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Be My Wife: A BWWM Romance (Make It Marriage Book 6)

Page 17

by Nia Arthurs

  “She’s doing much better,” Mom says, a smile in her voice.

  “What did the doctors say?”

  “They’re prepping for surgery at your request.” Mom sighs. “I’m glad Eldrina’s money is good for something.”

  “Me too.”

  “Steph is excited.”

  “About the surgery?”

  “Oh heavens no. It’s about those matchmakers again. She’s trying to hustle a visit to the Make It Marriage office.”

  “What did Ina say?”

  “She’s being vague, but Steph is very good at negotiations. Plus she has the advantage of being the most adorable little girl in the world. I’m eager to see which one of them will break first.”

  “Tell Steph I’ll personally bring the matchmakers over to her when she’s better.”

  Mom chuckles. “Do you even know those people, Brogan?”

  She has no idea.

  I sigh. “If Steph wants it, I’ll get it done.”

  “I’m so happy. Steph is going to get her surgery. You’re in love and smiling again.” Her voice gets tearful. “My family is doing so well.”

  “Mom, I should get ready for work. Tell Gerard to pick you up when you’re ready to come home.”

  “I will,” she says brightly.


  I rush through my morning preparation and head to the office. As soon as I step into the lobby, I look at Elizabeth’s desk.


  I sigh in relief.

  She’s got her head bent over her laptop.

  Brown eyes stare intently at the screen.

  A blue pen taps against the desk.


  She glances up.

  Her expression tightens.

  My steps slow to a stop.

  Just then, Riley skips into the office. “Mr. Harrington!” Hooking her purse on the back of her chair, she winks at Elizabeth. “Mrs. Harrington.”

  I slip a hand into my pocket. “Elizabeth, can I see you in my office?”

  “I’m busy right now.”

  Riley glances between the two of us.

  I turn fully to Elizabeth and growl out her name. “Liz.”

  She types furiously on her keyboard, pretending not to hear me.

  I sigh.


  She wants to do it that way?

  I walk to her desk and perch on the edge of it. Leaning over, I lower my voice. “I missed you this morning.”

  Her fingers freeze over the keyboard.

  “Did we overdo it last night?” I whisper. “Any soreness from—?”

  Elizabeth slaps a hand over my mouth.

  Casting a nervous grin at Riley, she bites out. “Let’s talk in your office.”

  I nod.

  Resting a hand on the small of her back, I lead her to my office and close the door. Elizabeth picks up the remote for the windows and darkens the tint so Riley can’t see in.

  I rub her shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She eases back. “I just wanted to get to the office early.”

  “Okay, but you didn’t answer my texts or my calls—”

  “I needed to go to my apartment for something,” she says, still avoiding my eyes.

  Alarm bells clang in my head but, certain that I won’t like the answers if I press her for the truth, I pretend to believe her. “Are you okay?” I jerk my chin at her body. “We went pretty hard last night.”

  “I’m fine.”


  “I have to work.” Finally, she looks at me, but her stare is cold. “Is there anything else?”

  I shake my head.

  She turns and strides out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

  I un-tint the windows and stare in confusion at the woman who was all over me last night. She’s sitting stiffly at her desk, her lips firm and her expression tense.

  I wish she’d talk to me.

  I can’t read minds.

  I’m horrible at that.

  My time with Lana proved it’s a weakness.

  But what my previous marriage did sharpen in me is my ability to detect a lie. There’s more to Elizabeth’s disappearance this morning. Something deeper than just wanting to get into the office early.

  Hoping to patch things up later, I keep my distance and wait to corner my wife again.

  Except I don’t.

  She slips away for lunch and then, in the evening, informs me that her mother called and she’s spending the night with her family.

  “Why?” Pressing the cell phone closer to my ear, I ask, “Elizabeth, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing. They need help making Novah’s wedding favors.”

  “I’ll help too.”

  “I’m good.”

  “Well, I’ll send Gerard to pick you up and bring you back home. We need to talk.”

  “Brogan, please. I just… I need some space.”


  “Yes.” She sighs. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  I stare at the phone in frustration. That’s a flimsy excuse and we both know it.

  At least Lana was better at lying.

  Elizabeth is far too transparent.

  She’s pulling away from me.

  But I won’t let her.

  I can’t lose her.

  Not like this.

  I’ll head over there, plant a kiss on her lips and tell her I love her. After that, the ball will be in her court, but at least this ridiculous one-step-forward, two-steps-back dance can end.

  As I leave the office, a delivery guy enters and asks for Elizabeth.

  “This is her husband,” Riley says, pointing to me.

  “I’m kind of in a rush…”

  Both Riley and the delivery guy give me pleading looks.

  “I’ll sign for it,” I grumble.

  He hands it over after I scribble my signature.

  Turning to Riley, I offer the envelope. “Can you put this on…?” I catch sight of the label on the front and frown. “You know what? I’ll hold it.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I return to my office, close the door and tear open the package.

