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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1093

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

“Life! Execution!”

  With these two simple words, kaboom! A dark beam of Sword Qi, as sharp as could be, shot out from behind him. It pierced straight through the Tianfu Divine Lord’s chest, leaving behind a large hole.

  Even after piercing through the Tianfu Divine Lord’s body, the dark beam of Sword Qi still had unspent energy that soared off into the darkness.


  On the ground, the Tianfu Divine Lord’s Power of Darkness had long ago dispersed. The thousands of Imperial Army soldiers couldn’t help but cry out in alarm when they saw this Sword Qi. Even the Lone Silence Ancestor, Li Siye, and martial artists like the Three Elders of the Northern Sea were left astounded.

  Top-class sword experts could easily attack a target that was several thousand feet away, but Su Zhengchen’s Sword Qi seemed to connect the heavens and earth, going more than ten thousand feet. Moreover, the Sword Qi had also left a distinct trail in the air.

  They were all powerful martial artists who had seen their fair share of wondrous sights, but never had they seen such terrifying Sword Qi!

  “This is impossible! How could he have such a frightening Sword Qi?”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord stared at the hole in his chest and the Sword Qi that lingered in the wound, his eyes wide open and his body trembling.

  He could sense the power of extermination contained in this attack, constantly pulverizing and obliterating his vitality. This extermination power was continuing to spread, seeping into every part of his body, every single cell.

  The hole in the Tianfu Divine Lord’s chest was getting larger and larger…

  The Tianfu Divine Lord was an arrogant man who considered himself a god, and even after Wang Chong defeated him, he still did not consider him an opponent worthy of his regard. But that mysterious old man had not only seen through his Starlight Step, was not only faster than him, his Sword Qi was even more frightening than the Subtle realm Southern Dipper divine power in his body!

  This old man surpassed him in every aspect.

  How could such a monster exist in this world?

  A moment later, boom! Boom! Boom! The Tianfu Divine Lord detonated his four limbs, creating an explosion of gore and blood. As blood burst outward, a dazzling golden talisman about half a foot long emerged from his body.

  This talisman was covered in images of the sun, moon, stars, and clouds. It appeared, hallowed, divine, and mysterious. The moment it appeared, it absorbed the cloud of blood, bones, and flesh, and then erupted with a golden-red light.


  After sweeping up the Tianfu Divine Lord, the talisman suddenly began to move at a hundred times the Tianfu Divine Lord’s earlier speed, vanishing into the west in the blink of an eye.

  “So fast!”

  Su Zhengchen narrowed his eyes and subconsciously took two steps forward, and then he stopped. This ability was extremely bizarre, and that golden talisman defied everything he knew about martial arts. The talisman had absorbed more than half of the Tianfu Divine Lord’s essence blood, so even Su Zhengchen would find it hard to catch up.

  Su Zhengchen quickly turned his attention to the Imperial Army.


  The soldiers threw down their weapons. Not even those two Divine Lords had been able to withstand Su Zhengchen’s terrifying power, with one dead and one wounded. The soldiers shivered, none of them daring to attack Su Zhengchen.

  Guo Ziyi didn’t waste the opportunity presented to him. “This is the War God! Why aren’t you kneeling!? You want to keep rebelling with the rest of those traitors?”

  “We surrender!”

  “We surrender!”

  All the Imperial Army soldiers, even the Eastern Palace guards, in front of Chongsheng Gate got down on their knees.

  They had joined the rebellion partially because they had been ordered to by their superiors, and partially because they believed that it could succeed. But they were without their leaders now, and this battle was over. They had no desire to continue fighting.

  “Everyone, listen up! According to the laws of the Great Tang, traitors are to be executed along with their clans! I’ll give you one chance! Take up your weapons and follow the King of Foreign Lands in pacifying the rebellion to redeem yourselves! If you don’t want to die, follow me!” Li Siye roared, gripping his giant Wootz Steel sword and raising it up into the sky. This combined with his enormous body made him exert an intense pressure.

  “We’re willing to follow the King of Foreign Lands!”

  “We’re willing to follow Milord!” the soldiers around Chongsheng Gate called out. Of course, they had no other choice. Following Li Siye to fight against the First Prince was their only way to survive.

  Guo Ziyi understood and began to gesture, sending his men to work with Li Siye and reorganize the surrendered Imperial Army soldiers.

  “Not bad. This child has managed to recruit some excellent officers!”

  There was a twinkle in Su Zhengchen’s eyes as he subtly nodded.

  That these two were able to use the chance offered by the defeat of those two Divine Lords showed an excellent reaction time and sharpness. It was clear that Wang Chong had recruited several powerful generals over the last few years.

  “With these generals helping him, I don’t need to worry too much!”

  Su Zhengchen quickly turned to Taiji Palace.

  The battle was still ongoing there, but just when he was about to head there, he suddenly sensed something.

  “This is—”

  His brow fiercely twitched as he stared in the direction of Taiji Palace.

  Chapter 1785 - The True Dragon Sentinels!

