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Marco & Rakia 2

Page 13

by Tina J

  “Can y’all stay here for a few?” I asked Ronnie and Marcus.

  “Yea, we’ll go talk to Tech, or do you need us in here? We wouldn’t want you to yank her hair or throw her to the ground.” All three of us, busted out laughing.

  “Nah, take her dumb ass outta here. Let the ones who really loved Mrs. Winters, grieve in peace.” Shanta yelled obscenities the entire way out but once she put Rakia’s name in her mouth, I had to remind her of who I was.

  “I’m gonna ripped your vocal chords out, if you don’t shut the fuck up.” She looked at the cops who turned their heads.

  “Let my girl name come out your mouth again and I promise you will be dead by morning. The only reason, I haven’t done it yet, is because of Rak. But you got one more time, to come out your face and my girl will just be mad. Now, get the fuck outta here.” She didn’t say a word and walked out quiet, like I knew she would. Fucking bitch.


  “Do you think she was in pain?” I asked my grandfather, as we sat in my grandmothers’ room. The nurses were unhooking the machines.

  “Yo, can you do that shit, when they’re finished? THA FUCK!” Marco, yelled out. Me and my grandfather snickered. He was a fool and had no filter.

  “I’m sorry, I was just.-”

  “Get the fuck out. Come back when they leave.” The lady sucked her teeth but her ass left.


  “What happened?” I stood up and Marco, came behind me.

  “We were watching television and she said, she didn’t feel good. I went to get her a bottle of water and came back to find her, face down on the floor. I called 911 and they revived her in the ambulance. What am I gonna do without her?” He started crying, which made me cry. My grandparents have been together for over forty years. All they knew, were each other.

  “DAMMIT! I tried to get here in time.” He yelled out and came towards me.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Marco, pushed him back. He’s never met my parents.

  “He’s my father.” I put his arm down and hugged my dad.

  “I should’ve been here. Ma, I’m so sorry for not getting my life together for you sooner. FUCK!!!!” He shouted and grabbed her hand. I stood back and watched him and my grandfather, say their goodbyes. They both left and it was my turn but where do I start?

  “Grandma, I’m sorry, I wasn’t there to say goodbye. I’m gonna miss you so much.” I felt the tears falling down my face.

  “Who am I gonna call, when your daughter and other grandchild bother me? Or who am I gonna talk to, when Marco, gets on my nerves?” He nudged me.

  “You’re gonna miss your great grandchild being born. How could you leave me alone?” Marco pulled me away, wiped my face with his sleeve and hugged me. This was the worst day in my life and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and die. My grandmother died, my aunt tried have my man arrested and I have a feeling my, dear sweet cousin, is going to come and try to harm me again. He kissed my forehead.

  “Take me to the room please.” He helped me in the chair and pushed me out. I told them, someone would call in an hour, with the name of the funeral home, who’d be picking her up.

  My aunt was still in the waiting area, looking pitiful and my father and grandfather were talking on the side. My dad, came over and told me, they wanted me to handle all the arrangements and if I couldn’t to let them know. Neither of them wanted Shanta doing anything but they would let her, if I didn’t. She came walking over and I thought about kicking her for some reason.

  “Why is she in charge? I’m her daughter?”

  “And I’m her son. I’m the oldest and dad doesn’t wanna do it. He wants Rakia to, since she was the closest to her.”

  “Fuck that. Cara, was closer to her.” Was she really acting up, over me handling the services?

  “Shanta can do it, if she wants to.” She smirked.

  “She was my wife and I say who handles, what? I don’t want her doing it.” My grandfather said and went to leave. Shanta ran behind him and he pushed her away.

  “You may be my daughter but the sight of you is making me sick, to my stomach.”


  “Your mother just passed, not even twenty minutes ago and all you’re worried about is being in charge of the services. When is the last time you came to the house? Or the last time you called her? You let that daughter of yours attack my other granddaughter, and you said nothing. Your son doesn’t even want you in his life but you wanna handle things. Shanta, get out of my face.” She stormed off and my grandfather nodded at me, to do it. I was shocked because my grandfather didn’t say much, and seeing him go off on her, let me know how much pain is was really in.

