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Dual Sword God Box Set

Page 70

by Shadows Finger

  Carefully looking, one would notice five towers that resided at critical positions and a central tower that stood above all at their core.

  The Dark Palace, home to the lord of the Endless Rain Zone...

  Today was an average day, but it was also destined as a day to be remembered. The new palace guards were scheduled to arrive at any moment, causing a more vibrant mood to permeate these desolate palace walls.

  On one of the towers, two familiar looking blue-skinned fiends wearing full plated dark armor with sizeable spiky shoulder pads looked at the clouded sky beyond the water barrier in anticipation.

  "They left to do an inspection rough two weeks ago right? So, they should be here any minute now..." One of the guards said.

  "Un. I'm only curious about the ones gathered this time, will there be anyone that outshine the last batch of exterior guards?" The other guard asked in a curious tone of voice.

  "Hmm, there's no wa----" As the other guard was about to reply, his words halted as the scene started to change.

  Rumble! The sky shook, as the clouds above the castle started to spin unusually. Soon, a blue water vortex formed for only a short moment as a drop of blue light fell from the sky passing through the water barrier of the palace landing at a central field.

  Ping! Following a loud sound, the droplet burst into multiple drops that reformed into the shapes of the examiners and selected guard candidates.

  "Whew! Finally, we made it back!" One of the examiners said while letting out a breath of fresh air.

  The soon to be guards looked at the scene around them in surprise and excitement as Feng Yu looked on in silence while thinking to himself, "Such an interesting method of traveling... I've never seen anything like this in my old world. Hmm, could it be those profound Dao Truths I've heard about?"

  While Feng Yu thought to himself, the examiners had already led the group towards a platform where a few importantly looking individuals stood. After a moment, the scene became calm as all of the selected guard candidates looked at the individuals on the platform in silence.

  "Ahem! Now that you're all at attention I'd like to begin, congratulations for making it here! It means you lot are the best of the best, from now on you can consider yourselves as a part of this palace's guard unit. After this gathering you will need each head to the armory to pick out a standard palace armor, for tomorrow is when you shall start your duties." As he said this, he nodded his head to the fellow beside him.

  The fellow seeing this walked forwards and stood before the audience with a towering atmosphere; he was a tall fiend 4 meters tall with a slender body and scaly blue skin. He wore a different kind of scaly blue armor with a two-horned helmet that revealed only his eyes and mouth like a masquerade mask.

  "It's! Kefalas! The Head of Palace Command! Why is he also here?" A guard from a nearby post asked in shock.

  Kefalas swept his dark looking blue eyes across the audience for a moment before speaking, "I am Kefalas, you can consider it to be your honor to see me today. I have only a few words for each of you rookies that I would like you to remember during your guarding term here, at Reinz Palace..."

  As he said this, the audience continued to remain silent. A few lesser willed fiends swallowed their dry spits. Feng Yu observed the scene with interest as he was curious what words this guy wanted them to remember.

  Kefalas then continued to speak in a solemn tone, "Never, and I repeat. Never, must any of you set foot in the main palace courts, private halls, and forbidden rooms. Anyone found guilty of these offenses will not be directly killed. Instead, you will become an example..."

  Snap! Upon saying this, he snapped his fingers causing an odd vibration to fill the area as a dominant force swept across everyone gathered.

  "True Soul Force! Tsk! It seems that this will not be an easy heist..." Feng Yu thought to himself in a grave tone.

  Rumble! After a moment, the palace began to shake as the floor parted revealing a few rising columns. These columns were strange as if they were made by some conductive material, strapped firmly on these columns were a few naked fiends of different races as well as other indigenous species that struggled to break free as they begged for mercy.

  "Palace Head, please forgive us! We did not mean to trespass!" One of the fiends said as it pleaded for mercy.

  "Yes, Palace Head, it was an accident!" another of the fiends begged.

  "Release us at once! Our kind will never forgive you fiends for your transgressions!" The Endless Rain Zone domestic life cursed with a look of hatred in its eyes.

  As they begged, Kefalas along with the Palace Command Elders that stood beside him remained while looked at the scene indifferently. Soon, the columns reached the limits of the sky hundreds of meters above the palace itself. The violent rain storm and rumbling thunders threateningly danced around the columns.

  The fiends seeing this began to shake in fear as Feng Yu looked at the scene in indifferent eyes, he thought to himself, "Living thunder rods..."

  As soon as his words finished, streaks of thunderbolts descended onto the bodies of these fiends and indigenous life where they were instantly charred black and shocked to no end.

  "Arggh---!" Their screams rang out across the vast mountainous regions filling fear into the nearby fiends and force beasts.

  After a few minutes of pain, the few that managed to survive were carried back underneath the palace floors where their fates continued to remain in uncertainty.

  The main palace grounds were silent as no one made a sound, Kefalas seeing this scene smiled as he clapped in hands together generating loud ripples of energies before speaking, "You, are dismissed! Report to the armory to claim your standard gear and schedules. Your duties start tomorrow!"

  Swish! Upon saying this, his figure vanished into thin air leaving behind only the elder who also began to move towards their own quarters. One of the elders walked over to the group and shouted.

