Book Read Free

That's Rock-N-Roll

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by Ginny Michaels

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  That’s Rock n Roll

  ISBN # 978-0-85715-326-5

  ©Copyright Ginny Michaels 2010

  Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright November 2010

  Edited by Andrea Grimm

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Ginny Michaels


  For my husband.

  Chapter One

  Yes. Just a little more. That’s it, baby. Liquid lightning shot down Christian Scofield’s spine. He thrust hard one last time into the oh-so-lovely ass of the willing groupie he and band mate Seth Perillo had chosen from the crowd that night.

  His eyes closed and his head fell back. Like so many other nights, he pictured himself buried not inside the willing woman in front of him, but in Holly’s luscious body instead. He could almost hear her cries of bliss as they came together in one explosive orgasm. Christian’s balls drew up tight and his cock jerked as he filled the latex barrier. Momentarily drained beyond the ability to move he remained still.

  There’s only one problem, asshole. She’s not Holly. The incessant voice inside his head returned, reminding Christian of his dissatisfaction.

  Hell! Frustrated, he slipped from the bed, leaving Seth to continue satisfying the girl currently shifting to riding his cock like a pogo stick. Christian snagged his jeans and underwear off the floor and plodded off to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

  When did this obsession with Holly start and why couldn’t he climax anymore without picturing her? He pitched the latex, cleaned up and began to dress.

  It used to be that nights like this, where sharing a willing woman who was into ménage was the highlight of the week or month, especially since it didn’t happen often. The kink factor of having one woman so readily take two men at the same time got his rocks off. Though, recently he’d all but given up on taking a woman to his bed and only bothered with sex when Seth managed to find a willing groupie wanting to share her body with multiple men and invited Christian to join in. Even then, he only managed to get it up when he pictured Holly in the woman’s place.

  Stewing over his new fixation with his former guitarist wasn’t productive or healthy. For all he knew she now hated his guts. Who could blame her? Neither he nor the rest of the band had fought for her when she needed them most. Instead, they’d abandoned her for fame and fortune.

  His reflection caught his attention in the mirror and he stopped. Who was that longhaired person with the day old facial growth and sad eyes staring back at him? More importantly, what happened to the rock star he was so used to seeing? When did he lose the taste for the lifestyle? He’d just spent the last half hour fucking an extremely sexy and willing girl, so why did he feel so…unsatisfied?

  Now certainly wasn’t the time to ponder the same question he’d been asking himself for weeks. It wasn’t as if he were any closer to a real answer anyway.

  Pushing his issues to the side, he returned to the bedroom to find Seth sprawled out on the bed with one arm draped over his eyes, apparently fucked into a stupor by the groupie now dressing in the corner. Her flush features only served to accentuate the look of complete contentment she wore. Normally, a perverse sense of satisfaction at the idea he’d had something to do with the girl’s pleasure would have filled Christian. Instead, a gnawing emptiness tugged at his heart.

  She looked at Seth, smiled and turned her gaze to Christian. “Thank you for a wonderful time, Christian.” She nodded to a motionless Seth lying on the bed. “Can you tell Seth I said goodbye? I don’t want to wake him.”

  What in the hell was her name? Christian shrugged. “Sure. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

  She sashayed up to him and placed a palm on his cheek. “I’m guessing I probably won’t see you guys again, huh?”

  “Probably not.”

  He had a strict policy about never seeing a girl he bed a second time, thus preventing any unwanted attachments. He motioned to the door. “When you get to the end of the hallway, the security guard will help you hail a cab.”

  Her smile widened and she leaned into him to place a gentle kiss on his lips. “Goodbye, Christian.”

  His gaze followed her until the door closed between them. Feeling more drained than usual, he dropped into a nearby chair and closed his eyes. Every night it was a different town, different problem with the band and it used to be a different woman in his bed. God he was tired.

  He’d only rested a moment before a pounding on the hotel door caused Christian to rocket from his chair and sent Seth jerking upright in bed. Knowing the entire floor was under security detail, Christian didn’t bother to check the peephole before flinging open the door.

  His bodyguard, Chester Knightly’s hulking frame took up the doorway, his eyes wide with concern.

  Instant fear caused Christian’s heart to skip a beat. “What’s happened?”

  “It’s Rally.”

  Those two little words sent a new chill racing up Christian’s spine. The band’s current guitarist Rally Michaels was a perpetual pain in Christian’s ass. The last time Chester banged on Christian’s door, Rally had trashed his hotel room and was threatening to jump off the balcony in his room. Drugs of course had been involved and he’d narrowly missed going to jail for possession and use of an illegal substance, not to mention the property damage he’d caused.

