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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1094

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “We’ve already mobilized all the men in black we prepared beforehand. Dead or injured, they’ve all been sent in!”

  One piece of news after another sounded out from behind the First Prince.


  The First Prince was stunned upon hearing the reports from his subordinates, his face alternating between green and white as his heart went cold.

  Chongsheng Gate had been lost, a Divine Lord had been killed, and there were no more men left to send in.

  The First Prince had never imagined that he would be pushed into such desperate straits in so little time. Where were the one hundred thousand soldiers of the Imperial Army? What about his other armies? Could Wang Chong alone kill so many people?

  The First Prince suddenly remembered Zhang Zheng and his Beiting Protectorate army. Shouldn’t he have arrived already?

  “Where’s Zhang Zheng? Order Zhang Zheng to immediately enter the city and advance on the Imperial Palace.”

  “Your Highness, the King of Foreign Lands has seized the outer gates of the capital. General Zhang Zheng’s army is trying to break through!”

  “What? Say that again!”

  The First Prince turned his head, his face stricken with disbelief.

  Weren’t the outer gates under his control? And Wang Chong’s primary force was being kept inside the Imperial Palace. Even if he had managed to play some trick and seize the outer gates, Zhang Zheng had forty thousand elites under his command. Was this not enough to break through a force of several hundred people guarding the gates?

  “Your Highness, while the enemy force is extremely small, consisting of only eight thousand men, they previously disguised themselves as General Zhang Zheng and the Beiting Protectorate army to fool us into opening the gates. General Zhang Zheng is engaged in a full offensive, but he can’t break through just yet…” the guard said in panic and fear.

  The First Prince turned ghastly pale, momentarily speechless.

  “Eight thousand? Where did eight thousand soldiers come from? What’s going on here?”

  The First Prince’s mind was in turmoil. Just what had been going on this entire time?

  “What about the Second Prince and Third Prince? Tell them to forget the eastern and western gates, and immediately come and reinforce me!”

  The First Prince took in a deep breath and composed himself.

  He had always been extremely close with Second Prince Li Ju and Third Prince Li Yao, and all three of them had been provided with elite soldiers and strong generals. The two other Princes had a combined force of nearly two thousand men, which would be enough for his plan!

  “Your Highness, we’ve already gotten in touch with the Second Prince and Third Prince. They both sent back word that there has been a rebellion in their soldiers. Xuanwu Army Marshal Zhao Fengchen and Grand Marshal Li Xuanyi suddenly reappeared and took back control of the Xuanwu Army that Your Highness placed under their command.

  “In addition, the Hundred Thousand God-Devil Execution Formation has fallen, and Minister of War Zhangchou Jianqiong is at the West Gate, holding down the Third Prince’s men. Neither of the two Princes can extract themselves!” another messenger said, cold sweat on his brow.


  The First Prince felt like he had been struck by a bolt of lightning as he was once more rendered speechless.

  How could this be?

  He had devoted so much time and effort to this plan. Would it all be ruined by one Wang Chong and twelve guards?

  And there were also those men in black. Their strength transcended the mortal world, and they had always called themselves immortals and gods. Was not even their strength enough?

  The First Prince found it impossible to imagine how, despite his enormous advantage, he had fallen so hard and so quickly.

  No matter what, I must win! the First Prince mentally bellowed.


  As this thought flashed through his mind, the earth began to shake. Winds howled, thunder pealed, and then a dazzling ball of light many times brighter than the sun appeared above the Imperial Palace, plummeting through the darkness like a meteor toward the earth.

  The Imperial Palace was lit up so brightly that it was difficult to open one’s eyes.

  A cold and majestic voice came from the heavens, causing the Imperial Palace to shake and quiver. “With a single roar, the Yellow Dragon brings forth heaven and earth! I was born even before the universe was born! Li Ying, this lord has come to help you!”


  A moment later, that blinding ball of light landed behind the First Prince, several dozen feet away.

  Rumble! The entire capital quivered as a great plume of smoke rose from the impact site, rising to an awesome height of one thousand feet.

  The Imperial City shook and swayed like a wooden plank on the high seas. It seemed like the ground itself might shatter like glass under the pressure of this terrifying power.

  That thunderous boom drowned out all other noise in the capital.

  In front of Taiji Palace, the twelve True Dragon Sentinels who had been slaughtering the rebels instantly grimaced, and all of them turned in that direction.

  All of them sensed that when that comet descended into the palace, an immense energy had suddenly appeared, and even they felt greatly pressured by it.

  “Everyone, be careful!” one of the True Dragon Sentinels sternly said, his face solemn.


  In front of Chongsheng Gate, Su Zhengchen had just relaxed his brow upon sensing the appearance of the True Dragon Sentinels, but when that grandiose light descended, his expression turned solemn once more.

  Su Zhengchen was stronger than any other person on the battlefield. Not even the True Dragon Sentinels and their formation could compare to him.

  But it was precisely this reason that Su Zhengchen was even more concerned than most.

