The Sparrow and The Raven

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The Sparrow and The Raven Page 11

by KA Graham

  “Thank you doesn’t seem enough, Ace, but thank you. It’s perfect!” I give him a peck on the cheek while Dominic looks on.

  “It was a pleasure, sweetheart. Now for my next victim.” Dominic takes the seat I just vacated, and that’s my cue to take a quick smoke break. Stepping outside, I let the cool breeze hit my flushed face. That was a euphoric high, one I’ve missed.

  I send Raelynn a quick text.

  Me: Saw Jackson, didn’t go as planned. He wasn’t forthcoming with info about Pax. Mostly did his “woe is me” act, as expected. Not all was lost though, I got something special to show you.

  I send her the pic of my tattoo and wait for her response.

  Raelynn: Oh, Bella, it’s stunning and so very you! I love it. Regarding Jackson, didn’t think the asshat would be of much help, but at least you tried and hopefully got your much-needed closure.

  Me: I feel lighter in a way, but hope he understands what he’s done to us all and changes his ways. We can only hope, right? And there’s still the matter of Pax and what he plans on doing, if anything.

  Raelynn: We’ll cross that bridge together. Remember, you’re not alone in this. Me and sexy have your back. Always, Cracker. Love you!

  Me: Love you too, even if you keep calling my boyfriend sexy!

  Raelynn: LMFAO. See you soon babe. Have fun with your man. Don’t rough him up too much. *wink wink*

  Me: No comment. TTYL.

  I must’ve been outside longer than I thought, because I see Dominic exit the shop, walking toward me. I see he has a small bandage over his right bicep where his Raven tattoo is. “Sorry, guess I lost track of time. Texted Rae and had a few too many smokes. So what did you get?” I point to his arm, and he gives me a wink.That’s pretty much all I get.

  “You’ll see later, gorgeous. Let’s get home, I want to ravish that sexy body of yours. I have plans for us. All. Night. Long.” He doesn’t have to say anymore. I’m amped up and wanting Dominic in every way possible.

  “Did you just say home?” I'm curious now.

  “I guess I did. It feels like an actual home now that you're with me, Isabella. You make it a home.” I'm speechless.

  I love you, Dominic Barnes.


  Ravish my body and make me yours.

  We barely make it through the front door, and he strips off his shirt, which I don't mind in the least. I could stare at his body all day long and never get bored. He takes my hand and leads me up the stairs to his bedroom, locking the door behind us.

  “Just so you don't get any crazy ideas about running away from me.” His eyes are filled with a fire I’ve never seen before, and it’s all-consuming. He goes to the nightstand next to the bed and pulls out a set of leather restraints and a cat- o’-nine-tails whip.

  “Isabella, tell me now if you need a safe word. Once I start, it’s going to take all my willpower to stop. I’m barely hanging on as it is. I'm going to spread those sexy legs of yours wide open, and fuck you until you can’t walk. Understand?”

  Yes, sir.

  “I trust you, Dominic, make me yours. Give me everything you have. I want it all. I need it all.”

  We make quick work of undressing one another, and he pushes me onto the bed. I grab him before he can cuff me. I want him to know it’s about his pleasure, too, not just mine. I position him, so he’s leaning over my face, and I slowly lick the tip of his cock, collecting the pre-cum that's already developed. With a sudden surge, I have him in my mouth, balls deep, which causes him to moan in pleasure. I suck him off while squeezing his balls until he's pulling my head away. “Can’t let you be finishing me off so soon, gorgeous.”

  Putting my hands above my head, he secures them with the leather restraints to each side of the bedposts. I’m completely naked and at his mercy, and instead of being haunted by my past, I’m freed by my present.

  He kisses me with urgency and slowly makes his way down my body. Using his teeth, he bites then sucks each nipple into his mouth. Continuing the onslaught on every inch of my skin, he leaves his mark everywhere. I start to squirm and he shuts me down quickly. “Every time you move, I stop. Now be a good girl, Sparrow.”

