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That's Rock-N-Roll

Page 8

by Ginny Michaels

  Seth’s lips wrapped around her clit, creating the most delicious vacuum she’d ever felt. The feeling started low in her belly, the one that indicated an impending orgasm, and slowly began to build. Seth slid two fingers into her pussy and began to pump, while he continued to lick and suck her clit.

  “That’s it, Holly, come for us,” Christian urged as he pinched and twisted her nipples with a near painful pressure.

  “Oh.” She reached for Seth, bracing her hand on his shoulder in a bid to stay on her feet.

  ”Let go, sweetheart. We’ve got you.”

  Giving into the sensations bombarding her, Holly did just that, letting her climax unfurl with a fury that had her struggling to stay on her feet. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” she cried as her body convulsed with pleasure.

  Seconds passed and her climax receded, but instead of satisfying her, she still felt needy.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” Seth said.

  Numbly, she nodded and on unsteady legs, led them down the short hallway to her bedroom.

  “Up, on the bed,” Christian instructed as he helped her onto the comforter. She sat on her knees in the middle of the bed and watched while both men stripped.

  With ripped muscles and a shaggy cut that stopped right below his ears, Seth reminded her of a body builder. Slightly darker skinned, but more lean, Christian dropped his shirt onto the chair before slinking out of his jeans. His long sable hair was loose and helped to create an air of mystery around him. Diverse as they were, both men had glorious bodies, built for sex.

  Seth reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out several condoms. He tossed one to Christian, then tore open the pack and proceeded to sheath himself. His cock, thick and hard jutted towards her, guiding him to the bed.

  What would it feel like to have him inside her?

  He slid onto the bed and positioned himself on the pillows, then stroked a hand over his dick.

  The crinkling of another foil packed had Holly looking over her shoulder to see Christian slid the condom in place. He leaned over, picked up his jeans and produced a tiny bottle of lube.

  “Seth and I want to take you at the same time, sweetheart. Are you up for that?”

  Holly’s body jerked with his admission and cream flooded her channel. Never would she have thought she’d want to have sex with two men at the same time, but now, faced with the opportunity, desire dictated she tap into her carnal side and explore the possibility.

  Before she could start finding reasons to say no, she nodded. How bad could it be? Chances were, she might actually enjoy it. If she didn’t like it or the situation became too painful, she could always have them stop.

  Seth slid his hands beneath her arms. “Come over her, baby. You’re going to ride my cock while Christian takes that lovely ass of yours.”

  Her stomach clenched as she straddled Seth.

  “Easy now. That’s right,” he soothed as he lowered her onto his shaft. Full and thick, he stretched her channel, creating a wonderful friction that had her gasping for breath.

  “Oh God, Seth!”

  “Yeah.” He grinned. “You feel so good on my cock, honey. Okay, you ready for Christian to take that lovely ass?”

  Wanting more, she nodded. “Do it now.”

  A cool liquid covered her anus and she tried to not tense as Christian’s fingers begin to work through the lube, testing and teasing her hole. Erotic images of him pumping in and out of her ass flittered through her brain, until the need to know how it would feel nearly overwhelmed her.

  He dipped inward, stretching and lubricating her opening. “You’re as ready as I can get you, sweetheart. Just remember to relax and push against me.”

  His fingers disappeared, replaced almost immediately by his cock pushing against her. A slight burn began and her first instinct was to pull away.

  “Push back against me,” he ordered, his breath choppy.

  She followed his instructions and the pressure increased. Oh, God. No way could she accommodate him. She was about to tell him so, when her ass parted for him, opening for his shaft, until amazingly she felt him begin to enter her.

  Inch by succulent inch, he worked his way inside her body. The burning increased and for a brief moment she wanted to cry out and tell him to stop. Then her body surrendered, and he surged forward burying himself completely inside her ass. Full to the point of bursting, she panted and gasped. Connected to both men, loving them with her body, her heart opened.

  Seth cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb over her nipple while Christian pumped in and out of her ass with slow, deep thrusts. Never, in all her life had she felt so full, so stretched with both men seated deep inside her.

  Yet, the sensations brought on new and wonderful feelings, ones she hadn’t known existed until this moment. Seth pulled out, the slow drag creating such a delicious friction against Christian’s inward stroke. He stopped, resting balls-deep for a long moment before withdrawing as Seth pushed back in.

  Then Seth pulled her face to his, capturing her lips in a savage kiss that threatened to steal her breath. Their tongues tangled and clashed, retreated and charged until she forgot everything but these two men and the way they were loving her.

  Pressure, low in her belly built with each of the men’s thrusts until she shattered on a climax so powerful she swore her body would simply blow apart. She screamed, as her lower half convulsed around the men, driving each of them to their own finish.

  Christian was the first to break rhythm and surge forward; holding there as he came on a growl so loud Holly would have sworn it rattled the windows. Seth quickly followed, his orgasm just as powerful, but much quieter as he came with a groan.

