outsider could have interpreted it as everyone trying to hear the conversation between the coordinators and police that was growing louder by the minute.

  "You ladies have a great evening," Officer Spencer said. "Come on Branson, let's get out of here. What a trip, bunch of weirdos worried about trophies."

  Rude much. Good riddance. Maybe Aubrey should have William file an official complaint. If that was even a thing.

  "Attention everyone, can I have your attention," Linda practically yelled while glaring at the back of Officer Spencer's head. "We would like to apologize for the delay in handing out the trophies. With the culprits and the final one being found, we have a few announcements to make."

  The lobby had filled up while the dragon announcement was happening, and it looked as if all the participants were now present. I could not even imagine what the normies thought about all the nonsense.

  "Annabelle, Blair," Linda said. "Please come forward."

  Both girls did not make an effort to move, but as the seconds passed, we turned to stare at them, with the rest of the room trying to figure out where Linda was looking.

  "You can't tell me you're bashful now," Linda said. "It wasn't fear that stopped you from stealing from us all. Please come forward and speak to those that you have trapped in this hotel for the day."

  Linda was evil, that explained it. Who could be so mad one minute and then be dripping with vile sarcasm the next?

  I looked Veronica in the eyes and she rolled hers, then pushed Annabelle forward. "You wanted to get it all out, so let's get this over with."

  Annabelle took a short walk of shame over to where Linda was standing, with Blair trailing behind her at a snail's pace. How did these girls not know this was going to be the outcome?

  "Annabelle and Blair here have something they would like to tell you all," Linda said.

  They both whispered and Linda instructed them to, "Speak up."

  "We said we're sorry, alright." Annabelle sighed. "
Y'all care about this show too much. It's just a cat show."

  A shocked noise wove its way through the room. This girl could not figure out if she wanted to be embarrassed or own her actions.

  "We didn't mean to hurt anyone," Blair said with trepidation. "It was just a joke. I'm sorry."

  She covered her face and navigated back to a group of ladies that I recognized. San Marcos. Really? That was not even the one the leader was speaking with.

  "Oh," Azure transmitted. "I discovered what that was about as well."

  "Look at you, running your own investigation," I transmitted as I watched Annabelle come back toward us.

  "Well, someone had to," he transmitted.

  Linda shook her head as they walked away from her, and cleared her throat before continuing with her announcements, "Both ladies have been banned from future shows indefinitely. If they won anything this year, it has been forfeited, and we have asked that they leave the premises immediately."

  "Touche," I transmitted. "So what was it about?"

  "Apparently," he transmitted. "Hadley and her dragon built a side business that involved her trading the bare minimum goods with her tribe so they could make a larger profit by selling overpriced wholesale quantities to non-tribe companies. All while starting a multi-level marketing company in secret. They were looking at buying a mansion in San Antonio, hoping to sever from their tribe responsibilities permanently."

  "Furthermore," Linda took a sip from a water bottle. "Samantha is passing around lists of the names that did not win in any category. If your name is on that list, you are free to go. Otherwise please line up by the cafe, and Nathan will hand you your box of winnings. Thank you all for your patience. Next year's show will make up for the inconvenience of this event. I promise you that."

  She waved at us and headed over to Nathan to help him hand out the boxes that surrounded him.

  "Wow," I transmitted. "What is wrong with people?"

  "The human condition," he transmitted.

  I shook my head and internally chuckled. He would think that.

  "What was their specialty?"


  "Now what?" Skylar said, interrupting our conversation.

  "I guess we need to find a list," Aubrey said.

  Before we had time to move Nathan spoke up, "In an effort to hurry this along I am going to call out names. Our big winners today are as follows, In third place, Jerry Avoiuli. He also won four minor divisions trophies."

  Cheers sounded from the hotel entrance, and I looked over to see Sue and the rest of the Austin tribe clapping as Jerry's owner took him to retrieve his trophy.

  "In second place," Nathan cleared his throat, and looked at Linda, who nodded at him. "Second place was won by Storm Theban."

  While I did not know the owner of the cat mentioned, an audible gasp followed by whispers took over Nathan's voice. He waited a few seconds before starting again, to let the crowd get their shock out.

  "I apologize for the disorganization. Unfortunately, Storm Theban is owned by Blair Garcia. With the events of this evening, she has forfeited her trophy and title. Linda is currently working on adjusting the boxes to match the new scores. The final standings will be posted to our website by tomorrow evening."

  I leaned over to Skylar and Aubrey to whisper, "So the tribe who never wins, placed the year they decide to take karma into their own hands. Fitting."

  "I hope she heard her name called," Aubrey said, looking around for the group of ladies that she came with.

  "Doesn't look like any of them are still here," Skylar said.

  "Darn," Aubrey said.

  We all giggled as Nathan cleared his throat again to announce the first-place trophy winner.

  "Can you three keep it down?" Azure transmitted. "I would like to hear him say my name."

  "Ha," I transmitted. "Fat chance."

  "In first place," Nathan said. "Let's give a big round of applause to Azure Rune, who also won best in his division, plus four smaller categories."