  Pushing two fingers into my soaking wet pussy and sucking on my clit, he begins to stroke his hard cock with his free hand. “Oh, God, Dominic, please don’t fucking stop!” My whole body is shaking from the inside out in a way I’ve never felt before.

  He slowly pulls his fingers out, tapping my mouth. “I want you to taste your sweetness, Isabella.” As I’m doing so, he grabs the whip that lays next to me.

  Getting up from the bed, he stands next to it, dangling the whip in his hand. Without warning, he slaps my bare pussy with it, repeatedly, and I scream in pure fucking pleasure. It’s a sweet torture I willingly give in to. Lightly brushing it across my already sensitive nipples, he ignites my fucking flame. As quick as he starts, he’s finished and throwing it to the floor.

  “Enough teasing, I need to be inside you, my gorgeous girl.”

  “Please…” I can’t even think, let alone speak. My heart is pounding out of my chest at his complete dominance over me and what he’s doing to my body.

  Making his way back on top of me, he grabs my hair, wraps it around his hand, and pushes his cock inside me. With fast and deep thrusts, I feel him in every movement of our bodies, and I wrap my legs around his waist to keep from losing all control. The slapping of skin on skin and the moans coming from my mouth are the only sounds in the room. When he begins to lick my neck and speeds up his rhythm, I know I won’t last much longer.

  With my hands still cuffed, all I can do is ride out the wave of ecstasy Dominic is giving to me. He positions one hand loosely around my throat as he slams into me. “Harder, Dominic! Please, baby!” I need him to consume me.

  “That's my girl.” The expression on his face is the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life, and he's making me feel like a goddess. A goddess being devoured and worshipped by her king.

  “I’m going to come. Holy shit!” I’m hanging on by a thread when he explodes inside me, setting off my own release. After a brief moment, he uncuffs me and lays down beside me. I lay my head on his chest, and I can hear his rapid heartbeat. It’s music to my ears. With his arms draped around me, he whispers, “I love you so fucking much, Isabella. Please don’t ever leave me. I'm giving you every piece of me, even the broken ones.”

  “Never…” I can’t imagine my life without this man. He’s given me back something I thought I’d lost forever. My self-worth and confidence. Confidence in knowing someone loves me the way I deserve to be loved.

  The bandage on his arm catches my attention, and I slowly peel it off with him looking on intently. I’m usually not speechless, but in this moment, words seem to fail me. Next to his raven, he’s had a sparrow added, and within the black flames, there’s an aura of yellow light shining through. I understand the symbolism without even asking. We are one now.

  “For you, my Sparrow. Only for you.”

  “Thank you for saving me from myself.” He kisses me with every ounce of love he has. Dominic Barnes has just become my saving grace, and I will hold onto him until my last breath.


  In the light of day, there’s always hope.

  I've come to realize since staying with Dominic in his home that he’s not much of a shopper unless it involves sex toys or lingerie. So I decide a trip to the grocery store is in order. He declined my offer of tagging along. “I'd rather stab my eye out with a dull steak knife.” Ok then, I guess I'm rolling solo today.

  I put the taser in my bag, which he insists I carry with me when I’m alone. I just pray I don’t tase myself on accident one of these days because let’s face it, I’m all kinds of clumsy. I’m the girl who trips going up the stairs instead of down.

  No joke.

  Mindlessly wandering through the Piggly Wiggly, I start to get the feeling that something isn't right. Through the years with Jackson, I've learned you should always watch your
back because you never know what could be behind you. Or it could be the fact it’s been a while since we've seen or heard from Pax, and I'm still a bit on edge. I know Jackson is safely tucked in rehab, so he’s not exactly much of a threat to anyone but himself right now.

  Rounding the corner, occupied in my own little bubble of thought, I run smack dab into the heels of a man that has his back toward me. I know instantly who it is, and that the gut feeling I was having just became reality. Fuck me and my damn thoughts.

  “Pax.” Trying to stay calm and not draw attention to myself, I keep it together the best I can even though I want to run for the fucking hills. My circle of trust is very small, and even though I sympathize with the guy, I trust him about as far as I can throw him.

