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The Hot Daddy Box Set

Page 14

by Lexi Wilson

  I didn’t care.

  The slap of our flesh colliding filled the room, along with his grunts and pants. He sped up some more, making me wonder if my boss was secretly a machine.

  It was too much. Just too much. The pleasure shot through my center with every thrust, and now there were too many of them to let any sort of actual thought linger in my mind.

  Daniel sped up even more, his grunts louder now as he his cock pushed so deep into me again and again. I cried out as another climax exploded throughout my body, and I tightened my arms around him.

  But he didn’t stop. Instead, he continued pounding and pounding and pounding me, extending the aftershocks of my orgasm. His thick rod managed to swell even more, until he cried out his own release, painting my hot insides with his cum.

  We both lay there a moment, panting. I enjoyed the feel of his warm cock inside me and whimpered as he pulled out.

  “It’s a good thing I faked being drunk,” I mumbled.

  Daniel arched a brow. “Faked being drunk?”

  “I didn’t know how else to get you here.”

  He laughed, his still mostly firm manhood brushing my pussy lips. I let out a shuddered breath.

  “Next time, just be honest,” he said. “Then we don’t have to worry about getting your car.”

  He shot a broad grin at me. I smiled back.

  “I can’t stay all night,” Daniel said. “I have Sasha at home, and even with the nanny there, I don’t want to ignore my niece. But, I think I have time to do that again if you’re interested.”

  My insides twitched at the idea, and I nodded.

  Chapter 21


  I jerked awake to pounding on my bedroom door.

  “What the?” I mumbled, shaking my head, and looking at the clock. Morning. Saturday morning? That sounded right. No one should have been pounding on my door on Saturday morning.

  I reflexively patted the side of my bed, looking for Morgan. She wasn’t there. Confusion returned.

  Was Morgan the one pounding on my door?

  More pounding from the door brought me back to the moment.

  No. She couldn’t have been there. We didn’t have sex here at my place; it was at her apartment. Then I’d come home and fell fast asleep after checking on the sleeping baby.

  Maybe she’d come over.

  Still confused, I rose and hurried to the door. I threw it open, expecting a certain sexy dark-haired assistant.

  Instead, Sandy rushed past. The nanny’s face was a mask of panic.

  My stomach knotted, and my heart kicked into overdrive. There was only one thing that could make a woman like her panic.

  “Is something wrong with Sasha?” I said.

  “Sasha? What? No, no, no.” Sandy shook her own head as if trying to clear it.

  I didn’t like seeing the nanny so worried. She’d been so calm and collected the entire time she’d worked for me.

  “Sasha is fine,” Sandy said. “She’s sleeping, and—” her eyes widened, her face turning bright red. “Oh boy,” slapping a hand over her eyes, she ran out of the room.

  “What the hell?” I said, now even more confused than before. This was not the kind of morning I’d been expecting. I looked down and her reaction suddenly made sense.

  Apparently, I’d forgotten to put on any pajama pants or underwear before going to bed last night. Not a normal thing for me, but not uncommon either.

  “Ugh,” I muttered, hurrying over to my dresser to pull out some sweats and a T-shirt.

  Clothes on, I rushed into the hallway where Sandy waited, her face still red as a lobster. I hoped she didn’t try and sue me over that.

  “Sorry,” I said. “But you were pounding on my door like the house was on fire. I hope I didn’t traumatize you too much.” I forced a nervous laugh in a feeble attempt to defuse the situation.

  Sandy rolled her eyes. “I’m not a little girl. Yes, I was a bit surprised to walk in and see you as God brought you into the world, but it’s certainly not the first time I’ve seen a naked man.”

  “Okay, glad we have that taken care of,” I said. She might not be suing me anytime soon, but that didn’t change the fact that she’d been pounding on my door early in the morning. “What’s going on? You’re sure that Sasha’s okay?”

