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Jordane's Hunger

Page 18

by Tia Didmon

  Several warriors grunted their approval before Jordane allowed his smile to form. “Understand I will always worry about you. I will struggle when you are in danger.”

  She touched his face. “Then you need to train me better. Once I can kick all the other warrior’s butts, maybe you will have more faith in me.”

  Jordane put his hand over Kiki’s. “I have every faith in you. Your conviction to protect Laura was not what I expected.”

  “From a woman?”

  “From a human.”

  Kiki smiled. “I guess you will have lots of surprises over the years.”

  “Are you going to tell me why she put the healer’s safety above her own?”

  “It wasn’t the healer she concerned for.”

  Jordane frowned. “Hannah? She did this for Hannah?”

  Kiki shook her head. “I won’t break her confidence any more than I would break yours.”

  Jordane kissed her, needing the connection to her. “You are more than I had hoped for in a mate.”

  Kiki kissed him as he carried her into the small house. “I can’t wait for our house to be finished. I love Ed’s house but I want something just for you and me.”

  He laid her on the bed. “Your happiness is everything to me but I want the same thing. I can’t wait to start our life together. I love you and I admire you. Your conviction is a trait I had lost faith in. It’s a rare gift.”

  Kiki looked him over as he knelt on the bed beside her. “I hate to admit this, but it’s super sexy when you talk like that.”

  Jordane lifted an eyebrow. “You should always find your mate sexy. I count the minutes until I get you alone.”

  “I love you.” The words tumbled out in a rush. A surprise even to her.

  He lay on top of her, kissing her until she was breathless. “I wasn’t sure you would admit it.”

  She ran a finger over his cheek. “I was afraid. Growing up, I lost everything. I manifested an imaginary friend when I was little. I told him I loved him and he disappeared. Even as a child I didn’t believe in love.”

  “What was he?”

  Kiki smiled. “He was a beautiful wolf with snow white fur and fire green eyes.”

  Jordane stood up. “Really? Did he look like this?” He shifted.

  She gasped as her childhood friend came to life. Unlike the wolf from her imagination, she could feel his soft fur in her hands. She petted him several times before the tears began to fall. She wrapped her arms around the beautiful creature that belonged to her. “Was it you?”

  Jordane shifted to his human form and held her. “I cannot explain why you saw my wolf form as a child, but perhaps a part of you knew you were destined to be mine.”

  “Why don’t you shift into your wolf form more often? It's so beautiful.”

  He kissed her forehead. “It reminds me of my mother. The brother I lost. It always brought me sadness, because I wasn’t strong enough to save them but now, seeing your reaction, that a part of you was waiting for me, I think I will enjoy running in the woods again.”

  “I wish I could shift. I would run with you.”

  “You have your warrior form and she is quick. My wolf will be at a disadvantage against her.”

  Kiki’s face lit up. “You’ll race me?”

  Jordane laughed. “You shouldn’t be so competitive with your mate.”

  “Yes I should. It’s my job to keep you and your gorgeous wolf sharp.”

  “I look forward to every minute with you, no matter what form we are in.”

  Kiki kissed him. He knew what she wanted and began removing her clothing, barely breaking the kiss when he pulled her shirt from her head. Once he had her naked, he lay her on the bed and nudged her legs apart.

  She moaned as he entered her. He was cautious not to go too fast. To give her body time to adjust to his size. She was flying in seconds. The sound of their bodies coming together a staccato she would never get enough of.

  She screamed his name in joy as she flew apart in the only arms on earth that were strong enough to hold her.


  Kiki and Jordane arrived at the mansion. As soon as they entered, they could see the concern on Chad’s face. “They still aren’t talking?”

  Chad shook his head. “No, and I fear the longer this goes on the worse it will be.”

  She sighed. “Does Valen know?”

  They all turned as Valen approached them. “What are you talking about, Kiki?”

  She put her hand up. “You need to talk to Laura. I’m not spilling that can of worms.”

  His face darkened. “I am the prince. Why am I...”