  “What is it this time?” Christian was almost afraid to ask.

  “Maybe you should go see for yourself. Paramedics are on their way up.”

  Paramedics? Chester stepped back giving Christian space to sprint by and down the hallway to Rally’s room. What in the hell has the dumb ass done this time? He skidded to a stop mere feet from where two members of the security detail performed CPR on Rally. Blood trickled down his arm, creating a small pool on the carpet just inches from where a used needle lay.

  Christian raked a hand through his hair and took a step back, allowing room for the arriving paramedics to enter. The entire drama played out as a repeat of previous nights and frankly, Christian was tired of it. Even if Rally managed to survive this latest round in his on-going battle with drugs, the tour would be over, since both the record company and the courts would insist on rehab. That was only if the courts didn’t toss him in jail first for violating his parole.

  Christian couldn’t help but think about how this wouldn’t be happening right now if the record company had waited for Holly to recover from her car accident. The only high Holly ever took pleasure in was playing music.

  Seth sidled up behind Christian and placed a hand on hi
s shoulder. “This shit has to stop.”

  “Don’t I know it?”

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  Christian could still see the pained look on Holly’s face when he’d told her the record company decided not to wait for her recovery. She’d nodded and said she’d understood, but deep down he knew it cut deep to see them move on without her.

  “Yeah.” He knew what needed to be done.

  * * * *

  Christian lightly strummed his guitar and looked over at his band mates. “According to management, as soon as Rally is well enough to leave the hospital, he’s headed for court ordered rehab.”

  Collin nodded and sank into the chair next to him. “I say good riddance. If I never see that jackass again it will be too soon.”

  Seth twirled a drumstick in his hand. “I’m with you there, but our contract is up, which means Rally’s rehab is a problem for us. If we kick Rally out, the record company might not sign us for a new deal.”

  “And if we keep Rally, there won’t be a new deal.” Nick opened the case sitting on the floor and pulled out his base guitar. “I don’t want to work with that raging asshole again.”

  “Me either,” Christian agreed. “But Seth’s right. We have a serious situation here. An incomplete band is a liability not an asset and no record company will take a chance on us, reputation or not.”

  Nick appeared to ponder Christian’s statement. “So you’re saying that even if we don’t want him in the band, for now we need to act like we do. Once we have a replacement lined up and ready to go, then we kick him out. That way we don’t fuck up any chances we have with our current or future record labels.”

  Christian nodded. “You got it.”

  Seth stood up and moved from behind his drum kit. “Christian and I have an idea we want to run by you guys.”

  Nick and Collin both paused, their gazes shifting from Christian to Seth and back. “Let’s hear it.”


  Nick grinned. “I already like the sound of this idea.”

  Collin leant forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Question,” he began, directing his words at Christian. “What about your feelings for her?”

  Christian felt his brow furrow. “What about them?”

  Collin continued. “Just hear me out. While I agree Holly is exactly what we need, I think I speak for all of us when I ask, what are you going to do about the sexual tension between you two?”

  “Holly had a strict no sex policy when it came to the band. I doubt that would change,” Christian snapped. He knew exactly what Collin was talking about and the thought of having Holly back in the band and not being able to make sweet love to her drove him crazy.

  Collin leant back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest. “Then I vote no.”

  Christian felt what could only be described as a lead ball falling into the pit of his stomach. He’d been sure the guys would go for the idea. “What?”

  “I agree.” Nick nodded. “I’d love nothing more than to have her back in the band, but not if it means dealing with the two of you dancing around your desires all of the time.”

  “Right,” Collin agreed. “The only way the band could work is if the two of you deal with your feelings. It would be better for you both to release that pent up tension by screwing your brains out every night in the hotel, than to bring it on stage and into the studio. None of us wants to have to step around the friction we had before.”

  Christian held up a hand. “Wait…you want me to have sex with Holly?”

  Collin grinned. “If it keeps you two from acting like sex starved idiots on stage then yeah, I want you to fuck her.”

  Never would he have expected a blessing from his band mates where Holly and his love life was concerned, but it appeared that’s exactly what he’d gotten. Christian shook his head. “Even if I did agree with you guys, she’ll never go for it.”

  “I don’t know, Chris.” Seth continued twirling his drumstick. “She might if we play our cards right.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Hear me out,” Seth began as he strolled around the room. “What we need to do is work on your relationship with her first. Then, once she’s fallen in love with you, we ask her back into the band.”

  Christian shook his head. “I don’t know, Seth. I don’t like deceiving her.”

  “We’re not. Look.” He stopped in front of Christian and placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’re all in agreement that you and Holly hooking up would be best for the band. If we take our time and approach her correctly, I believe it will all work out.”