  “We’ll pay for everything?” Marco said and pushed the wheelchair, on the elevator.


  “Yes, we. My money, is your money. Spare no expense for her.”


  “I wish, you would say no.” He wheeled me off the elevator and into my room. I got in the bed and one of the nurses came in, to hook me back up. My blood pressure was fine but I still had to stay. He shut the light off and climbed in bed with me. The two of us watched television, until we fell asleep. This is gonna be a hectic week.


  “Look how sexy my baby mom is, dressed in black.” Marco stood behind me and rubbed my stomach. We were at my grandmother’s house waiting for the limo. I was not bringing any of them, to where I lived; except my grandfather and Rahmel.

  “You think, I did a good job? I want to make sure everything is perfect for my grandmother. Did the people say, they’d have the doves? What about the food at the repast? Honey.-” He shushed me with his lips.

  “Mmmmm. I needed that. Gimme some more.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “We have time for a quickie.” He asked kissing on my neck. I moved away, locked my old bedroom door and walked towards him.

  “I could use one right now.” I turned around and lifted my hair, so he could unzip my me. He slid the dress off my shoulders and began placing kisses down my back.

  KNOCK! KNOCK! He didn’t stop and I refused to make him. His tongue was literally at the top of my ass, when someone knocked again.

  “Dammit.” I whispered. He lifted the dress and zipped me back up.

  “Why is there only one limo?” Shanta barked and stood there with her arms folded.

  “Shanta, the limo is huge. It seats 15 and it’s only me, Marco, daddy, you, Rahmel, his girl and grandpa. The one we got isn’t necessary but at least everyone will be comfortable.” My mother refused to come because she said, my grandmother blamed her, for my dad getting high. To be honest, I couldn’t tell you, who got who, hooked.

  “Why is he in the car?” I squeezed his hand.

  “Grandma loved Marco and he’s my man. Rahmel has his girlfriend coming and you don’t seem to have an issue with her.”

  “That’s because she doesn’t wish death on me.”

  “Shanta, you attacked me for no reason. Then you destroyed my truck because he brought it. Do you think he’d let you get away with that? I’m his woman.”

  “What the fuck ever. Let’s go.” I grabbed her arm and she snatched it away.

  “Shanta, what happened to you? You were my favorite aunt and always had my back. One day, you switched up on me and I don’t know why. Even through, all of the bad things you did and said to me, I never hated you. Why do you hate me?” She looked at Marco.

  “He’s the reason, you and Cara are at odds.”

  “Shanta, you know that’s not true. I know the first come, first serve rule. I was the one who saw him first. Cara was too busy talking to other guys, to even notice him. She’s the one who didn’t follow the rules.”

  “Well, if he didn’t sleep with both of you, none of this would’ve happened.”

  “Marco, never sleep with Cara.” She gave me a confused look.

  “Oh no! Rak, he isn’t who.-”

  “Can we go now?” Marco
said and grabbed my hand. Why did he cut her off and give her a hateful stare? I guess, I’ll find out later because it’s time for the services.

  Throughout the service, I kept looking behind me. It felt like someone was staring at me but no one was there. Marco, stood next to me, when I spoke on my grandmother at the podium. A few others, stood up to speak and a woman from the church sung, I won’t complain and she did an excellent job. I haven’t been to church in a very long time but I did miss the singing.

  At the burial, Shanta and my father, acted like a damn fool. She tried to get in the coffin with her and he laid on top of it. What the he’ll were they thinking. My grandfather took his belt off and hit both of them on the legs. It made me laugh and Lord knows, I needed a good one. They were running around trying to get away from him, like kids. At one point, I thought, I would pee on myself, from laughing so hard. I shook my head and Marco, whispered in my ear, how weird my family was. Besides that, the service was beautiful, especially; when they let the doves fly at the end.

