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Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon

Page 11

by Jossy Loes

  It was Monday and from the early hours of the morning her mood changed so rapidly, she was angry, being observed by her friend.

  —Elena, why such a face? —she asked, waiting for any complaint to tell her to stop this nonsense—. Who knows, you might stumble upon some Scottish from the movies. —She sighed loudly—. That's what you need in your life.

  —Bea —replied Elena, feeling bored.

  For months she has been saying that, in summer, she would start Outlander, a series of a few books that she had read a long time ago, and which she had lent to her when they discovered they had something in common.

  Bea daydreamed about a highlander when she discovered they would issue a series. Listen to it once, she could tolerate, but it was now on the border of the heavy and absurd.

  —I'm not so imaginative —she replied—. And I won't deny that they look so cute, it's just that I'm going to a course, not on vacation or to hunt a Scottish with the kilt, and that course changes my plans for hibernation.

  —How boring! —mocked Bea with a grin on her lips—. If I had been sent to Scotland at this time of year, I would be jumping from joy, after the course I would book a tour to enjoy the beautiful scenery and if I would find a big strong fellow with the kilt, just like in the novels, I can assure you that I would rush into some of those adventures.

  Elena sighed thinking that she was starting with the same thing, waved her hand ignoring the nonsense of her friend and continued working. For her it was clear, the story stays between the sofa, the fridge and the TV, she had decided to stay in the neutral group, no boyfriends, no friends with benefits, no sporadic stuff, no flirting.

  A long time ago she had last relationship, which ended up because of being monotonous. She had realized that he didn't love her and she, being a practical person, was honest, and after a stormy end, decided to stay single for a while.

  Not that she was giving up love, on the contrary, she maintained the hope that one day she would find someone like her, and perhaps would end up with a beautiful wedding. She breathed deeply and continued on with her work, resigned by seeing her vacation on the sofa going away.

  Keith's week flew, he came quite tired to the headquarters office that offered tourist routes.

  Upon opening the door, he walked into his company that he had started from scratch together with a friend, it had cost him much effort to maintain it, but the dynamism and the closeness they had with the tourists made it become one of the best. From the beginning, together with his partner, they were the guides along with other two more people whom they contracted to have better access to various places of tourist interest.

  With the passage of time he had the best results, his partner decided to move to the administrative tasks and Keith remained as head of the guides. He would have delegated that task to somebody else, but he was fascinated to be able to tell each story or legend he had known since his childhood to all who were visiting his country, and to see how they were astonished, it was his reward.

  The summer was approaching and it was the busiest period, they had several trips that month, and the most important were those three days in the highlands with a large group of English from an important company.

  Without hesitation he thought of running himself that one in particular, he was amused as a good Scottish to mock with them, bragging of having the best landscapes. He smiled, knowing what he was planning, closed the program on the computer and went in search of a group that spoke Spanish.

  Despite the fact of not speaking it perfectly, it could be said that he understood it and spoke fluently, thanks to the classes he took during three years to attract Spanish-speaking people. He saw his group a bit sparse, cleared his throat, arranged his white polo shirt, his kilt, and called for their attention.

  —Good day, does anyone speak Spanish? I feel a bit lost among so many redheads who speak rare dialect. —The Spanish-speaking tourists roared with laughter and continued the game. Keith came closer and immediately addressed them—. Welcome to the route of the castles of legends, this humble Scottish will be your guide today. —The tourists smiled and got on the vehicle where the rest waited.

  Within a few days from her departure, Ana received an e-mail notifying that the company had booked a tour of three days, starting following Friday after her arrival.

  She drew a small smile on her mouth, she imagined a brunette like her with brown hair and black eyes among so many blonds. "Bea, you're a witch", she thought. Her friend had been the only one who mentioned booking a tour, and as if by magic, the company contracted one.

  "There are no such things as coincidences", she said to herself. She had an idea of what she needed for this trip and thought that it would be best to enjoy it. The life reserved a surprise to her and she began to see the situation from another perspective: at the end she would have a small vacation.

  Tuesday in Edinburgh, after a long day, she went out with her English peers to a pub, the bad reputation they had of being stretched seemed funny to her. What is certain is that, the ones she had for companions, they were the exception to the rule, without forgetting that one or two of them flirted with her.

  She recalled for a few seconds Bea and her fantasies and thought that she had been wrong, it was not going to be a Scottish with the kilt who with she might have an adventure, the big strong fellow she had fantasized about would end up being an English with armor.

  She avoided laughing at the coincidences of destiny and focused on what her peers talked about it, until she saw him. She had been to Edinburgh several times and it was strange to see a man with a kilt, but he was different, he had something that she couldn't describe.

  A small lock danced on his face, and with a movement of his head he put it to one side, his face was covered with a small one-day beard or maybe two-days, and not to mention his height, which was considerable. The Scottish sat at the bar and greeted with enthusiasm the people around him. Elena was able to focus on the leg protruding from his kilt. It could be seen that he was in good shape. She closed the eyes trying to undo the image, and cursed her friend for having shoved in her head that stupid idea.

