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Clarissa: Historical Romance (Chronicles of the Hudson River Valley Book 1)

Page 9

by Jean Jacobsen

  Nicholas dismounted and wandered into the general store. The proprietor and his wife were assisting other customers when Nicholas entered so that gave him some time to inspect the shelves. Coffee beans, bags of flour and salt, and barrels of various food items were all around in a neat and orderly fashion.

  When it was Nicholas’s turn, he introduced himself and they chatted about the art supplies he needed. He was assured they would arrive in a few days’ time.

  As Nicholas left the mercantile, he spotted the Boar’s Head Inn and made his way there. Upon entering his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior. A robust man with a dirty apron stood behind the bar pouring a draft of ale. He nodded to Nicholas who nodded in return. There was a small fire burning in the fireplace, which was floor to ceiling rock-faced and blackened from years of use. Tables and chairs were placed around the outside edge of the room with some long tables and benches towards the middle and the usual seats around the bar. Normally, Nicholas would choose a seat near the fire but today he wanted conversation and would listen to the local patrons discuss village happenings, so he sat at the bar.

  “What will it be for you, Sir?” asked the innkeeper.

  Nicholas replied, “A pint of ale and whatever you have for supper, a meat pie perhaps.”

  Nicholas figured this was a good place to start quietly making inquiries about his brother Liam.

  When the innkeeper returned with the ale, she said, “You new around these parts?”

  “Yes. I’m staying at Lochwood for a while and am looking for my brother. Perhaps you’ve seen him around?” Nicholas pulled out a folded sheet of paper on which he had sketched a likeness of his Liam.

  The innkeeper took the paper and held it up to the light, then shook her head “no”. She passed it down the bar for the other patrons to see, but none recognized the likeness.

  Somewhat disappointed, Nicholas proceeded to eat his meal and listen to the men’s conversations.

  I wonder if Liam is in hiding somewhere nearby. Is he safe from harm? How will I find him or how will he contact me?”


  The tortures of anticipation were apparent as Clarissa dressed for her dance lesson. Her stomach felt fluttery as the lesson time grew near. She fussed with the neckline of her dress and patted her hair for reassurance. Beyond the ballroom door, she knew Nicholas was waiting.

  He greeted her with a simple “Good evening, Miss Tanner. How was your day?” He was smiling from ear to ear at the sight of her. His eyes crinkled up a bit at the corners where little crow’s feet appeared and that was enough to invoke the dimple in his left cheek.

  She smiled, hoping she wasn’t blushing and slightly bent her head forward saying, “Fine, thank you. It was a lovely autumn day, wasn’t it?” then she released a deep calming breath. As her chin came up, their gazes met, and she was lost in the depths of his eyes.

  The casual conversation continued for a moment before he asked, “Shall we dance?” He gave a slight bow and Clarissa bobbed a little curtsy.

  Their hands touched and she could feel a delicious tingle go right to her toes, again. Despite Clarissa’s previous protests of being a poor dancer, today she felt as if she was a feather floating on air and she nervously smiled and made the next turn. As they quickly moved around the floor, she matched him step for step, turn for turn in perfect sync. Their bodies warmed now by the dancing, she caught the scent of his shaving soap. A little shiver pooled deep inside.

  Clarissa moved in slightly closer as she returned from her next twirl. The feel of his warm body close to hers made her head swim and her pulse quicken as they continued the dance.

  They were both caught up in the moment. It was so dreamlike. She appeared at ease with her movements, so graceful and light on her feet despite her infirmity. Caught up in the magic and perfection of the candlelight, her essence seemed to draw him nearer to her. He moved his head closer to hers, and in this moment of enchantment, he lightly kissed her lips.

  Clarissa paused, as a little squeak of surprise escaped her lips and she stepped back to gain a modicum of decorum, only to be tugged into his embrace once again. Before she knew what was happening, there was a second kiss, soft at first then more intense as if he had been starved for a very long time.