  On the way to the repass, Marco rubbed my shoulders in the limo. My grandfather had his eyes closed and my cousin was talking to him, while me and his girl, chit chatted. Shanta, however; kept a snarl on her face and something about the way she stared, made me uncomfortable. I thought about asking but it would most likely, end up in an argument, so I let it go. We got out at the repast and I noticed Marco and Shanta, still standing at the limo, arguing.

  “You ain’t shit and the minute my niece finds out, I hope she leaves you for good.” I heard Shanta say.

  “What would be your reason for trying to hurt her with bullshit, that happened a long time ago?”

  “Fuck her. If Cara, can’t be happy, neither will she.”

  “Fuck me!”

  “Yea, fuck you and him.” His face became tight and I hugged him to relax. He’s been doing his best, not killing her. I know, I should let him but she’s still my aunt and I don’t want her dead.

  “What’s going on and why would I leave him?” Shanta went to open her mouth and somebody called her name.

  “Yea Marco. Tell her, before I do.” She stormed off.

  “You know, I love you right?” He made me face him.

  “Yes. I love you too. What’s wrong?”

  “Ma, this isn’t the right time to tell you.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Your aunt wants me to disclose some information to you. Unfortunately, it’s not good.”

  “Just tell me. It can’t be any worse than hearing, her daughter’s trying to kill me.”

  “It’s not but I promise to tell you tonight when we get home. I don’t want her holding shit over me.” He kissed my nose.

  “Ok. Come eat.” I grabbed his hand.

  “Eat what?”

  “Me later. But for now, food. You know we can go all night. At least, it will be on a full stomach.” He licked his lips and smacked me on the ass.

  “My girl gets freakier by the day.”

  “My man loves it.”

  “Yes, he does.” We stepped in the repast together. People were speaking to me and he refused to let my hand go. He only did it, if I gave someone a hug.

  We finally saw Ang and Tech, at a table and joined them. I got up and made both of us a plate and sat down. My grandfather, Rahmel, his girl Missy and a few other people, were sitting at the table with me, and my hateful aunt, sat at one across from us. Marco needs to tell me whatever she knows because I don’t like the way she’s staring at him.

  “Baby, I’ll be back.” I stood up and so did he.

  “I’m only going to the bathroom. Its right there.” I saw him glancing around the room. Who was he looking for?

  “I’m coming with you.” He was adamant about me not leaving his sight.

  “Silly, I don’t need you to use the bathroom.” I could tell he was struggling to let me go alone.

  “Aight. I’m right here if you need me.”

  I kissed his cheek and made my way towards it. More people stopped me along the way and I turned around to see him smiling. Let me hurry, up so I can take my man home and do nasty things to him.

  I opened the door and there were only two stalls and one was out of order. I went in to relieve myself, only to come out and see my worst nightmare standing in front of me. Actually, two of them were there, with stupid grins on their faces.


  As I stood over my grandmothers’ casket, letting the tears fall, all I could think of, is how I let her down. All she wanted, was for me to make up with Rakia and apologize to her. Unfortunately, her man isn’t gonna allow me to live, whether I apologize or not. He already had people looking for me and I know that because his father, told my mom. It wasn’t that I hated Rakia, I just hated the fact she got the man of my dreams. Why couldn’t he love me the way her loved her? Why didn’t he take the time out to get to know me? What was it about me, that is any different from her, besides being smart. I was gorgeous, had a nice body and would’ve done anything for him, had he given me a chance. But all of it, is out the window and now that my grandmother is gone, I’m gonna finish off what I started with Rakia. The bitch is going to find out Marco’s little secret, he doesn’t want her to know.

  Yea, my mom told me they were over at the repast. She also mentioned, how she tried to tell Rakia before the funeral and again, right before they went into the repast. However, he blocked her from doing it both times. See, I learned a few things about Marco, from Bobbi and Mia. One… he loved sex. Two… Mia, was his first true love and coming back didn’t work out the way she planned. And three… he would do anything for my cousin; including kill.