  The sense he got from the energy that had plummeted from the heavens… was one of extreme danger. Those two Divine Lords guarding the Chongsheng Gate paled in comparison, like comparing a roof tile to Mount Tai.


  Su Zhengchen’s heart sank, and he instantly blinked away toward the depths of the Imperial Palace.


  “Hahaha, it’s all over!”

  Hou Junji had immediately sensed that descending energy, and he had followed its descent into the depths of the Imperial Palace.

  As that plume of smoke shot several thousand feet into the air, Hou Junji’s eyes gleamed.

  “Wang Chong, do you know why the First Prince, despite knowing how great the risk was to oppose the Sage Emperor, still dared to rebel? It wasn’t because of his desire for the throne, but because he was completely confident!

  “And now, that most powerful backer of his has finally come! A general’s success is built on the back of ten thousand bleached bones. Although I’ve never much approved of that man, given that I had to account for Su Zhengchen’s existence and the power of the man in Taiji Palace, I determined that he was the only one strong enough to finish things!

  “Plans to deal with plans and strength to deal with strength! This is the art of war!”

  A smile gleamed in Hou Junji’s eyes.

  Wang Chong stood on the other side, the winds from that comet’s descent buffeting his body and the light from its impact shining upon his face, his mind in turmoil.

  Although Hou Junji had not mentioned who that person was, Wang Chong could already see who it was from that familiar energy on the wind.

  True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  Wang Chong paled as this name emerged in his mind.

  Chapter 1787 - The Final Boss!

  Chapter 1787: The Final Boss!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  That terrifying and domineering existence that had appeared deep underground in the Origin Immortal Cave had reappeared, and it was right at the most critical area in the entire rebellion.

p; Wang Chong remembered that the Origin Immortal Lord had used a massive formation before his death to suppress this man deep beneath the earth.

  But to his surprise, this man had needed very little time to break through.

  “True Lord!”

  “True Lord!”

  Heaven-shaking cheers erupted from the depths of the Imperial Palace as the men in black rejoiced.

  “True Lord! Hahaha, the True Lord is finally here!”

  And no one was happier than the First Prince. His face had been pale when the twelve True Dragon Sentinels had appeared and one nightmarish report was arriving after another. But now, it was flushed with excitement, for his savior had come.


  The First Prince swiftly turned around and saw that dazzling golden figure in the plume of smoke.

  The First Prince immediately rushed over.

  The place where the comet had impacted had been home to a resplendent palace, but by now, this palace was nothing more than dust.

  The grounds of the Imperial Palace, reinforced by countless formations and inscriptions, had been blasted to pieces by the comet and showered across the area. At the center of this region was a churning column of smoke that rose thousands of feet into the air.

  The dark smoke blotted out almost everything, but in the center of this darkness, one could see a golden figure, noble and majestic like a god from above who had descended into the mortal world.

  “True Lord!!”

  The First Prince felt like a great burden had been lifted off his shoulders.


  At this moment, the golden figure waved a hand, and then a wind howled through, scattering the thick smoke.

  Once the smoke was gone, the slender and divine figure was revealed, its eyes cold, aloof, and so sharp that they seemed to see through all the secrets of the world.

  But the most striking feature was the two long ‘dragon whiskers’ drooping from his lips. At first glance, they made the man seem like a yellow dragon.

  True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  If this man descended from the heavens was not True Lord Yellow Dragon, who else could it be?

  The Origin Immortal Lord had spent more than one thousand years to create a formation to suppress this man, and had almost caused Wang Chong and almost the entire martial arts world to be buried with this terrifying existence, but in the end, True Lord Yellow Dragon had broken free and come to intervene in this rebellion.

  In the organization of the men in black, True Lord Yellow Dragon was the strongest existence Wang Chong had ever encountered.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord and Tianshu Divine Lord had already reached a transcendent level of power, far above that of the world’s best experts, including Great Generals. They were even stronger than Wang Chong. But True Lord Yellow Dragon far surpassed the two Divine Lords.

  The difference between them was like that between a firefly and the moon.

  True Lord Yellow Dragon’s vast energy made even Divine Lords appear insignificant.

  A moment later, as all the Eastern Palace guards and Imperial Army soldiers watched in shock, Li Ying came forward and did something completely unexpected.

  “Disciple Li Ying pays respects to Master!”

  As the First Prince spoke, he deferentially bowed.


  The First Prince called this terrifying existence ‘Master’! The surrounding soldiers were so shocked that they couldn’t speak.

  Even the First Prince’s close aide, Zhu Tong’en, was stunned.

  This golden figure was clearly associated with those suspicious men in black. Zhu Tong’en knew that the First Prince had invited them, but he had never expected that the First Prince would call their leader ‘Master’!

  And if Wang Chong were here, he would have been just as stunned, if not more.

  True Lord Yellow Dragon’s movements were mysterious, and if not for his connection to the Origin Immortal Lord, Wang Chong would have never had a chance to encounter this existence.