  Unable to hold herself up any longer, Holly’s arms gave out and she collapsed on top of Seth. Christian eased his way out of her abused backside and disappeared into the bathroom.

  A few minutes later he returned with a warm washcloth and proceeded to clean her. Nearly too exhausted to lift her head, she squeaked in protest. “I can do that.”

  “I want to. Now just relax and let me care for you.”

  Too tired to argue, she once again rested her head on Seth’s chest. Her eyes drifted closed as he ran slow circles over her back with his hand. They were right about one thing. It had certainly turned out to be a birthday she’d never forget.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cautious, Holly eased down into the chair across from Dean Wyback’s desk. The last time she’d been in his office was for her job interview three years earlier. She couldn’t imagine what he wanted with her now.

  “How have you been, Ms. Decambra?” the Dean asked as he leant forward to rest his elbows on the desk.

  “Good.” She locked her fingers together on her lap in an attempt to mask her nervousness.

  “I’m glad to hear that. Look, I’m going to get right to the point. I’ve had several telephone calls from concerned parents regarding your intermediate music class yesterday.”

  Great! “Oh? May I ask what about?”

  “From what I gathered, you had a flower delivery yesterday that sparked a conversation about your past.”

  Oh, boy. Holly blew out a nervous breath. “Yes. It was my birthday and some friends sent me flowers.”

  “And from what I gathered, these friends are famous?”

  Suddenly realising where the conversation was heading she pressed her fingers to her closed eyelids in an attempt to stave off the beginnings of a headache. “Christian Scofield and Seth Perillo.”

  “I see.” Dean Wymack’s chair creaked as he sat back. “And that’s what brought up the discussion of your past involvement in the band?”

  “Yes.” Knowing this conversation was about to become much more difficult, she looked him straight in the eyes. “I know I promised not to mention the band when you hired me and I swear to you that I didn’t initiate the subject. One of my very astute students put two and two together and began talking about the band. I tried several times to get the class back on track, but t
hey kept going on about the band and my connection to it. I figured the only way to get them refocused was to address the situation so we could move on.”

  “Yes, well, several of the children went home and told their parents about your ‘conversation’.” He quoted the air with his fingers. “I don’t have to tell you that the parents weren’t happy about their children being influenced by a former rock musician.”

  “I beg your pardon, but I always stress the importance of academics first, music second and I did so yesterday too. I even used myself as an example as to how your dreams can die unexpectedly and it’s always good to have a back up plan.”

  Several long silence seconds passed. “Okay,” he finally said. “You’ve been an excellent employee with an exemplary record. I have no reason not to believe you.” He reached into the centre drawer and pulled out a newspaper. “However, I’m afraid this might be a bit more difficult for you to explain.”

  He set the paper in front of her and Holly’s entire body jolted with shock. There, on the bottom front page of the entertainment section was a picture of her with Seth and Christian at the amusement park.

  “I my friends took me to the park for my birthday. Christian and Seth were there to help Christian’s younger brother’s band. We talked and rode some rides together. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any way when I say this, but there’s nothing nefarious about this picture.” He certainly didn’t need to know about the carnal activities that took place later in the evening.

  “No, but the article beneath it poses several questions, the least of which is, are you planning on leaving Kingston Academy?”

  “No!” Holly’s attention cut from the paper to Dean Wymack. “Look, I don’t know who took this picture, but I have no intention of quitting my job. I won’t deny that it was nice seeing Christian and Seth again after all this time, but I have a job and a life beyond the band. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Dean Wymack reached across his desk and retrieved the paper from her grasp. “I hope you’re correct, but I do have to remind you that Kingston Academy is an elite and prestigious school and quite honestly, rock stars, former or not, don’t fit that image. I urge you, Ms. Decambra, to cut your ties with the band before I’m forced to let you go. Do I make myself clear?”

  Inwardly, she seethed at his words. How dare he tell her who she could and couldn’t have as friends! Outwardly, she swallowed audibly and nodded. How could something that started out so innocently end up causing so many complications?

  * * * *

  “Are you guys there?” Christian leant forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees as he stared at the phone. This wasn’t a conversation he looked forward to having, but it was necessary if he had any hope of winning Holly back.

  “We’re here,” Collin’s voice carried up from the speaker.

  “What’s going on?” Nick asked.

  “I have something to tell you and I didn’t want any of you hearing it from the news outlets.”

  “What is it?” a wary Collin asked.

  “It’s something that more than likely will not make any of you very happy.” He paused for a moment, building his resolve. “I’ve decided to leave Sanctuary.”

  His gaze lifted to Seth, who sat across from him, mouth agape and eyes wide with shock. Several long seconds of silence followed and Christian could feel the room’s tension ratchet up another notch.

  “Okay, I get it,” Collin chuckled. “This is some twisted joke, right? You saw the pictures in the newspaper and thought you’d play with us. You’re one sick puppy, Christian.”

  Christian cringed at his statement. Why hadn’t he considered the idea that the guys would think he was playing some practical joke? He swallowed hard. “I’m not joking, Collin. I’m leaving the band.”