  “Laura isn’t your subject, Valen. She’s your partner in life. Not even the king can order Laura to do anything,” Kiki said.

  Valen glanced at the ceiling. “The PIA order her around and I can’t get a simple explanation from her.”

  “She did nothing for the PIA. She did it all for Jenner. Not because he ordered her, because he asked her. He was the only person who loved her. Not for her talent but because she is the kindest person to walk this earth.”

  “I understand her loyalty to her brother,” Valen said.

  “Do you? It’s more than loyalty. She knew her mother was disappointed she wasn’t a model. That her own father, thought her a burden. Only Jenner would do anything for her. And he did, Valen. That shit you saw in Columbia is nothing compared to what he did to get his father to save Laura. She believes in you. Don’t judge her like her parents did.”

  Laura walked into the room. “You called?” she said in a clipped tone.

  Valen nodded. “Kiki has informed me I may have been acting... unseemly.”

  Laura looked down to hide her smile.

  “She was more eloquent,” Valen said.

  Kiki tapped a finger to her mouth. “That’s close.”

  Laura looked up at her husband. “I’m sure she meant you’re being a jerk.”

  Jess and Dante entered the room. Dante glanced between his brother and Laura.

  Valen glanced at his wife. “If you wish, a more private setting for this conversation...”

  Laura shook her head. “Chad and Kiki already know why I went after him. Everyone else deserves the truth.”

  Valen nodded. “It was for Hannah?”

  “No. I didn’t know Hannah was there when I went after Chad,” Laura said.

  “For Chad?”

  “Yes, but not because I feared for his life.”

  Valen growled. His demon was close to the surface. He looked to the healer. “Tell me why your life outweighs that of my bride.”

  Chad looked at Laura. When she nodded, he turned to Valen. “Do you remember when Laura miscarried?”

  Valen’s demon receded. “Yes. You said it happens. That Laura is healthy.”

  “She is. Miscarriages are common. It’s a fact of life and rarely the result of something the mother has done wrong in her pregnancy.”


  “I treat those women, Valen. They feel guilty, even though the miscarriage isn’t their fault. In Laura’s case, it is ours.”

  Valen stepped forward. “What are you saying?”

  Chad looked sad. “We assumed a pregnancy between hybrids and the demon race would be like a demon female. It is not. It will require help at certain stages along the way. Things that only the healer can provide. Human medicine cannot save our children. Only I can.”

  Valen turned to Laura. “I failed you.”

  Laura ran to her husband, wrapping her arms around him. “No, you didn’t know. Chad didn’t either until after I miscarried. In fact, he didn’t realize the extent of the problem until he examined the Ladon baby.”

  Valen looked to Chad. “Can you save her?”

  Chad rubbed his mouth. “Dante and I are trying. I understand what we need now but the mother was into her sixth month. I’m surprised the child lasted this long. We’ll do everything we can but the child lacks an immortal soul. When you are ready, we will use the ki
ng’s power to save her.”

  He hugged his bride. “Laura saved you because without you, there will be no children. She did not realize that another healer is born if you die.”

  “While that is true. It took me decades to learn my craft. Laura could not wait. She couldn’t lose another child.”

  Valen’s eyes flared. “How did I not feel her life force?”

  Laura gasped. “Her? Our child is female?”

  “I am sorry, my love. I knew you felt responsible for losing our first child but I hoped the feeling would pass in time,” Valen said.

  Laura touched his face. “You did nothing wrong. I should have told you sooner. I was scared and wasn’t thinking straight. When they took Chad, and the Ladon were being so cautious, I hoped they wouldn’t pass up a chance at me.”

  Jordane looked at Kiki. “They would never pass up the chance to gain Laura.”

  Kiki whispered to him. “You know your girl is a Rockstar warrior, right?” She turned when she heard the snort behind her.

  Tovan appeared. “I admit I was skeptical when you said you would kick our asses. Now I am considering upping my training schedule.”

  Kiki winked. “I’ll be there with you.”

  Valen released Laura. “Kiki, my dove.”

