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Dual Sword God Box Set

Page 71

by Shadows Finger

  "Flaming Sky... Che! These damn humans, how could one be here so soon even capable of causing that woman serious injuries? This is a critical time, and we cannot allow for any uncertain factors as the ancient dragon battle war will once more soon begin. Go, tell the hunting unit to pick up their search in the forest!" Kefalas said in a solemn tone.

  "As Palace Head wishes!" The elder said as he quickly left the room.

  Kefalas then looked towards the Aqua Pearl rotating within the orb of water as he spoke, "Ancient Artifact of the Fairy Race... before this battlefield war ends all of your secrets will truly become ours... hahaha!"

  His laughter echoing throughout the room, towards the outside of the central building as it traveled deep below the earth where all of the prisoners were kept, moving towards a secret cell.

  There, a strange silhouette could be seen, a tiny one at that, wrapped in chains that pinned it to an odd-looking set of stones. Its small wings chipped and its body shaking as if it will break apart at any moment, suddenly this being looked upwards as if it could hear the laughter a clear, but firm look in its bright blue eyes that illuminated the darkness of the bleak room...

  Chapter 102


  Jing Mingyun, An Ancient Memory...

  Tonight was a dark night at Reinz Palace (The Dark Palace) as the stars remained unseen to all, their mysteries shrouded by the gloomy clouds of this zone's eternal stormy weather. The guards of palace were on strict shifts that demanded vigilance even at these late hours, looking around the palace's lookout posts one would see that each of the guards were eyeing their surroundings likes hawks.

  Outside of the palace was an endless range of mountains, which stood firmly in these harsh weathers. The lightning struck their rocky walls leaving bits of broken rocks that fell to the distant ground while the waters of the rain wash down their surfaces, falling on the trees and bushes that grew around and on top of them.

  Flap-flap! The cicada-like wings of a small creature made every effort to flap through the harsh downpour as it slowly made its way towards the distant palace that loomed over the mountains. Soon, the creature landed on top of a tree that grow on one these hills; it panted for a short while before moving its glowing blue towards the palace and speaking, "Princess... fear not, for we shall rescue you!"

  Its bright blue eyes light shining within this night scene, as multiple similar lights lit around its figure belonging to an army of small creatures that were on the same branch. They watched calmly as the barrier of water surrounding the palace rippled unusually now and then in a subtle manner to those on its inside.

  Soon, the scene changed as a cold wind blew towards the palace once again traveling all the way into a building located at the west section of the palace grounds.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Inside of the building, within a simply furnished room. The figure of a red-haired fiend sat on the floor in cross-legged posture, his two swords placed on his laps as he adopted a trance-like state of meditation.

  "They've sent me to guard the prison cells, but how can I use this to aid my objectives? Hmm, Madam Prophet, what do you think of this kind of setting?" Feng Yu said in an odd manner as if taking to void itself.

  Still, what became even odder was that void responded to his questioning.

  "Fellow, or rather, Benefactor Feng. I've said it before and I will say it again please call me Yun'er..." A soft but cool voice said as if it was annoyed by the way of Feng Yu's address.

  Feng Yu hearing this sighed as he thought to himself, "It hasn't been a week now since she's woken up and she's still so persistent in me addressing her in such a manner. Sigh, it seems like there is no way around it..." Quickly clearing his thoughts, he then once more rephrased, "Yun'er, how do you see our current circumstances?"

  The voice remained silent for a while as within an unknown space, inside of a small cocoon a now fourteen and half year-old girl was resting in the fetal position. She had a warm smile on her face as the small amounts of thunderblaze energies from Feng Yu would seep into the cocoon flowing over her body parts giving her an 'enriched' and 'nourished' sensation.

  Upon hearing Feng Yu's correction of words, the usual cold and pragmatic female slightly blushed but soon she responded, "It's not that bad, better than assigning you away from the castle. Why not try something with the prisoners?"

  Feng Yu hearing this paused for a moment as he recalled the scene of the 'living thunder rods,' soon he shook his head and replied, "While the idea is good, it's not feasible most of these prisoners are fiends. We don't even know if there are any strong native life or a sizable amount of them sealed below that can aid us in goals."

  Jing Mingyun hearing his words frowned for a short moment before speaking, "Sigh, I know that there are powerful individuals sealed below..."

  "Oh, and how do you know that?" Feng Yu replied curiously.

  "............" A pity though, for Jing Mingyun chose to remain silent.

  Feng Yu seeing this finally decided to let it go and responded, "Fine, I will believe your words and see the situation for myself tomorrow."

  As he said this, he stopped speaking and returned to his state of deep mediation, only this time he focused his thoughts on comprehending the mysteries of the sword realm.

  Jing Mingyun who vaguely perceived his actions with her spiritual sense thought to herself, "How could I not know? I was there when they strung these worlds together... I was there when the dragons punished its kind for their betrayal against all kind. I was there... when they chose... to leave all behind..."

  As she said this, she took a deep breath inhaling the scent belonging to Feng Yu leaked from his auras. A comfortable feeling arose around her once more that made her smile as she mumbled herself to another sleep, "So strange, feeling this close to a human. Why is it that he now has that scent I've long since forgotten? The scent of the very man, who left me behind..."

