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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 236

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  "Which training camp did he come from?"

  "Longwei. Gongzi, is there a matter with his identity?"

  Wei Anfang asked doubtfully as he measured the black-haired youth before him.

  "It's nothing."

  Wang Chong waved his hands with a smile. Even though Wei Anfang was a capable worker, it seemed like he was still a little lacking in worldly experience.

  "Xu Chong... it seems like that fellow is here for me!"

  Wang Chong chuckled internally as he glanced at the black-haired youth before him once more. Coincidentally, the cross-dressing youth also raised his head at the same moment, and Wang Chong could see indignance in the other party's eyes.

  However, the youth swiftly lowered her head, revealing her smooth and elegant neck.

  "Xu Clan... A member of the Longwei Training Camp, and capable at Go at that..."

  Wang Chong rummaged through his mind as he gazed at the black-haired youth before him. Suddenly, a thought struck his head, and a certain figure came to mind.

  Xu Qiqin!

  The daughter of the prestigious Xu Clan, one of the top nobility in the capital. Even in Longwei Training Camp, this lady possessed an incredible reputation.

  In terms of standing and reputation, she was on par with Second Sister Wang Zhu Yan.

  On top of that, Wang Chong seemed to have an inkling impression that the latter possessed exceptional talent in the Way of Chess.

  "Most probably, it is her."

  Wang Chong thought with a smile.

  Other than a small handful which Wang Chong personally picked out from the name lists compiled at the very start, the remaining members of the Deflecting Blade Manor had entered the organization through clearing the test at the Chess Hall.

  As such, there was a significant proportion of people which had names and backgrounds which Wang Chong was unaware of.

  Most likely, the name Xu Chong was a fake. Perhaps out of arrogance, she didn't change her surname, thus leaving some traces of her true identity behind.

  "Was she indignant at my reputation? That's why she came to challenge me in the Way of Chess?"

  Wang Chong pondered.

  He vaguely remembered that Xu Qiqin was a capable and proud individual. Perhaps she had come after hearing that the Deflecting Blade Manor was accepting new members and chess skill was the grading criterion, so she came over in hopes of challenging him.

  Xu Qiqin did possess the rights to be proud. Her chess skill was clearly far higher than the examinees, outclassing them greatly.

  Furthermore, she carried an air of hostility around her, seemingly trying to taunt Wang Chong. Most likely, her goal here wasn't the spirit vein at all.

  "... If I recall correctly, Xu Qiqin possesses formidable talent in handling logistics."

  Wang Chong thought.

  The current customs in Great Tang made it extremely difficult for women to make a name for themselves. But even so, Xu Qiqin was still able to build an astounding reputation for herself amidst the men in Longwei Training Camp, and this spoke a lot about her capability.

  However, what Wang Chong was interested in was her logistical ability. She seemed to have a unique way of dealing with logistical problems, allowing her to organize everything orderly.

  In his previous life, the Xu Clan ended up allying themselves with King Qi, and following her clan's footsteps, Xu Qiqin also became King Qi's subordinate. With her help, King Qi was relieved of many of his burdens.

  At the very least, in terms of the logistical aspect of war, there was no need for him to worry about anything.

  "It would be great if I could bring the Xu Clan or Xu Qiqin to my side!"

  Wang Chong's mind began whirling into action.

  Chapter 322: Halo of Dusk Stallion!

  Chapter 322: Halo of Dusk Stallion!

  The Xu Clan was a powerful clan in the capital. While it couldn't match up with the prestigious Wang Clan, it definitely didn't pale too far. They would definitely be a valuable asset if Wang Chong could bring them to his side.

  More importantly, the Xu Clan was still neutral at this moment.

  After all, for a clan as large as the Xu Clan, how could they be content with submitting to any power at the current stage?

  However, this also meant that it would be difficult for Wang Chong to act as well.

  Xu Qiqin was a proud swan, and the fact that she was concealed her identity to challenge Wang Chong reflected that. Convincing such a proud person to submit to him wouldn't be easy.

