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The Hot Daddy Box Set

Page 13

by Lexi Wilson

The maître d’ opened the door for me, and I stepped inside, surveying the room.

  He was right. My dozen senior staff members were already present, in addition to Morgan. Everyone chatted with each other, glasses of wine or cocktails in hand. From the looks of things, the gathered people were all relaxed and happy.

  I frowned for a moment, wondering if I should have invited Hunter, but decided in the end, it was good that I didn’t. He might be my best friend, but this wasn’t a meeting of my friends. It was a meeting of my employees, and it would have only been awkward to invite him.

  My gaze drifted over to Morgan, and I sucked in a breath.

  She wore a high-slit low-cut black dress, her hair up in an elaborate style. Combined with her make-up, the whole ensemble screamed elegance and sensuality. She looked like a movie star. It made her outfit from the bar look like pajamas in comparison.

  I hardened for the first time in a long while. Before everything had happened, I’d wanted to try and go after her. Hunter had convinced me it was a good idea, and I couldn’t say that still didn’t believe that on some level.

  I still wasn’t sure what I’d wanted to pursue with her in terms of the relationship, but now since everything was starting to settle down, I if it wasn’t worth at least trying to get together with the beautiful woman. We had chemistry, and only tragedy had pushed us apart.

  At points, I hoped it was clear to Morgan that I had no intention of firing her. Whatever else we were, she was an excellent assistant, and I wasn’t confident that any of my earlier assistants would have been able to keep things together like she had.

  With great effort, I forced my gaze away from her cleavage and crushed the thoughts about what her body would look like if I tugged the dress off of her.

  I could figure out what I wanted to do with her later. Besides, she might not be interested in me after everything that had happened, not to mention the fact that I now had Sasha.

  The woman who’d suffered such a horrible tragedy concerning her child might not want to spend a lot of personal time with a man and a new baby. I could understand that.

  For the moment, though, I had another matter to handle.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” I called.

  They all stopped to look at me. Morgan gave me a bright smile.

  “I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the support you’ve offered in this time of difficult transition for me,” I said. “I know that my absence from the company has thrown everything into chaos and made your lives more difficult, so I wanted to give you this dinner as my way of saying thanks.”

  Everyone lightly clapped, with more than a few smiling.

  “But some fancy French food and nice wine isn’t enough of a reward,” I continued.

  Several of the staff exchanged glances, confusion spreading over their faces. I enjoyed it.

  “We also had a great year, so I’m handing out additional bonuses this year.”

  Everyone clapped louder, and a few even cheered. Everyone liked a little extra money.

  I moved into the crowd to shake hands and give hugs to everyone. Morgan had done a good job of shielding me from the realities of what had happened on my time away from the company, but I wasn’t so distant that I didn’t know I’d seriously screwed with a lot of people’s projects and plans. The dinner and the bonuses would be my first step in making it up to them.

  When I got to Morgan, I risked a kiss on her cheek. Her face reddened slightly, and I liked the look.

  It took all my willpower not to lower my gaze and drink in her body again. Instead, I locked eyes with her.

  “This was a good choice,” I said. “You could have gone more expensive if you needed.”

  Morgan took a sip of her wine. “This was plenty expensive, and everyone seems to be having a good time so far.”

  I considered complimenting her on the dress, but I couldn’t trust myself not to say something that crossed the line into inappropriate. My cock strained at my pants, and I realized I needed to take a seat before someone noticed.

  “The food’s coming soon, I imagine,” I said. “I’m going to sit down. Why don’t you sit next to me, please?”

  We both made our way to the table and took a seat. The other employees got the idea and started seating themselves.

  I poured myself a glass of wine and raised my glass. “I’d like to make a toast.”

  Everyone around lifted their glasses.

  “To the Brown Investment Group and all the wonderful employees who have helped us earn billions of dollars. Here, here.”

  “Here, here,” everyone called in unison.

  I took a sip of my wine. As I’d driven myself to the dinner, and I had a baby waiting at home for me, I’d have to be cautious about the alcohol.

  The doors opened, and several waiters stepped inside with trays of salads and other appetizers.

  Two hours later, a waiter pulled away a plate containing my half-eaten crème brulee. My stomach stretched, sated by the meal. The food was much like the restaurant itself—upscale but not pretentious.

  Conversation flowed enjoyably enough during the dinner, with many of us swapping stories of the earlier days of the company. We’d gone from a million-dollar company to a billion-dollar company. We’d had success despite major recessions. It was something to proud of.

  Morgan leaned over toward me and offered me a soft smile.

  “You seem so much happier,” she said, quietly.

  I chuckled. “I was that bad lately?”

  “I was very worried about you.”

  “I’m not going to say it’s been my finest hour lately, but I am muddling through.”

  I waited while one of the other employees came and shook my hand. “Thank you again for the bonuses.”

  “Thank you for helping my business,” I said. “Let’s keep working together to make a lot of money.” I grinned.

  We exchanged one more handshake before he stepped out. The next few minutes passed as I offered my final handshakes and thanks to the rest of my employees until only Morgan and I remained.

