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Page 41

by Lisa Beeson


  “Then I’m going with you,” Myles said as though that was the end of it.

  “No,” Cam insisted. “This place needs you,” he pointed back towards the open door of the renovated stables. “Your ability is too important to what they’re doing here. The world needs you more than I do. I’m a big boy, pops. I have been for a while. I don’t need you to look after me,” he said trying to convince himself as much as Myles.

  “You might not need me, but I need you.” He grabbed Cam’s shoulder and squeezed. “I almost lost you today, and it nearly killed me.”

  The hurt in his father’s eyes felt like a dagger to the heart. Cam hadn’t meant to make it sound like he didn’t care about him. Putting his hand on Myles’s shoulder, he gave him a reciprocating squeeze. “I love you, Dad, and I always will. But you’re needed here and I need to be by her side. The Xjaamin lady said so,” he said with a shrug as if that was the ultimate decisive factor. “And if all goes well, we’ll find a way to come back. I promise.”

  “I’m not going to force you to stay,” Myles said with a look of understanding in his eyes. “But if you go, I go. That’s it.”

  Before Cam could argue further, a high-pitched whistle pierced the air.

  Looking in through the door, Cam saw Kael make a “we’re heading out” motion with his hand and everyone began following him out of the stables. Roche gave Cam an appraising look as he and Myles silently fell in line behind them. Cam could see the judgement in Roche’s eyes. He knew the guy thought of him as a tag-a-long kid who needed his daddy to protect him, and he was tempted to give the French asshole a swift kick in the back of the knee. But he managed to control himself. He had to prove that he was mature enough to do this and somehow figure out a way to get Myles to stay. It was going to be hard enough proving his value and grit to these guys without having to keep looking over his shoulder to see if Myles was okay.

  As they made their way back towards the farmhouse, Cam saw Jean-Baptiste, Adam, and Ari saying their goodbyes. He felt a swell of satisfaction that he wasn’t going to be one of them. He had made his choice and he chose her. It was the right thing to do; he could feel it in his bones.

  Was he scared out of his mind of what she could do and what she could become? Of course. But Cam was no coward. She had shown him some impossible mind-blowing things, and some very dark things – things that did not help his inferiority complex at all – but he still felt that undeniable pull towards her. Nothing she had done had been malicious or calculating, it was all reactionary. He would have done the same if not worse if he were in her shoes. For better or worse, she was his soul mate. They would figure things out as they went along.

  He watched as Ari pulled away from Jack then enveloped Stacy in a hug, whispering something in her ear. Stacy smiled and nodded as they drew apart.

  As Kael made his way through the crowd towards Phil and Tess, Cam slipped in with Obasanjo, Wilson, Ryker, and Roche, hoping to get some space away from Myles. But the man was persistent and saddled up right next to him with a look of “you’re not getting rid of me, kid. So stop trying.”


  Skylar and Soren ran up to Ari and threw their arms around her. Ari squatted down and wrapped them both up in her arms, holding them close and kissing their heads.

  “Do you really have to go?” Skylar whispered in Ari’s ear.

  “We can find a way to make you better here,” Soren said in her other ear.

  Ari squeezed her minions, flooding them with her love as her heart broke apart. “I will always come back to you guys, I promise… even if it’s only in dreams. And we’ll have the best adventures.” She gave them a big squeeze then drew back, giving them her best smile. Her brave little minions managed to smile back with both heartache and admiration shimmering in their eyes.

  “I’ll love you forever and always,” she promised.

  “Love you forever and always,” they both echoed back.

  Standing up, she watched as the twins stepped back to stand with Noah, Jamie, and Val and she knew that they would be fine. They all would be loved and taken care of. Scanning the crowd of friends and family one last time, she tried to convey her gratefulness and love to each of them.

  She felt Cam standing amidst the mercenaries, but she dared not look at him, fearing the finality of his decision. She was savoring the suspended moment of “before”, where she could pretend that how they were in the Inbetween could go on forever.

  Just the thought of their kiss was enough to set her nerves afire and send her spinning out of control. If it had felt like that in the Inbetween, what would it be like in the real world?

  But what if he chooses to stay?