  Furthermore, given Xu Qiqin's bright reputation in Longwei Training Camp, she was probably stronger than him as well. If Wang Chong wanted to make her submit, he would have to suppress her pride first.


  With this, Wang Chong already knew what he should do.

  Wang Chong continued walking down the line calmly, placing a stone on each of the chessboard.

  Watching as a large portion of their stones were taken away by Wang Chong, and black was swiftly dominating the board, cold sweat drenched the back of the examinees.

  Wang Chong also didn't make things too difficult for them. After getting a clear assessment of their capability, he would let them off the hook. Xu Qiqin was the only one which Wang Chong didn't hold back on.

  If he had used only ten percent of his prowess against the others, he had used at least sixty percent to deal with Xu Qiqin.

  And it was due to this double standards that despite Xu Qiqin's superior chess skill, she lost in a worse state than the others.

  It started with a deep frown, but eventually she began biting her lips, and cold sweat began dripping down her fair face.

  Nearing the end, her face was already completely drained of blood.

  She had intended to retaliate initially, but under Wang Chong's relentless torrent of attack, her defenses were swiftly breached.

  In the end, she suffered a defeat more tragic than the other examinees.


  Wang Chong put down the final stone nonchalantly without saying a word, as if he was oblivious to Xu Qiqin's pale face.

  "I shall announce the names of those who have cleared this examination. Zhou Yao, Xu Yongyuan, Ou Chunyang, Chang Wu, Sun Zhongshu..."

  Wang Chong began announcing the ones who had cleared his test, and those who had their names called cheered in delight and excitement. But for some reason, the name Xu Chong wasn't part of the list.

  "Alright. Wei Anfang, prepare a token for those whose names were called and escort them to the spirit vein to cultivate."

  "Yes, gongzi."

  Wei Anfang replied respectfully.

  After which, Wang Chong flung his sleeves and left the room.

  "Wait a moment!"

  An abrupt voice halted Wang Chong. Xu Qiqin stood up and pointed to the examinees around her indignantly, "My chess skill is clearly above them. Why did you pass them but fail me?"

  A loss was a loss, but Xu Qiqin knew very well that her chess skill was far better than the other examinees here. Thus, she was dissatisfied to learn that she wasn't chosen.

  "Hmph, you dare to speak about your chess skill after losing more than 200 mu? Come back after you have raised your chess skill!"


  Xu Qiqin's clenched her jaws in anger.

  Ignoring her, Wang Chong harrumphed coldly and headed down the stairs.

  Under normal circumstances, Xu Qiqin would never allow a person to snub her like that. She possessed incredible strength that was on par with Marquess Yi, and even Yao Feng had suffered in her hands before.

  But since she had decided to pass herself off as Xu Chong, Wang Chong was also glad to play ignorant as well.


  After Wang Chong left, Xu Qiqin finally slammed her palm onto the table, and the rosewood table which was known for its resilience shattered into countless fragments, shocking everyone in the area.

  Xu Qiqin knew that Wang Chong was intentionally making things hard for her. He was playing with doub
le standards against her, leaving no room for her recover at all.

  But she couldn't understand the reason behind it. Could the other party have seen through her disguise?

  But even if that was the case, surely he couldn't identify her so easily?

  Taking a step back, even if her identity were to be exposed, there should be no need for Wang Chong to regard her with such bias.

  "Hmph, what are you looking at? Do you think I can't afford htis table?"

  Throwing a few gold taels by the side, Xu Qiqin stomped out of the room.

  By the gates of the Deflecting Blade Manor, a maid who had managed to sneak into the compounds as Marquess Yi's attendant was waiting with a bent back.

  "Young mistress, how is it?"

  The maid asked with a suppressed voice which was only within Xu Qiqin's range.

  "Forget it, let's go!"

  She was still overflowing with rage earlier, but as soon as she stepped out of the gates, her mind unexpectedly calmed down.

  With the revelation of the spirit vein and the news that Wang Chong was accepting members into the Deflecting Blade Manor, Wang Chong managed to capture the attention of everyone in the capital.