  Kiki winked at Jordane. “My dove. Who’s the king's favorite now?”

  Valen smiled. “Still Laura but he has a distinct affection for her chosen warrior.”

  “Little ninja. Let’s not forget that,” Kiki added slyly.

  “You must put your blades away for a while,” Valen said.

  Kiki frowned. “Why?”

  “It seems you and my bride are determined to do everything together even now.”

  Valen took his wife’s hand. “My child wasn’t the only young demon essence I felt.”

  Jordane went stiff.

  Kiki looked between him and Valen. “What does that mean... wait. No way.”

  Jordane pulled her to him. “You said there would be surprises. I had no idea they would come so soon.”

  Jenner walked into the mansion. “Hey, people.”

  Laura ran to him, hugging him with tears in her eyes.

  Jenner looked her over, concerned. “Hey sweetheart, what’s up?”

  “Babies,” Laura squeaked.

  Jenner looked confused. “Pardon?”

  Laura swallowed hard. “Kiki and I are both pregnant. Isn’t that amazing?”

  Jenner’s face went white. He glanced between Kiki and Laura.

  Kiki grabbed Jordane’s arm. “Is he okay? I mean, he just blew up half a country and took down two drug cartels but he looks...”

  Jenner’s eyes rolled into the back of his head before he swayed. Two warriors appeared behind him, grabbing his arms to keep him on his feet. They led him to the nearby loveseat.

  Laura fussed over him as he held his hand over his eyes.

  Kiki crossed her arms. “This will be fun.”

  Jordane laughed. “You are a terror.”

  “I am, but I’m your terror,” she said.

  He put his arm around her waist. “I will thank the heavens for the rest of my life.”

  Jenner dropped his hand. “I can’t leave you ladies alone for a minute.”

  Valen pinched the bridge of his nose. “You don’t know the half of it.”

  Jenner gave Laura a dirty look after Valen filled him in on the events. “Neither of you are leaving this house again without an escort!”

  Kiki laughed. “Is that an order, boss?”

  “Yes.” He looked at Jordane. “I used a DK10.”

  Jordane nodded. “We saw you on the television.”

  Jenner rubbed his neck. “Just so we are clear. That doesn’t make me your bitch.”

  “My pack is my family. Not my personal slaves,” Jordane said.

  “I have a family,” Jenner said.

  “You’re a warrior who’s related to the most powerful being on the planet.”

  Jenner glanced at Valen. “He may be my brother-in-law but...”

  “I was talking about Laura,” Jordane said.

  Jenner stood up. “Laura is the sweetest, kindest person I know.”

  “Yes, and she holds the king’s heart in one hand and ours in the other.”

  Jenner glanced at his sister. “There is nothing I won’t do to protect the girls.”

  Jordane squeezed Kiki’s hand. “The entire world knows what lengths you will go to protect those you choose as family.”

  Kiki cleared her throat. “Laura, would you mind getting me a glass of water?”

  “Sure,” Laura hurried from the room.

  Jenner’s eyes narrowed. “What was that? You never have Laura run errands for you.”

  Kiki rolls her eyes. “I never get anything past you.”

  “Nope. I trained you.”

  Jordane looked down at her. “My compliments on that.”

  Jenner shrugged. “She didn’t need much. She’s a natural. Her hand to hand combat was on point and she had decent weapons skills before boot camp. She just needed some encouragement and someone to believe in her.”

  Kiki sucked in a breath. “Did you assign Laura to me?”

  Jenner shook his head. “Not at all. I thought you were too rough for Laura. I was wrong.”

  “No, you weren’t. I didn’t change her. She changed me.”

  Jenner nodded. “Yup, she does that. What did you want to tell me before Laura returns?”

  Kiki grabbed a beer from the small fridge and passed it to Jenner. “You killed my father?”

  Jenner grabbed the beer. “Yes.”


  Jenner took a sip. “Yes.”

  Kiki let out a stunted breath. “Did you make him suffer?”

