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Clarissa: Historical Romance (Chronicles of the Hudson River Valley Book 1)

Page 8

by Jean Jacobsen

  “Perhaps we are advancing too quickly,” suggested Nicholas gruffly. “Let us begin again, standing apart as before. Watch my feet and follow them.”

  They parted and stood facing each other again. Nicholas started the count again—one, two, three, one, two, three, his feet moving in rhythm to his words. Clarissa, on the other hand, seemed to be mired in place, hearing his voice but unable to get her feet to obey the command to move. Once again Nicholas stopped the counting and foot movements.

  He threw his arms up in disgust. “Miss Tanner, what part of one, two, three, are you not understanding? Clearly your hearing is fine, but your feet seem to have lost the ability to move on command.” He lowered his arms and walked around Clarissa who was looking dejected from the scolding. “Perhaps a brief pause in our lesson is in order. Shall we clear our heads and take a turn about the ballroom?”

  She saw his eyes searching her face, probably looking for a clue to her distraction and found none. Clarissa averted her eyes from this close scrutiny. “Yes, of course, Mr. Granger.” She felt the heat of a blush rise from her neck and tried to divert his attention elsewhere, gesturing towards the far windows. “Although the sun is starting to set now, there are some lovely views of the gardens from the south windows. They are best viewed in daylight, of course. You may even consider them for your landscape paintings.” Clarissa was torn between these new feelings this man had just awakened, and the fact that she absolutely, positively did not want these lessons.

  Clarissa was still recovering from Mr. Granger’s close proximity to her body after the casual turn around the ballroom floor. Having completed the circuit, they assumed their positions opposite each other Nicholas counting one, two, and three, his body gently rocking in rhythm to his words. Clarissa watched his graceful movements and carefully mimicked them. They were in complete sync.

  All was well until Nicholas stopped and said, “Very well then, let us begin again by assuming the partner position.”

  A slight gasp escaped Clarissa’s lips as his right arm encircled her waist and rested on the small of her back. The cascading sensations flooded her as if they were familiar now. Her body responded by gently swaying to the rhythm of his voice. Feeling a delicious shiver at his touch once again, it was all she could do to concentrate on his voice. Her heart raced and heat made its way up her long neck to the top of her head.

  Admonishing herself, Clarissa tried to stop the thoughts by shaking her head to gain emotional control while hoping that would be enough to finish the lesson. All too soon, they were in a tangle of feet again.

  “Very well, Miss Tanner, that will be all for tonight,” said Nicholas as he stepped back, hopping on his left foot and grabbing the right one to massage it. “May I suggest between now and our next meeting you practice on your own?”

  “Fine, Mr. Granger,” Clarissa expelled a short sigh of relief. “Are you releasing me early from our lesson?”

  “I feel it is in the best interest of my feet.”

  Relieved to be dismissed early and anxious to rid herself of the dress and slippers, Clarissa hurried from the ballroom. She caught sight of their one remaining maid while she was rushing towards her rooms and motioned for the girl to follow along to assist her with her dress. When the maid entered the dressing room, Clarissa had taken off her slippers and tossed them aside to get at her stockings.

  “Miss Clarissa, please allow me to assist you. You wouldn’t want to ruin your fine stockings, now would you?” She hurried to Clarissa’s side to help.

  Clarissa expelled a large breath. “Very well, thank you for coming to their rescue. I’m just a bit put out, that’s all.”

  “I saw you coming from the ballroom. That nice Mr. Granger was giving you your first dance lesson, was he not?”

  Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Yes, well then, let’s not talk about that nice Mr. Granger, if you don’t mind.” She gave out a huff. “I fear his feet will never be the same after today. Help me out of this dress, will you?”

  “Of course, Miss, no need to get so worked up and all. It’s only a dance lesson. Will you not be taking dinner with your grandmother this evening?”

  “I fear I wouldn’t be able to swallow a bite as Mr. Granger is to join us this evening. Make my excuses to Grandmother for me, won’t you?”

