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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 237

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

Without any hesitation, Zhao Qianqiu revealed the content of the conversation he had with Wang Chong.

  "Halo of Dusk Stallion?"

  The towering figure hidden amidst the darkness straightened his posture slightly after hearing those words. Stroking his lower jaw with his hands, he frowned.

  "The Halo of Dusk Stallion is a manual His Majesty has entrusted us with. Other than you, me, and His Majesty, there shouldn't be anyone else who knows of this matter. Besides, the training camp hasn't started for too long, so how did Wang Chong... Or could it be the old duke of the Wang Clan who informed him of this matter?"

  "That was what I was thinking as well."

  Zhao Qianqiu quickly replied.

  "If it's the old duke of the Wang Clan who told him of the matter, then everything makes sense. The old duke never does anything pointless, and considering his close ties with His Majesty, there's a possibility that this entire matter might be His Majesty's intention as well."

  If Wang Chong was here, he would surely be dumbstruck. This was because the duo was going too far with their imagination.

  They actually thought that this was the intention of Wang Chong's grandfather, Duke Jiu!

  "Since this is the intention of old duke, he should also know that the reason why His Majesty has sternly instructed us to find a suitable successor to the technique isn't due to the strength of the secret art but the implications tied in with it. In face of those problems, even His Majesty would have to tread carefully.

  "But if the old duke is aware of the matter, why would he still instruct his grandson to learn this secret art?"

  The towering figure at the top of the hall frowned as if he had stumbled upon an enigma.

  "I don't know the reason behind it either, perhaps His Majesty and the old duke have some thought in mind. Furthermore, I have asked Wang Chong about it, and he said that he understood the meaning behind the matter."

  Zhao Qianqiu revealed the details of his talk with Wang Chong.

  Those words had a decisive effect on the towering figure at the top of the hall. Probably even Wang Chong couldn't imagine that his words would actually be misconstrued to something entirely different,

  "Since the old duke doesn't mind either, let's follow by his intention then. Zhao Qianqiu, we shall go by the rules."

  The towering figure instructed.

  "Yes, my lord. I understand what I must do."

  Zhao Qianqiu nodded before retreating from the hall respectfully.


  Wang Chong waited patiently in the room, wondering what Zhao Qianqiu was doing having disappeared for such a long period of time. Finally, his patience paid off, and he saw Zhao Qianqiu stepping across the doorsill.

  "Wang Chong, I can pass down the Halo of Dusk Stallion to you. However, you should think the matter through first. The Halo of Dusk Stallion is unlike ordinary martial halo. First, it has to be complemented with a war steed—this shouldn't be any problem to you. Second, the cultivation of this secret art is far more difficult than any other martial arts. It requires a colossal amount of Origin Energy to cultivate, and this could result in an extreme slowdown in your cultivation rate. To put it in other words, while your fellow peers might have already reached Profound Martial realm, due to the effects of the Halo of Dusk Stallion, you might still be stuck at True Martial realm 2-dan. Even if such is the case, are you still willing to go on with it?"

  Zhao Qianqiu asked sternly.

  It was not without reason that the Halo of Dusk Stallion wasn't passed on. Cultivating this secret art in itself was a huge burden that very few could bear.

  "I am willing."

  Wang Chong replied without any hesitation. He was determined to learn the Halo of Dusk Stallion at all costs.

  "Also, I have to emphasize that even if I were to impart the technique to you, there's no guarantee that you might succeed, and it might not reach your expectations either. Even so, will you still push on?"

  Zhao Qianqiu asked once more. The Halo of Dusk Stallion had a high demand on one's diligence and talent, but those in itself wasn't sufficient to guarantee one's success.

  The stronger a secret art is, the more difficult it will be to cultivate. This is a common adage spoken by those in the martial arts community.

  The Halo of Dusk Stallion wasn't a secret art which had appeared in recent years. In fact, there were many cultivators who had taken it on in the past, but too few, or perhaps even none, had reached the highest realm of it.

  Due to the disproportionate amount of time one had to spend in cultivating in the Halo of Dusk Stallion, it would result in the progress of one's cultivation lagging behind. As a result, there was a high chance that one's accomplishment could end up being lower than anticipated. Many were there such situations.

  As Wang Chong's instructor, Zhao Qianqiu felt responsible for his future.

  He had to make sure that the other party knew what he was getting into.


  Wang Chong nodded once more.

  "Very well!"

  Zhao Qianqiu nodded.

  "As the saying goes, a heritage mustn't be passed on lightly. As the strongest secret art in Kunwu Training Camp, there are some prerequisites you will have to clear to learn the Halo of Dusk Stallion. You should make some preparations. Three days from now, you will be put under a trial, and if you can clear it, I'll impart the Halo of Dusk Stallion to you."


  Wang Chong was astonished. He was unaware of this matter.

  "Un. Just so to tell you, these are the rules of the training camp, and even I am unable to bend them. If you accept these terms, you will put under the charge of another instructor, so don't expect any leniency!"

