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That's Rock-N-Roll

Page 7

by Ginny Michaels

  Holly opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, twisted the cap off and took a long drink. After the accident, everyone around her kept telling her to look for the positives in her situation.

  “Everything happens for a reason,” Zoë had told her the day the guys left for the tour, the day her dream officially died.

  For those first few painful weeks she’d been so depressed that nothing could cheer her up. Then, as she slowly regained her mobility and with it her confidence, she began to seek out the positives Zoë talked about. In the end, it was a chance encounter at a friend’s picnic that made the difference. Coerced into giving guitar lesson’s to one of Zoë’s nephews, Holly found a new avenue for her love of music. One lesson became two, then three, then ten. The day she started work at Kingston Academy, Holly thought she’d put the band behind her.

  Over the last few years she’d come to find joy in the lessons she taught, measuring her own successes and failures by the accomplishments of her students. She’d learned to be satisfied with the opportunities life had offered her instead of dwelling on the missed chances of her past. Still, when it came right down to facts, no matter what joy she garnered from seeing her students succeed, it didn’t compare to her dream.

  She returned to the living room, dropped down on the couch and rested her head against the arm. Three days ago she’d been willing to settle for being a music teacher the rest of her life. Then Christian and Seth walked back into her world and turned her thoughts upside down.

  Denying that she enjoyed the time she spent with them Saturday night would be an outright lie. Finding out that they had ulterior motives for their actions hurt more than she could imagine. Yet, in those moments when she allowed the pain to subside, her mind considered the possibilities. They’d handled the situation badly, but could she really fault them for keeping the information about the band from her when they knew her feelings about sex within the band?

  For years, she and Christian danced around the sexual tension sparking between them, frustrating not only each other but the other band members as well and for what? Protecting the unit became a moot point the moment her car hit that ditch and flipped. With two broken vertebrate, a fractured hip and broken femur, her recovery was long and painful. Had the guys stood firm on their feelings about keeping her in the band, they would have lost everything they’d all worked so hard to achieve.

  As it turned out, because of their success and the writing credits she held on the first album, her ties to the band would always be there, whether she returned to them or not.

  A light tapping on her door had Holly pushing off the couch. Considering the earlier flower delivery, she had a good idea of who was standing on the other side of the door.

  Her suspicions were confirmed the moment she peeked through the side window. There, both looking as handsome as ever, were the two men who’d managed to make her feel beautiful and used all at the same time.

  Steeling her nerves, she blew out a breath and turned the handle. “Christian. Seth. What brings you two here?”

  Christian moved the dozen red roses he held and smiled. “Did you think we would forget that today was your birthday?”

  Seth held up the two bags he carried. “I hope you haven’t eaten, because we brought dinner.”

  She eyed the bags and despite her best attempt to stay angry with them, smiled. “What is it?”

  “Chinese,” he replied, giving her a sheepish grin. “I know it’s not a fancy dinner out, but we didn’t want to risk being noticed by fans. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all.” She stepped back, making room for them to pass. “Come on in.”

  As they passed by, she noticed the guitar case Christian carried with his other hand. “Planning to serenade me for my birthday?”

  He set the case down and smiled. “Actually, maybe you can serenade us.”

  Her brow knit in confusion and her lips tipped into a frown. “What do you mean?”

  He motioned to the closed case. “Happy Birthday, honey.”

  Awareness struck with a fierceness that nearly astounded her. “You bought me a guitar?”

  “Not just any guitar. Open it and take a look.”

  Her hands shook as she knelt and flicked open the locks holding the case closed. She lifted the lid and forgot to breathe. Nestled inside the velvet lining was the guitar of her dreams, the guitar she’d always wanted and could never afford.

  “A 1968 Les Paul Custom?” Gingerly, she reached out and touched the ebony fret board while her eyes drank in the body’s rich cherry finish. “You remembered,” she whispered as she choked back a sob.

  “I did,” Christian replied, “and knowing how practical you are, I figured you probably never bought one for yourself.”

  She shook her head and tore her gaze away from the instrument to look at him. “I never could afford one before the accident happened. After that, knowing how much they cost, it seemed like a frivolous purchase.” Her eyes widened in horror. “This must have cost a fortune.”

  “A drop in the bucket,” he replied. “You deserve it.”

  “Wait,” she hated herself for what she was thinking, but couldn’t stop the narrowed gaze she focused on him. “This isn’t another attempt to get me back in the band, is it?”

  Christian sighed. “I’m sorry that my actions have caused you think that way. No.” He shook his head. “It’s nothing more than a gift from my heart.”

  Feeling even more like a heel for thinking such awful things about his motives, Holly glanced from him to the guitar and back. “I love it. Thank you.”

  “Um…I hate to interrupt, but where do you want the food?”

  Holly motioned to the coffee table. “Just put the food there and I’ll grab some plates from the kitchen.”

  She was halfway across the room when Christian spoke again. “Honey, why are you limping?”

  Damn! Normally she noticed her limp before anyone else and adjusted for it. With her emotions all out of whack, it had slipped past her. The last thing she wanted was to make either of them to feel bad for what happened, but now that he’d asked she needed to explain.

