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Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon

Page 12

by Jossy Loes

  It was something that nobody would have dared to do with a stranger.

  A kiss that at first was shy and turned to be passionate and with greater strength. The Scottish came to the Spanish, putting his hand on her back to hug her and to wrap her with his arms. Elena took between her fingers his jersey, asking for more. She was about to drag him into her room and let herself be seduced, but he was the one who moved away.

  —See you tomorrow, Bonnie —he said, recovering from that outburst, and she listened to him, bewildered.

  —Tomorrow? —she asked, somewhat puzzled.—What makes you think that tomorrow you'll see me? I seem to remember that on Friday I'll go to The Highland. —Keith smiled.

  —Tomorrow I'll wait for you and we'll go to another special place and this weekend will be the best of your life. —Elena raised one eyebrow.

  Because of him being so handsome and for kissing her, igniting the desire in her body, her cables were crossed. "What did he believe?", she thought to herself. "And he will ensure that I do the tour with his company? How dares he!".

  —In the same pub? —repeated Elena with irony and Keith nodded, came over to say goodbye with another kiss, but she walked away—. No, today you won't get your complete ration. —She turned her back and entered the hotel.

  "If you think that I would go, you don't know me", he said to himself and reproached, for leaving her with burning desire.

  The urge to grab her arm and bring her closer to him and to kiss her again was there, beating strongly, but he didn't want everything to be abrupt, he wanted to see her again, so he didn't understand the attitude of the Spanish. However, in that moment, he realized that he had been so stupid, he hasn't even asked for her phone number.

  When he saw that great detail, his beautiful Spanish was nowhere to be found.

  Elena spent the night thinking about Keith, his smile, his eyes, and his kiss, he delved into her mouth, demanding as if he were the owner of her body, making her want to be possessed that night, but the reality deflated her desire. If he thought that he would win, she had to go back and hold firm until the exit from the company about seven in the evening.

  She walked along the Royal Mille, went to a café and ordered a Caramel Machiatto to follow his path, taking a walk and remembering the stories that her Scottish had told her. She circled around the city center until came to the castle of Edinburgh, and when she returned to the hotel, as if the life made them an appointment, they met again.

  —Bonnie! —he said in a happy tone, as if in that moment he was the happiest man on the earth. Elena opened her mouth and had to close it immediately, the only response she accepted was a coincidence.

  Keith waited for an hour and supposed she wouldn't appear. In the morning he had passed by the office to make sure that the company he was working for was the same one hired for the tour, and he hadn't been wrong.

  He supposed that she was angry with him for not staying with her last night and after much pondering, he concluded that it was a mistake. As soon as he saw that she wouldn't appear, he decided to go to the hotel and ask for her; if something went wrong, he was not giving up so easily.

  He came out thinking what he would say, some huge excuse to accept again to go out with him and all he could do was to pray to be able to find her. A prayer that didn't make him much effort when they ran into each other again. He saw the bewilderment on her face at first, but he felt happy to have a new opportunity and if he wanted to win that beautiful woman, he would have to get to her heart.

  —I think I shouldn't resist the destiny —finally said Elena a little embarrassed by what was going on.

  To tell the truth, she wasn't prepared to say that she was considering the idea of returning to the pub, but when Keith approached her, she forgot everything she had thought about and, without saying anything more, he turned to kiss her; this time a soft and compromising kiss.

  Elena dropped all the defenses before that big strong fellow when she saw his dimples when he smiled. Keith, on the other side, didn't want to part from her looking at that beautiful face look him back so tender, he fastened both hands and gave a subtle kiss in her knuckles and fixed his eyes on hers.

  He wanted to spend the rest of his life next to that beautiful woman and it had to start that same day. Maybe somehow differently, and the idea came immediately to his mind.

  —Do you know the spooky route?


  —I don't mind being your guide again —he said winking at her.

  Elena said nothing, because again, Keith stole all her attention. The stories of killers and killings were very descriptive, at some moments she got a face of disgust and he laughed, because just having her at his side was the best thing that could have happened in the day.

  They returned to the starting point, the hotel, and this time they both wanted to go further, but stopped themselves, promising to meet the next day, their hearts asked them to feel each moment as unique. Keith knew exactly that Elena hadn't come by chance, and having casual sex with her just hours after they met didn't fit into what they were experiencing. He was sure to see her the next day and was patient, every minute he realized that life was wonderful.

  That night, again, Elena thought again and again how Keith shook her between his arms and the urge to call him with any excuse was growing. She came to think that she was going crazy, the necessity to feel his body touching hers was strong and she had never felt this urge before a stranger, she concluded that there was always a time for everything and, apparently, it was her time.

  She sighed, and by all means wanted to get rid of these ideas, blaming her friend Bea for putting into her head so many fantasies from the novels that she read.

  —Oh, Bea! —she said out loud—. You have the mouth of a toad.

  The next day the young woman was unproductive thanks to the Scottish who didn't let her fall asleep. In the morning she wished it was the afternoon, she hesitated whether to go and then she thought that not only she was going to go, but she would tempt him, a mere punishment for those two nights that she had been dreaming to be in his arms without anything between them.

