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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

Page 23

by Brittany Crowley

  “Hey. You ready?” He’s been absent all morning being very sneaky. Not telling me where he was going or what he was doing.

  It’s okay though, I have a few tricks up my sleeve today too, and I cannot wait to show him later.

  “Yes and no. Mostly yes.” I shyly smile. “I’m being silly. This cause is important to me, and I need to meet these women. To hear their courageous tales.” I smile, but it feels forced.

  He makes his way over to me and rests his forearms on my shoulders. “You have this. Remember the meaning behind it.” I nod my head and take a deep breath. My nostrils fill with his familiar scent, and it calms me momentarily until the door chimes again.

  A woman elegantly dressed in a purple sundress hesitantly walks into the bar and freezes the second her eyes meet mine. She’s nervous, probably as nervous as I am. Get your ass in gear, Em.

  “Hi, I’m Emmy.” I reach out my hand. She accepts it without hesitation and clears her throat.

  “I’m Evelyn. I can’t believe I’m shaking your hand.” A blush heats her cheeks as I chuckle. I feel Joss’s hand squeeze my shoulder and he goes and begins his guard duties. Even though there’s nothing to worry about today.

  Every greeting is much the same as six more women, and three teenagers enter the bar. Mom informs them all the buffet is ready and that everyone should eat up. I spend the next hour picking at my food and chatting with these brave women.

  “I wanted to throttle Sandy when I saw her knee you in the head.” Gia, one of the teens who’s wearing the cutest orange headwrap I’ve ever seen, states in outrage. All the others agree with her, and I nod right along with them.

  “That wasn’t even the worst.” I cringe remembering the titty twister and think better of sharing that little tidbit. “Okay, I have a surprise for you all.” I stand from my chair and leave the room heading for the kitchen to grab the swag boxes I put together. Quinn follows closely behind me to help me retrieve everything and crashes into my back when I stop in my tracks.

  Dad, Uncle Josh, Uncle Kyle, and Gabe stand in front of me. I’m dumbfounded watching them each hold a few boxes in their hands and some additional bags on their arms.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I question looking each man in the eye.

  Dad decides to answer. “Your mother said you had the idea to ask us here to hang out with the group of women you invited. I’m not really sure why you didn’t ask us, but here we are.” Dad’s grin dazzles the room as tears sting my eyes.

  “Thank you all so much. They’re going to be so excited. These women aren’t just humungous MMA fans, they’re fighters and survivors.”

  They nod their heads and follow me back into the bar. Several gasps meet my ears, and I can’t keep the excitement off my face.

  “Ladies, I have a few men who’d love to meet you.” The three men pass out the boxes, and the ladies are thrilled when they open them to find their very own Rebels Army T-shirt with water bottles and a necklace with the familiar pink ribbon adorned in crystals.

  There are several tears, myself included, as some of them slip their necklaces in place and others throw their T-shirt over their head. They mingle with my Dad, uncles, and cousin for a while before I decide to drop the next bomb on them.

  Hey guys, I have a few things I’d like to say.” The room gives me their attention, and I clear my throat pushing the fears of public speaking away. It’s somehow different now; these women have impacted my life forever. “I wanted to thank you all for coming here today. Meeting you ladies was truly an honor and a privilege. I may be a fighter, but you’re the real fighters. When I read your stories on social media, I felt personally connected to you. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.”

  Tears leak from some of their eyes as a few others look on in admiration.

  “I have one last surprise. I know some of you are in remission while a few of you are still fighting and have a few treatments left. I want to personally invite each of you to my next fight where I’ll cover your hotel and airfare. I want you to be my personal guests when I fight Lorraine Walker in four months in Vegas. I also want you to be my guests of honor at the first annual Rebels Army for Breast Cancer Awareness Ball.”

  “Oh, Emerson.” An older lady named Beatrice sobs.

  “Is that a yes?” I ask with tears in my own eyes.

  After getting back home, women started sharing their stories with me. Breast cancer is very near and dear to my heart because a few years back my grandmother, my dad’s mom, lost her battle and it rocked all of our lives. With this, I feel like I can give back and help fund research to find a cure. Give these women something to look forward to and the ones still fighting the extra kick to truly fight this disease.

  “That’s a hell yes.”


  I’m still feeling a heap of emotion after the last guest leaves the bar. My mom is behind the bar tapping some beers for all the guys. Even Joss is enjoying a cold one which is rare. I grab the seat next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

  “I’m proud of you. You never cease to amaze me.” He kisses my temple.

  “Thanks. If I can help even one person for the better with my status, I’ll be happy.”

  It’s true. I don’t want to spend my money on stupid shit. There’s no need to go out and buy a Ferrari or mansion. I’m content with my life and where I’m at. There’re others out there that need it more than I do.