  She sighed and glanced at her wine glass. “I should have thought ahead.”

  “Did you drive here?”

  She nodded, “Will it be a big deal if I have to come and pick the car in the morning?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll speak to the manager about it.”

  “I guess I should call an Uber or something.”

  I watched her for a moment, a dangerous idea suddenly entering my head.

  “No need. I barely touched my glass. I can give you a ride home.”

  Morgan stared at me for a moment as if deciding to take my offer. She nodded, “Thank you, Daniel.”

  Chapter 20


  My heart raced as I thought about my lie. Maybe I could pretend it wasn’t actually a lie. I’d never actually said that I was too drunk to drive home, I just implied it, though the truth was that I’d barely touched one glass of wine and was stone cold sober.

  I didn’t care. I was tired of pretending I didn’t want more from Daniel, tired of not moving on. The last few days had convinced me I had a shot at something with him, and I wanted it.

  Getting him to give me a ride home would at least give me a chance. Was it wrong? I didn’t know. At that point, I didn’t care.

  The next thing I knew, I was in Daniel’s car after he’d chatted with management about leaving mine overnight. Quiet stretched between us as he drove toward my apartment.

  “It was a nice dinner,” Daniel said. “You did really well, especially considering the short notice.”

  “Money helps,” I said, and chuckled. “And really all I did was a pick a place and make some reservations.”

  “You picked the right sort of place and made sure they had the right menu. You’d be surprised how many people could screw something like that up.”

  “Thank you.” I looked out the window for a moment, looking up at the cloud-covered sky. “How are
you doing?”

  “Me? Fine. I didn’t drink much of anything.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just—”

  Daniel glanced my way for a second before returning his attention to the road. “Just what?”

  “You were so overwhelmed the other day. I’ve been really worried about you.”

  He frowned. “I’m fine now. The new nanny is working out great.” He sighed and shook his head. “I want to apologize again for that. I had no business calling you up and asking you to come over.”

  “It’s fine. I liked helping.”

  “But—forcing you to be around a baby—”

  I looked into the side mirror and finished his sentence, “—was good for me.”

  “Good for you?” Daniel sped up slightly to pass a car.

  “I’ve held in so much pain for a long time but dealing with Sasha reminded me of the importance of life.”

  A surprised look spread across Daniel’s face. “Oh. That’s good.”

  “Yes, very good.” I smiled softly.

  We lapsed into silence until several minutes later, when my apartment building came into view.

  Daniel pulled up to the curb. “Guess we’re here.”

  I took a deep breath. This was my chance. I just needed to think of something to say to get him inside. My heart pounded, and my palms were sweating.

  Should I be indirect or blunt? Was I deluding myself entirely about having any sort of real chance with Daniel?

  I bit my lip and shook my head.

  “What’s wrong?” Daniel said.

  Bold. It was time to be bold.

  “Would you like to come up for some coffee and possibly a good time?”

  His brow lifted. “A good time?”

  I nodded slowly. “I’m tired of pretending there’s nothing between us. I ignored it because of everything that’s happened, but now that you’re okay, I—” I shrugged, my cheeks heating.

  Knowing I’d probably misread everything about what had gone on between us, I knew I’d have to deal with the fallout from hitting on my boss.

  Daniel grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.” He hopped out of the driver’s seat then headed over to open my door.

  Swallowing hard, my heart was thumping even harder than before. We were really doing this. I couldn’t believe it.

  I led Daniel to the apartment building lobby, and to the elevator. We rode up in silence, and I wondered if this was all a mistake I’d soon regret.

  It didn’t help that Daniel didn’t say a word. Finally, the elevator doors opened, and we walked down the hall to my apartment. I pulled the keys out of my purse, my hands shaking so badly that it took me a few tries to unlock the door.

  Daniel followed me inside, locking the door behind us.

  I motioned to my small living room. “Not exactly your place.”

  He looked around for a moment, a curious glint in his eye. “You were making more than enough before to live in a bigger place than this, and with what I pay you now, why here?”

  “I don’t need a lot of space. Just a place to come home to.”

  Daniel nodded slowly. He hung up his tuxedo jacket on my coat rack with a chuckle, then stepped toward me.

  “How about that coff—” I began before his mouth crashed against mine.

  Electricity shot through my body, as I parted my lips and allowed his tongue in. Our previous kiss felt like it had happened a lifetime ago.

  Heat pooled in my center as his tongue danced with mine, exploring, struggling, and tasting. I moaned into his mouth as his hands caressed my shoulders then my sides.

  My own hands slid against him, but there were too many layers of fabric between his muscles and my fingers.

  I slowly pulled away, frowning.

  “What?” Daniel said.

  “Your clothes are annoying,” I muttered, nodding toward my open bedroom door.

  He snorted, “I agree.”

  I sashayed toward the bedroom, already tugging at the straps of my dress. By the time, I was inside my room I was already wiggling out of my dress. My shoes followed.

  Daniel had rid himself of his cummerbund, shirt, and undershirt, revealing the hard planes of his chest.