  He turns around slowly, grabbing at his wounded heels. Looking surprised to see me, I’m guessing we’re in the same boat, after all, hoping it doesn't sink.

  “Ms. Kramer. How are you? I must say, I'm quite surprised to run into you, alone at that. Figured your twosome would be surrounding you, protecting you from the big bad wolf.” He looks haggard and defeated. Even after his threats, I feel sorry for him. Jackson and his wife have put him through hell. We can blame Jackson all we want, but Pax and his wife aren't exactly innocent in all this.

  “Do I have a reason to be afraid of the so-called bad wolf, Pax? You do know you're risking a lot right now. Restraining order ring a bell?” I look at him waiting for a reply, but he stares at me for a few seconds before speaking again. I’m not sure why, but I don’t feel threatened by him. I know how it feels to be scared, and this isn’t it.

  “I've had a lot of time to think, too much really, and I've talked with Macy. She’s made my outlook on our current situation crystal clear. Can we go somewhere and have a chat? Maybe grab some coffee? I promise I just want to talk, nothing more. I understand if my word is meaningless to you. Just give me a few minutes of your time, that’s all I ask. Please?”

  “Hell no. Did you forget you've threatened me? I’m on edge every time I leave my house. Yet you want me to trust you.”

  “Please. You can even have Dominic come with you. I just want a chance to explain.”

  “Fine, Pax, we can do that. I'm definitely letting Dominic know where I am and who I'm with. Better safe than sorry, right?”

  “I get it, Bella, and I’d do the same if I were in your shoes. I'll meet you at the coffee shop across the street in a few minutes.” I nod my head in compliance.

  I hesitate, not knowing what his true intentions are, but feeling like I owe him this much. Though, I'm not completely stupid, so I send a text to Dominic first.

  Me: Don’t freak out, but I ran into Pax. Literally, with my shopping cart. He wants to talk. I'm at the coffee shop across from the Piggly Wiggly.

  Dominic: What the fuck, Isabella! Damnit! I knew you shouldn't have gone out alone. I'll be there in ten minutes. Keep that taser close to you, and don’t hesitate to use it.

  Me: I figured you'd come. Stay out of sight. I don't want to test him. I love you.

  Dominic: Always and forever, Sparrow. Be careful, and watch your back. If he lays a finger on you, I'll break every bone in his body.

  Me: Calm down, sexy, I'll be fine. I promise. See you soon, my love.

  Walking into the coffee shop, I take my time ordering an extra large caramel latte with four shots. I see Pax in the corner by the rear window, and make my way over to him. I sit in the seat across from him. My eye is on the front door knowing Dominic could show up at any minute.

  “I'm glad you showed up, Bella. Thank you.”

  “You have nothing to thank me for. Let's cut to the chase though, shall we? Why am I here, Pax? What's going on?”

  “Well, like I said earlier, I've talked with Macy. She had a “Come to Jesus” realization with herself and knows our problems weren’t caused by just one person. There were many people at fault, me being one of them. She’s admitted that what she did with Jackson was completely consensual on her part, and it just happened to get out of hand one night. I’ve also learned of a few other men she was with during that time. She knows we both have issues we need to sort through, and I hope we can do it together. She’s still my wife, no matter what, and I love her.”

  “I’m happy you and Macy are going to work on things if that’s what you believe is best for the both of you. She’s a very lucky woman to have a devoted husband like you by her side. I tried for many years to get Jackson to right his wrongs, but he couldn’t or wouldn’t do it. Not for me or himself. I just have one question. Where does that leave you and I?”

  “Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.”

  Ok, now I’m confused. Who is he talking about? And did he just quote Bruce fucking Lee?

  “Yes, I just quoted Bruce fucking Lee.” He laughs to the point I think he’s going to choke on his coffee. Damn my inner thoughts leaking out again. Idiot!