  "Also, I know that you have established the Deflecting Blade Manor and recruited quite a few recruits from the training camps. However, this trial is aimed at testing your own strength. Thus, you are not to bring anyone along with you, and that is including the Wang Clan guards. If you were to be found infringing any rules or cheating, your name will be canceled from the records, and you will be expelled from the training camp."

  Zhao Qianqiu instructed grimly.

  The flouting of military rules had severe complications, so there was a need to warn Wang Chong of the matter beforehand. Being expelled was nothing much, but having one's name erased from the records meant that Wang Chong would be permanently banned from the military.

  Similarly, this stain on his records would prevent him from entering politics as well.

  For a scion, that was no different from having one's life ruined.

  "I understand."

  Wang Chong nodded.

  Simply said, if he wanted to obtain the Halo of Dusk Stallion, he would have to display strength worthy of it.

  "You can leave now."


  Leaving the main peak, Wang Chong returned to the Deflecting Blade Manor to make arrangements for his absence before returning to his quarters to prepare for the trial three days from now.

  Regarding the trial, Wang Chong had heard bits of pieces of it.

  It seemed like the royal court would assign some missions to the recruit when their cultivation has reached an acceptable level to test them.

  However, the mission would vary from people to people, and more often than not, it would not be under the control of the camp instructors either.

  More importantly, all of these missions were regarding real problems identified in the royal court, and they had a degree of difficulty to them. This also meant that the missions carried the risk of death as well.

  Nevertheless, the royal court would still try to limit the risk of the missions assigned to the recruits.

  "I wonder what kind of mission I will receive."

  Wang Chong thought.

  This was the first time Wang Chong was participating in such a mission.


  Time flew by quickly, and three days passed in a breeze.


  Amidst the tranquil mo
untains, the crisp call of a mighty steed suddenly echoed in the surroundings. Suddenly, a black shadow dashed across the woods and flew past the mountain before circling around Wang Chong excitedly. It rubbed its head against Wang Chong's body before licking his hand intimately.

  Tickled by its gesture, Wang Chong burst into laughter.

  "Haha, Little Shadow, it has been long since we last met."

  Stroking the silky fur of Little Shadow, Wang Chong took out a fistful of beans and offered it to Little Shadow. Watching as the latter munch on the beans, Wang Chong couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy to it.

  The White-hoofed Shadow adored freedom. Such a trait wasn't apparent back when it was still in the capital, but as soon as it was out in the forests and mountains, it found itself unable to suppress its instinctive nature any longer.

  Upon realizing this, Wang Chong also allowed it to roam freely outside.

  Unlike what most would think, not only wouldn't Wang Chong's actions cause a rift between him and the White-hoofed Shadow, it even enhanced the intimacy of the two.

  This was because the White-hoofed Shadow was sentient, and it understood that its master was offering it something no one else ever did.


  "Little fellow, let's go. You're needed somewhere."

  Wang Chong first installed a saddle on the back of the White-hoofed Shadow before climbing on top of it. His movements were extremely skilled, reminiscent of a veteran cavalry.

  Chapter 324: Official From the Chamberlain of Dependencies

  Chapter 324: Official From the Chamberlain of Dependencies


  Clamping the abdomen of the horse slightly, Little Shadow immediately leaped in the sky and landed a distance of five zhang away, leaving behind a blanket of dust.

  Neighhhh, with a long call, the White-hoofed Shadow dashed down the mountain.

  After several months of growth, Little Shadow's physique was even sturdier and fitter than before. Even though it hadn't reached adulthood yet, it already possessed strength comparable or even slightly exceeding that of most mature steeds.

  "Brat, catch it!"

  A tall figure stood at the edge of Kunwu Training Camp. He seemed to have been waiting there for some time already. Upon seeing Wang Chong's figure, he threw an item over with a smile.

  Wang Chong tilted his body slightly and caught it. Taking a look at the item in his hand, he realized that it was a bamboo tube with the circumference of a thumb.

  "... Brat, if you find yourself facing some kind of difficult problem, open it and take a look. It might just prove to be of some help to you."

  "Hahaha! Thank you, Instructor Zhao."

  Wang Chong waved his hand before keeping the bamboo tube into his bosom. Under the furious galloping of the White-hoofed Shadow, he soon disappeared in the midst of the mountain forest.



  The autumn breeze blew across a barren mountainous slope in the depths of the range. On this very land, three figures with powerful dispositions were seated on top of stationary tall steeds.

  There were both men and women within the group, and they were mainly in their twenties. Their gestures carried an authoritative power which hinted at their extraordinary identities. Beautiful thorn-shaped halos shone beneath the hooves of the steeds, further accentuating the valiant demeanor of the group.

  True Martial realm!

  They were all True Martial realm experts!

  "Is he going to arrive soon?"

  "We have been waiting for some time already, but he still isn't here yet?"

  "To make so many of us wait for him, who does he think he is?"

  "Does the concept of time not apply to those from Kunwu Training Camp?"


  On the barren brown slope, the war steeds were looking around leisurely, and the riders above them looked extremely impatient.


  At that moment, the loud neighing of a steed sounded. A small silhouette appeared at the other end of the valley, but it was increasing in size at a rapid pace.

  "I have kept all of you waiting."

