Book Read Free

That's Rock-N-Roll

Page 2

by Ginny Michaels

  Three minutes later, she stumbled down the exit ramp laughing at Zoë’s antics. “What’s next?”

  “Gee,” Zoë tapped a finger to her temple. “Did I hear a hint of anticipation in your voice?”

  Holly did her best to glare at her friend, falling short when the grin she tried to hide broke free. “All right. I admit it. I’m having fun. Now can we move on before I morph back into a grump again?”

  An hour later, still damp from her tryst on the white water rapids, Holly sashayed along the walkway, soft drink in hand, trying to decide what to ride next.

  “The log flume is just up on the right,” Angela said after consulting the map.

  “That’s a—“ Holly froze mid-step, causing Zoë to run into her.

  “Hey, what’s the deal?” Zoë protested while rubbing the place on her chin that impacted Holly’s shoulder in the collision.

  It couldn’t be. There, a short one hundred feet away stood a man who looked too much like Christian Scofield for her liking.

  “That guy.” Holly pointed in the direction of a mini-stage where several men worked.

  Zoë lifted a hand to shade her eyes and turned her attention in the direction of the men. “Which one?”

  “The one with the long black hair and big dagger tattoo on his left bicep.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So? Doesn’t he look a lot like Christian?”

  “Maybe a little, but Christian and the band are still on tour, right?”

  “Wrong. The tour ended a month early when their oh-so-wonderful rhythm guitarist nearly died from a drug overdose. As far as I know they’re on sabbatical while he’s back in rehab.”

  “Even if they’re not on tour anymore,” Angela began “Why would Christian be here?”

  Holly wanted to say she didn’t care about the whys, but that would be a lie. She did care and for reasons beyond explanation, she needed to know the man’s identity.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure this is going to work?”

  Christian set the speaker cabinet down and turned to look at Seth. “Relax. I spoke with Holly’s friend Zoë and she promised me they’d be here.”

  Seth brushed a hand across his forehead, wiping the sweat from his brow. “I still don’t understand why we couldn’t just go to Holly’s house and talk to her.”

  “Kind of hard to do when her phone number is unlisted and she’s moved from the only address we knew.”

  “Why wouldn’t Zoë give you Holly’s address or phone number?”

  “She didn’t want to be implicated in this situation in anyway. If we showed up on Holly’s doorstep, she’d want to know how we found her. A chance meeting at the amusement park is random and she won’t be able to blame anyone.”

  Seth grinned. “You’re lucky Zoë still had the same phone number or we’d have been screwed.”

  “We would not. It simply would have taken longer to locate Holly. Now stop your bitching and help me with that other speaker cabinet. We’re supposed to be here as roadies for my little brother’s band, remember?”

  Seth shook his head. “I haven’t schlepped my own gear in years and now I’m doing it for somebody else’s band?”

  “Shut the hell up and grab that handle.”

  Whether Seth realised it or not, the local talent showcase put on by Trinity Lake Amusement Park provided them with the perfect opportunity. If Zoë actually managed to talk Holly into coming to the park, it would be the optimum place for them to meet after so many years apart. With so many people around, Holly wouldn’t dare make a scene, which would give them the chance to say their piece and sway her opinion. At least he hoped it worked that way.

  “Hey.” Seth landed a hand on his shoulder. “I think she’s here.”

  Christian looked up from the effects pedal he’d just set in place and froze. God, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her blonde hair had grown long with time, easily reaching the middle of her back even as some strands blew softly in the breeze. From what he could tell she’d hardly gained an ounce, with her curves all still in the right places.

  His heart gave a little leap and sped up as his mind pictured his hands cradling those soft hips while he made sweet love to her. His dick twitched and he resisted the urge to reach down and adjust himself.

  What if she says no? As quickly as his hard-on grew, it deflated. He shook away the negative voice inside his head. Everything that meant anything to him was riding on winning Holly back. Quite simply, this had to work.

  He stood rock still while she slowly closed the distance between them. What would he possibly say to her after five years? He’d thought about this moment nearly every day for the last six weeks, but now that it was here, his tongue seemed heavy and words abandoned him.

  Feeling as nervous as a bridegroom, Christian shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. Come on mouth, say something. “H-hello, Holly.”

  She slowed, then stopped a few feet in front of him. Her face was void of expression, yet her movements were hesitant as she lifted a hand to remove her sunglasses. Her cobalt gaze landed on Christian, kick starting his heart with a jolt he hadn’t expected.

  “I thought that was you,” she finally said. “What are you doing here?”

  He pulled a hand from his pocket and motioned to the sign positioned a few feet from the stage. “The park is sponsoring a local talent weekend and Corey’s band is playing. Since I’m not doing anything right now, I told him I’d be his roadie for the day.”

  A surprising smile lit up her features. “You? A roadie? That’s rich. I doubt you’ve carried your own equipment since you left on tour five years ago, yet you’re willing to haul your little brother’s gear around?”