  “Emmy, I wanted to talk to you about your little announcement about the Ball,” Dad says grabbing my attention. “How would you feel about all of us getting in on the action? I know me, Kyle and Josh would love to partner up with you and I’m sure Jay would feel the same.” I nod my head.

  “Don’t leave me out of this. I want in,” Gabe demands.

  “I’d love nothing more,” I choke out feeling another fresh wave of tears ready to spring free. Now the Cage name will be known in another light, for helping give a voice to a sickness that affects too many lives.

  My phone chimes keeping me in check momentarily and when I see it’s a text from my cousin Shelby, I know it’s time to head out.

  “Sorry to jet, but I have to take Joss somewhere.”

  “That better not be the new code for sex,” Uncle Josh mutters under his breath. I roll my eyes, say my goodbyes to my family and drag Joss by the hand to my car.

  “Where do we have to be in such a hurry? I was thinking we could grab some takeout on the way back to my place.” Joss cocks an eyebrow when I open the passenger side door for him.

  “I drive. We’ve had this talk before.”

  “Yes, and you tricked me with oral talents to agree. I never agreed to it when there’s a surprise involved. Get your ass in and stop arguing.” I push on his back as he reluctantly gets inside my car.

  The drive isn’t far, and I’m hoping that my decision was the right one. All I keep thinking is what if he doesn’t like it?

  “Why are we here?” Joss asks, but I don’t answer, just exit the car. He follows suit and stops when we face the building and spot my cousin just inside the doors. I pull my winter jacket tight to my body when a strong gust of wind chills me to the bone. I hate the winter in New England, and it’s setting up to be a doozy this year.

  “Don’t ask questions. Just come inside.” I grab his hand and pull him into the building.

  “Hey, Shel.” I hug her and Joss does the same.

  “Did you see that cute bistro across the street?” she asks leading us through the building. “We should eat there one day next week.” Shelby’s heels click as we follow her onto the elevator. She inserts a key and punches a code into the keypad.

  “Really, why are we here?” Joss asks again. I know he’s been here before and probably has a million questions.

  “It’s a surprise.” I reach up and peck at his lips to shut him up. “Don’t spoil your surprise.”

  Before we reach the top floor, Shelby hands me a keychain with a few keys on it and winks. I’m on my own from here
on out.

  I take a deep breath once the door opens and step off the elevator and into the waiting area, or potential waiting area, of Joss’s new security firm. The ding of the elevator alerts me that Shelby is no longer here as my buffer.

  “Picture darker walls with leather couches and a cute coffee table.” I move, walking over to the opposite side of the room. Right, where your eyes first land when you step off the elevator. “We could put the front desk right here, and we can even have someone close off this hallway and put a door to really separate the two areas.”

  “Um babe, what the fuck are you talking about?” Joss scratches right above his eyebrow.

  “So, I did a thing. Have an open mind.”

  When Shelby came to me a few weeks ago and told me that this place was Joss’s dream location to start his business, I couldn’t figure out why he didn’t jump at the opportunity to grab it. She informed me that it was a little out of his price range and reluctantly passed on it.

  Joss has been nothing but supportive of my career, and I want to show him I’m here for every step of his journey. Now’s his turn to follow his dreams and he deserves the best.

  “What did you do?” he asks, but I don’t miss the soft smile playing at his lips.

  I toss the keys at him. “Welcome to the beginning of your dreams Josiah Kent.” Something crosses his face as it softens. “I don’t want to overstep my bounds, but I wanted to do something nice for you. Let you know I’m here for you and your dreams. It’s not all about me and never will be. It’s time for you to start living your dreams.”

  “Princess.” His gruff voice has me fighting back the moisture threatening to fall from my eyes.

  I walk up to Joss and cup his face in my hands. “I love you. You can complain I spent money on you, and I don’t care. This is our future, not just yours. I will always support you.”

  “Love you too.” He takes a deep breath. “You’re wrong. This isn’t me starting my dream because I have you. This is just icing on the cake.”

  I squeal as Joss hoists me off the ground and starts marching down the hall.

  “Wait, where are we going?” I laugh.

  “I’m going to fuck you in my office.”

  This was the best decision I ever made.

  Chapter 36


  Just when I think she’s the perfect woman for me, she proves me wrong and shows she’s ten times better. I can’t believe she got the ideal location to open my business.

  “Now where are you taking me?” Emmy asks finishing putting her T-shirt on her body, and I fight the urge to rip it off all over again.

  “Let’s just say today’s a day of surprises.”

  Once we’re in the car, I drive the short distance to my house and carry her inside. I love having her in my arms. It’s right where she belongs.

  I love my house. It took me forever to save for it, and I pinched pennies for years so I could buy it outright. It’s a little on the small side, but I’m about to remedy that.

  “Are you going to show me your bed?” Emmy wiggles out of my hold and grabs my hands, walking us backward in the direction of my bedroom.