  I admit, my ass cried a little, when I found out she was pregnant. My grandmother was ecstatic to be having two great grandchildren. We found out, not too long ago about Rahmel’s chick expecting. It’s too bad, she passed first. She would’ve been mad for me telling Marco’s secret but who cares? She’s been upset with me all this time; another few months wouldn’t have hurt from her not speaking. I’m sure she’s turning in her grave already knowing what I’m about to do.

  On the drive over to the repast, Bobbi and I, smoked two blunts. At least, if I died, I’d be high. We stayed in the car until my mother came out. She told us where Rakia was sitting and how Marco wasn’t allowing her outta his sight. The only way to get close to her, would be in the bathroom. She told us, she’d let us know, when she went in there. Being pregnant, meant using it a lot.

  About ten minutes later, we got the text and both of us ran in through the back. My mom opened the door and we slid straight to the bathroom. You could see how crowded it was and I saw Tech and Marco, talking. My mom stood outside the door to tell people, it was broken and she was waiting on someone to unclog the toilet. The moment Rakia stepped out the stall, I could see fear and sadness on her face. Boy, was this gonna be fun.

  “Hey cousin. Long time, no see.” She looked past me, at Bobbi.

  “Hi Cara, I didn’t see you at the funeral. Did you like the service?” She grabbed a paper towel after washing her hands.

  “It was nice. Anyway, I see your neck and arm healed up.” I tried to touch it and she backed up.

  “What do you want Cara?” I smirked and turned to look at Bobbi, who was doing the same.

  “We wanna know.” I pointed back and forth between, me and Bobbi.

  “We wanna know, why you stole our man?”

  “Cara, I didn’t steal him from you and you know it. As far as this other woman, I didn’t even know about her until the street party and he said, he wasn’t with her.”

  “And you believed him?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” She tried to move past, so I blocked her. I heard a tap on the door. My mom was telling me, either I was taking too long, or he was coming.

  “Just like the gullible chick you are. He was still messing with both of us.” She shook her head laughing.

  “He stopped messing with Bobbi and we all know it, because he called her out in front of me.”
I looked at Bobbi, who shrugged her shoulders. The dumb bitch didn’t even tell me.

  “I know about the two of you, in New York. All you did was give him head and he didn’t like it. He left and you tried again so he let you and then, on the way to Jersey. He blocked you and you’ve been stalking him ever since.” I was shocked he gave her that little information but I was about to fuck her entire world up.

  “Cara, I need to get back. If it’s something you want, just say it.” She sounded aggravated.

  “I want you to make him see, I’m the woman for him.” She scoffed up a laugh.

  “Cara, I can’t make him see anything.”

  “Sure, you can. Tell him, you have a disease that won’t go away and then, send him my way.”

  “You sound crazy. Cara, he and I, have been intimate many times and he knows, my body is clean. I’m pregnant for God’s sake.” I sucked my teeth. He did tell me, she’s the only woman, who he’d run up in raw.

  “Well, figure it out.”

  “You’re crazy.” She shook her head in disappointment.

  “If you didn’t throw yourself at him, he’d be with me.”

  “You and I, both know that’s not true.”

  “Did he ever tell you we fucked?” She stopped walking to the door and stared at me. I could tell, she was trying to figure out if I was lying.

  “Yea, right. He wouldn’t do that to me, regardless; if we were speaking or not.” Now, it was my turn to laugh. I pulled my phone out, found what I was looking for and pressed play.

  “Yes, Marco. Fuck, you feel so good.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You’ve wanted this dick, so take it.” You heard him say. She covered her mouth.

  Of course, Bobbi and I, set it up to record him. When I got to his house that night, we set the phone up and hit record, before he jumped out the shower. We knew she wouldn’t believe he fucked me, because he always made it seem like he hated me. He may have caught me with the condom thing but he missed the camera. Granted, you couldn’t really see much because it was dim in the room, but you damn sure heard us.


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