  "This way to armory!" As he spoke, he started to walk at a brisk pace with no concern whether anyone did not follow behind. The crowd seeing this quickly followed after the elder, as Feng Yu observed the scene before his eyes while taking his sweet time.

  If one looked closely, they would see a strange gleam in his eyes as he observed the surroundings while recalling the previous scene. Soon, a cunning look soon came into his eyes that shortly after vanished along with his figure that entered into the armory along with the group of fiends...

  Chapter 101


  A Summon from Palace Command! A Special Guard Duty!

  The armory of the Dark Palace was a world of its own, a place filled with a history that traced back to the unknown. The pieces of equipment here bore a similar look to those worn on the outside with the simplest ones being of cruder design while the advanced ones bore profound mystiques filled with an ancient history that remains untold.

  The weapons ranged from simple to ancient-looking spears, shields, swords, war-axes, pikes, bows, blades, and many more each arranged on multiple large racks for display. If one looked around the room, they would notice a few tall blue scaled skin fiends who stood calmly at the corners holding halberds by their shoulders.

  As the small crowd of fiends walked through the armory to inspect the weapons, these fiends would glance towards them with a stern gaze like hawks watching their eggs. Most of the rookie guards who saw this felt oppressed as they stopped what they were doing with sweats rolling down their cheeks.

  Feng Yu seeing this remained calm as he observed those individuals at the corners of the room.

  The stronger willed ones reached their hands out to touch the equipment, but as soon as this happened, there was a sudden change.

  Swoosh! Bang! Following the sound of something swinging through the air the figure of the fiend who was about to touch the weapon blew up into multiple pieces of flesh. The bolder fiends seeing this became stunned as they quickly recalled their hands and looked at the corpse in fear.

  After a short
while, the figure of the elder who walked before the others once more appeared as if he was waiting for this scene to play out beforehand. He then spoke to the group, "Ah, I seemed to have forgotten to mention an important rule! Don't touch any of the equipment in the armory, those who do so..."

  As he spoke to here, he then moved his finger towards the corpse of the fiend on the ground and continued "Will end up like that!"

  "Gulp!" Hearing his words, the group of fiends became silent as they swallowed their spit.

  "Now then, I will call each of your names separately those who've heard their names must quickly step forward and claim your duty along with your palace guard unit armor." The elder said in a nonchalant tone.

  "Eviz step forwards!" The elder once more said.

  A skinny looking fiend replied as he walked forward, "Reporting!" He was given a pale blue armor along with a small blue sphere, the elder having passed this to him spoke, "You're assigned to the outer palace walls patrol unit, that sphere records your unit details as well as your guard duty shifts. You will find the quarters for guards on the far west side of this building, dismissed!"

  "Understood!" The skinny looking fiend was sharp as he quickly saluted to the elder and made his way towards the guards’ quarters.

  "Next! Lynas...." The elder then continued to call out the names of the guards and their designated units. After handing out equipment and gears to all of the fiends, the elder then shifted his gaze towards the last fiend with long red hair.

  With a slightly kinder gaze, the elder spoke to Feng Yu in a tone similar to that of a colleague, "Lie Feng, right? The elders of Palace Command would like to see you! Please follow me!"

  Feng Yu hearing this was surprised for a moment, but soon his face became filled with a hint of undetectable excitement. He muttered under his voice, "Heh... It seems my gamble was a success by showing a skill comparable to that of a Middle-class fiend. I've gained the attention of the higher chain of command; this should be an interesting meeting..."

  As he continued to ponder to himself, both Feng Yu and the elder had already made their way outside of the armory. They walked towards the core central building that towered above all other buildings, surrounding this building was a few specially equipped guards wearing cyan armors that glowed in a unique light.

  "We will head in here, but remember, do not touch anything!" The elder said as he pointed to the entrance of the main building before walking inside, Feng Yu seeing this nodded his head in compliance and also entered.

  "We greet the elder!" The special guards said in unison upon seeing the elder enter to the entrance, as for Feng Yu they acted as if they didn't see him come into the building.

  It was a broad hallway filled with many trinkets of different types seeming to have belonged to a unique race, with balls of water that hovered displaying unique images of small creatures’ cicada-like wings.

  They were strange lifeforms, seeming to be non-native in this palace or rather, zone. A few of them had four to six wings while the others had two wings. They flew around special looking pools of water that gave of a magical presence as if these pools were the source of magic in the world. In each of these pools, there were weapons, some of them being ancient and unique, more so than the ones in the armory they had just left.

  Feng Yu looked at these balls of waters and their recordings with interest as he walked through the hallway towards a central room, as he walked, he couldn't help but ponder to himself, "What's all this? Isn't this palace the home of these strange scaly blue-skinned fiends? Then, why is am I seeing recordings belonging to this unknown peculiar race?"

  Thinking about it for a while, Feng Yu decided to focus on the current situation as he was already in front of the door at the end of the hallway.

  It was a huge door, 15 meters tall three meters wide, with blue lifelike runes on its surface.

  The elder upon arriving before the door made a knocking motion in the air, pausing a few inches away from the actual door.