  “Later. Come here.” I lead her into the living room and leave her on the couch. After I quickly run upstairs and grab what I’m looking for, I head back downstairs to my woman, my heart.

  “Seriously, what’s going on?”

  “Follow me, princess.” I pull her up by her hands and kiss her forehead. Then walk across the house and stop at the far wall in the dining room. “Now it’s time for you to envision something for me. Picture this wall blown out and the house extended another forty feet. Now picture our new master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. A bedroom you help me design as ours.”

  “Ours?” she asks excitedly. “I like the sound of that. Tell me more Mr. Kent.”

  I step up to her and grab her hands in mine. “Now picture my current bedroom decorated in a soft pink or blue. Warm and inviting ready for our future kids. Two more bedrooms added to the layout to prepare for our future.”

  “Kids?” Her face softens.

  I pull the surprise out of my back pocket and hold them between us. “If I had my way this would be a real ring.” I look down at the socks covered in diamond rings. “Since you’re not ready, I’m vowing right here on these socks that I’m yours forever. I will wait until you’re ready for an engagement, but I want you to move in with me.”

  “Promise socks?” she whispers, wiping a tear from her cheek.

  “Promise socks,” I confirm.

  “You think I’m not ready for a life with you? Joss, I’ve been in love with you since I was sixteen years old. Haven’t been in a real relationship because I couldn’t see my future with anyone but you.” She takes a deep breath then blows my fucking mind when she drops down to one knee in front of me.



  I can’t believe I’m doing this. As I drop to one knee in front of the man I love, I pull out a small box from my back pocket. I was going to give it to him back at the office, but after we were done fooling around, he dragged me out of there too fast to stop him.

  “I’m not sure if you know this, but I’m known as somewhat of a Rebel. I’ve lived my life as a square peg in a round world. I’m unconventional, and I fight for what I want.”

  I think back on that night with Joss a year ago.

  “I tried showing you I was interested a year ago and when you turned me down, it killed me. I knew you didn’t feel the same way and I tried to move on.”


  “Tried.” I quirk the side of my lip up. “There’s no moving on from you, and ever since you said I was yours I’ve felt this overwhelming need to fight for you, fight for us.” Finally opening the box and exposing a plain simple white gold band that I picked out when we returned home from Vegas. “This is me fighting for what I want because I’ll never let an opportunity pass to let something I love, something I truly believe in pass me by. Josiah Kent, will you be my husband?” I ask hopefully with tears in my eyes.

  “Fuck me. Your family is never going to let it go that my girl proposed to me.” He smiles. “I love you so much Em, of course, I want to marry you.” I jump from the ground and into his arms. His lips find mine and I know making this decision was the right one.

  You have to fight for love.

  “Now you don’t have to wear this now because it’s a wedding band. We can put it away until the wedding.” I tell him. I never expected him to wear an engagement ring.

  “You’ll wear my engagement ring,” he demands sucking on my lip.


  “And you’ll have my babies.” His lips attach to my neck.

  “God yes. A million of them,” I groan.

  “After you live out your dreams.”

  God this man. He has my heart. If this is a sign of things to come, I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

  “After we live out our dreams.”



  Thank you so, so much for reading Rebel. I always knew that I’d move onto the next generation of Cages and I couldn’t be happier with how it came out. Rebel is my spirit animal <3

  First, I need to thank you, the readers. You have no idea what you all mean to me. Never did I think I’d publish one book and here I am on solo book number seven, nine with my cowrites. I can’t even wrap my brain around it all. I love you all so much.

  My betas are the best. I mean that, the best. You ladies help mold my words into something I can truly be proud of. My books wouldn’t be what they are without you.

  My PA Beth has driven me to make this book the best I could. You know how to light a fire under my ass and know how to push me to do my best work. I thank you for all of your help and kind words of encouragement

  Thanks to all the blogs that have helped me spread the word around of REBEL. You are vital in this book world and I appreciate any shares you’ve passed around
for me.

  My Sinful Smutters. You’ve become my home away from home and I love you all. Our group has turned into a place where you can feel free and is a complete judgement free zone. Much love to you all.

  Thanks to the editor prose for editing my words. Your polish is the cherry on top of this Rebel sundae.

  Lisa, girl. I don’t even need to tell you what you do for me, but I will. This cover personified all that is Rebel. I couldn’t have come up with a better design and that’s why I love your work so much.

  About the Author

  Brittany Crowley was born and raised in Massachusetts. She still lives there today with her husband and three kids. Getting into the world of romance after she had her first child, she was hooked. Though she had many ideas in her head, Brittany was unsure if she had what it took to become a writer. A few encouraging words and one writing challenge later, she completed her first book. Now you can find her trying to keep up with her crazy kids and writing any chance she gets.

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  I share a reader group with two other awesome authors, Emily F. Rose and Karen Raines. Come check us out at the Sinful Smutters!

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