  Without thinking, she said goodbye to her companions and took a taxi to go to Jenners, there she bought a tight red dress along with some long tights. She returned to the hotel, showered, dressed, fixed a little her hair and put on make-up, believing that she was ready for a night that her intuition was telling it would change her life.

  It was a non-working day for Keith and there was a Champions league match. As expected, most of the pubs would be full. He decided to help Dougal, to move his thoughts from Elena, who had been there all day long. The coincidence each time became more and more interesting, in his mind appeared again and again her lips and her way of responding made him anxious. If he had stayed a few more minutes the night before, he would have pleased her. Although he wouldn't rule out to go with the flow the next few hours.

  Gradually the pub filled up and that kept him busy, his brother with a gesture told him to look toward the door and his mouth reached the floor, his eyes lit up and, as she came closer, he wanted to get her out of that place to be the only one who can enjoy in this beautiful woman.

  Elena saw as Keith's eyes dimmed, showing the desire that he felt and it made her feel irresistible. He sighed as soon as she was next to him.

  —Good afternoon, Bonnie, you're... I don't know how to describe it. —She curved the corner of her lips, surprised by the innocent kiss of the Scottish—. I'll introduce you to some friends. —Without letting her react, took her to his acquaintances.

  The fame of the Scottish to be friendly and nice was true. At first she doubted if it was because of how Keith was holding on to her waist, indicating that she has to be treated as one of the family, but then she found that it wasn't.

  She tried to follow the conversation, even though she didn't understand Scottish and many times she was lost, minutes after they were left alone and he gave her all his attention.

  —I w
ant to take you to a place where I don't know if you can be comfortable. —Elena looked at him askance.

  —You're not going to put me on a cow. —Keith smiled—. No, but... —He asked her to get up and looked as if he were about to devour her—. I will take the risk, don't know if you would risk.

  The Spanish joined their eyebrows and thought that he was making fun of this proposition, the look of the Scottish inviting her to do so, and, finally, accepted. Keith took her hand and this time the interlaced their fingers, to go out and face what would that night bring them the destiny.

  Elena didn't think they would end up in a souvenir shop.

  —It doesn't matter that those don't go together, you are still looking beautiful —said Keith with sweetness.

  —I won't put these horrible slippers —Elena protested again.

  —If you put them on, it would last only for ten minutes.

  Elena hesitated and hesitated, she refused to wear those ugly shoes, but the Scottish once again used his sex appeal and melted her with it. "What am I doing?" she thought seriously. She was pleasing all his wishes and that's something she didn't use to do.

  —Can you give me a clue of where we're going? —she asked full of curiosity, to get an idea of what was up. He shook his head, knowing she had two responses: to say no and leave or to live that beautiful dream that became a reality.

  She looked at him again and got carried away, the worst that could happen to her was to end up on the bottom of the river Leith. When she accepted, they stuck in a dispute of who would pay for the shoes. Keith was stubborn and wanted to pay, he took off her shoes in a way that awakened the desire in her, stroked her calves and feet subtly, and made the same motion putting on the running shoes on her feet, while Elena looked at him expectantly.

  Keith replied with a tiny smile, making the Spanish remember his ancestors. They went out of the store with the bag in hand and continued to walk for a long time, as if they were lovers in the old city, until they reached the ruins.

  —I wanted you to see the sunset from Calton Hill.

  Elena had heard about it. From there could be seen the entire city and the mountains beyond. The first time she had been there, she found that the views were amazing, but she was never there to see a sunset. Keith took her hand firmly and they got up.

  The time they spent there made her understand the wonders of nature. The contrasts of a summer sun playing with the clouds, showing a mixture of unique colors, it all gave that romantic touch that she sighed.

  The cuddles and kisses burst while the sun was dropping. Elena was awestruck with caring gestures by that big strong fellow, letting herself fall in love, some time later they sat on the lawn in front of the national monument, she laughed at his attire, as she had been right, this night had been different as she had thought.

  She imagined herself being in any other place where Keith, who was embracing her in that moment, could take pleasure in her, and it was quite the opposite, she was on a hill, sitting next to a handsome Scottish, who was telling her a story to the ear and at the same time giving her tiny kisses on the neck.

  They finally arrived at the hotel between hugs and kisses and barely closed the door of the room, letting the desire overflow them on the carpet. Keith slid his hand up over Elena's thigh, stealing her a few groans, lowered her stockings and took off her dress to finally be able to savor and enjoy the body of that woman that had captivated him.

  Elena was only able to remove Keith's T-shirt, since she was a bundle of passion that didn't let her think before every kiss, lick or sigh. Upon undressing him, she confirmed how strong he was. The Scottish snaked over her body until reaching her breasts, grabbed them with his large hand and slipped one of the nipples in his mouth, gently biting and licking it, while the other hand went down to her sex.

  Elena was wet and this took him to twiddle with her clitoris, forcing her to come, he heard her calling his name in a fuzzy way and smiled, aware that she wished him to fuck her. When he finally managed to get rid of the jeans not to continue wasting the time, they watched at each other with the greatest of desires, desperate to feel one another.