  It would be a good thing if he stayed, she tried to convince herself. It was what was best for him, even if it would tear her apart. Love was not being selfish. Love was doing what was best for the other.

  Pushing her warring emotions aside, she tried to focus on Kael talking with her parents instead. He was shaking their hands and thanking them for raising and taking care of her. Tess wiped her eyes before giving him a tight hug, thanking him for being there for Ari when they couldn’t be. His look of discomfort at Tess’s overt affection, before awkwardly patting her back, made it impossible not to chuckle. He was trying to be nice, and that was all she could ask.

  Clearing his throat, his eyes met Ari’s before saying, “All right. It’s time to go.”

  Tess nodded and let him go as she leaned back into Phil’s side, each of them holding the other up.

  “I love you,” Ari mouthed to them, tears burning her eyes. They mouthed the same to her as Sadie, Hector, Jack and Stacy came up beside them. Even sweet Mulligan sat looking happily up at her.

  Goodbye family…

  “Take care of her,” Phil said to Kael as steadily as he could.

  Kael nodded his solemn vow.

  “We will as well,” Jean-Baptiste promised as he and Adam came forward. Adam’s clothes had changed to black as well. He gave one last look over Paradise Glades, before his eyes settled on Jamie with a silent promise.

  “So will I,” Cam said, stepping forward with Myles right behind him.

  Ari’s eyes went to the ground as her chest swelled with emotion. He chose me… even after everything I showed him.

  “Are you sure,” Kael’s steely voice asked.

  “Without a doubt,” Cam answered.

  “And I go where he goes,” Myles said.

  Ari looked up at Adam and Jean-Baptiste. You have to protect them too, she pleaded.

  They both nodded.

  “The lass will be well taken care of,” Reid said from the group of mercenaries, Tauber nodding beside him. “So let’s get this show on the road.”

  Ari’s scalp tingled painfully as Jean-Baptiste held out his hand to start making the portal back to the hangar. His bracelet, tattoos, and eyes illuminated with an otherworldly glow as he concentrated on the air in front of him. A spark of light quickly dilated, and Ari’s chest constricted in fear at what lay beyond.


  Chapter 33

  Ari and Kael sifted through the portal with Adam and Jean-Baptiste close behind.

  Shouldering Roche out of the way, Cam managed to leap through just before Myles and the rest of the mercenaries.

  With a quick scan, Cam took in the trashed communications equipment, the blood and bodies on the floor, and both of the Jeeps were missing.

  As the soldiers spread out to canvas and area, Cam’s attention went straight for Ari who was already towards the back by the office with Kael and Paloma. A smeared trail of blood marked her frantic journey towards the back wall away from whatever had happened to her.

  “Paloma!” Myles shouted as he ran past him to where Kael and Ari were helping her lean up against the wall, a wound bleeding profusely from her abdomen.

  Cam sprinted towards them. Even with Myles’s head start he was still able to beat him over there. Holy hell, I’m fast now.

  “What happened,” Kael asked Paloma, his face inscrutable as his hand placed pressure over her wound.

  “We wer-” she grunted, before her face contorted with a grimace of pain.

  “Shhh, don’t talk,” Ari said while placing a hand on Paloma’s head. “Just think about it and show us.”

  As her and Kael’s eyes became unfocused, Jean-Baptiste came over to stand close by.

  “Do something,” Myles begged the Xjaamin as he held Paloma’s limp hand, his face pale and beading with sweat. Cam could tell he was barely holding it together.

  He couldn’t have Myles in this kind of danger, and he knew that as soon as Ari was done reading Paloma’s mind that she’d try to heal her. Her words in the Inbetween sounded like a klaxon in his mind: every time I use my growing abilities my body breaks down even faster.

  He couldn’t bear to lose either of them. He had to protect them from themselves.

  “Jean-Baptiste,” he said, meeting the Xjaamin’s silver eyes before he could answer Myles’s plea. Can you read my thoughts?

  Yes, the big man thought back with a nod.

  You have to take Paloma and Myles back to Paradise Glades, for both theirs’ and Ari’s sake. Please…, he begged.

  After an excruciating long pause, as if he was calculating something, Jean-Baptiste nodded.