  My hands tremble as I slide the documents out.

  Fearfully, I skim the contents.

  “Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington makes a formal demand for renumeration…”

  I collapse against the desk. Angry tears pool in my eyes. I grit my teeth, my fingers bending the papers.

  I’m an idiot.

  I hold the legal document up again.

  Read the words again.

  An empty pain wracks my chest.


  I’d forgotten how much this hurts.

  Being betrayed.

  Sold out for money.

  I release a bitter smile and call Levy.

  He answers on the third ring. “Brogan!”

  “Is the asset transfer complete?”

  “The money will be there first thing tomorrow morning. I’ll wire the hospital bills immediately, so you don’t have to worry.”

  “Thanks, Levy.”

  “Is there… something else?” I slam the document beneath my fist. “Yes.” I suck in a deep breath and rattle off the amount on the paper.

  Levy whistles. “That’s a lot of cash. Not that you can’t handle it, but still. Where should I send it to?”

  “My ex-wife.”


  “No.” I bite out her name. “Elizabeth.”



  “Hello?” I whisper into the phone, glancing around the hallway to make sure I’m not being heard. “Is this Nurse Ina?”

  “Yes, who is this?”

  “I’m Elizabeth Har—” I cringe. “I’m Elizabeth.”

  “Oh, Brogan’s wife.”

  “Yes,” I whisper. But not for long.

  “How can I help you?”

  “I was just…” I bite down on my lip. “I was wonderi
ng how Steph’s surgery is going?”

  There’s a long pause.

  I hold my breath as I guiltily explain, “Brogan’s really worried right now and I don’t want to call him when he’s so nervous. I hate to bother you, but I’m going crazy over here.”

  I wanted to be there with Steph today, but it didn’t feel right to show up beside Brogan. Not with the way things are right now.

  Besides, he has Lana and his mom there to comfort him.

  He doesn’t need me.

  “I understand, Mrs. Harrington.” There’s a smile in Ina’s voice. “So far the surgery is going well. Doctor Myles is very competent. Steph is in good hands.”

  I almost collapse against the wall from relief.

  “Is she going to be okay?” I whisper.

  “I don’t want to say anything for sure, but I believe she’ll make it. She’s a fighter.”

  “Thanks, Ina. And, one more thing. Can you… not tell Brogan about this call?”

  Another hesitant pause.

  “Like I said, he’s worried enough already.”

  “Okay,” Ina agrees. “How about I keep you up to date via texts? To be honest, my boyfriend is worried too and I’m keeping him informed, so I can just forward the updates to you when I get them.”

  “I would love that.”

  “Alright, Mrs. Harrington. You got it.”

  “Thank you, Ina.”

  We hang up.

  I return to my desk.

  Riley is right there waiting for me, a giant grin on her face. “Hey, Mrs. Harrington.”

  I cringe. “Riley, would you stop?”

  “What? It has a nice ring to it.”

  I suck in a deep breath and massage my temples. Five days ago, the office buzzed with the news of my marriage, but the impact of my divorce will move twice as fast and linger twice as long. Bad news tends to be that way.

  Riley rests her sharp chin in her hands. “How are you so lucky, girl? You bagged a super hot billionaire. You’re living in the penthouse. You own the building you work in.” She fans her face. “You’ve got everything you could ever want. You’re like a modern day Cinderella.”

  I wish.

  The prince gave me the glass shoe and married me, but it wasn’t because he fell in love at the ball.

  Or after the ball.

  If only…

  That last night together, a part of me kept waiting for Brogan to tell me he loved me. His kisses whispered it. So did his soft caresses.

  But he never said the words.

  Of course.

  Because he doesn’t love me.

  And I’m an idiot for thinking or even hoping that he would.

  Two strangers can’t fall for each other in five days.

  Even if they’re married.

  I force a smile. “Can you get off my desk. I’m trying to work.”

  “What’s wrong?” Riley glances at Brogan’s empty office and then laughs. “You miss your hubby? Is that it?”

  “Bye, Riley.”

  Thankfully, she leaves me alone.

  For the next four hours I try to get work done while frantically grasping for my phone every time it buzzes with updates from Ina. The last text I get from the pretty nurse assures me that Steph is out of surgery and the procedure was successful.

  I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from crying out in the middle of the office.

  She’ll be okay.

  I text Ina back to thank her for her help.

  Just as I finish that message, a new one comes in.

  BROGAN: We need to talk.

  This is it.

  This is the moment it all comes to an end.

  Brogan didn’t call me last night.

  Or this morning.

  He didn’t fight for me.

  Which is…

  I’m not heartbroken.

  I knew this was coming.

  ME: On my way.

  Grabbing my purse and keys, I head out of the office.

  People still stare at me as I walk. The security guards still rush to open my door as if I’m some celebrity. I let them. This will be the last time anyway.

  Once I’m outside, I spot Gerard. He nods in greeting and opens the back door of the SUV. I wonder if the guards are instructed to call him when they see me leaving. He always seems to know when I’ll need the car.