  Her emotions were a whirlwind, her hands now tangled in his hair, their kiss deepened as desire pooled in her most inner core. His body’s firm, muscles tight against her, she had been awakened to a whole new level of awareness.

  The ballroom door opened to the maid. It took a minute for them to realize they were not alone. It was only then that Clarissa pulled away. She whirled around to see a knowing look coming from the maid.

  “Beggin’ your pardon, Miss, your grandmother thought you might like to join her in the East Salon before dinner. She has requested a special bottle of sherry be served.”

  Clarissa grew red with embarrassment as she cleared her throat and said, “oh…um….” at which point Nicholas interrupted.

  “Inform Mrs. MacDonald we will be delighted. We’re nearly finished for this evening and will join her shortly.”

  “Yes sir, of course, I’ll let her know.” She slowly turned to exit the room and glanced over her shoulder at every other step.

  Nicholas turned back to Clarissa who was now facing him. She felt her composure crumble and a worried look replaced the smile.

  “I will apologize if you insist, but I’m not sorry I kissed you. I’ve wanted to do that from the first day we met.” He lightly caressed her shoulders as he spoke, invoking his old rakish ways.

  Clarissa avoided Nicholas’ eyes. Her thoughts were wild and conflicted. The kiss was wonderful, but she still resisted the idea of marriage. Not yet, it was too soon.

  Nicholas tipped her chin up until their eyes met. “Talk to me. Tell me you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

  “Well, yes, but…” she tried to start again, “you see, I …um….” Anything she could think to say seemed childish. How could she tell this sophisticated man she had never been kissed like that before? Her body’s reaction to his kiss had been so immediate, warming, inviting. She could see how it might turn into something more had the maid not entered when she did. While she wanted to tell him, she could not give in to her desires. She had to honor the bargain she’d made with her grandmother for her official entrance into society. After all, Lochwood was at stake here.

  Clarissa moved away from Nicholas and tucked a loose curl behind her ear. “Shall we join my grandmother? I believe we are finished here this evening.” Truly, her response to the kiss had been warm and may have given a signal to invite more. This was all so new to her and she had gone purely on instinct. Had they not been in the country where they were shielded from society dictates, he would be required to marry her immediately, but they were not, and she was all twisted up inside. She was beginning to realize just how handsome he was.

  Nicholas gave a slight bow, “as you wish Miss Tanner.” He offered his arm as they exited the ballroom.

  They proceeded to the East Salon to join Abigail in a glass of sherry before dinner.

  “Good evening to you,” greeted Abigail. “Clarissa, you seem flushed. Are you feeling well?”

  Still somewhat distracted with thoughts of Nicholas, she replied, “Fine…yes, I’m fine. Thank you for asking.”

  “Your lesson this evening must have gone well. You are much calmer than after the first one.”

  “Oh, right you are, Gran. Tonight, did seem easier.”

  Clarissa was still in a dreamlike state, wanting to hold on for as long as possible to the feel of Nicholas against her body and the sound of his voice as he hummed the strains of that waltz so close to her ear. Then there were the kisses, not just one, but two. Was this love? No, it couldn’t be. How dare he make her feel this way?

  “Nicholas, from your prospective how would you say Clarissa is doing with her lessons?”

  “Abigail, she is doing well considering her slight impediment. I’m pleased with her p
rogress. She seems to have amazing powers of concentration and successfully focuses on the task at hand.”

  Clarissa blushed again thinking Nicholas’s words had a second meaning. They were called into a simple dinner, fish stew and freshly baked bread. The dinner conversation was light as they exchanged pleasantries and discussed the upcoming season.

  After dinner, Clarissa decided to make one last trip to the stables to check on the horses. She could not afford to let anything else happen to the remainder of their breeding stock. As she made her way to the stables, she was too absorbed in the schedule to notice she was being watched.

  Clarissa’s appearance at the stables after dinner was not unusual. The horses were enjoying their evening meal and as she walked down the breezeway, she observed not only the horses but the grooms as well. Confident, all was well with her beloved horses, Clarissa returned to the Manor house to retire for the evening.

