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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

Page 22

by Brittany Crowley

  That changes tonight.

  I’m going to make the world see me as a worthy opponent. Someone they want to cheer on.

  I look at Joss who’s standing at the door, waiting for my signal to open it.

  “Let’s do this.”


  With every step toward the entrance of the arena, I let every headline, every insult, every naysayer invade my mind.

  With every step I let the rage fester to the surface ready to boil over thinking about the hateful things Sandy has said about me.

  With every step, I vow that this not only is the start of my journey but will set the tone for the rest of my career.

  Standing outside the door, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, then another. The chants start coming as they roll the video of me hyping the fight. Hearing myself speak over the speakers is surreal, but not as crazy as hearing everyone chant my name.

  The doors open and with Leo and Joss by my side, I make my way into the arena. Through all the screaming MMA fans that will be Rebel fans by the end of the night.

  Leo places his hand on my shoulder. “Take it in. You’ve earned this.”

  I nod. “Shut up. Don’t say anything emotional from now until the fight’s done.” It’s his turn to nod in understanding.

  I walk toward the Octagon with my best friend, boyfriend, coach, and crew ready to get started. I’m completely present in this moment and have to hold my emotions in check when I walk past my family and see tears in my dad’s eyes. I blow him a kiss, and in return, he catches it and places it on his heart. My cousin Linny is going crazy in her seat next to my sister and my brother. They’re all wearing Rebel’s Army shirts, and I point at them with a giant grin on my face.

  Rebel, Rebel, Rebel.

  The crowd continues to chant as I spot Sandy jumping around in the ring. I enter and walk up the steps in her direction. She glares at me, her jealousy evident at the crowd’s reaction to my entrance. I cannot wait to put her in her place. To knock her down a peg and annihilate her ego. To shove every hateful word back down her throat.

  When I get to the center of the ring, I do a three-sixty, turning, and taking in the crowd. As my entrance song, Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill starts to quiet, I grab the towel from my shoulders and hold it in front of me as I continue to turn.

  The black towel says Rebels Army in a bright green matching my fighting gear under my black robe. I figured it was only fitting to inherit my dad’s fight colors since he’s not using them anymore.

  The crowd goes crazy when they see what’s in my hands and start chanting my name all over again. I’ve always hated the spotlight, and now I’m living for it. Living for every chant, every member of Rebels Army who has my back.

  I quickly remove my robe and look at my dad after I hand it to Leo. I point. This is to make him proud and not only continue his legacy but do it justice in the process.

  The ref pulls us into the center of the ring. He gives us the rundown of the rules and asks for a clean fight. As we hold each other’s gaze, I’m riding high on adrenaline and bouncing foot to foot. Shaking out my arms to keep my muscles loose.

  “Daddy can’t help you in here Rebel. I’ll try not to embarrass your family too bad tonight.”

  I don’t need to make threats. I’ll use my body as a weapon the way it’s been trained and show everyone what I’m made of.

  I never take my eyes from Sandy. Not until they announce me, and I have to raise my hands and play to the crowd. When I’m done, I’m zoned in on her and start slapping my hands on my biceps continuing to keep them active.

  In the seconds that lead up to the bell ringing, I think of nothing but the fight. Nothing but getting the job done.

  Ding, ding, ding.

  I pounce on Sandy and straddle her as she lies on the ground. My fist lands punch after punch to her temple, and I revel in the sound of my fist connecting with her skin. She manages to get out from beneath me and back on her feet. We circle each other. I fake a right jab and nail her with my left.

  A red trickle of blood drips from her lip, she touches it and smiles. “Rebel came to play.” She lunges at me and catches my knee knocking me to the ground. Pain radiates through my head when she drops to the ground and nails her knee into my face.

  In the background, I hear Leo screaming at the ref for an illegal hit. It’s okay, let her cheap shot me. If she thinks that’s the only way she can beat me; I’ll enjoy my victory that much more.