  “Don’t get me wrong, I despise Jackson with every inch of my being, and I seriously wish I could rip his balls off, but I know he didn’t push Macy into anything she didn’t want. I was a shit husband for a while there, and she chose to deal with it, quite frankly, in a whorish way. We both have our crosses to bear, but I choose to believe we can make it through this. I have to believe that. She’s been my whole world for a very long time, and I’d be lost without her. I’m sure you know that feeling, right?”

  “I do. Very much so. I never thought I’d find the kind of love that singes your soul, but I did, and I too would die without it.” As if he knows I’m talking about him, I see Dominic entering the coffee shop.

  “Everything ok here?” Pax looks up to see Dominic standing protectively next to my seat.

  “Hey man, yeah, I think we’re all good here. I just want to say I'm sorry for any grief I've caused. Wasn't my intentions at all, but my mind was fucking scrambled. I didn’t know what to do or who to blame.”

  Dominic looks like he could spit nails, and I'm not sure what he’s thinking. I just want some fucking peace, so I'm hoping for the best.

  “You put my girl through hell over shit that wasn't hers to deal with, but I get it. Someone you love hurt you, and you wanted it to end. Trust me when I say Jackson is paying for what he’s done and will continue to do so. I will make damn sure of it. Go home now, fix your marriage, be happy. Let us do the same.”

  Pax stands to leave, shaking Dominic’s hand. “Thank you. I wish you guys nothing but the best. I can see you have something special, so hold on tight to it.”

  Dominic pulls me up out of my seat and into his arms. “I intend to. Forever.”


  Girls just want to have fun.

  It’s Friday night, and I’ve decided a sleepover with Raelynn is needed. I haven’t seen her in weeks, and I miss her and that crazy pup. I think a night away from Dominic will be good, too, for the both of us. He’s had me on a short leash as of late, but don’t get me wrong. I’ve loved every minute of it.

  Scaring the shit out of me, I snap out of my daydream when Rae begins knocking on my car window. “Cracker! Get your ass out of that car. We have a hot date with Mr. Grey and a bottle or three of wine to drink.”

  “We mustn’t keep him waiting then. You know how he can get. I’ve missed you, bitch!”

  “Back at ya, girly. That sexy man of yours must be doing something right. Looks like you’ve gained a few much-needed pounds.” I glare at her as she slaps my ass.

  “Not funny because those few pounds feel like twenty, but he seems to like it. More to hold on to when he’s pounding me into the wall.” I wink at her as she fake gags, but I know she loves it and is happy for me.

  I tell her about my visit with Pax, she seems leery that it went off without a hitch but is happy he’s not pursuing anything further against me. Since I haven’t officially moved into Dominic’s place yet, my mail is still coming to her place, so she hands me a stack to go through. I’m skimming through the envelopes when my eyes come across a let
ter addressed from Ocean Breaks Rehab Center. I know it’s got to be from Jackson, but I keep that to myself. Tonight is about Rae and me, having fun and just hanging out with no drama.

  “I need Chinese food. Pretty please?” We’re settling down to watch the movie with our wine, and the need for food hits me. I feel hungry or nauseous all the time. If I knew I wasn't on the pill, I'd think I was pregnant. Jesus! Just the thought scares the shit out of me. I love Dominic, but no way in hell am I ready to be a mother.

  “Already ahead of you. Great minds think alike. Or hungry guts? Either way, food’s on the way. Cracker, you sure you don’t have a bun in the oven? I mean, I know what my excuse for always wanting food is. It’s called loving food and embracing it. What's your excuse?”

  “Really, Rae? You sound ridiculous, on both accounts. No, I have no bun in the oven. I've been good about taking the pill, even through all this bullshit. I think my nerves are just shot.”

  “We’ll see, and if that time comes, I think you'd make a wonderful momma. You have so much love to give. You just have to believe it. Let go of all the anger and demons of your past. Move forward and enjoy your damn life.”

  “Cheers to that! I hope you have another bottle of wine because this one is going to be toast in two seconds.” I slam my glass of wine like it’s a shot. I have all intentions of getting fucked up tonight and just letting go.


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