  He returned her grin with one of his own. “Five years wasn’t so long ago. I remember what it was like and figured I’d help. Besides, it’s free admission to the park, which means when they’re through playing and my work is done, I can stay and ride the rides.”

  “Still thinking one step ahead, I see.”


  She nodded her acknowledgement to his statement, then her gaze travelled away from him to the roller coaster roaring by in the distance, the happiness in her face disappearing with the screaming riders.

  He glanced behind her to where Zoë and Angela stood. Zoë urged him on, waving her arms for emphasis.

  “S-so, how have you been?”

  “Good,” Holly shot back a little too quickly, her attention still focused on the coaster in the distance. “Real good.”

  Christian didn’t believe her for a second, but decided it would be best to let her statement go for now. “That’s great.”

  Exasperated, Zoë cocked her head to one side and mouthed the words ‘Say something’, at him. Apparently, patience wasn’t a virtue she embraced. From the moment Christian contacted her, Zoë’d been all for making this little encounter happen, citing that Holly had never been the same after the band left. Still, she had to know that this wasn’t exactly an easy conversation for him to have. After all, what do you say to the woman whose dreams you crushed?

  “I heard about what happed to your guitarist,” Holly finally said, bringing her focus back to him and breaking the silence a second time. “Tough break.”

  “Yeah, well. I believe that everything happens for a reason. So maybe this was a blessing in disguise.”

  “Do the other band members feel the same way?”

  “They do, but Seth’s here, so you can ask him yourself.” Christian motioned behind her to where Seth stood watching them from behind the speakers at the corner of the stage.

  She turned in the direction he pointed and her smile returned. “Seth.”

  Slowly he closed the distance between them, eventually reaching for her. Much to Christian’s surprise, she went willingly into Seth’s arms and wrapped her own around his neck in hug.

  “How have you been?” she asked against Seth’s shirt.

  “I’ve been
good. I’ve missed you though.”

  She pulled back, her eyes wide with surprise. “You have?”

  Christian jumped down from the stage, landing next to them. “We both have, sweetheart. I don’t think a day has gone by when I haven’t wondered how you were doing.”

  Her gaze drifted down and she kicked at an imaginary stone. “I still have all the letters you both wrote during that first year.”

  “You do?” Christian and Seth said in unison.

  She nodded, but didn’t look up.

  “Why didn’t you ever write back?” Seth asked.

  “Or call?” Christian added. “I gave you my cell number before we left.”

  “I thought about writing, but what was I going to say? You guys were living the dream while I was learning how to walk again, going to physical therapy and figuring out what I was going to do with the rest of my life.” Now she did look at them, her eyes brimming with tears. “I wasn’t about to bring you down or make you feel any guiltier than you already did.”

  Christian’s heart nearly split in half as he stared at her. Understanding the reasons for their decision to leave hadn’t made the situation any easier for her to accept. “I know an apology could never make up for what we did to you, but you can’t imagine how sorry I am about the way things went down when we left.”

  Holly opened her mouth only to close it again when Zoë’s cell phone began to ring.

  “Hello?” Placing a finger over her other ear so she could ear, Zoë walked away from the group.

  Holly turned back to them and began again. “There’s no need to apologise, Christian. You did what was best for the band.”

  “Yes, but we hurt you in the process. I still feel horrible about that fact.”

  “That was my brother-in-law,” Zoë began as she rushed towards the group. “Apparently my sister has finally gone into labour.” She rolled her eyes skyward. “After four false alarms, Lord only knows if this one will be the real deal or not, but since I’m the backup coach I still have to go. Unfortunately, since I drove that means Holly and Angela either have to leave with me or find their own way home.”

  Chapter Three

  “I really appreciate you guys volunteering to take me home.” Holly stirred her drink with her straw as they waited for their food inside the restaurant and pub.

  Sitting next to Holly, Christian exchanged a quick glance with Seth across the table. “We’re glad you were willing to stay.”

  “I haven’t seen you in so long. Of course I’d be willing to stay. Though I’m happy Angela went with Zoë. It wouldn’t have been as intimate and enjoyable having her here.”

  “True, but we could have stayed in touch if you’d written us back,” Seth protested, then appearing to realise the accusatory tone, clamed up.

  Holly leant back in her chair and looked directly at Seth. “You’re absolutely right but we’ve already covered this topic, so let’s choose another.”

  “I agree,” Christian shifted to one hip and angled his body towards her. “So how have you really been and don’t just give me ‘good’ as a response.”

  “Actually, for the last couple of years I have been pretty good. I’ll admit, that first year after the accident was hard. Between physical therapy and trying to keep the bills paid it was difficult. Zoë let me move in with her, which eased my financial burden.”

  “If you needed money, you should have called.”

  Her eyes filled with anger as she met Christian’s gaze. “I don’t sponge off people.”

  Tempting fate and the temper he knew she probably still held, he reached out and placed a hand over hers on the table. “For years you worked two jobs to make the rent while the rest of us pretty much sponged off of you. It would have only been fair to help you out when you needed us.”