  Sandy jerked her head up and down. “Yes, yes. Like I said, she’s fine. I—the reason I’m being so abrupt is that I needed to let you know as soon as possible that I have to leave.”

  I blinked several times, not sure I’d just heard what I thought I’d heard.

  “Excuse me?” I asked. “Leave?”

  “Yes, I have to leave,” Sandy said. She let out a long sigh. “I’m so sorry. My granddaughter was just in a serious accident in California. I need to be her side, so I need to catch a plane immediately.”

  “Is—will—she…” I sighed. Personal inconvenience for me didn’t trump family. “Is she going to make it?”

  Sandy swallowed and nodded once. “They assured me she would, but she will need months of rehabilitation.”

  I soaked in the information. This wasn’t like with Fiona. Sandy wasn’t trying to screw me. She wanted to take care of her family, just like I did. There was no way I could be angry at her for that, even if I was frustrated.

  Slowly nodding, I said, “I take it you’ll not be back anytime soon? If at all?”

  The woman shook her head slowly. “My daughter will need me to help look after my granddaughter once she’s out of the hospital. I’m terribly sorry.”

  “Okay,” I said. “I’m sorry to see you leave, but I certainly understand the need to take care of family after a tragedy.”

  Some of the concern drained from her face. “Thank you, Mr. Brown. You’re a good man, and I hoped you would understand.” She spun on her heel and sprinted down the hallway with surprising speed.

  Running my hands through my hair, I made my way toward my niece’s room. Only a few feet away, Sasha started crying.

  I chuckled. All the running around and pounding on doors probably woke her up. I opened the door and stepped inside. The godawful smell resolved any mystery of why she was crying.

  Sandy had done a lot for me, including encouraging me to change at least a few diapers a day. While it wasn’t exactly fun changing baby diapers, but I’d gotten used to it pretty quickly, and it was a good skill for anyone around a baby to have, whether or not they had a nanny.

  I gathered the necessary supplies, then Sasha on the changing table and got to work.

  The sound of the front door slamming echoed through the house.

  So there I was, alone again with my infant niece.

  As I cleaned, powdered, and diapered Sasha, I tried to figure out where I should go from there.

  Sasha cooed on the floor, happy for the moment that she was clean, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before she started crying for some formula. She’d just awoken after being asleep for several hours, after all. She might be cute, but she wasn’t patient.

  “Damn it,” I said, not worrying about cursing in front of a baby that couldn’t even say ‘goo-goo, ga-ga’ yet.

  I rubbed the back of my neck. The nanny agency I’d hired Fiona and Sandy from was reputed to be one of the best in the city, but they were currently zero for two. It was as if the universe was conspiring against me.

  Sandy had her reasons, and I understood them, but that still left me with a baby, and a company to run. The idea of asking Morgan to help floated up. She was good with the baby.

  Although she hadn’t started working from my house yet, we’d already planned for it, and now that I knew that being around the baby didn’t upset her, the whole thing sounded like a plausible idea. Perfect even.

  I shook my head. No. It was perfect for me, not for her. Just because she wasn’t traumatized by the baby didn’t mean she was volunteering to be my part-time nanny, and maybe she would be upset if she were forced to spend more time around Sasha. The truth was, I didn’t know.

  Picking Sasha up, I carried her into my room where I set her on the bed. I was unsure of what to do, so I figured I’d slap on some real clothes and head over to Hunter’s place. Thank God it was Saturday. Maybe a little coffee and a friendly face would cheer me up. If not, at least it would help me finish waking up.

  It would also let me kill two birds with one stone. I’d been so busy that I’d barely had time to talk or see my friend, and he also seemed strangely busy lately.

  I glanced down at Sasha as she lay quietly in the middle of my huge bed. She looked extra tiny there. I made a mental checklist of everything I’d need to bring.

  That’s what it meant to be a parent; even the simplest trip became a carefully planned expedition.

  When I pushed into the front door of Hunter’s shop, infant seat with sleeping baby in hand, I stopped, surprised at what I saw.