  Sandy drops to the ground and tries to throw me into a straight ankle lock. She’s not quick enough because I’m able to pull my foot in and when I release it’s in her face. She lies on her back, and I jump on top of her to commence in a ground and pound. She doesn’t know where it’s coming from next because I’m hitting her with everything I have. Both hands are pounding away and shutting her the fuck up. She tries to block with her arms, but it’s no use.

  The bell rings ending the first round. I stop my attacks, and as I’m getting off her to get to my corner, I feel my knee buckle and drop down to the floor.

  “Knock that off.” The ref warns Sandy, but the damage has already been done. I get back to my feet and have to limp back to my corner.

  “Fucking bitch,” I seethe before taking a squirt of water into my mouth.

  “She’s looking to win by any means possible. Watch out for the dirty hits. Stop them by striking her first. You’re dominating this fight Rebel, you definitely took the first round.” My coach insists. I nod my head and get back to my feet when the ref calls us to begin round two.

  Two more rounds pass in a blur, one to me again and one to Sandy. Now we’re in the fourth round, and I’m pissed the hell off. Sandy’s somehow gotten cheap shot after cheap shot in, unbeknownst to the ref, and the last one was it. I’m fucking done. Don’t come at me with a titty twister and expect me to roll over and take it.

  She gets me up against the cage and lands a right jab right below my eyes. I manage to get out of her clutches, and she pulls me back by my hair and in a flash elbows me in the back of the head.

  “Motherfucker!” I growl, done with this illegal bullshit. I hear my dad yelling about the hair pulling as the crowd goes crazy.

  With every ounce of energy, I can possess, I raise my leg with such ferocity and nail her in the side of the head. She crumples to the ground, and my body follows as I get a punch in on her. When the ref is pulling me back and off Sandy, I try to figure out why. She’s still unmoving on the ground.

  She’s knocked out.

  I knocked her out.

  I fucking won.

  I pace the inside of the Octagon and run my hands through my scalp as the medics check on my conquered opponent. Fuck. The crowd chants my name as I crouch to my knees and slam my hands down on the floor. I look forward and lock eyes with Joss who’s standing just outside the cage clapping his hands with a giant grin on his lips. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. You did it, Emerson. You’ve proved them all wrong. I get up and walk over to my man. His fingers grip the cage, and I place my hands on top of his.

  “I’m so proud of you, princess.”

  “Can you believe it? I feel like this is all a dream.” I yell over the noise.

  “I never doubted you once.” I squeeze his fingers and turn back to the center of the ring.

  The ref is standing next to Sandy who is now back on her feet, and a whole bunch of important MMA employees stand in the background.

  I never thought when the ref raised my hand in triumph that it would feel so fulfilling. My hand covers my mouth as a giggle, I can’t hold back, escapes my lips. A microphone is shoved in my face as someone asks me how it feels to win my first fight.

  At first, I don’t say anything because how can I put into words how I’m feeling? My attention is pulled over to my dad entering the Octagon, and when I see the tears in his eyes, I feel the moisture build behind my own.

  “It’s amazing. I’ve only ever wanted to do right by my dad and his legacy. My name comes with a l
ot of pressure and the feeling of shutting up all the negative assholes, damn.” I shake my head. “It feels amazing.” I leave the microphone and run to my dad who picks me up and spins me around the ring.

  “I’m so proud of you Em. So fucking proud.”

  “Thanks,” I whisper as he puts me on my feet. “What now?” I ask looking out into the audience.

  “We fucking celebrate!” Leo tackle hugs me, and I know tonight is going to be one for the books.


  “Hold that thought until after Gabe’s fight.” We exit the Octagon where my family nearly plows me down with excitement. The crowd’s a little rowdy as well, but I wave to them all and give a few autographs.

  The lights in the arena go out, and goosebumps erupt on my arms. Gabe’s song plays as the lights blast back on, and we stand up cheering for my cousin as he emerges into the arena. Gabe has a quiet confidence to him that’s extremely magnetic, especially to women. Hell, it’s a strong pull towards everyone. He has a personality that draws you in and makes you want to spend time with him or be his friend.