  Knock! As if the door was touched by his knuckles, a loud knocking sound resounded through the quiet hallway. Carefully looking, one could see a stream of water that rippled across the doors surface for a short moment before it parted to allow entry.

  The elder seeing this then walked into the room with Feng Yu who promptly followed after the elder, a short moment later the water curtain reformed once more in to the door.

  It was a strange room, filled with a variety of large blue crystals that surrounded each of its corners. The walls were made of unknown refractive materials that caused a clean, brilliant blue hue covered all corners of this room.

  At the center of the room was a large circular water orb that gave one a feeling of having been filled with the source of all life, the essence of water was abundant in the large central room.

  Feng Yu seeing this frowned for a slight moment, but soon his eyes radiated a hint of shock as he noticed something strange at the depths of this water orb. A small cyan colored pearl that rotated like a planet on its axis, filled with a unique aura belonging to a Higher Dao.

  "The Aqua Pearl!" Feng Yu exclaimed within his thoughts as he eyes focused on the pearl for a while, but he soon quickly recovered his senses and glanced at the mighty looking individuals who sat on chairs made of water within the room.

  A total of 10 chairs, with one principal chair that stood at the center of the rest. A few elders with blue skin dressed in unique looking cyan amour also sat on some of these chairs, occupying a total of three of the ten chairs with the Kefalas seated on the main central chair.

  Towards the back of all these chairs was a large water fountain, but it was currently empty like most of these seats.

  "It seems that most of them are missing, could they be out doing missions?" Feng Yu thought to himself, but as he did this, the elder who brought Feng Yu within the room finally made his way over to one of the unoccupied seats and sat himself down. Now, the scene had a total of four seated elders and the head Kefalas.

  Kefalas seeing this nodded as he then looked towards Feng Yu with interest before speaking, "Fiendkin, what is your name?"

  Feng Yu hearing this bowed his head and responded, "This one greets the Palace Head, this one's name is known as Lei Feng!"

  Kefalas upon hearing his words nodded his head and asked once more, "Lei Feng? An unusual name? Good! Lei Feng, you have surprised many of us elders gathered today. Your strength displayed in the guard trials have caught our eyes, and thus, we would like to offer you a position amongst the special guards rank how does that sound?"

  The corner of Feng Yu's lips rose into that of a smile as he heard these words, but soon he became a bit more serious as he responded, "This one gives his thanks to the head and elders for their gracious consideration, this one is willing to accept this post!"

  "Hmm, very good! You may accept this trinket as our gifts to your acceptance!" Kefalas said as he snapped his fingers, an elder seeing this got up and walked before Feng Yu with a small cyan orb.

  Feng Yu seeing this lifted his hand and received the orb, the moment he touched the sphere. The dirty, uneven armor on Feng Yu's body instantly disintegrated as the orb wrapped around his figure turning into a special kind of cyan armor with ancient markings.

  The was a helmet similar to kind of masquerade mask over his face that revealed only his eyes and mouth of an angular design that covered all else, the back of this helmet had a design similar to two coiling dragons that wrapped around the edges metal plate meeting at its center.

  His long red hair falling underneath the end of this helmet below his back where two unique looking swords resided.

  Feng Yu nodded his head as he scanned his body with his spiritual sense, he couldn't help but think, "Such an incredible armor! This is definitely at the level of a Top-Tier Earth Class Equipment. Its interior is made with the same unusual energies from that orb that gives one a feeling of enrichment. It seems it can speed up the recovery of aura as well as injuries."

efalas seeing Feng Yu's sharp look nodded as he spoke once again, "They say 'the armor make-eth the fiend' before I found it hard to believe but it seems that in your case that saying proves to be true. Hmm, now then, let's get on with our business shall we."

  After saying this Kefalas become more solemn as he spoke, "As the newly appointed special guard of Palace Command, we would like to appoint you to the special duty of guarding our prisoners. These are all offenders of our palace rules as well as those annoying indigenous life that seeks to rebel against our Zone Commander's rule. You are to ensure the maximum security of this area allow no one in or out is that clear?"

  Feng Yu hearing this frowned as he thought, "Darn, I thought I would have been placed to guard this central building close to Aqua Pearl, but it looks like I'll have to rethink my plans."

  He looked towards Kefalas and the elders and bowed his head before replying, "This one hears and obeys!"

  "Good! You are now dismissed! Your duty starts tomorrow, so take this orb as it will show you the details of the area you are assigned as well as the areas you are forbidden from entering." Kefalas said as he waved towards an elder who then carried a small sphere to Feng Yu.

  After receiving the sphere, Feng Yu bowed his head once more and started to make his way outside of the room.

  The elders and Kefalas looked towards his back with an in-depth look in their eyes as they his figure vanished through the door.

  Kefalas seeing this looked towards the elder that carried Feng Yu in and asked, "Are you sure all of the information gathered on him is true? That he is a native of the Gloomy Forest belonging to no external influences?"

  "Yes, sir! After doing a comprehensive background check, we have found that he is a survivor of a local tribe that had suffered destruction during the recent 'Flaming Sky' incident."


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