  She focused on her companion with all her strength while she was saying to herself: "It's just another Scottish, Elena, another Scottish".

  Keith had a long-lasting excursion, with children included, it was one of the best tours he used to lead. He had to strive to make it funny by telling good stories for little ones to give him their full attention and the result were the faces of excitement that reflected what they had heard and what their imagination had created.

  After returning from that tour, he went back to the office, changed, put on a sweater and went to his brother's pub to sit at the bar, greeted everyone, as usual, and his brother upon seeing him joked right away.

  —How was your day? Have you flirted with some tourist? If it wasn't the case, you still have option, we have the pub full and I've seen a Bonnie[9]; you should take a look, Keith, it seems to me that she's a stranger. —The laughter following that comment burst immediately.

  —Always the same, Dougal!

  —Of course, my brother.

  Keith laughed, took a sip of beer and talked with him for a while, but his brother's joke intrigued him and he preferred to look around when he was busy, avoiding additional mocking. He waited patiently and when finally got the opportunity, he turned not expecting to see anyone.

  Ten minutes have passed, and the probability of seeing the woman in question was scarce. However, a brunette was noticeable among so many blonds and he knew that his brother was right, she was a stranger. He observed her carefully, saw her smiling, and to him it was the most beautiful smile he had seen in his life, which squared with her dark eyes.

  It was normal that all gathered around this exotic beauty, he drank another sip of his beer and unconsciously fixed his gaze again and this time, their eyes met. She smiled and Keith didn't think twice, as a good Scottish, he approached to give her a warm welcome.

Elena laughed at the bad jokes by the English and, for two seconds, she crossed her eyes with the Scottish at the bar, smiled, and then blamed herself for the pitchers of beer she had taken. She avoided looking up again and concentrated on continuing the conversation, which was difficult, as it was a discussion about her for being so unconscious, until she heard a greeting in Scottish language and wanted to sink into the chair.

  —Awrite[10]. —Elena raised her head slightly and saw him.

  If from the distance he was attractive, up close it could be said that he was the main character of any novel of that time.

  —Hello —she replied with some embarrassment.

  —Are you happy with the service? —Elena half-opened her eyes pondering about the answer she could give, obviously he didn't come to ask this.

  —Yes —she replied—. The Scottish are always so cordial —she heard a group complaint of her English peers, which made her laugh—. Peace! I haven't told any lies —she said to the group in mocking tones—. You have to admit it.

  Her companions laughed and continued reproaching jokingly. On the other hand, Keith was taken over by the girl who was smiling with slyness and sweetness, adding the skills that she had to respond to the mocking complaints of her companions. He has to get to know her, whatever it takes.

  —By your accent I notice that you're not English —said Keith, trying to make sure his intuition not to fail. Her way of talking and her features gave him certain details, but he wanted to make sure that she says it by herself.

  —I'm Spanish.

  His guess was correct, thanks to so many Hispanic tourists who had booked the tours that they offered, he managed to recognize the accent.

  —La suerte me acompaña —added Keith in Spanish.

  Elena opened her eyes, she had to pinch herself, it wasn't possible that he speaks her language, that was unusual, as if life wanted them to get to know each other. In that moment, a feeling which she couldn't describe was born.

  —I would rather say that we are lucky —she replied with sincerity and forgot for a few seconds where she was, seeing the enigmatic smile that curved the lips of the Scottish.

  She was not used to flirt with the first one that spoke to her or to stay like a fool drooling over a man as good as he was, but who could resist.

  Keith turned to smile at Elena's reply. "The Spanish were weapons waiting to be grabbed, without any doubt," he said to himself.

  In his work he had had the opportunity to interact with many women, and none of them was like that girl who was in front of him, as if she was the positive side of a magnet and he was the other pole, he felt extremely attracted.

  The English observed the man who stood next to Elena without departing and, above all, how they spoke in Spanish. The Spanish realized that she should, at least, present him, to pretend that they knew each other, and in the end, that they were partners, since she didn't want any gossip or rumors about her. She devised a plan within seconds and hoped that the Scottish would follow it.

  —My friend here present, I met him one of the last times I was in Edinburgh.

  The English stopped speaking and with a mocking smile waited for her to continue. Elena reproached herself, she thought that she could pretend they knew each other and now instantly realized they would not believe her.

  —It's true —added Keith—. I did one of the tours that I organize, and one of my employees is her friend.

  The English hesitated whether to laugh or to take seriously the explanation. However, his supervisor, Tom, observed how they looked at each other slyly and dared to be the one to clarify the doubts.

  —Elena, were you the one who suggested the tour?

  Elena found herself caught in her small lie, she remembered vaguely the one contracted with her sister two years ago, she was sure that he was not the man who was by her side, she would have remembered him perfectly. She could not leave the unknown Scottish with the lie in the air and there was left no choice but to follow.

  —Yes, and as you can see, they listened to me. —The English decided to pretend they believed her and give her a truce. Elena felt relieved, and Keith thanked the English in silence for not to follow through and let him know of the name of Spanish.