  Jenner leaned forward. “He sold you as a child. I planned to kill him clean but he had pictures of so many little girls being raped... or worse. I snapped. The things I did to him will give the cartels nightmares for years.”

  “Were there pictures of me?” she whispered.

  “I don’t know. I owed it to you, to those other girls to burn that place down. Nothing from that man exists anymore.”

  Kiki hugged him. “Thank you.”

  Jenner hugged her uncomfortably. “You’re family.”

  Kiki stepped back, taking Jordane’s hand. It was true. She had everything. Family. Friends. A man who worshiped her. “Thanks.”

  Jenner looked toward the door. “Laura is waiting for me.”

  Kiki sniffled. “She knew I wanted her away, didn’t she?”

  Jenner nodded. “Yup. She knows what I did, but she doesn’t know the more gruesome details. Let’s keep that between us.”

  She nodded. “Agreed.”

  Jenner left the room as Kiki turned to Jordane. “He can be a little intense.”

  Jordane stared after Jenner. “He will make a fine warrior.”

  “He’s the best. How the senator produced Jenner and Laura is beyond me.”

  Jordane turned her to face him. “You are the daughter of one of the most despicable creatures on earth. Yet you hold the kindest, purest soul I know.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “You can lie to yourself Kiki, but never to me.”

  Kiki glanced around the room. “Well don’t tell people that. Sheesh. The little ninja has a rep to uphold.”

  Dante led Jess and Valen from the room. All were smiling.

  Jordane glanced at them. “It will be our little secret but I believe your family is in on it.”

  “Well, just Laura.”

  “And Jenner, Maddie, Chad...”

  Kiki put her hand over Jordane’s mouth. “Okay stop.” She felt him smile beneath her hand.

  Jordane took her hand in his. “Come upstairs we will practice your shielding.”

  She walked with him. “Can I still do that while I’m knocked up?”

  Jordane grunted. “You are carrying one of the first children of our generation. The first warrior in hundreds of
years. Can we choose a more endearing term for your pregnancy?”

  “While I have a bun in the oven?”

  He sighed. “That isn’t much better.”

  Kiki laughed. “Okay, let's get our cloaking thingy on.”

  Jordane shook his head. “I think I will look forward to the dull moments. When will those be?”

  “Not this century.” She felt the air around her heat. It was like being in a glass bubble with warm air. They walked down the hall with the cloak around them. “That’s cool.”

  He led her into the art gallery. “Someone is coming.” They moved to the corner of the room with art surrounding them.

  Hannah entered the room. Her sunken features were refreshed but her beauty shone of sadness. She ignored the collection, stopping in front of the Carina portrait. “My dear friend. How I miss you. I made you a promise and I will see it through.”

  Her hand trailed over the canvas before she turned. “You’re too old to be sneaking up behind me, Jordane.”

  Jordane shimmered, breaking the cloak. “My apologies, Hannah. I was training my mate.”

  Hannah smiled at Kiki. “She is beautiful. Such a fighter. We will need her spirit in the coming years.”

  His tone dropped. “It’s war then?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Do you know the outcome?”

  Hannah touched the gold frame surrounding Carina. “No. I can see possible futures and encourage events to our favor but I cannot see all the pieces on the board.”

  Kiki cleared her throat. “You knew what the Chameleons... had planned at the cotillion?”

  “Yes,” Hannah whispered.

  “You didn’t stop it? Try to prevent Carina’s death? You loved her, didn’t you?”

  Hannah stared at the portrait. “More than anything.”

  “Then why allow the attack?”

  “There were many ways the Chameleons wished to destroy us and create the Ladon. Carina and I searched for an alternative. As the centuries passed, this became the only path that allowed us a chance. One that would resurrect the king. He alone can keep what’s left of the demon species united.”

  Kiki swallowed. “How did you let her go... let her walk in there knowing what would happen to her?”

  “We tried everything we could. For years we had a singular purpose of saving those women from that fate. It took many sacrifices to bring us this chance at redemption but it took only one person to inspire us to make them.”


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