  He walks stone faced down the aisle until he reaches the family. Aunt Sophie is going crazy yelling that’s my boy at anyone who will listen. Uncle Kyle wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls his wife into him. It makes me laugh seeing how proud they are, acting exactly like my parents when I came out.

  Gabe points at me and claps his hands in congratulations. I mouth good luck, and he winks back in answer. As he enters the Octagon, a big burly man dressed in black approaches us.

  “We feel it’s best for you to watch the fight out back. It’s not safe with how rowdy this crowd is.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I defiantly cross my arms across my chest. I’m still on a crazy adrenaline high and if I need to knock him out, I will. Jesus, my fight has made me crazy.

  “I’m her bodyguard, and all her uncles are trained MMA fighters. She’s all set.” Joss tightens his hand on my hip and says it with such authority the guy would be stupid to argue. He doesn’t fight him only nods his head and says there’s additional security watching me.

  “Thanks.” I kiss Joss’s cheek and turn back to the fight.

  “Anything for you, princess,” Joss groans when I wiggle on top of him to get a better vantage point of Gabe. “Stop moving or else I’ll make you leave so I can fuck you in the dressing room.”

  I’m still on a high like no other, and the thought of fucking some of the adrenaline out of me is so appealing I almost agree.

  “After Gabe’s fight. Just be forewarned. I’m getting tanked tonight.”

  “I’ve never had a go with Rebel before.” Joss peppers kisses up my neck. “I love that idea.”

  Oh man, so do I.

  Chapter 34


  Gabe won, and he’s the new Light Heavyweight Champion. Just like my father, just like his father. It’s a damn good night to be a Cage.

  However, all of us in a single location draws too much attention. Everyone recognizes us wherever we go which forces us to bring the party back to the hotel bar after my dad pays for them to shut it down.

  “She fucking titty twistered me.” I slur explaining to my family some of the cheap shots Sandy took. Linny grabs her boob and cringes feeling the pain of my words. If she only knew the pain.

  “You should have kicked her in the vag. That would have shown her.” Linny decides with a head nod.

  I’m pulled from my conversation when Joss leans in and nips at my ear. “Please tell me I can drag you back to our room,” he growls.

  I slowly turn my head to him and boop his nose with my finger. Then I copy his move and lean into his ear. I sloppily lick the outer edges and whisper, “Would you be opposed to a rim job?”

  Joss doesn’t drag me back to the room barbarian style as I’d hoped. He lets us stay for another hour before reluctantly agreeing to finally head back to our room. He thought he could handle Rebel. No one can handle Rebel.

  He’s silent in the elevator, but that might be because Danny has Penny pressed up against the opposite wall while he attacks her mouth. I look away and cringe; he’s my freaking brother. The snarl makes the cut on my lip reopen, and I wince from the pain. When I look back, Danny’s going full out.

  “Knock that shit off, Danny. I can’t date your best friend, but you can date mine and practically do her right in front of me?”

  The door opens, and Danny throws Penny over his shoulder as he runs down the hall to his hotel room. “Sorry, sis!” he yells. “I’m a desperate man!” Gross.

  Joss grabs my hand and leisurely walks us to our suite.

  “This is ridiculous.” I pull him to a stop. “Are you really that disgusted by the thought of my tongue in your ass? God, I never took you for a prude.” I take a few steps before my world shifts.

  I’m hanging upside down when Joss quickly has me up and over his shoulder in a similar fashion to Danny and Penny. He opens the door and doesn’t put me down until I’m thrown onto the bed and bounce to a stop on my stomach. My dress is shoved up my hips, and my panties are ripped in two.

  Joss places his hands on either ass cheek and spreads them. Then his tongue is on me. He’s tonguing an area that seems so wrong but feels so right. He drags his mouth from my asshole down through my pussy then back up again.

  “Oh, Joss.” I pant into a pillow and fight between pulling away and shoving my ass further into his face. Two fingers enter me as his tongue works my tight flesh and I’m set off to the fucking moon.

  “Joss, Joss, Joss.” I chant into the pillow helpless to do anything else.