  —When will be your tour? The agency has several this week —wondered Keith, tempting the fate.

  —On Friday, we'll go to the isle of Skye, Fort Williams, Inverness and I don't remember other places —answered Elena, in the name of all.

  Keith had the urge to ask if she knew what was the name of the agency and in that instant realized that if he did so, all the farce he had with the Spanish would fall apart and, for some reason, she said as the course was known.

  He recapped the information of the booking: a group of English of a transnational company, and these guys in front of him formed a group of English people who apparently all worked in the same company, there was a big chance that the beautiful girl is on the same tour that he was going to lead.

  He had to find a way to spend a few minutes alone with her and to ask the relevant questions. If it would be as he was thinking, the opportunity of his life had just arrived. If that was the woman that fate put on his path in a peculiar way, he was not going to let her escape him.

  —Elena, do you want another beer?—suggested Keith, praying that she would accept.

  —Yes —she replied without hesitation, so she got up to go with him to the bar, it was her way to thank him for maintaining her lie.

  Keith guided her and from the bar his brother observed him with a raised eyebrow. Elena took the moment to thank him for ignoring the smile that was beginning to raise on Dougal's face, but the Scottish surely saw it. She was sure that they would joke later, as soon as they get out of the local, but with so much hustle and bustle they will surely forget all and she prayed for that.

  —I appreciate that you followed my little lie, although I got the feeling that they didn't believed it at all. —Keith ignored his brother and curved a small smile on his lips.

  —What makes you think that?

  —Despite not looking at them, I have the slight suspicion that they are faced towards us —confessed Elena.

  Keith raised his head a little and found out that she was right. During the following seconds, they were carefully watching at everything what was Elena doing and, however, in the end they returned to their world and forgot about the Spanish, so it was best to reassure her.

  —I think that your friends have forgotten you. I'm sure that if you would disappear now, they wouldn't notice, including... —He stopped for a second and thought to take her out of there to some neutral place.

  To invite her to dinner and let her hear from him some curious history of the city, the chance was only one and he couldn't sit down to think about whether it was a good idea, he should take it or leave it. The only thing that he expected in return was that she was ingenious, something that was already tested and he was sure that she would go to pick up her purse and coat, giving some excuse that would indicate to the English that she would return to the hotel.

  —Would you like to go for a dinner? I know a good place.

  Elena looked at him, that Scottish had something that made her trust him, and she couldn't explain why she had to do it. She curved her mouth and turned around, thinking that she is about to commit the greatest madness of her life, she went to the table where she was sitting, picked up her purse and coat, said goodbye with a brief explanation and went out of the pub, expecting that the Scottish with the kilt would understand what she did.

  Keith, his arms crossed, saw every movement of Elena, including her exit. That was a resounding yes, so he left without saying goodbye to his brother, that was the best. And when he stepped on the street, he saw the beautiful Spanish waiting outside for him.

  —Since you're a tour guide —said Elena—. I imagine this place you take me to dinner must be amazing, otherwise, I will go to one of those criticism pages and I will speak bad of your tourist agency. —Keith la

  —Bonnie, you don't know the name of my company. —Both smiled as accomplices of some intimate joke—. I assure you that you will be satisfied, but before I want to do a proper presentation, I'm Keith MacKay —he said, tending his hand and she shook it.

  —Elena Fernández. —And with that symbolic gesture, Keith had won her full trust for the following hours.

  —Now that we know our names, what do you think to take a walk down the Royal Mille? Do you like Italian food?

  Keith had hoped that she liked it, he loved the Scottish food, but his second favorite food was the Italian.

  —I love it! —added Elena—. It's one of my favorites.

  That was enough for Keith to feel that this woman had fallen from the sky for him.

  As they walked along the Royal Mille, he told her legends about the old Edinburgh that she had heard earlier, but from the mouth of Keith those stories led her to imagine being in that time, his way of telling details and describing characters was fascinating. Without realizing, they crossed the George IV Bridge and arrived to the restaurant he had pointed out, the kindness and chivalry of Scottish captivated her.

  The restaurant was cozy, not to mention the attentive and friendly staff. Elena noticed well the confidence that Keith had with the employees, she would not ask him how many tourists he had recommended the site, but she couldn't deny she liked it and he was right, it was a great place.

  Between the dishes, she was getting to know the background to this Scottish who had come out of nothing, of how he had begun from scratch his business and how much he liked it, about the countless people who had lead on tours... each time when he laughed, Elena was melting inside.

  Keith was mesmerized by the Spanish, he was watching her with care while talking to her, devouring each word as if it was the only opportunity that he had to listen to her, noticing in her eyes the sincerity of the interest that she granted him.

  Some time later she told to him what she did, why was she in Edinburgh, and in that way the hours were passing. They returned walking the entire Royal Mille. Keith asked to accompany her to the hotel and once at the entrance, they looked at each other, moved closer and ended with a kiss as if they wouldn't like to be separated ever.


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