  Cam’s shoulders sagged in relief. He turned back to Myles. It hurt to do this, but he’d rather have him safe than dead. “Dad…”

  Too focused on Paloma’s rapidly greying complexion as he took her pulse and cursed under his breath, Myles didn’t respond.

  “Dad,” Cam said a little louder and shaking his shoulder.

  “What?” Myles said, forcing his focus away from Paloma to look at Cam.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Myles’s eyes narrowed. “Yeeess,” he said uncertainly. “Why?”

  “Because I’m always on your side.” Cam leaned in to give him a quick, firm hug of reassurance. “And everything will work out the way it should.”

  “Okay… that’s disturbingly ominous and vague.” Myles said with a wary scowl, obviously trying to figure out what Cam wasn’t saying.

  Ari and Kael’s eyes finally refocused as both of them took in a quick intake of air.

  “We’re losing her,” Myles said to them, his thumb still taking the pulse in Paloma’s wrist.

  Ari took a deep breath as she placed her hands on Paloma’s abdomen. As she was about to close her eyes, Jean-Baptiste stopped her. “Don’t. Save your strength. I got this.”

  “Please forgive me,” Cam said to Myles a split second before Jean-Baptiste swept Myles, Paloma, and himself through a portal and disappeared.


  “What the…,” Ari sputtered, her hands suddenly touching nothing but air.

  “He took them back to Paradise Glades. I asked him to do it. It was for the best,” Cam admitted, trying to hide the pain in his voice.

  He was giving up his father for her. I’m so sorry, Cam.

  “What did she show you? What happened here?” he asked.

  Ari glanced over at Kael, who was already standing up and formulating a plan of action. A twitch in his jaw was the only indication that he was furious.

  “It was Mara,” she told Cam.

  Standing up, she looked over towards the chinook where Wyatt and Randall’s bodies lay on the ground in growing pools of dark blood. Their xjaasai were gone. They were dead. Underneath the horror and denial swirling in her heart, she was just as furious as Kael was. These were her people. No one takes what is hers.

  Mara will pay…

  Cam looked over to where she was staring and cursed.

  “They heard gunfire outside, then there was this piercing high-pitched sound that brought them all to their knees and made their ears start to bleed. Petra’s brothers came in and froze everyone while the others released the prisoners, destroyed the coms and took the maps. Then Mara commanded Wyatt and Randall to shoot each other in the heart.” Her voice broke as her throat tightened. Swallowing the bitter gall of horror and grief, she gathered herself and was able to go on. “Then she commanded Johnson to shoot Paloma before making him go with them to fight against us. He’s under her control now, but he managed to lower his aim to miss her heart.”

  Cam cursed again.

  “Agreed,” she said.

  “Kael.” Reid shouted from the open entrance of the hangar. Night was quickly falling behind them. “We lost five men out here, not including the new recruits. The plateau is clean, but we found this one running back up the path.”

  Roche pushed Johnson forward, his face streaked with road rash and his clothes torn and dirty.

  Ari focused-in and checked his intentions.

  “He managed to defy Mara and jump from the Jeep to get back to us,” she said, as they walked towards the others, feeling a swell of admiration for the man.

  “It’s alright,” Kael said to Reid. “He’s still with us.”

  “Is she okay?” Johnson asked, his eyes full of pain and remorse for what he’d done to Paloma.

  “She will be,” Ari assured him. “Do you need me to heal you?”

  “He’s fine,” Cam interjected before Johnson could answer. “It’s nothing you can’t handle, right man?” he asked, his eyes burning into Johnson’s.

  “I’m all right,” Johnson assured to her, his pride eclipsing his pain.

  “Good.” Cam said. “Now why would they take the Jeeps instead of just leaving in one of the helicopters?”

  “No pilot,” Johnson answered. “And she’s set on making you all pay for everything you’ve done. The bitch knows how to hold a grudge, and she won’t rest until we’re all dead.”

  “Where are they going?” Kael asked him.

  “They’re heading west, towards the ruins.”

  “They have the maps. They know that’s where we’re going,” Ari said.

  “Then we’ll prepare for an ambush,” Kael said to them all. “But let’s not give them too much of a head start. Let’s gear up and move out.”