  Upon returning to her rooms, she readied herself for bed. As soon as Clarissa closed her eyes and took a long, slow cleansing breath, Nicholas’ handsome image appeared to her as if he were standing near her bed. The image was so real she knew she would have pleasant dreams this night.

  Clarissa was free to think and do pretty much as she wanted, at least within Gran’s purview. A husband would put a crimp in her style. He had to be someone who shared her love of horses and riding. Her love of Lochwood would assure that she always had a home. How to fulfill Gran’s desire for her to marry yet still remain an independent person would be tricky.

  Clarissa was always a clear decisive thinker never shrinking from a decision regarding the horses. However, when she started to think about Gran’s insistence on her marrying a fine rich man, she was at a loss for how to proceed. She had no idea how to acquire a husband. She had shunned her mother’s attempts to guide her through the selection process and now her mother was gone. They had always been at odds with each other, perhaps because of Clarissa’s resistance to society’s codes and rules.

  Now Gran was insisting on presenting Clarissa to society during the coming season. Clarissa felt inadequately prepared for the task. She was reluctant to jump into this latest project with her customary zeal and felt she needed her own plan. Laura was Clarissa’s only hope of navigating these new waters in the coming months.

  She vowed to take up this new challenge with the same commitment and determination she had with the horses. But, wouldn’t it be easier if she simply married her dance instructor and be done with it?

  Chapter Fifteen

  H oofbeats thundered beneath the orchard trees as Clarissa headed for the north meadow where she usually met Laura. She twisted and turned as she burst out of the trees and into a small meadow surrounded by trees. In a flash, she was through the meadow and into more trees.

  She had been riding since she was three years old and possessed an inner sense of herself and the horse, instinctively slowing Figgy when she needed a rest after she had been flying at top speed. There were rough patches as the path twisted and turned then she burst into another clearing.

  Old fences, over-grown with vines, needed to be avoided at all—costs as Figgy was not a Jumper. That’s not to say she couldn’t take a small stream in stride, but to clear a waist-high fence was not something Clarissa had taught Figgy to do. She urged her on as they were in the trees again nearing the large north meadow.

  Clarissa heard hoof beats behind her on the path. Looking back over her shoulder she glimpsed Nicholas on the Bay gelding racing to catch up with her.

  She was riding fast because she rode astride not sidesaddle. She could do this on the estate but not in the city, in a public park for all to see. Taking each twist and turn at top speed she thought of their racetrack and how the jockeys must feel as they raced toward the finish line. Father had never allowed her to ride in such a way as to endanger her life. Clarissa felt the freedom of the wind as it caught her hair and it turned into a tangled mess that flew out behind her. She leaned out over Figgy’s neck to gain even more speed. She’d see how good a rider Nicholas was and if he could keep up with her. She doubted it, as he was not as familiar with the paths as she was.

  She heard the hoof beats pounding on the path getting ever closer. Perhaps she should slow down and make less of a game of it. After all, she did have a huge advantage over Nicholas.

  When Clarissa rode, she rode wildly. She had gotten over her fear of having an accident since she’d already had one that ended in her limp. On just such a ride years earlier, Figgy had missed the cue to go left of an old wooden fence and they crashed through it. The impact threw Clarissa headfirst over Figgy’s neck where she landed in a pile of weeds and rocks damaging her left leg in the process. She’d been right back up on Figgy as soon as she could make it to the stables on her own. Her mother had been horrified at the thought of Clarissa ever riding again, but her father, Horace, and Baines knew that in her heart she would ride as long as she could sit a horse. Baines even imagined Clarissa being wheeled to the stables in a chair and then lifted to the back of a horse to ride. That’s how deep her love of riding was.

  Nicholas was closing in now that Clarissa had slowed Figgy’s pace. She glanced back over her shoulder as he came into view. They burst through the trees and into the north meadow. The largest of all the previous meadows, this too was surrounded by trees. A small stream wandered through it and the wildflowers were fading with the season.