  Keith looked for a condom, parted her legs and entered with an onslaught without gentleness to fill her completely. Each thrust was forceful, until they changed the positions. Elena was on top of him and that way both looked at each other. He grabbed forcefully her hips to enter deeper until he got drifted by an impulsive orgasm.

  The night wasn't long enough. Keith had to go home very reluctantly and pick up the things for the tour. They agreed to meet at the scheduled time, saying good bye with a kiss.

  Elena felt that she was living a story of novel. She took a shower thinking of Keith, of his arms, his broad back and the way they had sex. Smiled like a fool and went to get dressed.

  Keith finish quickly his backpack, it was hard to believe what he was living. The young girl let herself to him with passion and he got excited just thinking about it. "How am I supposed to endure the day without being able to kiss her?", asked himself. He would have to make up something to find any corner to take her to the sky, literally. He breathed out and took a quick shower, thinking about possible hidden corners in the places they would visit.

  At eight o'clock exactly, Elena was with her peers waiting for their particular tour guide. In the beginning she was excited to see him and, some seconds later, she became very nervous. "How to act in front of her peers?". She closed her eyes and the best decision was to follow her heartbeat.

  Keith was the first man that made it beat fast and she felt extremely happy as never before.

  The Scottish was a bit late and came to his office quickly, signed several papers and came out a little nervous toward the bus they used for long routes. He spoke with the driver, giving him directions and agreeing upon the music they would be listening to on the way, got off to welcome the tourists and no matter what they might say, took the arm of his girl and gave her a long kiss.

  The whistling began, making the Spanish blush, since the outburst that she just felt caught her off guard.

  He had sworn that he would be discreet, and from time to time come closer to her, but that was quite the opposite. She wanted to laugh. As always, the chromosome Cro-Magnon appeared to mark his territory, as if clarifying that she now belonged to him.

  She hoped that the ideas crossing her mind before the impulse of her boyfriend were absurd. "Her boyfriend!", she repeated in her mind. At the bottom of her heart and according to what they had experienced the previous night she felt that it was so.

  When Keith moved away to start the trip, she could look at him with pleasure, he was wearing a white polo T-shirt with the emblem of his company, the kilt, accompanied by some wool socks, leather shoes and the laces tied above his ankles, not to forget his Sporran.[11]

  Elena felt excited, it was as if some sexual fantasy she had some time ago became a reality. She imagined to have a few minutes for a quickie without any problems and was unable to hide her smile feeling a blush in her face, causing her to be ashamed for having that kind of thoughts in the middle of the street.

  Thanks to Tom, she put aside those thoughts, giving him her full attention.

  —So, he was just an acquaintance.

  —Things change very fast, Tom —she answered with embarrassment.

  —We waste our life on stupid things —loudly meditated her supervisor—. We don't make the most of the good times. —He winked and the young woman smiled, confirming that she agreed with his small pondering.

  Keith asked for everyone's attention and explained what the itinerary would be like for the first day, they all boarded the bus and there the Spanish saw her name written on a piece of paper located on the front seat. A small detail that ended up being the object of teasing by her peers, she could only smile, despite the fact that her heart jumped with joy at that gesture of her favorite Scottish.

  They passed through Callander and its wooded valley with beautiful lakes, Keith told the story
of Rob MacGregor and the battle that occurred in the area between Scottish Jacobins and English. At that moment began a small discussion with Elena's peers. They continued their way through the beautiful valley of Glen Coe, and he recalled the massacre of the McDonald's. How a late arriving letter killed an entire clan.

  Elena, mesmerized by the beauty of the landscape and what her particular tour guide was telling, was happy. That boy with red-brown hair and a few-days beard was occupying her heart, filling it with excitement, giving place to that small hope that she once got.

  She recalled Bea and how much she would be angry for not telling her what she was experiencing, but until that moment she didn't think of herself to be romantic, nor dreamed that some day she would experience such a beautiful story, and now her heart began to sigh for a man she hardly knew, a man who whispered into her ear fascinating stories, whom she kissed and loved with a passion that was indescribable.

  They followed the path and had lunch in Fort William, meal that was funny thanks to the teasing of the Scottish, who thought up a competition of who would be the first to eat the dish of Haggis with mashed potatoes. Keith roared with laughter to see the face of the English when he saw the large plate and Elena ate what Keith left for her, it was the only way to grab a few minutes for themselves and to walk the streets embracing each other, stealing a kiss when she least expected it.

  They came to the beautiful castle Eliean Donan, at that place he kidnapped her for an hour, brought her to a corner which he knew since he was a child and kissed her with possession, desiring to take off her pants to make her belong to him at that moment, his wishes were granted when Elena took his coat and crawled trying to satisfy her curiosity of what she would find under his kilt.

  Keith smiled as he kissed her, he caught that slippery hand and put it to his neck, they laughed again when she came back down to take off his T-shirt. Keith sighed, forgetting where he was, he lifted her by the waist, making her wrap around him with the legs and took off Elena's thermal T-shirt to get lost in her breasts. Then she had a moment of lucidity.


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