  Several customers lingered around, and more than a few of them shot smiles my way at the sight of the baby. I didn’t care about them or the smiles they had for Sasha. Instead, I focused on Morgan who sat at a table in the back across from Hunter and Jacy on the other side.

  Jacy kept leaning on Hunter’s shoulder and touching his leg. Awfully cozy and comfy, it seemed. I guess that explained why he’d been so busy.

  My gaze fixed on Morgan. We’d not talked much about where we wanted to take our relationship, or if we even had one. That was something I needed to clarify.

  The night before had been wonderful and made even better by the fact that she’d gone out of her way to initiate everything, leaving me with no doubt that the flame between us had been real and mutual all along.

  That didn’t change the fact that everything that had happened the night before happened after I’d made it clear that I had my life together again and the situation with the baby was handled.

  Last night, I was a responsible guardian of a baby, not a panicked guy looking for a nanny solution. But here I was, back to square one.

  Did it matter? I didn’t know, but I wasn’t about to give up on Morgan yet. For now, though, I had a more immediate problem to solve.

  As I made my way over to the group, Hunter spotted me and said something to the others. They looked my way.

  Morgan smiled warmly, but Jacy’s eyes widened.

  I chuckled to myself. Judging by her reaction, Hunter probably wasn’t missing me, as he now had her to spend his free time with.

  My gaze flicked to Hunter, and he only grinned at me after nodding slightly at Jacy. I decided I didn’t want to ask about what they had going on. When my friend wanted me to know the details, he’d tell me.

  Given his laid-back reaction, I presumed Hunter must not have heard I’d slept with Morgan, either from her or her friend, which was a good thing. I appreciated a woman who didn’t feel the need to be blabbing everything about what we might do together.

  Morgan stood and took the infant seat from me. She gently sat it next to her. Sasha didn’t stir.

  “Did you decide to do some weekend work at the office?” Morgan asked with a smile.

  “Not exactly.” I slipped into a chair beside her. “Something came up, and I came here seeking advice.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Let me get some coffee first, and then I’ll explain.” There was a fourth cup on the table, still overturned. A carafe sat in the middle of the table.

  I poured some coffee into the cup, took a large sip, and smiled. “Ah, nectar of the gods.”

  “Of course,” Hunter said. “You wanted advice? I’m guessing from me.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll take it from anyone who can offer it.”

  Jacy and Morgan exchanged glances.

  “Please tell us what’s going on,” Morgan said.

  “I lost my nanny.”

  Everyone winced.

  Morgan sighed. “I thought you said everything was going well. You seemed a lot happier when I saw you at work.” She looked down.

  “Everything was going well, but she had a family emergency and had to take off in a rush. It’s not like I can begrudge her that. Her granddaughter was seriously injured.”

  Jacy took a sip of her coffee. “Can’t you just call the agency and ask for another nanny?”

  “I could, but that’s two strikes now. What’s the point of going for a third?”

  “Switch agencies, maybe? I mean, they aren’t the only nanny agency in Seattle.”

  I shook my head and let out a quiet grunt of annoyance. “No, they aren’t, but they are supposed to be one of the better ones, and I’m tired of bad luck. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t feel like getting used to new nannies constantly, it’s kind of intrusive. Hell, I don’t even like getting used to new assistants.”

  Morgan shot me a quizzical look, and I shrugged.

  Hunter leaned forward. “What are you saying then?”

  “I’m saying, I guess I’ll have to spend more time at home, or bring the baby to work more, or something like that, at least for the next little while.”

  Morgan looked up. “I’ll help.”


  “I’ll help with the baby,” she said. “You were going to have me at your place half the time anyway. Maybe we can both work from your house for the next few months. It’s not like I’m ever needed somewhere else, anyway.”

  Jacy and Hunter exchanged glances.

  “I can’t ask you to do that,” I said. “That wasn’t outlined as part of your duties when I hired you.”