  “Tell me I can fuck this ass.” Joss pulls away, and I hear the unbuckling of his belt.

  My body tenses for a moment at the thought. I’ve never done anal, but I’m not necessarily opposed to it. His tongue felt amazing, but his cock is loads larger. There’s a crinkling from a condom wrapper, and then he’s burying himself in me. In my pussy, not my ass as I’d assumed. My muscles relax, and I scream into the pillow. He rips it away from my face instantaneously.

  “I want to hear you. Let me hear you, princess.”

  He works his cock slowly back inside me to pull it out even slower. It’s creating a delicious ache, and I feel my nipples pebble as the sensations overwhelm my body.

  “You may be Rebel in the ring, but I dominate you in the bedroom, baby. Do you like that?” He twists his body and grips my hips. I’m being pulled upwards, so my backs flush to his front and I scream and gasp as he begins thrusting faster.

  “I love it. So good.” My hands find my nipples even though Joss could make me come from his dick alone.

  “Come. Give it to me again. Need to feel you squeeze around me.” Joss begins grunting as the walls of my pussy begin to clench.

  “Oh, oh, oh.” I reach back and pull at his hair. “Fuck me harder Joss. Harder.”

  With his fingers fisting my hair, my head’s pulled back exposing my neck. “I decide when I fuck you harder.” He holds my hair painfully as my orgasm explodes through my body. I dig my left hand into his left ass cheek so hard I’d be surprised if he didn’t have a bruise tomorrow.

  “That’s it. Yes, just like that. Fuck.” He pushes inside me one last time so forcefully that I fall forward with him dropping on top of me. His hips push forward forcefully, drawing out my orgasm longer and longer.

  “Christ.” Joss heaves a breath and rolls off me. I couldn’t move if I tried so I remain face down on the bed.

  “Wow,” I mumble into the blankets. Sex has never been this primal before, this animalistic.

  I know Joss rolls away from me and off the bed when his warmth leaves me. A shiver races through my body, but still, I don’t move. Finally, Joss lifts me and places me at the head of the bed on a nice cushy pillow.

  “Thanks, boy toy. I love youuuuu,” I sing on the cusp of sleep.

  “When I fuck your ass, you won’t be drunk. You get a pass tonight, but tomorrow is a new day.”

  Chapter 35 />

  It’s surreal being home, back into a daily routine. My fight was two weeks ago and returning to the daily grind almost seems anticlimactic. I got a good enough payout for the fight, and with the website, my Aunt Sophie helped me create to sell Rebels Army merchandise, I’ve been riding pretty high.

  Not much has changed in the women’s division since my fight. It wasn’t like I expected an overhaul. However, at my next fight, there is another female fight scheduled during the pay-per-view. It may not seem big, but that’s huge. There’s an uprising and the world better brace themselves for impact.

  Thank god, my mom’s making me steer clear of the bar at the moment since everyone keeps coming in based on the outcome in Vegas. Actually, both Gabe and I are forbidden from entering during operating hours.

  But not today.

  I stroll into the bar with warmth in my heart. Usually meeting new people freaks me out, but these are my people, and I keep telling myself that. It mostly bothers me because I don’t feel like a celebrity and these women coming in today have supported me since my fight was first announced.

  “Ready, honey?” Mom kisses my cheek when I walk behind the bar.

  “Yes. All the T-shirts and swag are here. Has the food arrived?” I fidget with my hands wanting this to go perfectly. Lord knows I’m shit at planning parties, but Mom’s been a lifesaver.

  “Everything is here. Calm down, you’re a second from hyperventilating.” Quinn laughs coming around the corner.

  Mom rubs my back. “These women are coming for you. Because of the impact you’ve made on their lives. You know their stories, hell you handpicked everyone you invited. Just relax.” I nod then look up when the chime from the door goes off.

  Joss walks in like he owns the place causing my mouth to water. My man is hot as hell. His hairs a few weeks past due for a cut and I’ve begged him to keep it this length. The brown ends curl around the edges of his baseball hat, and I fantasize about shoving his freshly bearded-face between my thighs.


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