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Page references followed by “f” denote figures.
Abandonment, 21
confession vs., 151
Abstract information, 82
description of, 48, 120, 137–138
Acceptance, 40, 78–79, 105
Accusations, 97, 153
destructiveness and, 22
history of, 1
belief and expectation applied to, 104
productive uses of, 1, 3
elements of, 18
rationalizations regarding, 31–32
detachment from, 80
responsibility for, 3
feigning of, 21
Active listening
interviewee expression of, 21–22
acceptance for, 78–79
Antagonism, 38
attentiveness, 76–77
Anxiety, 73–74, 100, 171–172
attitude and, 36, 77
“Approach” question, 129
concentration during, 77–78
Assertiveness, 150
detachment for, 79–80
Attentiveness, 76–77
importance of, 21, 36, 75–76
intuition and, 44, 76
accepting type of, 105
patience for, 80–82
active listening and, 36, 77
rapport building and, 73
authoritarian figures, 91
signals that convey
behavior and, 36
body language, 83–84
changing of, 38–39
body movement, 83
communicating of, 73
body posture, 83
cooperation and, 36
description of, 82
formation of, 39
eye contact, 84
indifferent, 77
facial expression, 84
positive, 36–37, 66
gestures, 84
self-fulfilling prophecy and, 100
positive silence, 85–87
Authoritarianism, 39
touching, 85
Authoritarians, 90–91
voice tone, 84
Authoritative figure, 90
greeting, 178
attitude and, 91
initial phase of, 176–180
benefits of, 90
interview strategy prepared, 177–178
definition of, 89
introduction, 178
destructiveness and, 22
objective of interaction announced,
misuse of, 90–91
positive uses of, 91–92
potential interviewees evaluated, 177
power and, 8
precontact, 176
restrained, 93–94
primary phase, 180–194
silence and, 86
psychological preparations, 178
seating, 178–179
strategic planning for, 176–178
structured approach, 180
attitude and, 36
terminal phase of, 194
components of, 18
tone setting, 179–180
condemning of, 37
Catalyst, 71
conscience and, 24
Child molestation
ethics as guide for, 4
accepting attitude toward suspect, 105
modifying of, 111
case study of, 199–209
nonverbal, 83–87
Closed questions, 161–162
planning of, 116
Code of ethics, 4
positive, 117
Collection of evidence, 53–54, 65
satisfaction of needs as motivator of, 18,
Compliance, 105–106, 167–168
Concentration, 77–78
self-fulfilling prophecy effects, 101
Concrete information, 82
unconditional positive regard, 37
unethical, 12
code of, 5
Belonging, 16
rules of, 2
changing of, 110–111
acceptance of, 138
description of, 110
admission vs., 151
result of, 111
description of, 48
Body language
legal tactics in obtaining, 52–53
body movement, 83
Miranda warnings, 49–52
body posture, 83
voluntary, 49–52
description of, 27–28, 43
“you” question for eliciting, 128
elements of, 83
Confidence building, 35
expectations based on, 102
Confrontation, 155, 172–173
Body movements, 28, 78
Congruence, 37
“Bones,” 127, 153
Conscience, 24
Consent, 52
”Consequences” question, 130–131
California Peace Officers’ Association
Constitutional rights, 52
canon of ethics, 10–11
Control, 16
Case study interviews