  Ari looked out over the island, watching Adam sweep through the air in the distance, seeking out their enemies. Confident that Jean-Baptiste would find them, she ran her fingers over the new rune on the back of her neck.


  The curtain of night fully descended as they made their way down into the jungle.

  Cam trailed to the back of the group, giving Ari space as she quietly strategized with Kael, Johnson, Reid, and Tauber.

  The mercs put on their night vision specs they as entered the deeper darkness under the jungle’s canopy. Traveling adjacent to the path the Jeeps traversed, Cam searched the trees and foliage with sight way better than the specs could give him. Instead of a blanket of green, everything was alive with its own vivid identifying color.

  His head whipped to the right as the air wavered before dilating out and Jean-Baptiste walked through a portal that immediately closed behind him.

  He met Cam’s eyes. Paloma is well. Your father is upset, but Badb is speaking with him. All is settled.

  Cam let out a breath of relief and nodded. Thank you.

  Jean-Baptiste nodded back then walked up front to the others.

  Roche slowed down to keep in step with Cam. “What happened to Myles?” he asked quietly, keeping his gaze on the jungle around them.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Cam mumbled.

  “You don’t need the specs to see anymore, huh?” he asked, almost conversationally.

  “Apparently,” Cam said, not bothering to keep the snark out of his voice.

  “How’d that happen?”

  “I found some radioactive goo and decided to play in it,” Cam said offhandedly as he followed a bat flying through the canopy.

  “It was her wasn’t it?” Roche flicked his chin up towards Ari. “She did it to you.”

  At Cam’s silence, he smirked, knowing he was right. “Do you think she could do something like that for me?”

bsp; Cam bit down his rage at the Frenchman’s gall. “She’s not giving out abilities like party favors, man. You’re only alive right now, because she healed you at a great expense to herself. So stop being such a greedy effin’ asshole and count yourself lucky.”

  Roche shrugged as if he wasn’t bothered in the least by Cam’s aggravation, which only infuriated Cam even more.

  “So you still have a thing for her, huh? Even though she’s been ignoring you.”

  “It’s more than a thing, Roche. Also, it’s mutual, so keep your grubby Pepé Le Pew paws away from her. Got it.”

  Roche let out a huff of derisive laughter, while he lifted his leg to straddle a large log in their path, as if Cam was no threat to him physically or romantically.


  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asked Cam, glancing back with a patronizing look while clearing the log with his other leg. “Your daddy’s not here to keep you out of the fight this time. Do you have it in you to take someone’s life? It’s much harder than you think.”

  Cam gave him an unwavering stare as he easily launched himself over the log with a standing jump, landing surefootedly on the other side, never breaking eye contact. “I’m prepared to whatever it takes to protect Ari and get her where she needs to be,” he said.

  “So you say.” Roche’s lip curled in a dark grin. “But we shall see.”

  Cam felt like breaking the smug bastard’s kneecap with a swift kick, but he managed to hold himself in check. “Get off you high horse, man. You’re only like three years older than me, so calm down,” Cam said tightly. “And what’s your deal anyway? You’re like twenty years younger than the rest of the mercs, so you couldn’t have possibly worked with Kael in his soldier-for-hire days. What are you even doing here?”

  “You really want to know?” Roche glanced over at him with shrewd eyes, as if trying to take his measure like some kind of a pale imitation of Kael.

  “It’s why I asked.” You pretentious asshat.

  “Fine,” he said with feigned indifference. “My parents loved sailing; it was their passion, they excelled at it. My brother and I spent much of our childhood on our Family’s boat sailing around the Pacific. One night on our way to Bali, when I was ten-years-old, the sky suddenly clouded over right on top of us as the water began to bubble underneath the boat. The air pulsed painfully around us, bombarding our brains and eardrums with a deep, bone-rattling frequency. A dark gaping hole opened in the clouds, and the boat began to lift in the air. My older brother shoved a lifejacket in my arms and pushed me off the side before it got too high. I watched helplessly in the churning water as the darkness swallowed the boat and my family whole. As soon as they disappeared from sight, the clouds dissipated, leaving only a clear night sky. I was alone. My brother and my parents were everything to me, they were all I had, and suddenly they were gone without a trace.


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