  As for the First Prince, he was of imperial blood and rarely left the capital. The two should have had no relationship. But Li Ying and True Lord Yellow Dragon were actually disciple and master, with the First Prince even addressing him as ‘Master’!

  Their relationship was clearly not a simple one.


  True Lord Yellow Dragon floated in the air and subtly nodded. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking from his aloof expression.

  “You did well and did not disappoint me.”

  “Many thanks, Master!” the First Prince hastily said.

  Even though this wasn’t their first meeting, Li Ying still felt a fear that came from the very depths of his soul each time they met.

  This existence had long ago exceeded the realm of humans, and he had lived longer than both the Great Tang and Great Sui combined. Not even going as far back as the Great Han one thousand years ago could match his age.

  The First Prince had also been shocked when he first met him, but he later confirmed all this for himself, finding evidence of his existence in many ancient texts.

  This was also why he had decided to join them.

  That mysterious figure in that abandoned mansion outside the Imperial Palace had merely been a means of communicating with this man before him, who had always been his true master. Even Hou Junji had been prepared for him by this man.

  If he hadn’t known about their power, he would have never had the courage to resist his father.

  …Not even at his most muddleheaded and rash.

  “…But, Master, there’s a small problem in the plan. There are twelve True Dragon Sentinels in front of Taiji Palace that we can’t break through!” Li Ying sternly said.

  Their plan had never taken into account the True Dragon Sentinels.

  “This god knows. There is no need to worry. This god has an idea. Leave everything to me!” True Lord Yellow Dragon coldly said, his voice devoid of emotion.

  With his cultivation, he had instantly known what was going on the moment he landed.

  “Yes! I will leave everything to Master!”

  Li Ying felt his confidence swell.

  Li Ying lowered his head and respectfully said, “Master, be at ease. As long as your disciple can take the throne, I will do as promised and appoint Master as the State Teacher of the Great Tang, and make our religion the religion of the Great Tang Empire!”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon was unimaginably strong, just like the sun hanging high in the sky. Li Ying was also a rather powerful cultivator, but in front of this man, he found just speaking rather difficult.

  It was like he was an ant being pressed down by a mountain.

  But this feeling only made Li Ying more excited, because it was precisely this power that was necessary for his plan to succeed.

  “Very good!”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon subtly nodded again, his entire body awash in golden light. But for the briefest moments, so brief that Li Ying didn’t notice, there was a flash of contempt and disdain in True Lord Yellow Dragon’s eyes.

  But Li Ying knew nothing.

  “Be at ease! This god will help you! You will take the throne and become the Human Emperor of the Great Tang!”

  As True Lord Yellow Dragon indifferently spoke, he looked past Li Ying toward the looming figure of Taiji Palace.


  True Lord Yellow Dragon stepped forward, and then in a gust of wind, he transformed into a beam of golden light.



  In front of Taiji Palace, the men in black, sensing True Lord Yellow Dragon’s energy, were given a shot in the arm and charged forward with renewed vigor. If their attacks were frenzied before, the men in black had gone completely insane now, losing any fear of death that they had left.

  The men in black roared like beasts as they charged at Taiji Palace.

  The Imperial Army elites also bellowed and joined in the charge.


  The Dragon Guards and the remaining several dozen soldiers of the Saint Martial Barracks joined the twelve True Dragon Sentinels in holding the line.


  Sword Qi sliced through the air, exploding amidst the men in black and Imperial Army elites. “Aaaah!” Screams tore through the air as the men in black and Imperial Army soldiers were cleaved apart by Sword Qi or blown away by Stellar Energy.

  Boom boom boom!

  One beam of Sword Qi after another shot out from the white jade steps, and the losses inflicted on the men in black and Imperial Army soldiers continued to climb. But this time, none of the men in black tried to escape.

  As Sword Qi was cutting down large swaths of the army…


  A golden boot, decorated in cloud patterns and ancient words, suddenly stomped onto the air. Ripples spread through the air, and for a moment, it seemed like that boot was stepping on sturdy earth rather than formless air.


  This simple act caused all the Dragon Guards to immediately groan as if someone had stomped onto their hearts.

  “Surrender to this god and I will spare your lives!” True Lord Yellow Dragon boomed in his callous voice. He stood in the air and looked down upon the Dragon Guards and True Dragon Sentinels with a domineering gaze, regarding them as nothing more than ants.

  “Everyone, be careful! Protect the Sage Emperor! We can’t let these traitorous scum disturb his Majesty!” one of the Dragon Guards called out.


  But he had barely spoken when several Saint Martial Barracks soldiers shot into the air like cannonballs, their eyes red with bloodlust.

  Only a few dozen of the eight thousand Saint Martial Barracks soldiers were left, and the main cause of this was the elites of the rebel army and those men in black. While the men in black were few in number, they had inflicted just as much damage as the Imperial Army elites, filling the hearts of the surviving Saint Martial Barracks soldiers with loathing and hatred.

  Chapter 1788 - The Power of Space!

  Chapter 1788: The Power of Space!Translated by: Hypersheep325


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