  Clarissa prepared herself for bed as the maid lit a fire to warm the room. “Perhaps a cup of tea for you Miss?”

  “I rather think a brandy is in order tonight. I shall read for a while before turning in.”

  Clarissa very rarely took a glass of sherry let alone brandy, but she needed something to calm her jittery body as she tried using her logical mind to reason out what had happened in the ballroom. His touch had been so delicious. Wait a minute, what was she thinking? She didn’t want or need dance lessons.

  Chapter Thirteen

  C larissa wanted to tell Laura about her dance lesson and Mr. Granger. It would give her time to think as she rode.

  Memories of Miss Clegg’s Finishing School for Young Ladies and her strong friendship with Laura gave her some distraction from the new, although conflicted, feelings Mr. Granger’s touch had produced, which lingered warm and safe inside her mind.

  The bridle path to the northeast pasture was as familiar to Figgy as the back of Clarissa’s hand was to her. She and the horse had bonded one to the other in those early days of Clarissa feeding Figgy every few hours after the filly’s mother died. Now healthy and strong, Figgy would soon be old enough to breed, and Clarissa would continue to carry on the fine bloodlines her father had started building.

  To ride was a tension release she needed, and she rode full out with the wind in her hair. Figgy’s hoof beats pounded on the path and echoed through the trees that flanked the path. They broke out of the trees and into a small clearing surrounded by more trees. The path twisted and turned as they plunged deeper into the woods. Clarissa’s heart raced now almost keeping time with Figgy’s hoof beats as they thundered into another meadow. There was an old wooden fence covered with vines alongside the path, remnants of another time. They sped by at top speed.

  Laura was waiting in the northeast meadow as Clarissa and Figgy approached.

  “Good morning Clarissa. Figgy looks in fine spirits today,” said Laura as she dismounted and moved to hug Clarissa. “Oh, dear me, you look simply dreadful. Did you not sleep well last night? Do tell me about your first dance lesson and don’t leave out a single thing.” She squeezed Clarissa’s shoulders with her warm greeting. “I want all the details. You’re description of Mr. Granger the other day has me intrigued.”

  Clarissa returned the hug and they walked slowly side by side leading their horses as they talked, and her heartbeat slowed down to a more normal rhythm. “I always dislike when someone tells me I look dreadful. It makes me feel even worse if that’s possible.” Clarissa sighed and continued, “I made a mess of my first dance lesson. Mr. Granger will probably turn in his resignation today and I had bad dreams all night long.” Her head down, she watched small tufts of grass scatter from the toes of her riding boots as they walked, and she scuffed her feet.

  “Now, now, it can’t be all that bad. Start from the beginning of the lesson. What did you wear?” Laura asked.

  “I wore the lavender organza dress and matching slippers. Why?”

  “I like that dress. It shows off your figure and is great for your coloring.”

  “For heaven’s sake, Laura, I didn’t wear it to show off my figure. It’s comfortable and you know how I detest dressing up.”

  “Continue…tell me why you think the lesson was a complete disaster.”

  Clarissa looked up from her toe-scuffing to Laura’s welcome smile and was encouraged. “Well…we started with the waltz. Mr. Granger demonstrated simple movements of his feet as we stood side by side, like so.” Clarissa stopped and demonstrated the simple box step and then the one, two, three steps.

  “How did this become a disaster?” Laura threw her arms in the air.

  “That part was alright. For the first time ever, I felt I might not be as uncoordinated as usual on the dance floor. The up and back steps were much easier than the side to side ones.” She paused and heaved a big sigh. “Mr. Granger stopped the demonstration and proceeded to hold me in the partner waltz position, like so.” They stopped walking and Clarissa took up the position with Laura. “I was completely undone at his touch. The sensations were so strong that I became overwhelmed.”

  “Oh my,” exclaimed Laura as she gave a small giggle. “I would have loved to see that for myself. Why I do believe you’re blushing at this very moment. So, you find him attractive, do you?”

  “Of course, not Laura, how could you think that?” Clarissa’s blush deepened and her chin dropped to avoid Laura’s eyes.