  I licked my lips at the sight, eager to run my hands all over him. First though, I dropped my thong to the floor and unfastened my bra. I now stood totally naked in front of Daniel.

  The enormity of the situation blasted through me. I hadn’t been totally naked in front of a man for years.

  He watched me with hungry eyes as he removed his shoes, pants, and socks. Finally, his already tented underwear joined his other clothes on the floor, allowing his hard cock to spring fee.

  I almost gasped at the sight. He was certainly blessed in that department.

  Daniel approached me, stalking me like a lion in the savannah. My heat pooled at my center. Yes, I’d gone to bars with Jacy and had men obviously interested in me, but right then, right there, he looked like he wanted to gobble me up, and damn if I didn’t want to let him.

  He pulled me tightly against him, my breasts rubbing against his chest as he sucked, nibbled, and licked my ear, then worked his way down to my neck. His rough hands caressed my sides, which were no longer covered.

  I let out a soft moan, enjoying his touch. Daniel pushed me down against the bed, and I smiled up at him.

  Daniel kissed me lightly on the lips then moved down. I’d expected more attention to my neck, but he kept going and took a nipple into his mouth.

  A pleasurable lightning shot through my entire body. All the masturbation or toys in the world would never feel as good as a man’s touch, coupled with the excitement that accompanied the knowledge that another human being desired you.

  His took my nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking and teasing it while he sucked. I arched my back, forcing more of my breast into his mouth and let out a loud moan.

  His hand drifted to my other breast, where he kneaded and squeezed before flicking my nipple. I shuddered with the pleasure shooting from nipples to the rest of my body.

  I wondered what he was thinking, but he was currently too busy sucking on my nipple to let him talk. After a few seconds more, I stopped caring what he was thinking, the wonderful sensation pushed the other concerns out of my head.

  My eyes closed, and I let out another soft moan of pleasure. I don’t know how long he worked on my breasts, but the seconds seemed to stretch into minutes.

  Until suddenly, his mouth and hand were gone. My eyes snapped open, and I glanced down at him, only to find him shifting farther down, his mouth inching closer and closer to my wet heat.

  I watched, my breathing ragged as he finally completed his journey, stopping above my clit. He lapped at me like he was eating an ice cream cone. A jolt of pleasure shot through me, and I let out another loud moan.

  His tongue circled and teased my clit. My center grew even slicker with need. I closed my eyes again, trying to concentrate only on the wonderful sensation blasting from my nub.

  I cried out as he pierced my tight center. It took my brain a few seconds to realize that it wasn’t his cock, but a finger.

  “You’re so tight,” Daniel muttered before going back to lick my clit.

  He pulled his finger slowly out, then pushed it back in. He repeated the movement, speeding up each time until it couldn’t be described as anything less than fingerfucking me.

  My toes curled, as the pressure built up in my center, and the pleasure radiated out from my pussy and clit to the rest of my body. My insides stretched as he added another finger.

  This time when he pushed in, he twisted and hooked his fingers, bumping different parts of my insides as he pulled back. I cried out at the glorious feeling.

  Every part of my body was aflame with pleasure now, and I knew it wouldn’t be long until I came.

  I panted as his skillful mouth and hand continued to do their work until my muscles tightened around his finger and pleasure blasted through
me. I cried out.

  Daniel lay there a while, his fingers still inside my twitching pussy, until slowly pulling them out. The void saddened me.

  I looked down at him, and he looked back with a grin. His grin started to fade and was soon replaced by a frown.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Damn it,” he mumbled. “I didn’t really think about the chance we might have sex.”

  My heart sank. Was he already regretting?

  “So? We’re having it now, and what you just did. I haven’t felt that good in a long time.”

  “I didn’t bring a condom.”

  My heart soared, and I let a laugh. “Oh, that’s all you’re worried about? I’m on birth control.”

  The grin returned. “Oh, that makes things easy then.”

  I yelped as he hoisted one of my legs over his shoulder. His hard and thick cock stood, ready and throbbing, just inches from my hot pussy.

  His expression turned serious. “We don’t have to. Not if you don’t want to.”

  “Fuck me already. If you can make me feel that good with just your fingers and mouth, I want to see what you can do with the real deal.”

  “You’re pushy, Morgan. I like it.”

  Daniel positioned the tip of his cock right in front of me and then slowly pushed. I gasped as he stretched me, pain mingling with pleasure. Even though he’d used his fingers to bring me to orgasm, his cock stretched my walls. I took several deep breaths and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  He finally finished seating himself inside me. Full. So very full. I could feel every twitch of his cock inside me.

  “Please,” I begged.

  Daniel moved his hips and then shoved into me in one long stroke. His fingers had been good; his dick was ridiculous.

  The pleasure overwhelmed me, and I couldn’t even get anything out beyond a strangled moan. I closed my eyes again, giving into the sensations of my arms around his neck, his chest brushing against my breasts, but most importantly, the hard cock sliding in and out of me.

  After a few moments of him thrusting, he shifted the angle and started hammering into me. I was wet and stretched enough at this point that there was only pleasure left, no pain, but I could tell I’d probably be sore in the morning.


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