  “Maybe, but you didn’t, and I’m volunteering, so I don’t see the problem,” she shrugged. “Especially considering how young she is. It’s not like I’m going to have to run down a toddler escaping through a doggy door.”

  I mulled it over. Everything Morgan said made sense, and there was a certain natural synergy that came from her helping me out and already being my personal assistant.

  “You’re sure?” I said.

  Morgan nodded, “I’m sure.”

  “And this won’t cause you trouble?”

  Morgan shook her head. “Being around the baby isn’t going to upset me.”

  I exhaled slowly. “Well, I guess we have a solution then.”

  Chapter 22


  I’ll help.

  The words had come out before I realized what I was even saying. It was almost like it was pure instinct.

  It didn’t matter. Not really. Even when I realized the implications, it didn’t change my opinion. Everything about the idea felt right, and the more I thought about it, the more logical it seemed. So why not?

  Being around the baby didn’t upset me, and Daniel needed the help. Not only did he need it, but little Sasha needed stability. She deserved the help after coming into the world without a mother or father who cared.

  A few days with his super-nanny might have left Daniel less frazzled, but that didn’t mean he was suddenly ready to take care of a baby full time, and the sad state I’d seen in him before would probably repeat itself if I didn’t help. That would only make work harder for me anyway, so I might as well get in on the front end.

  Besides, Daniel and I were obviously starting something. I didn’t know where it would end, but I didn’t think the night before, as wonderful as it was, was just about some quick pleasure, so it only made sense that I’d offer to help with the single most important thing in his life. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have any sort of chance at a relationship together.

  “I think we should put a playpen in the office, in the corner,” I said. “We can take turns with bottles and diapers, and the like.” I shrugged, “I’d offer to do all of it, but I still have to work to do.”

  Daniel nodded slowly, surprise still heavy on his face. “Yeah, that makes sense, and you’re right. If I’m not going to hire a new nanny, this is probably the best way to handle the situation.”

  I wondered if he’d thought of having me help but had worried too much about my past. Maybe he expected his bad luck to continue, even if he didn’t actually hi
re a new nanny. I could understand how he felt after going through two professional nannies in such a short time.

  For that matter, the entire situation was the result of bad luck. It was like he was cursed. He was stepping up to take care of a niece from a sister who died in childbirth. Even though I knew women still died in childbirth, even in the United States, it’s not something I would have thought anyone would have had to plan for.

  Not that I minded becoming a new part-time nanny. Helping Sasha provided an easy way for Daniel and me to continue to connect as a little baby got the help she needed in early life. I think everyone could agree it was a good situation all around.

  I glanced over at Hunter and Jacy. They just watched us, curious looks on their faces.

  “That all sounds pretty simple,” Daniel said, furrowing his brow. “I’ll have a playpen delivered on Monday.”

  “You were already planning on having us work half the time from home anyway, so I don’t think it’ll be that much of adjustment if we end up working from your home for full days now and then. We’ll just have to be careful about scheduling meetings.”

  “True, true. And it’s not like anyone can complain. It’s my company, after all.” He laughed at his own joke.

  Sasha shifted slightly, still asleep. My heart melted at the sight. This little girl needed a woman in her life, at least for a little while.

  I picked up the infant seat to plant a small kiss on the baby’s forehead. When I put her back down and looked up, everyone was staring at me.

  My face heated. Maybe if I weren’t so embarrassed, I would have noticed Daniel coming in from the side. He kissed me full on the mouth. My knees went weak, and I only barely resisted opening my lips. A kiss, even a kiss on the mouth was one thing in public, but I didn’t want to take it to the next level in public. I hope he understood that.

  “Hey, Morgan,” Jacy said, a strange look on her face. “Join me in the bathroom for a second.”

  “Okay,” I said, looking between my friend and Daniel, who wore a stupid grin on his face as if his public display of affection was the favorite thing he’d done in a while. Probably was.


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