  Chapter 1785: The True Dragon Sentinels!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Deep within the palace, the battle was intensifying. The men in black were working together with the elites of the Imperial Army to crash against the Dragon Guards in wave after wave. Many Dragon Guards had already fallen, and if this continued, it wouldn’t be long before Taiji Palace was breached.

  “Good! If this continues, Taiji Palace will be ours!”

  In the back of the army, First Prince Li Ying clenched his fists, a bright light in his eyes.

  The army was advancing, and while something had apparently happened at Chongsheng Gate, he no longer cared.

  As long as he could take Taiji Palace, anything that happened in the rear had no effect on him.

  “For opposing this prince, all of you must die!”

  The First Prince felt refreshed as the Dragon Guards were slain.


  But just when the last defense line was about to crumble…

  No one noticed a black steel boot, decorated with dragon and mountain patterns in gold, stomp out of Taiji Palace.

  It was just a simple step, but as the foot hit the ground, a massive soundwave radiated from Taiji Palace, and the ground seemed unable to bear the weight of this black boot.


  This intense soundwave made the men in black and the Imperial Army elites all turn in unison.

  What appeared before them was a black-armored general with a cold expression, his body seething with energy as he strode out of Taiji Palace.

  The strongest people around Taiji Palace had undoubtedly been those stalwart Dragon Guards standing sentry on the white jade steps, but even the strongest of the Dragon Guards appeared much weaker than this black-armored general, like comparing a child to a strongman.

  But to their greater shock, there was yet another boom, and then another black-armored general strode out of the palace.

  This was followed by a third man. This group of people came out in groups of three, and a few moments later, four teams had appeared, for a total of twelve black-armored generals, all of them with cold expressions.

  But while these people had cold and aloof expressions, their bodies were blazing with energy. These twelve arranged themselves into a semicircle to defend
Taiji Palace from all angles.


  Even the strongest of the men in black instinctively backed away in fear upon seeing those twelve demonic generals.


  Extreme danger!

  Although there were only twelve of them, much fewer than the Dragon Guards, the men in black sensed that they were far more dangerous than all the Dragon Guards put together.

  An Imperial Army soldier glanced at them and immediately felt like every part of his body had been jabbed by needles, and he shivered in shock. “Just who are these people?!”

  “The True Dragon Sentinels!”

  At this moment, no one was more shocked than Li Ying.

  He had always believed that the greatest barrier between him and the throne of the Nine and Five was the Dragon Guards, but now, he understood that this was far from the case.

  “How could this be? These people actually exist?!”

  Li Ying suddenly recalled a rumor from his childhood. It was said that in the dark corners of Taiji Palace were twelve of the Sage Emperor’s strongest guards. These guards had once been the Sage Emperor’s most loyal soldiers. They had participated in the rebellion that broke out when the Sage Emperor first took the throne and had rendered great achievements.

  But ever since then, those twelve had vanished. No one knew their names. They had been born in the darkness, grown up in the darkness, and eventually vanished into the darkness.

  Li Ying had heard of their feats as a baby, but he had never seen them with his own eyes, so he had taken them to be larger-than-life characters whose legends had been embellished. He had never expected them to be real.

  “Forget it! Just end the battle now!”

  The intimidated men in black suddenly bellowed, killing intent exploding from their bodies as they charged at the remaining Dragon Guards and the True Dragon Sentinels.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The half–Lu Wus and half–Ju Bis snarled, their veins bulging and black energy boiling off their bodies. With astonishing speed, they charged at the twelve black-armored generals.

  But despite their speed, there were some who were even faster.

  “Asura Darkblade!”

  The Asura men in black flew across the steps, reaching the True Dragon Sentinels first.


  One of the men in black thrust out his left palm, unleashing pure Fire of Mara at one of the True Dragon Sentinels.

  Fwoosh! The Fire of Mara that had been about the size of a fist instantly turned into a massive fireball upon touching that black-armored general. Meanwhile, that Asura immediately shot to the True Dragon Sentinel’s right side.


  The Asura suddenly produced a curved black blade that was more than four feet long. The blade thrummed with destructive energy as it slashed at the True Dragon Sentinel.

  This attack was abrupt and moved with such speed that it left a long scar in the fabric of space. Even steel would be sliced in two if struck by this blade.


  But just as this black blade was about to strike, boom! The black-armored general exploded with Stellar Energy, blasting away the Fire of Mara into countless flickering embers.

  At the same time, a powerful hand covered in thick armor reached outward. A moment later, that Asura that was originally several feet away was drawn into his palm, those five fingers clenched around his throat.


  With a light snap, the callous True Dragon Sentinel shattered the Asura’s neck. The man in black’s limbs went limp, his body swaying in the air like a punctured balloon, all the energy rapidly draining away.

  Without using any weapons, the True Dragon Sentinel had easily killed one of the Asura men in black.


  All the men in black were stunned by this sight.

  Any man in black who could transform into an Asura was considered an expert in their organization. They had massive reserves of Stellar Energy and incredibly tenacious vitalities. Within their bodies was the most tyrannical of the three flames, the Fire of Mara.