  Clarissa slowed Figgy to a walk and made her way to a large oak tree near the stream. She dismounted and allowed Figgy to munch some grass and have a sip of water while she waited for Nicholas, who was close at hand to catch up with her. Clarissa’s mood was sunny and her heart light as she considered this man who had just come into her life. Odd that it was here, now just months before her debut. Almost too convenient, she thought. She believed that everything happened for a reason. She may not like it, but that is what she believed.

  The breeze from the forest was chilly and Clarissa tugged her riding jacket more tightly around her while she waited. Nicholas had given chase without a second thought. He turned his horse loose to graze with Figgy and seated himself near Clarissa beneath the large oak tree.

  “I’m impressed with your riding skills, Mr. Granger. Did you learn to ride like that in France?”

  “No, I didn’t have much time to ride while I was there and the horses my father kept were mainly for his carriage. I was born in Virginia where we have a modest estate near Richmond.”

  Clarissa was surprised to hear this about his family, but then it only made sense that he would come from one of wealth. Ambassadors were required to support themselves, as the government had no funds to pay their expenses. What was he doing here at Lochwood if he could have stayed in Virginia?

  “What brings you to Lochwood?”

  “My father and your grandmother are old acquaintances and correspond frequently as I understand. An urgent family matter arose that my father was not able to attend too personally, so that left me to search for my missing brother. I needed to be closer to Boston and New York and so this arrangement came about. I was not aware of the terms of my stay until my arrival.”

  The air was rather crisp this morning, definitely a sign of autumn. Clarissa could feel the warmth of Nicholas’ body in close proximity to hers and she was grateful for it. However, her stomach was doing that funny flip-flop action of yesterday during her dance lesson. She wasn’t hungry, what was it then?

  “How long do you expect to be here in the States?” This man had thoroughly kissed her in the ballroom. Under any other circumstances, he would have been required to propose marriage to save her reputation.

  “As long as it takes, I suppose. While I’m here, I’ll continue painting and searching for my brother. I’ve dreamed of becoming a renowned artist and a show of my work in New York City would be most satisfying.” Nicholas inched closer to Clarissa and reached out for one of her gloved hands. “I’m not sorry about kissing you yesterday. It was a spur of the moment action t
hat I don’t regret, and I’d do it again if the opportunity arose.”

  She felt the heat of a blush rising up her neck and averted her eyes. “That is a rather bold statement, Mr. Granger. Are you used to having your way with innocent young women?”

  Clarissa had mixed feelings about his admission. She had very much enjoyed the kiss and new sensations surging through her body. Oh, yes, it had been most pleasant, but she needed to concentrate on preparing for the dreadful season and hunting for a husband. Neither one appealed to her however, the future of Lochwood was at stake.

  “I believe the question should be are you aware of your charms and what they do to men like me?” he asked.

  What? He had turned it around to be all about her. She had no charm of which she was aware of. He was sitting way too close for comfort. She had to move, or she knew she could not be responsible for her actions if he kissed her again. Clarissa jerked her hand away from Nicholas and jumped up. “You are mistaken about whatever it is you think I possess that attracts you to me. I must return to the horses and their training.” She marched towards Figgy, mounted, and was off with all speed.

  Nicholas laughed and followed at a distance.


  Upon Nicholas’ return to the Carriage House, he found the message he had been waiting to receive from his Boston contact. He proceeded to his bedroom to pack a satchel for travel then to the stables for the Bay gelding, Ransom, he had become fond of riding.

  “Come on old boy, we’re going for a midnight ride, you and I,” Nicholas announced to Ransom as they rode out of the Estate.

  His meeting would take place in New Haven along the coast under the cover of dark. His contact had left Boston three days ago, having made prior arrangements at the Prancing Pony Inn for their several nights stay. A swift ride would place him in New Haven before sunrise.

  Nicholas’s ride was slower than he had expected on the unfamiliar road and the recent rain left the road with deep ruts. Ransom was a bit more cautious than usual.


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