  Drawing in a deep breath, she turned back to face him. “The doctors call it a leftover from the accident. When I’m tired or I’ve been on my feet for a long time, I tend to develop a limp. It’s nothing that won’t pass with a little rest.”

  “Then you sit.” Seth motioned to the couch. “I’ll get the plates.” He headed for the kitchen. “Just tell me where they are.”

  She looked from Seth to Christian, then made her way back to the sofa. No point in trying to argue over such a trivial thing. “Okay. Silverware is in the top drawer next to the sink. Plates are in the third cabinet to the right of the window.”

  Seth nodded. “I’m on it.”

  She took a moment to watch him disappear into the other room before turning her attention to Christian. “About the other day—”

  “I’m really sorry,” he replied, cutting her off.

  “Me too.” She wrapped a hand around the vase he still held, her fingers grazing over his in the process. “Once I had some time to think about things, I began to understand why you kept the information about the band from me.”

  He let her have the flowers and swiped a hand along the back of his neck. “Yeah, about that… I’m glad you understand my reasons, but it still doesn’t excuse what I did. I was selfish, Holly. I thought if I could get you into my bed first, then I could have both you and the band. It was wrong of me to put my feelings above yours.”

  The distress in his gaze tore at her, ripping tiny holes in her heart. Why was it that she could never stay mad at him? Without thinking about the consequences, she reached up with her free hand and cupped his face. “You can stop beating yourself up over it, Christian. I forgive you.”

  “You do?”

  She brushed a gentle kiss over his lips then turned to set the roses on the end table next to the lamp. “We’ll talk about it over
dinner. Now let’s eat.”

  Seth returned weighted down with plates and silverware. “Do you want to eat at the dinner table or in the living room?”

  Holly motioned to the coffee table. “Let’s keep it informal and use the coffee table.”

  “You got it.” Seth set the plates on the table then proceeded to pull containers from the bag and place them next to the plates. “Tell me Chinese food is still your favourite.”

  She smiled. “It is and I’m impressed you remembered.”

  “There are some things even a lunkhead like me can’t forget.”

  She grinned. “Lunkhead? Aren’t you being a little hard on yourself?”

  He paused and looked directly at her, causing Holly’s stomach to do a little flip. “Not when it comes to you.”

  Clearing her throat, she turned her attention to the food. “Maybe we should eat.”

  * * * *

  “So you think my return to the band will somehow save Sanctuary from the dreaded rock and roll grave yard.” Holly set her now empty plate on top of the others. “Just because I forgive you for your…misjudgement, doesn’t mean I’m going to change my mind about the band.”

  “We need you,” Seth protested.

  “No,” she argued. “You want me, both as a lover and a guitarist.”

  Christian took her by the hand, twining his fingers with hers. “What’s so wrong with that?”

  “What’s right with it, Christian? Think about it. If we become an item and it doesn’t work out, not only will the band suffer for our mistake, but our friendship will be over.”

  “If it does work out then you have your band and your man. Are you so afraid of failure you’re unwilling to take a leap of faith with someone who loves you?”

  Why wasn’t he taking no for an answer? “I’m not afraid, Christian, but you can’t waltz into my life after five years and expect me to drop everything simply because you want me to.”

  He released her fingers and sank back against the cushions. “You’re right.”


  He looked over at her, the expression on his face showed every trace of guilt, pain and turmoil he must have been feeling. “I said, you’re right. We didn’t consider how asking you to return to the band would affect your personal life. You have a good job, a nice house, and supportive friends who are there for you when you need them. Asking you to give all of that up is selfish and I’m sorry.” He reached for her, stroking a finger along the back of her hand. “Just tell me one thing, sugar.”


  “Do you regret sleeping with me?”

  She slid off the couch and crouched in front of him, cupping his face in her palms. “Of all the regrets I have in my life, sleeping with you is not and will never be one of them.”

  “If given the opportunity, would you regret sleeping with both of us?” Her body stiffened with Seth’s words. Her gaze drifted from Christian’s face over her shoulder, upward to where Seth towered above her. “I…I don’t know. Are you suggesting you want to have sex with me, too?”

  He grinned, revealing the dimple in his right cheek. He reached down and snared her wrist loosely in his hand. Her skin tingled where he touched her and sent that tingle travelling on a white water rapids ride through her system.

  She rose and turned to face him. “Seth.”

  He raised his other hand and placed a finger over her lips, silencing her. “It’s not a rhetorical question.” He stepped forward, closing the distance between them. “I’m telling you that I want to have sex with you and I want to watch Christian have sex with you. I want to see your creamy skin flush with heat from our bodies grinding together. I want to watch your face when you come, and I want to hear your sexy voice scream out in pleasure. Is that clear enough for you?”

  The warmth of his body against hers sent an unfamiliar ripple of desire racing through her. Never could Holly remember a time when Seth showed any physical interest in her, at least not anything beyond his typical playful nature. To do so now had her scrambling for footing.

  He moved his finger, sliding it down her neck and over her collarbone.

  “Seth?” she whispered as he slowly lowered his face towards her.