  In normal circumstances, even if they were heavily injured, they would still be incredibly hard to kill.

  But that True Dragon Sentinel had just needed his five fingers to kill one!

  “What frightening strength!”

  They quickly realized that it wasn’t that those Asura men in black were too weak. It was that the twelve True Dragon Sentinels were too strong.

  “The First Prince has decreed that anyone who kills those men will be richly rewarded!”


  A moment later, the men in black and Imperial Army elites charged forward.

  The men in black had never feared death, and the Imperial Army was under the direct command of the First Prince. None of them could retreat.

  A great din arose as various kinds of Stellar Energy, sabers, swords, and arrows rained down on the Dragon Guards and True Dragon Sentinels on the jade steps.

  This dense rain of attacks blotted out the sky, and even the imposing walls of Taiji Palace were drowned under the waves of Stellar Energy.


  Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of a saber being pulled from its sheath with incredible speed. The screeching of the blade against the sheath was so shrill that it almost shattered eardrums.


  A few moments later, a pitch-black wave of energy cut through the heavens, cleaving apart all those various kinds of Stellar Energy.

  The remaining saber energy sliced apart everything else within a range of several hundred feet, including the men in black, the Imperial Army soldiers, the arrows howling through the air, and the various torrents of Stellar Energy. All of it was obliterated.

  In front of this saber energy, everything else might as well have been made of paper. All of it was swept away and pulverized into tiny chunks.

  And this was only the beginning.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! There were twelve explosions in all, each burst of saber energy causing the majestic Taiji Palace to tremble.

  As the saber energy descended, the world fell silent, the din of fighting instantly vanishing.

  Twelve massive scars had appeared in front of Taiji Palace, each one starting from one of the twelve True Dragon Sentinels.

  These massive scars spanned the entire battlefield, and in their course, one could only see mangled bodies and severed limbs. The men in black and Imperial Army elites had been obliterated, leaving behind a hellish scene.


  The area in front of Taiji Palace became eerily still!

  Even the most frenzied and bloodthirsty of the men in black unconsciously backed away.

  The twelve black-armored True Dragon Sentinels seemed to transform into twelve ancient mountains that had been standing since time immemorial, immovable and majestic.

  The fearless men in black finally began to shiver in terror. Even though there were only twelve of them, their strength was frightening beyond measure.

  Chapter 1786 - True Lord Yellow Dragon Appears!

  Chapter 1786: True Lord Yellow Dragon Appears!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “How could this be? Bastards!”

  The First Prince turned pale, his fists clenched, and his face scowled. Just when he had been on the verge of success, these twelve terrifying True Dragon Sentinels had come out of nowhere.

  Each swing of their sabers inflicted horrendous damage on his army.

  “How could Taiji Palace have such terrifying guards?! This is impossible!”

  The First Prince angrily glared into the distance. The appearance of the twelve True Dragon Sentinels had completely upset his plans. He sensed that their strength was far above Great Generals, but how was that possible?!

  In this empire, there were only nine Great Generals, and this included the King of Foreign Lands. How could there be twelve Great Generals hidden inside Taiji Palace?

  Impossible! Impossib
le! I refuse to believe it! the First Prince mentally howled.


  At this moment, one of the True Dragon Sentinels took one step forward. As he did, a metallic clattering erupted from his feet.

  “Ah! Not good! Look at his feet!”

  Cries of alarm came from all sides, with countless people taking notice of that subtle movement. They could only watch as twelve beautiful and dazzling halos appeared beneath the feet of the twelve True Dragon Sentinels.

  These twelve halos resonated with each other, becoming as bright as the sun and moon.

  And if one looked carefully, one would realize that there were thin lines traced on the ground, linking together into a complex formation that was connected to the True Dragon Sentinels.

  The outer ring of the formation was the True Dragon Sentinels, and the core of the formation was deep within Taiji Palace.

  A formation!

  Everyone finally understood that they were so powerful precisely because of this formation.

  Just like the Hundred Thousand God-Devil Execution Formation, this formation derived a significant amount of its power from the Three Emperors Formation.

  In addition, it was obvious that the strengthening formation had a very small range, so the twelve True Dragon Sentinels could not move too far away from Taiji Palace. This was why they rarely appeared or intervened in the battle.

  But even so, just by standing there, the True Dragon Sentinels presented a formidable barrier to the Eastern Palace faction.

  “Come on! Get in there! All of you! Kill them!

  “I hereby decree that the first person to step into Taiji Palace will receive one million taels of gold, a writ of pardon, and be made a King with status equal to the Emperor!

  “Where are those Divine Lords? Tell them to send more men, more of these men in black! This prince doesn’t believe they can’t be killed!” the First Prince barked, his eyes red with bloodlust and a frenzied energy rising from his body.

  Victory was only one step away! One step! How could he possibly stop here!?

  “Your Highness, we’ve sent all our men. Chongsheng Gate has been lost, and the rest of our men are doing their best to hold the rear!”

  “We’ve just received word that one of the Divine Lords is dead and the other is badly injured. The injured Tianfu Divine Lord has already fled the Imperial Palace.”


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