  “Especially,” Seth added, “considering everything else we did to you in the process.”

  “Would it have eased your guilt?” she asked, her voice raw with emotion.

  Christian’s brow rose in surprise. “As a matter of fact, it would have, but that’s not the point.”

  She nodded. “You’re right and it’s a waste of time to dwell over what’s done.”

  “Okay,” Seth reached out, covering her other hand with his. “Let’s not turn this into a pissing contest. The last thing we want to do is upset you, hon. Why don’t you tell us what you are doing with yourself these days?”

  Christian wasn’t done, but knowing Seth was right, he let the subject drop—for now. This debate was simply an additional file to store away for another time, when he’d be able to break down that wall she’d erected. “Yeah, are you still playing guitar?”

  “I am. In fact, I’m teaching guitar at the Kingston Academy.”

  Seth pulled away from her, picked up his drink and finished it in one long swig before speaking. “Wow, Holly. Isn’t Kingston that elite private school in Montgomeryville?”

  She nodded. “That’s the one. They not only teach academics, but have special emphasis on music, dance and art.”

  Happy to hear she’d managed to land on her feet, Christian grinned. “That’s a really nice gig you have.”

  “I think so. Between the royalty checks I receive from the songs I wrote on the band’s first album and my pay cheques, I managed to buy my own home.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Christian did his best to sound happy for her even though inside his stomach clenched. It was stupid of him to think that she wouldn’t have moved on with her life while they were away playing rock stars. Still, hearing her talk about her job and home made one thing very clear—talking her into coming back to the band was going to be a nearly impossible task. Could he really ask her to give up the life she’d built for herself just to save the band?

  If they looked hard enough, they could find another guitarist to fill the slot without asking Holly to upend her life. The problem was, he didn’t want any other guitar player. He wanted her.

  “So, tell me what it was like being on tour.” Holly’s voice cut into his thoughts, pulling him back to the conversation taking place at the table.

  Seth shot him an imploring look.

  Wouldn’t sharing their experiences only serve to make her feel worse than she already did about what happened? “It really wasn’t all that,” Christian said, knowing Seth would back him up.

  “Yeah,” Seth agreed, toying with his now empty glass. “You’ve seen one large town you’ve seen them all.”

  Holly’s frown drifted from Christian to Seth and back. “Don’t try and tame it down for my benefit. I want to know the real deal. What’s it like to play to thousands of people?”

  One of the many things Christian loved about Holly was her need to talk straight about a subject, even if it meant hurting herself or someone else in the process. Giving her anything less in return would be wrong. “At first it was scary as hell,” Christian began. “Then it became pretty cool. Touring the world and seeing all the places we always read and talked about firsthand was inspiring. Then there are the fans. Nothing in the world compares to hearing thousands of people sing the words to a song you wrote back to you.”

  With a contemplative look, she nodded. “I always hoped to experience that feeling, but it wasn’t in the cards for me. Maybe someday I’ll get to tour the world though.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I’m sure you will, honey, especially if Seth and I have anything to say about it.”

  Seth gave a quick shake of his head, his gaze boring into Christian like daggers. Change the subject before it’s too late.

  “Of course,” Seth began, not waiting for Christian to steer the conversation in another direction. “Just like any job, it can get tedious after awhile.”

  Christian nodded. “There is something to be said for being able to sleep in your own bed from time to time.

  “I’m sure there is,” she replied, then pushed her empty glass to the middle of the table. “I love that we’ve had some time to catch up, but I’d really like to g
o ride some rides now, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” Grinning, Christian stood and waited for her to join him.

  “After you,” Seth motioned as they started their trek from the bar back outside.

  She stopped and angled a thumb towards the bathrooms. “Let me just hit the ladies room first and I’ll be ready, okay?”

  “Take your time,” Seth replied. Once she was out of earshot, he turned to face Christian. “I know you want her back in the band. I do too. But you said it yourself, if we dump too much on her too soon, she’s going to bolt.”

  Christian raked a hand through his hair, dragging it out of his eyes. “You’re right. I just didn’t expect to have such intense feelings at seeing her again.”

  Seth tilted his head to the side and looked at Christian with a gaze that made him squirm. “So I can assume you’re still in love with her?”

  Making sure Holly hadn’t returned yet, Christian glanced at the closed bathroom door then back to Seth. “Yeah, I think I am.”

  “All the more reason for you to take your time with her. Screw this up and it will be more than just the band that looses.”

  * * * *

  Enjoying the day more than she’d expected to, Holly walked through the exit gate of the giant Ferris wheel and glanced back at Seth and Christian. Funny, she considered as they strolled along the walkway behind her, how after everything that happened to her she still cared deeply for them both.

  Feeling the lump forming in her throat, she quickly worked to get her emotions under control. They had their lives and she had hers. To even allow her emotions to play into the situation would certainly lead to more pain in the end. “So what would you like to ride next?”

  “How about the log flume?” Christian motioned to the ride in the distance. “It’s muggy and I’d love to cool off.”


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