  “She’s always been a stubborn one,” Christian argued. “Even if she did agree to come back to the band, which is a big assumption on our part, I don’t see her changing her stance on the no sex policy.”

  “Consider the position we’re currently in,” Nick said. “What do we have to lose by at least trying? If it works out, then we have Holly back.”

  “And if it doesn’t,” Collin continued the statement. “We’re no worse off than we are right now.”

  And right now, they were screwed. He considered their conversation. They’d given him permission to have the fantasy he’d been dreaming of for years. Implementing it would be another story. There was Holly to consider. She’d all but stopped contact with them after that first year they were gone. They’d even resorted to sending her birthday presents to her friend Zoë’s house because she’d moved and not provided a forwarding address.

  For all he knew she could be married with children by now. His stomach lurched at the thought and for a second he feared he might vomit. No! He gave his thoughts a mental shake. He couldn’t be so pessimistic.

  What he needed to do was test the waters and find out where Holly was now, what she was doing with her life, and if she’d even entertain the idea of coming back to the band. He reached into his pocket and toyed with his phone. He still had Zoë’s number programmed into his cell.

  Zoë would be a place for him to start. Then he could decide how to proceed. It wouldn’t be easy to win his way back into Holly’s good graces and he certainly wouldn’t blame her if she were a bit wary. After all, they’d burned her once.

  Still, with Seth’s help, if he played his cards right, not only would she finally end up in his bed, where she belonged, but Holly Decambra would return to her rightful place in the band.

  Chapter Two

  Six weeks later…

  What was I thinking? Holly stepped through the theme park gates and stopped in front of her two friends Zoë and Angela. “Tell me again why we’re here.”

  The two shared a quick look before Zoë walked over to the information stand, retrieved a map and came back to where they waited. “Since you won’t allow us to throw you a party for your thirtieth birthday, this is our way of celebrating the occasion without letting it slip right on by.”

  “Today is Saturday. My birthday isn’t until Wednesday.”

  “Which will put it smack in the middle of the work week and we’ll all be too busy to enjoy it.” Zoë placed her hands on Holly’s shoulders and turned her towards the midway. “Now stop being so uptight and enjoy yourself already.”

  “Just what type of rides am I going to be able to enjoy when I still have back problems from the car accident?”

  Angela frowned and unfolded the map as they walked. “I was with you during your last visit with your specialist. He said your back was completely healed.”

  “Yes, but I still have two fused vertebra. When he declared me healed, I doubt he thought I’d be riding roller coasters in my near future.” They passed by the end of one giant steel coaster and shaded their eyes against the sun as the people filled car roared by. Shouts and screams of delight filtered down towards them and Holly shook her head. “No way am I riding that thing.”

  “Nobody is asking you to. There’s the log flume, the white water rapids, the Ferris wheel, and about a dozen other rides that have nothing to do
with roller coasters and won’t harm your back.” Angela grabbed Holly’s hand and pulled. “Now stop being such a fuddy duddy and let us enjoy your birthday.”

  Outnumbered, Holly sighed and allowed her friend drag her along through the crowd to their first destination—a large carousel with both horses and menagerie animals. A slow smile tipped her lips. From the time she was a little girl Holly had loved carousels. It wasn’t just the dizzying feeling of going in circles, but the romance and fantasy that went along with allowing one’s mind to wander for those few minutes of fun.

  Holly climbed aboard a large black horse with red and yellow flowers painted into its mane. Angela took the lion next to her while Zoë went for a white steed covered in shiny silver armour a few rows up. Holly glanced around at the other animals filled with children, many accompanied by parents worried their little tykes might fall. “I feel ridiculous,” she said as the music began to play.

  “Why?” Angela motioned to a couple holding hands a few rows up. “We’re not the only adults on the ride.”

  “True, but it doesn’t feel very ‘grown up’ if you know what I mean.”

  “So what?” Angela grabbed the pole with one hand and leant back to wave her other hand in the air. “I hope I never grow up.”

  With a laugh, Holly turned her attention to Zoë a few rows up, where her other friend currently whooped and cheered with a small boy no more than six or seven riding on a giant green chicken next to her. “Speaking of never wanting to grow up.” She nodded to Zoë.

  Angela chuckled. “I think we need to take lessons from her.”

  Holly considered her friend’s words. One thing she loved about them both was their ability to let go of their inhibitions. There was a time, before her accident when she was as carefree as either of them. The band had been the one factor in her life where she’d been serious, always analysing all sides of an issue before making an informed decision. Then the accident happened and her carefree attitude washed away with the road. Maybe, just for today she could let go and be the woman she used to be.


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