  “Being alone in the ballroom, in the close proximity of a handsome man who is holding you …hmm…let me see now…yes, yes, you were taken in by his good looks and demeanor.” Laura smiled a sheepish grin at Clarissa who was still blushing. “Do get to the good part. I am nearly bursting to find out what happened next.”

  “It was as if my brain and feet were no longer connected to my body. My feet went forward when they should have gone back, and I stepped on Mr. Granger’s toes more times than I can count. He ended the lesson early declaring his feet would never be the same.”

  Laura once again embraced her dear friend as they stopped walking. “There, there, now, it’s not as bad as all that. You have some time to compose yourself before your next lesson. I dare say you have been smitten.”

  “Laura, you know the only reason I agreed to these lessons was to show Gran that I’m doing my part to be ready for my debut.” Clarissa hesitated. “I do believe it was the first time I’ve felt those emotions when held by a man. I…I…was completely overwhelmed by the new sensations.”

  Laura considered Clarissa’s words for a moment then continued, “It sounds like you may have some feelings for Mr. Granger, like a woman towards a man, if you know what I mean.”

  Clarissa had a shocked look on her face. “Feelings, you say, as in liking him as something other than my tutor?” She was aghast.

  “That is one way of putting it. It’s not as if you’ve had a serious boyfriend before.”

  “Serious boyfriend,” Clarissa gasped. “Oh horrors, how could you say that? I’ve never thought about boys or men that way before. No one has ever evoked the deep sensations I felt yesterday. If I think about the lesson for any length of time, I’m filled with those same feelings all over again.”

  “That is intense,” agreed Laura. “Times change and you’ve had a lot of growing up to do these past weeks. I must give you credit for continuing your father’s plans for the stables. Indeed, he would be proud of you.”

  Clarissa sighed and then smiled for the first time that morning. They turned around, walking their horses back to the bridle path.

  “It’s time you listened to your heart,” said Laura. “You’ll be officially presented to society soon. It wouldn’t hurt you to start thinking about a husband.”

  “Thanks for your confidence in me, Laura. As for matters of the heart, well I scarcely have time for them and I’m not looking for a husband, although that is Gran’s objective. I’m so torn between Lochwood and my loss of freedom. It’s hard to consider marriage. What husband would possibly allow me to work with the horses? Besides, I just met Mr. Granger. He’s my tutor, nothing else.”

  Their time was up and she gave a quick hug to Laura, who returned the sentiment with kisses on both cheeks.

  “We’ll talk again soon, Clarissa. In the meantime, I suggest you throw yourself into your work today and then get a good night’s sleep.”

  They waved to each other as they headed to their respective homes.

  Arriving back at the stables, Clarissa found the few remaining grooms and Baines preparing for the day’s new schedule.

  Baines greeted Clarissa with his usual, “Top of the morning to you Lassie.” His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled at her and took Figgy’s reins.

  “Good morning to you as well, Baines,” answered Clarissa as she dismounted. She gave him a quick smile. “Is Love’s Revenge ready for me yet?”

  “As per your schedule, Miss Clarissa, he’s ready and waiting.”

  “He’s a smart one, a fast learner who responds well to my commands.”

  Baines nodded his head in agreement.

  Clarissa led Love’s Revenge to the paddock and began putting him through his paces. She thought about how this horse responded well to commands, unlike herself.

  Chapter Fourteen

  D inner with Gran was the usual fare taken in the breakfast room unless guests were joining them. Clarissa’s head swam with a kaleidoscope of images and her body with newfound feelings. She was lost in another world as she sat in silence.

  “Clarissa, Clarissa dear. Have you been listening to what I’ve been saying?”

  “Oh, no, Gran, my mind was elsewhere.” Like on Mr. Granger. “Please repeat it, if you don’t mind.”

  “You haven’t said how your first lesson was last evening. Nicholas and I missed you at dinner.”

  “I haven’t said anything because it was a disaster, and I expect Mr. Granger to resign his new position any moment.”