  Wait, What? Did he just say we won?

  "Told you," Azure transmitted. "Let's pick up my loot."

  He walked off in front of me, only to turn back and see that I was not following. This caused him to run back and headbutt my legs.

  "Come on woman, I need your appendages!"

  Aubrey screamed beside me, "You won! You won!"

  She and Skylar were both jumping up and down as they pushed me through the crowd. I was dumbfounded. The cheers echoed throughout the lobby as we made our way to the cafe. I could not believe it. We really won. Never in my dreams did I think we even had a chance.

  "I don't know why you doubt me," Azure transmitted.

  As I shook hands with Nathan, I saw Sue out of the corner of my eyes throwing a balled-up piece of paper to the floor and scooped up her cat. She stormed out of the hotel before I could make eye contact. Icing on the cake, guess rude never prospers.

  Once we had our box, Nathan searched his list for Shadow, who won quite a few smaller division trophies and silver in Best of Unaltered.

  After photos with the other winners and a few too many hugs, we finally were able to make it out to the car.

  "Do you want me to drive?" I asked Aubrey.

  "Yes, please," Aubrey said. "Driving here was bad enough."

  "You don't know how much I appreciate you driving here," I said. "Skylar and I would have been so bored without you."

  "I know." Aubrey laughed. "I'm the life of all parties."

  "Wow," Skylar said. "Someone's full of themselves."

  "No kidding." I laughed. "Looks like we still have time to make the bats, y'all still want to go?"


  "Jinx," they both said again.

  We all crumpled into laughter as we drove out of the parking lot.


  Sunday, May 17th, 8:15 PM

  The drive to the Congress Avenue bridge was one of the most relaxing moments since waking up. Austin bumper-to-bumper traffic did not phase me like it usually did. The day had taken the fight right out of me. Not to mention my mind was still racing from Azure winning gold.

  As we approached the downtown area, it took longer than I hoped to find the free bat-parking lot, within walking distance of the bridge. But I did not complain and neither did the girls. They must have felt relieved to be out of the hotel, like I was. At least, I hoped that was why they stayed quiet for the entire drive.

  As we walked, Aubrey read bat facts off her phone. I stayed silent taking in the gorgeous sunset. Austin's skyline had to be one of the best in the country. It amazed me at how well the city incorporated an urban feel, while still being lush, filled with greenery.

  The city changed so much in the years since I graduated college. Especially with the redesigning of a few homeless laws, making camping on city property legal as long as they were not obstructing the public. So now on any given drive through the city, the cozy wooded areas around the roadsides were overrun with homeless camps or single tents.

  Overall, it creeped me out to even get out of my car in most places. Not to mention the fact that at many lights throughout the city, stopping at them gave the homeless an open invitation to start washing your window or asking for spare change. I hoped the city was working on a better solution to the growing homeless population, because these latest changes were clearly not working.

  "If we flew right next to you guys would Aubrey scream?" Azure transmitted.

  "Don't you dare," I transmitted with a smirk.

  While it would be hilarious, I knew it would draw attention that we were not looking for. Better for him to keep his bat self in the sky until we got back to the car.

  "So responsible," Azure transmitted. "Doesn't winning gold grant me a bit of leeway?"

  We told Aubrey we were leaving the cats in the car, but in reality, they were joining the bats on their flight. A single cracked window was enough to let them get out, and back in before Aubrey noticed they were gone.

bsp; "Not that level of leeway," I transmitted.

  "Fine, Fine."

  "Did you know there is going to be over a million bats flying out from under the bridge?" Aubrey asked.

  "Creepy," Skylar said. "Good thing vampires aren't real."

  "Ooh," I said. "What if they were, and this bat experience was just a way for them to pick out their prey?"

  We giggled and stopped at a light to wait for the crosswalk signal.

  "Let's hope that's not true," Aubrey said. "These little guys are so cute."

  She held up her phone to show us a picture of a Mexican free-tailed bat. Just as adorable as Azure when he glamoured into a bat. It was not until college that I realized the bats in Texas were small for bats. Australia had bat species that would eat ours for lunch—if they were cannibals that is.

  "This isn't even the largest colony in Texas," Aubrey said. "Bracken Cave has like twenty million of these little guys. It's the largest colony on earth."

  "Guess I know where our next vacation will be." I laughed.

  "Totally not here for caves," Skylar said.

  "Oh yeah?" Aubrey teased. "Afraid of the dark are we?"

  "Maybe," Skylar retorted, and stuck her tongue out causing us all to giggle.

  "Alright children," I said in my best mom voice. "Don't make me cancel this trip."

  "That was weak," Aubrey said. "Good thing you don't have kids, they'd walk all over you."

  "Ah man," I said, trying to keep my tone whiny and somber.

  Aubrey nudged me in the arm and looked back at her phone as she laughed.

  "These bats are pretty much the saviors of farmers around Texas. They eat so many insects the farmers end up not having to use insecticide on their crops during mating season."

  "Fascinating bonus to bats." I looked up at the sky.

  There were a few little flutters, so I picked up the pace to make it to the bridge before they launched.


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