  Upon saying this, she recalled a scene a very strange scene, much like that of a dream.

  A world filled with a vast amount of primordial energies, it was in full abundance in these ancient lands. On a tall mountain peak that was smaller than no continent, a few individuals stood.

  There, a small female stood quietly along with two similar aged children and a middle-aged man. Of the two children, one had green hair and the other had dark purple. The last individual was that of the middle-aged man who had dark green hair with white streaks at its corners, he wore simple looking robes with an ancient artifact placed by his side.

  These three looked towards the small girl with different expressions, as the green haired boy wept with snot running from his nose while the dark purple haired boy looked on with a slightly sad looking face.

  The only one who remained smiling was the middle-aged man who mumbled a few incoherent words as if coaxing the children. Soon, they each fell into a deep... deep sleep, leaving behind only the half-awake baby female that collapsed onto the floor.

  The dark green haired middle-aged man seeing this smiled even more gently as he spoke in a slightly mischievous tone, "No-no... my children shouldn't cry like lower class life forms. One must always remember their heritage, their duty, their destinies... no matter where you go, which side you choose, never forget, that you are - Dragonborn..."

  His words faded into the winds of this odd desolate mountain top, following which he pointed towards the void bellow the mountains. There, two odd-looking portals formed, one was of a space that had three moons with brilliant shining stars arranged around it like an army greeting their king while the other was of a familiar but unknown world filled with strange looking stars that resided in the endless void.

  He looked at the now completely unconscious children and smiled gently before picking each of them up and heartlessly tossing them down the cliff.

  "Dragons don't grow in greenhouses..." The middle-aged man muttered in a soft voice as he looked below with a deep gaze.


  Like l
ightning descending from the sky, they fell at a rapid pace towards the two portals.

  The portal with three moons glowed brightly as it pulled the two boy children within towards a distant world as the other portal swallowed the sleeping female child who did not fall into a world but onto an actual star, a star that seemed to be able to calculate all things.

  Within this star was a woman, she had divine presence as she stood on top of a great stairway that reached the limits of the sky. She gazed at the enlarged star before her eyes, her mind in a constant state of deciphering.

  Suddenly, the woman who was observing the star moved her eyes towards a different location, as she lifted her arms as if she had been waiting for a long time.

  Pat! The body of the sleeping female fell into her arms as if it was 'destined'. She then started to gently rub her head and spoke, "Destiny has divined, and so it has transpired. Your fate has been declared the moment you were born, that on this day you will be known as my child, the child of the Destiny Star - Jing Mingyun..."

  As she finished her words, she walked down from the platform and placed Jing Mingyun on a small bed of crystal that had been prepared beforehand. She then looked at her for a short moment before speaking, "Rest now child... for you have a long sleep ahead of you... the moment you wake is the moment you walk to path of your destiny..."

  Her voice trailing off into the winds of this vast space, filling a bit of life into this silent world.

  Within the previous realm, the middle-aged man looking at the scene behind the portals nodded his head with satisfaction, as he snapped his finger.

  Swish! Swish! Swish!

  A group of powerful looking men instantly appeared and surrounded his form.

  "My small female child will be capable of handling herself as she was born under the careful watch of that star belonging to this universe. Not to mention the old punishment realm that I left the 'small crow' to watch over until a true born chosen of this world can clear its trials. However, those two brats in that realm cause even me to feel some uncertainty. I want you bunch to send a few lesser elders within that realm to ensure they don't stray from their paths..." The middle-aged man said as he looked at the portal with three moons.

  "We hear and obey!" The group of individuals said as they vanished for a moment before bringing a few younger and weaker looking individuals with them towards the portal with three moons.

  After a short moment of farewells, the new individuals entered the portal which soon after closed along with its neighboring gateway. The powerful looking group of individuals then looked towards the middle-aged man before nodding their heads and vanishing into the void.

  The middle-aged man was pleased, but soon an angry voice came from behind him.

  "Kai-kai! What are you doing?! How can you send our children away like that without telling me?! Tsk! And what's with this aged appearance you're wearing again!" A beautiful long silver-haired woman with a beauty mark on the corner of her lip and bright big silver eyes, cursed in anger as she approached the middle-aged man with a group of powerful looking individuals garbed in ancient armors.

  The man hearing the stream of complaints this shook his head and responded, "My baby, an old dragon must look aged. It must exclude and air of wisdom simply by its appearance, this look is fitting for my kinghood. Also, are you forgetting where we are going? Who we are going to face? How can we take these young children with us on that path of endless carnage?"

  The woman hearing his words frowned for a short while before speaking in tears, "What kinghood?! Hm... Hm... we will become terrible parents if we do this..."

  The man seeing sighed as he walked over to his wife and rubbed her back gently while speaking, "There, there, do not cry... that is an act of a lowe-"

  The middle-aged man tried to coax his wife but before he could finish his words he was interrupted.

  Slap! A hard right on his cheek that left a deep imprint, the woman looked at him in anger as she yelled before running away, "You are the lower class being, you're the worst parent ever!"