  In an instant, the Wang Clan was pushed to the center of everyone's eyes, and even the royal family was getting involved with them as well.

  As the rising star of the Wang Clan, Wang Chong also became a celebrity.

  When Xu Qiqin heard this news at Longwei Training Camp, she felt uncomfortable that there was someone standing above her. Thus, she decided to head over here to challenge Wang Chong.

  But who could have known that she would only end up utterly humiliated. But even so, her anger faded far quicker than she had thought.

  At this moment, the only thing in her mind was the various moves Wang Chong had used to curb her.

  As prideful as she was, she had to admit that Wang Chong's moves were ingenious.

  In terms of chess skill, she was no match for him at all.

  Subconsciously, Xu Qiqin couldn't help but recall the rumors in the capital. It was said that Wang Chong had faced off with Great Tang's legendary War God Su Zhengchen at the Ghost Tree District and even defeated him.

  Xu Qiqin had always admired Su Zhengchen, so this rumor played a heavy role to her hostility toward Wang Chong.

  She was initially skeptical of the rumors, but at this moment, she couldn't but consider the possibility of it being true.

  "Hmph, don't you get gleeful. I'll eventually defeat you."

  Xu Qiqin thought. Wang Chong's chess skill was indeed astounding, but she didn't think that she paled by too much.

  She would defeat him the next time she came, and then, she would reveal her true identity.

  Until now, Xu Qiqin still didn't think that Wang Chong was aware of her identity.

  "Let's go."

  "But young mistress..."

  "Enough. We'll return in the future!"

  Xu Qiqin said as she descended the mountain. Reaching a remote region of the mountain, she flicked her finger at her head lightly, and kacha, a clip shattered. Luxurious long silky hair cascaded down like a waterfall, falling on her shoulders, back, chest, and hands.

  Chi la!

  With a slight flick of her right forefinger, the man's robe on her was split into two pieces, revealing a white dress underneath.

  With this transformation, Xu Qiqin had turned from a feminine young man into a captivating beauty.

  If Wang Chong was here at this moment, he would be stunned as well.

  Her beautiful black hair brought out a jade-like quality in her fair skin, accentuating to her elegance.

  However, what that would truly move the hearts of men was her final step. She took out a crimson rouge paper from her bosom and placed it between her lips, coloring it with the fiery tone of an inferno. The beautiful contrast and harmony among her features would leave anyone’s heart beating uncontrollably.

  Keeping the rouge paper, she beckoned into the distance, and "neighh!", a carriage prepared beforehand emerged from the forest.

  Xu Qiqin lifted her skirt lightly before stepping onto the carriage with her maid. With a cloud of dust, the carriage disappeared into the distance.


  On the other hand, after leaving the Deflecting Blade Manor, Wang Chong walked up to Kunwu Training Camp and headed straight for the main peak.

  In a massive hall on the main peak, Wang Chong met Instructor Zhao Qianqiu.

  "Wang Chong, what are you doing here?"

  Zhao Qianqiu asked in delight.

  The hall was dark and gloomy. When Wang Chong first arrived, he saw Zhao Qianqiu sitting with a serious expression before a copper table. He wasn't able to catch a clear glimpse at first sight, but on the second, he couldn't help but chuckle.

  Placed before Zhao Qianqiu was a chessboard, and if one were to take a closer look, one would realize that it was set up in the formation in the previous duel between Zhao Qianqiu and Wang Chong.

  "Brat, what are you laughing at?"

  An arm suddenly darted out to circle Wang Chong's neck and squeezed it tight. Wang Chong's neck immediately turned red under the great force.

  "Nothing at all, how could I possibly dare to laugh at you?"

  Wang Chong hurriedly admitted defeat. What other choice did he have? His cultivation might have progressed significantly in the past few months, but he was still in a different class from Zhao Qianqiu.


  Zhao Qianqiu pushed Wang Chong away in displeasure. In the training camp, there was usually a strict demarcation between instructors and students. However, Zhao Qianqiu was slightly different.