  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m about to kiss you.” He paused and the smile that tipped his lips had her heart doing tiny flips. “You have a problem with that?”

  Her brain scrambled, rendering her speechless. “I…um…”

  His grin widened. “I didn’t think so.”

  Sudden warmth against her back chased away the shiver of awareness shimming through her body. Christian’s lips brushed along the soft spot on her neck, then he lifted his head to nibble on her ear. “Tell Seth to stop if you don’t want this,” he whispered.

  Holly couldn’t think past the sensations bombarding her. Telling either of them to stop was out of the question. Her mouth went dry, with any words of protest turning to dust on the tip of her tongue

  Christian slid his arms around her waist, holding her steady while he continued to shower kisses along the nape of her neck. Her eyes drifted shut just as Seth’s lips brushed across hers. The sensation of having two men pressed against her was foreign, erotic and exciting. She parted her lips, allowing Seth more access. He accepted her invitation, his tongue sweeping over her lips before exploring deeper.

  While Christian had been the star of her erotic dreams on more than one occasion, never, in all the years that she’d known Seth, had she ever considered the idea of sleeping with him. Nor had she ever once considered being with two men at once, even if those men were Christian and Seth.

  Seth pulled away, the smile still gracing his features. “We’d love to make your birthday special, sweetheart. Will you let us?”

  Swallowing, she closed her eyes and grappled with the sensations bombarding her system. Much to her surprise, her body ached for what they offered, but they were moving so fast. “I-I don't know.”

  Christian continued his assault on her senses. “I know you’re nervous, baby, but aren’t you even a little curious to know what it would be like?”

  His question tapped directly into her desire and her body sagged back against his in response. The evidence of his desire pressed against her ass, causing her pussy to flood with need.

  “You know I want you,” he whispered and ground his hips against her. “Open your eyes and look at Seth, honey. He wants you too.”

  Following his direction, she opened her eyes and let her gaze fall. The unmistakable bulge pushing on the front of Seth’s jeans had her scrabbling to catch her breath.

  Seth took her by the wrist and placed her hand over his erection. “This is all for you, Holly. Just say the word and we’ll make this night one to remember.”

  So, once again, the decision to proceed would be hers. Holly barely resisted the urge to curl her fingers into the denim. In a few weeks the men would return to California and begin their search for another guitarist, she’d return to her safe, sanitary life, and this would be nothing more than a wonderful memory of a very special night. They were all adults and whatever they did together would only affect them.

  Her only real reason for saying no would be to hide her scars from them. She’d never worried much about her scars when it came to the other men she dated, but her feelings for Seth and Christian were different. No matter what she wanted to believe, the truth was, for reasons beyond explanation, their opinions mattered.

  She and Christian had made love in dim light reducing the chances of him seeing her scars. However, she was sure he’d brushed a hand over the remnants of the incision on her hip and never said a word about it. Maybe Seth would be the same way. “I…have…scars.”

  Seth took her hands in his and lifted them to his lips. “We all have scars, sweetheart.”

  “Not like mine.” She swallowed hard. “My leg, hip and back are marred from surgeries after the accident.”

  Christian leaned into her fro
m behind. “I felt the blemish on your hip, honey. It doesn’t seem that bad. Besides, we want you because of the person you are inside, not just because of what you look like.”

  Despite her reservations, Christian’s declaration bolstered her confidence. “Okay,” she whispered before she could find another reason to back out.

  “That’s a girl,” Christian said as he hooked his thumbs under her skirt’s elastic waistband and her panties. “Just relax, baby. We’re going to make this good for you.”

  He slid both garments over her hips, taking them all the way down to her ankles. The warmth of his fingers brushing along her skin seduced her with promises of pleasure. Instinct had her stepping out of the puddle of clothing, widening her stance in the process.

  Seth’s calloused fingers brushed across her labia, and Holly sucked in a strangled breath in response. Her gaze cut between them to the sight of his hand playing between her thighs.

  “Eyes on Seth’s face, honey.” Christian’s words melted through her haze of need and she obeyed, lifting her attention to meet Seth’s gaze.

  “I want to see your reactions when I touch you,” Seth said, then slid his fingers lower, until they made contact with the tiny bud of nerves.

  She shuddered in response.

  He continued his trek, dipping his finger between her folds. “Damn, sweetheart. You’re sopping wet.”

  Holly bit down on her lip to stifle a moan.

  “See, I knew there was a wild streak in you.” He pushed a finger into her channel, driving a gasp from her. “So responsive, so sensitive. I bet you’re beautiful when you come.” He lowered to his knees, and using both hands spread her nether lips with his fingers. “Hang on to Christian, baby, cause I’m gonna take you on a ride.”

  Christian’s hands slid beneath her shirt and unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts. He gently cupped them, as he licked along her earlobe, then bit down gently. “Let go and enjoy yourself.”

  She nodded and tried to remember to breathe.

  Slowly Christian stroked along her breast, tweaking her nipples between his thumb and finger, sending a quick shot of pain racing through her system the same time Seth swiped his tongue over her swollen clit. Tiny zings of pleasure and pain ping ponged around inside her body, mixing, mingling and upping her desire.


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