  "Darling wait! Sigh, I may not be the best parent... but I am certainly the best husband! He-he!" The man said in a frivolous tone as he rushed towards his wife transforming into a beam light chased after the silver ray that left the world, as he did this, he glanced towards the group of powerful individuals who abruptly followed behind and commanded.

  "Set forth! We leave this realm at once, our battles with their 'kind' have only just begun..." He said.

  "Yes, your highness!" The group of individuals replied as they followed along the man who chased his wife to depths of the unknown, vanishing from the universe through a hidden gate never to be seen again...

  Chapter 103


  The Prisoners Hall, Feng Yu’s New Goal!

  The night faded as the morning wind blew across the mountains, the harsh downpour drenching the world as most of the light of the dawn remained obstructed clouds. The transparent blue barrier remaining as imposing as ever, while the guards from last night’s careful watch remained in their constant state of vigilance.

  Inside of the Guards Resting Quarters, within a single bed room.

  The figure of a red-haired fiend who was seated in a cross-legged posture made and odd movement with one of his fingers.

  He flicked his index finger towards a distant block of wood at the corner of the room, causing a sharp semi-transparent beam of white light to streak towards the small block of wood.

  Chip-chip-chip! With exquisite precision, multiple pieces of the wood and sawdust fell to the ground as the block of wood became smoothly chipped revealing the finely sculpted design of a figure. It was a sculpture of an old man with his hands behind his back, who wore Daoist robes carrying a wise expression on his face. His wrinkles ever so prevalent as they seemed to be able to carve the weight of his experiences.

  Suddenly, the meditating red-haired fiend opened its dark red eyes and exhaled, "Whew! I Finally managed to sculpt my old master. It seems that all night of sword realm training wasn't a total waste. My use with half-step sword intent is getting better and better; I only miss that step to achieve the enlightenment needed to grasp its true essence."

  As Feng Yu said this, he looked around the room at the ugly unrecognizable sculptures sliced into pieces about the room's floor. Shaking his head side to side he then looked at the scene outside of his room window and spoke once more.

  "Duty Calls!" Upon saying this, Feng Yu picked himself up from the ground and cracked his muscles which made a few snapping noises. He then sheathed his swords on the back of his armor and slowly made his way outside of the room.

  As he reached the door, a voice echoed inside of his head, "Today should prove to be a great day, Benefactor Feng..."

  "Oh, so you're finally awake I see. Does Yun'er really think so?" Feng Yu replied in a slightly curious tone.

  "I know so..." Jing Mingyun replied with a confident tone as she smiled while curling up her semi-unconscious body.

  "Hmm, well I can only hope so..." Feng Yu replied in a deep tone as he still had a few layers of uncertainty regarding the prisoners of Palace Command.

  Creakkk! Bang! The door of the room was opened and closed leaving behind the only the quiet messy room scene.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Today was a busy day for Reinz Palace; the newly appointed guards were scheduled to start their shifts at various posts.

  A large group of differently equipped squads lined up at central courtyard that looking no different from any campground, some of these squad preparing to leave for the outer bases of the Endless Rain Zone where they will battle with rebel forces and threatening wildlife.

  Only a small batch would remain to guard certain sections of the main palace, as the stronger and more talent guards were drafted by special private groups belonging to different elders.

  Feng Yu walked pass this field of preparing guard squads casually as he made his way towards the direct center of the area. There, he
saw two-special looking guards each wearing top-class armor that immediately nodded upon seeing him.

  Looking behind these two guards, one would see a sizeable underground pathway; paved with unique looking stones that glowed with strange blue lights. There was a gem placed into small slots on these stones that caused a blue barrier to form up over the entire underground path allowing now one in or out.

  As Feng Yu arrived before the path, the guards strangely patted the stones, causing stones to vibrate for a short moment before rippling in blue energies. Soon, the barrier started to fade as it now allowed for entry.

  Feng Yu seeing this wasted no time as he walked into the pathway traveling down towards the depths of the palace grounds, his figure soon vanishing out of sight…

  ∞ ∞ ∞


  The prison hall underground was huge, it spread out for hundreds of meters with a depth of a few dozens of kilometers. A silent space with the occasional sounds of rapid footsteps walking through its empty hallways, as a few intimating looking fiends patrolled the various prison cells.

  The prisoner's hall, home to Reinz Palace's most fearsome criminals and native lifeforms...

  If one looked from the top floor to the bottommost level, they would notice the separate blocks; each block had over 1000 prison cells that held a single prisoner.

  These prisoners varied in races as did their treatments, the prisoners from the first to the third floor were mostly fiends who had committed offenses or broken rules of the Palace Command while those further below were individuals from various indigenous races, some from the Boundless Sky Zone, with others from even Cloudy Ghost Zone...

  They were chained between strange stones that glowed with a strange light, causing them to remain in a state of perpetual stillness. Though, this didn't hinder them from cursing with their spiritual powers.

  "Let us out now!" one prisoner said.

  "Curse you all!" another cursed as loud as he could with his spiritual senses.


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