  The fact that he was willing to dump ravenous tigers on his sleeping recruits in the middle of the night reflected his quirkiness. At the same time, he was also one of the few instructors who didn't put on airs with the recruits and played together with them.

  But of course, Zhao Qianqiu didn't treat everyone in such a way. After being defeated by Wang Chong in the Chess Hall, he didn't dare to underestimate the latter anymore.

  Perhaps it was due to Zhao Qianqiu viewing him as a fellow peer, but Wang Chong gained a greater degree of freedom as compared to before.

  "Alright, speak. You can't possibly be here for no reason."

  Zhao Qianqiu said impatiently.

  "Instructor, I wish to learn the Halo of Dusk Stallion!"

  Wang Chong said.

  "What did you say?"

  Zhao Qianqiu's nonchalance immediately crumbled after hearing the words from Wang Chong's mouth, and shock took its place.

  "Halo of Dusk Stallion. I wish to learn the Halo of Dusk Stallion."

  Wang Chong repeated once more.

  "My cultivation has already reached Origin Energy Tier 9 pinnacle, and my comprehension of the Power of Law has also reached the peak as well. I need a True Martial realm halo technique."

  "No, that is not what I am asking. How do you know of the Halo of Dusk Stallion?"

  As compared to his playful demeanor from before, Zhao Qianqiu had a grim expression on his at this moment as he gazed at the young man before him.

  Halo of Dusk Stallion:

  Dusk Stallion (Wuzhui) is actually Xiang Yu's steed. Xiang Yu is an extremely famous figure in China, and he is commonly known as the Conqueror of Western Chu. This steed was known for its valor on the battlefield along with Xiang Yu, and rumor has it that after Xiang Yu committed suicide after his defeat, the steed leaped to its death in the river to pursue its master.

  Many know of Qin Shi Huang, the man who unified China, but just one generation after the unification of China, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang rose up to overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

  If you have played Chinese Chess before, you should be familiar with the river in the middle. That is known as the "Dividing River of Chu and Han" (Canal Hong), and it reflects the situation between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang for a period of time. They have agreed to a truce, dividing China into two parts that were split among them. However, Liu Ba
ng reneged on the truce and attacked Xiang Yu, and eventually, Xiang Yu lost, and Liu Bang founded the Han Dynasty.

  Chapter 323: Trial

  Chapter 323: Trial

  The Halo of Dusk Stallion was a huge secret of the training camp. Not even the other instructors were aware of it, needless to say, the recruits. Of the entire training camp, there were only three people who knew of its existence.

  In the first place, the topic regarding the war halo was a taboo in itself. While the superiors had passed the technique down to the training camp, they were still hesitating whether to pass it down or not.

  Understanding this, Zhao Qianqiu never raised this matter before anyone as well.

  So, where in the world did Wang Chong learn of the existence of that technique?

  In response to Zhao Qianqiu's astonishment, Wang Chong simply smiled. He knew that the technique was a secret as well, or else it wouldn't have remained uninherited in his previous life.

  Naturally, Wang Chong couldn't possibly say that he had learned of it from the future.

  "Instructor Zhao, am I mistaken? Does such a technique not exist in the training camp?"

  Wang Chong replied with a question.

  Zhao Qianqiu frowned. He assessed Wang Chong with a grim expression for a moment before asking, "Wang Chong, do you understand what the halo represents?"

  "Of course I do."

  Wang Chong replied with a smile.

  The Halo of Dusk Stallion was the strongest war halo in the world, crafted for the sake of battle.

  What was unique about this secret art was that it required a war steed to bring out the might of the technique, and more importantly, it could be further evolved!

  "Wait a moment!"

  Throwing these words behind, Zhao Qianqiu marched out of the room. Walking past several corridors, he soon arrived at the hall which stood at the very core of this Kunwu Training Camp.

  The atmosphere within this hall was authoritative and austere.

  There was only a single person who was qualified to sit at the top of this hall, and of the hundreds of instructors across the training camp, only a few of the higher rank instructors were qualified to enter this room.


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