  Riding the White-hoofed Shadow, Wang Chong dived through a lush forest before leaping onto the barren brown ground of the mountain slope.

  “"This should be the place."

  Glancing at the trio ahead of him and the tall crimson flame flag, Zhang Xuan thought.

  There were three fixed meeting points for recruits of the three training camp participating in a mission to assemble. The meeting point chosen would depend on the tier and the nature of the mission.

  The place where Wang Chong was gathered was the highest tier Dragon Tiger Blazing Flag.

  This was the first time Wang Chong was participating in a mission. He got lost in the mountain for a short moment, but it was fortunate that he set off earlier, so he wasn't late for too long.

  "All of them are True Martial realm martial artists."

  Wang Chong noted as he glanced at the Halo of Thorns beneath the trio. He didn't expect to be paired with True Martial realm experts for this mission.

  "What in the world happened for you to arrive only now?"

  "To make all of us wait for you, aren't you being a little too conceited?"

  "Is this how the recruits of Kunwu Training Camp behave? As expected, commoners are truly lacking in etiquette!"


  Wang Chong was just about to introduce himself when jarring criticisms sounded in his ear. The trio was staring at him with hostile gazes.

  With a casual smile, Wang Chong retracted his outstretched hand. Clearly, these three had regarded him as a person of humble birth, as were most recruits in Kunwu.

  Indeed, among the three training camps, the background of recruits from Kunwu was the humblest. Take Chen Burang for example, he was the son of an ordinary family of hunters.

  On this aspect, there was indeed a huge disparity in the standings of those from different camps.

  "I apologize, I was late."

  Wang Chong smiled nonchalantly, paying no heed to their rudeness.

  "What the hell? Kunwu Training Camp actually sent out such a young fellow?"

  The young man standing at the center of the three assessed Wang Chong from head to toe, and upon realizing something, he cursed furiously.

  At this point, the others also realized something as well. Wang Chong's appearance was reminiscent of a fifteen-year-old child.

  Those who were usually dispatched for missions were at least in their twenties, in the same class as Wang Zhu Yan and Marquess Yi.

  The trio was rather famous in their respective camps as well, so Wang Chong's presence was indeed a little jarring in contrast.

  Not only so, the square-faced young man on the right also noticed something else.

  "You don't have a True Martial halo either? Did Kunwu Training Camp send you out to weigh us down?"

  Not only was Wang Chong young, he was weak as well. To think that he didn't even possess a True Martial halo!

  On top of that, the horse he was riding on was still a young colt!

  It was simply too difficult for them to accept such a companion. One of the worst things that could happen in a mission was to have a companion weighing one down, so the trio was particularly displeased with Wang Chong.

  In the first place, there was already a huge disparity in the standing of between Shenwei and Longwei against Kunwu. The gap between nobility and commoners couldn't be bridged that easily, and Wang Chong's seeming weakness only served to further deepen the discord.

  "This misunderstanding is getting larger and larger!"

  Wang Chong chuckled inwardly. From the attire of the trio, Wang Chong could roughly guess their background, and they were indeed from distinguished clans.

  However, none of their backgrounds could compare up to his.

  Nevertheless, Wang Chong couldn't be bothered to explain, and he didn't see a need to either. He believed that actions would speak louder than word

  "Don't worry, I won't drag you down. If we were to run into any kind of danger, feel free to abandon me."

  Wang Chong smiled calmly.

  "Hmph! That will be for the best!"

  The young man at the center harrumphed coldly. Pulling his reins, his steed neighed, and the duo began charging down the slope, headed straight for the north.

  The others followed suit, and Wang Chong's White-hoofed Shadow was the third to depart.

  The young lady at the very back was slightly astonished to see Wang Chong's skilful maneuver, but she quickly recovered and turned her attention back to driving her horse.

  The forest on both sides swiftly flew past the riders. It was in this kind of difficult terrain that the true capability of a war steed would shine through. With the uneven footing, thorn-filled shrubs, and countless rocks with jagged edges, an untrained steed could be easily injured.

  The trio thought that Wang Chong would have difficulty catching up, but they soon realized that Wang Chong had no trouble following them in terms of speed.

  "Hmph, at least he isn't that weak."

  The trio harrumphed before turning their attention away from Wang Chong.

  "This... we aren't heading to the capital!"

  Following behind the group, Wang Chong swiftly noticed that something was amiss. Even though it wasn't apparent due to the complex terrain of the mountain range, if one were to pay careful notice, it was still possible to tell that the group was currently moving in a huge arc that would bypass the capital.

  In other words, their mission wouldn't be in the capital.

  "I wonder what kind of mission it will be."

  A seed of curiosity sprouted in Wang Chong's mind.

  Around two hours later, the group finally traversed through the forest and returned back to the main path. After heading northward for another forty li, at the northwest of the capital, they spotted a figure dressed in the robe of an official. He had an austere face, and standing behind him were several Imperial Army soldiers from the royal court.

  "He is an official from the Chamberlain of Dependencies!"

  Wang Chong thought. Of the officials in the royal court, the ones which Wang Chong would want to avoid meeting were the ones from the Chamberlain of Dependencies. This sentiment was shared by most of those in the capital as well.


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