  “Oh, come now my dear, it couldn’t be as bad as all that. Mr. Granger is here to stay until we leave for the City.”

  “I’m certainly glad he did not join us for dinner tonight. He must have been called away.” Clarissa groaned and rested her head in her hands. “Gran, you have no idea how difficult it is for me to manage these new dance steps. I much prefer the reels as they are the more like walking and the movements are mostly up and back. Last evening, we started with the waltz. I’m sure it is a beautiful dance when one does not have an impediment as I do.”

  “I’m surprised at you Clarissa. You’ve never used that as an excuse before. As a matter of fact, you have gone out of your way to prove that you can do anything you set your mind to. There must be something else that happened to make you feel this way.”

  Clarissa did not want to share with her grandmother the newly found feelings that had been awakened during the lesson. However, would she be able to keep her composure in the weeks to come if she was so undone at the first lesson? “It’s hard to explain what happened to make me lose my concentration but I stepped on Mr. Granger’s toes so many times that he called a halt to the lesson.” She looked down and moved her food around the dish not wanting to meet her grandmother’s eyes.

  “Why, that doesn’t sound like you at all, my dear. Was Nicholas unkind to you in any way?”

  “Oh, no, not at all. He seemed to go out of his way to put me at ease.” Which surprised her and she didn’t want to think about why. She wished Gran would move on to another subject.

  Abigail’s face was calm as she wagged her index finger at Clarissa. “Remember our agreement and pull yourself together before your next lesson. I’ll be working on plans for your presentation at my desk in the East Salon for a while this evening should you find the need to talk any further about the lesson. I want a list of people you’d like to receive an invitation as I’ll be sending them out shortly.” She rose and took up her cane to make her way to the East Salon.

  Clarissa sat in the quiet of the breakfast room, her mind working to process her newfound feelings until she had to get up and move. She went to the drawing room to make her list for Gran. Concentration did not come easy as she recounted the dance lesson and her dreams last night had been more like a nightmare, counting the steps, one, two, three, one two three, and stepping on Mr. Granger’s toes. She woke up in a cold sweat, breathing hard and holding her hands to her chest to keep her pounding heart from jumping out.

  It was late when she finally completed her task. The main stairway which led to her suite of rooms seemed especially long this evening as she plodded up them, holding tightly to the railing. In her room, the maid had already turned down the bed and placed a fr
esh cotton chemise nightgown out for her to wear. A lamp was lit and placed on a tabletop next to the entry door. She smiled at the thoughtfulness this maid had shown her family over the years.

  Clarissa poured warm water from the pitcher into the bowl, gently washing her face and hands. The warm water seemed to soothe away some of the day’s anxieties as she finished up and changed into her nightgown and dressing robe, which enfolded her in soft and comforting caress.

  Sleep would be a welcome reprieve from the busy day. Recounting last evening’s dance lesson, which had been a disaster, she realized she had rarely lost her composure as she had then. She wondered how the gentle touch of Mr. Granger could send her senses into such a tailspin.


  Nicholas retrieved his horse from the stables and headed out for the nearest village, Mount Pleasant. Abigail had assured him he would be able to order art supplies from the general mercantile. Since New York City was more than a day’s ride, he felt this to be his best option for now. He estimated only a couple hours’ time would be required to send a message to his man-of-business in Boston, assuring him he had arrived at Lochwood Estate, and contact information for return messages. He was anxious to start the search for his brother, Liam.

  Nicholas welcomed this ride, which would afford him time to form a plan for looking for his missing brother and preparing dance lessons. Oh, he also needed a painting schedule. He would use this ride to scout for landscape scenes at Lochwood and beyond its boundaries.

  The road was rutted and flanked by thick woods where only a little light from the late afternoon sun shone through. He arrived a mere thirty minutes later and as he rode through the streets of Mount Pleasant, he was checking out the businesses along the way for future reference. It consisted of a butcher shop, millinery shop with a fine display of lady’s hats, a candle shop and bakery were next to the general store.


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