  I shake my head. “Sorry, Gerard.”

  “You didn’t call me this morning, ma’am. You should have contacted me so I could bring you to work.”

  “I didn’t call on purpose.” Clutching my purse tighter, I smile sadly at him. “Keep looking after Gwen for me?”


  Tears burst to my eyes. “Hey, I didn’t even have to remind you this time.”

  “You’ll always be Mrs. Harrington to me.”

  “No I won’t, Gerard.” I squeeze his shoulder. “Today and every day, I’m just Elizabeth and I’ll drive myself.”

  He takes a step forward.

  I hold a hand out, urging him to remain in place. “I truly appreciate you and all you’ve done for me.”


  After giving him a tight hug, I turn away.

  Gerard doesn’t follow me.

  He can’t.

  He can’t chase me when I retreat into my world.

  I head deeper into the parking lot.

  Stop in front of my car. It’s older. Doesn’t run as smooth. Doesn’t have a sweet, sensitive chauffeur along with it.

  But it’s mine.

  This is mine.

  I belong in this smelly old car.

  As I step into the nearby café twenty minutes later, my legs shake and my stomach gets nauseous.

  Brogan is there.

  He’s sitting at the table, his face turned away from me. Just looking at the back of his head—the reddish-brown hair, the hint of his beard, the broad shoulders—it hurts. I didn’t realize how invested I’d become until now.

  Suddenly, Brogan turns.

  Blue eyes fall on me.

  They’re distant.


  I shudder even as I send him a hard stare right back. This isn’t the way I wanted to end things. All complicated and painful. When I started, I was sure I would never care enough to be hurt when it ended.

  But I am.

  Each step I take toward him is like a hammer to my heart.

  When I sit, Brogan nods at me. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” I bite down on my bottom lip. “I heard about Steph.”

  “She pulled through.” His gaze softens.

  “I’m so happy to hear that, Brogan. Really.”

  He looks at me and, for a second, the awkwardness between us disappears. It’s enough to make my heart lurch in my chest. Hope, that obnoxiously resilient thing, rises inside me.

  Maybe we don’t have to end this yet.

  Maybe… we can keep being friends.

  And then…

  See where it goes.


  We can stay married.

  We can do it.

  I don’t think I’m ready to let him go yet.

  I don’t think—

  Brogan slides something over the desk.

  I glance down.

  Divorce papers.

  My heart cracks into pieces.

  In a stiff, unfeeling voice, Brogan says, “Thank you for your time.”

  “What is this?”

  “I’ve instructed Levy to deposit the money into your account in exchange for your services.”

  “What?” My heart is pounding.

  I’m torn between bursting into tears and busting a mug over his head.


  What service did I provide?

  A memory of his fingers slipping into mine as we made love flashes through my mind. Was I nothing but a prostitute to him? A convenient hole he could screw while he waited for the chains of marriage to fall away from his hands?


  I refuse to believe it.
  He can’t mean it like that.

  Brogan isn’t that type of person.


  I couldn’t…


  “If you need more money, I’ll wire it. Just let Levy know.” His jaw muscles flex. “From this point on, all communication between us can go through him.”

  His words hit me like sharp glass to the chest. “What… why are you doing this?”

  “The contract ended when I got my inheritance.” He arches an eyebrow. “Is there any reason we should keep it going?”

  Tell him how you feel.

  Tell him you’ve fallen for him.

  I can’t.

  I can’t be that vulnerable.

  I just…

  My lips tremble, but I keep my mouth shut.

  “Goodbye, Elizabeth.” He gets up.

  I watch him, still shocked, hurt and angry.

  My chest heaves.

  Panic takes over.

  I whirl around. Grip the back of my chair. “Brogan!”

  He stops, his back to me.

  Even though I should be furious, I’m falling into a pit of despair. Spiraling into that pathetic, needy Elizabeth who ran after the men who didn’t want her.

  I thought I could be strong.

  I was wrong.

  Tears well in my eyes. Don’t leave me. Don’t prove me right.

  I hold my breath.

  Turn around. Tell me this is all a sick joke. Tell me you didn’t see me as a transaction this whole time.

  Brogan doesn’t even look at me.

  He keeps walking.

  Past the table.

  Past the counter.

  Through the door.

  Tears fill my vision, blurring the words on the divorce papers.

  It hurts to swallow.

  To breathe.

  To cry.

  It hurts so damn much.

  I knew it.

  I should have never let myself get too close to Brogan. I should never have fallen so hard. But I did. And here I am again, looking down the barrel of another heartbreak, hopeless and alone.



  While Steph’s heart is beating nice and strong, mine is withering away into nothing.

  Which only makes me feel more pathetic.

  What kind of sucker gets hit with his own bullet?

  I had my eyes wide open. This time around, I knew good and well that the marriage was fake.

  There were no secrets.

  No pretenses.

  Elizabeth never presented herself as someone who’d stay by my side forever.


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