  “Why?” Nick chimed in. “Does this have to do with that newspaper article about me and Collin hanging out with Evan? Because you know he’s not interested in joining any other band or touring again.”

  “No, Nick. I know that. My decision has nothing to do with any of you. We’ve been through a lot together and I love you guys like brothers.

  “Then why are you leaving?” Seth mumbled.

  “I’m…well, my decision has to do with Holly.”

  “Holly?” they said in unison.

  “Wait,” Collin said and Christian could picture his friend, hand to temple, eyes closed while he tried to process the information. “I thought she was coming back to the band. So why would you want to leave?” he asked.

  “Holly’s not coming back,” Seth concluded, “and I need a beer.” He stood and stalked towards the kitchen, leaving Christian to deal with Collin and Nick.

  “What did Seth mean that Holly’s not coming back?” Nick asked. “I thought you guys said she’d jump on the opportunity.”

  “Well, we were wrong.” Christian snapped. He didn’t expect the guys to make his decision to leave easy, but they didn’t have to be quite so difficult. This situation was rough enough without them reminding him of his failure. “Holly has a life here and she doesn’t want to give it up.”

  Another silence ensued, before Collin finally spoke. “So what does Holly’s refusal to rejoin Sanctuary have to do with you wanting to leave the band?”

  “I don’t see any other way for me to prove my love for her. She won’t come back to the band and long distance relationships don’t work.”

  “Love?” Nick’s voice interrupted. “I get it now. You managed to get her into bed, and now you’re head over heels for her. Not that you didn’t have it bad for her before, but now that you’ve slept with her, you’re hooked. Only she’s still standing by her old rules regarding relationships within the band and refused the invitation.”

  Seth reappeared in the doorway, beer in hand. “More like she got furious, all but called us liars and demanded Christian take her home,” he nearly shouted at the phone.

  A groan came from the speaker. “You two gambled and the band lost.” Collin said.

  “That’s pretty much it,” Seth replied and pulled a long drink from the bottle.

  “You said before that we were in a pinch either way,” Christian argued in a desperate attempt to make the guys understand. “We needed a guitarist and coming back for Holly was no more of a gamble than sending out a talent call.”

  “Except now that you’ve had a taste of what it would be like to be with her, you’re choosing Holly over the band.”

  Christian scrubbed his hands over his face. “Rally’s going to jail as soon as they find him, without Holly the record company will force another of their lame choices on us. The band has never been the same without her, and honestly, I don’t want to go on as it is.”

  Seth let out an audible sigh. “Not that I’m any happier about this situation than you guys are, but I do have to agree with him. Do we really want some lame ass guitarist shoved down our throats again? I mean look what happened with Rally. If not being allowed to pick our own guitarist means losing our ride with the record company, then so be it.

  “Thanks, Seth,” Christian began only to stop mid sentence when Seth held up a hand signalling him to halt.

  “Hang on before you start thanking me. While I agree about the guitarist situation, I think you’re making a huge mistake leaving the band. Yes, Collin, Nick and I could and probably would start over. We could assemble a project and more than likely find a deal somewhere, based on who we are, but that wouldn’t be the same either.”

  “Of course, it wouldn’t be the same,” Christian argued. “It wouldn’t be Sanctuary. Hell for all you know it could be better.”

  “And what are you going to do, Christian?” Collin asked. “All you know is music. Are you going to be happy schlepping equipment for your little brother’s band or working in some second rate music store?”

  “Holly loves me,” Christian blurted, “and if the band is what is keeping us apart, then my leaving removes that barrier.”

Nick’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “I can see the newspaper headline. The great Christian Scofield spotted selling equipment at Guitar City.”

  “If you’re lucky you’ll make some commission on your sales and maybe give a lesson or two. And for what?” Collin continued his line of questioning. “There is no guarantee she’ll take you back even if you do quit the band. If that happens, then you’ll have lost everything.”

  Christian stared down at the phone as he processed Collin’s words. He’d considered the what ifs and knew the chance he was taking. If she did reject him he’d be devastated, but he could live with being crushed. What he couldn’t do was move on without at least trying.

  “I’m willing to take that risk.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Still stewing over her conversation with Dean Wymack, Holly pushed the button on the remote control and continued to flip through channels. How dare he! What she did on school grounds or during work hours was one thing. How she spent her off time was another.

  She nearly grinned as she thought back to the night before and her encounter with Christian and Seth. What would Dean Wymack think if he knew one of his instructors was having carnal relations with two men at the same time? He’d probably fire her in a nanosecond. Tight ass.

  A knock on her front door had Holly jerking upright in her chair. It was late and she wasn’t expecting anyone. Using caution, she quietly padded over to the door and looked through the peephole.

  Shock slid through her system at the sight of Seth standing on the other side. After last night’s encounter with him and Christian and their conversation regarding the status of the band she was sure the two of them would be packing up to leave town in pursuit of another guitarist.


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