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Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1)

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by G N Wright

  Growing up here was a dream if you grew up on the North Side that is. It’s all white picket fences and happy smiling families. I loved my house, my private school, and my black card, I thought they gave me status, something that people would be jealous of and they were. How sad my life was back then, and I didn’t even realise it. I thought living on the North Side gave me power and status but all it did was paint an invisible target on my back and put me on the map.

  I’m parked at the top of North Hill, the most prestigious and sought-after section of real estate in the whole town of Black Hallows. An estate of mansions housing the richest patrons this town has to offer. You can see everything from up here, from North Side to South Side, to Riverbank and even the Strip.

  The rest of the town looks up here and sees beautiful houses filled with perfect families who have more money than god. They are jealous of us, covet us.

  If only they knew the darkness that resides here.

  The North Side is home to celebrities, politicians, and even high up mafia bosses but only the most rich and powerful are granted a home on North Hill. The requirements were simple blue blood and green money. This side of town is filled with high end stores, Michelin star restaurants and luxurious hotels and bars. They also have the prominent Hallows Preparatory Academy home to the most elite students aka the future devils of this world.

  All are a stark contrast to the other part of town, the South Side. The South Side is filled with families who are barely getting by. Trailer parks and small houses all of which were unappealing and overcrowded. Run down stores, dive bars and ill-equipped hospitals and of course the local school, Hallows High.

  I’m a north bred princess as the townies would call me. Born and raised right here on the hill. Or at least I was until that night.

  The last thing the rich devils of this town would expect is the return of Elle King. Eighteen-year-old daughter of the elite Jonathan and Sarah King. My parents are old money, wealthy and influential beyond belief. We were royalty amongst our little town, no one was more affluent than us. They were madly in love and doted on me, the picture-perfect family. Or at least that’s what they showed the world, showed me.

  I was the royal princess living at the top of the hill and their pedestal until I saw the truth. I was blinded by the mansions, the parties and being given everything I ever asked for. I thought I knew all about being in a loved happy family, how wrong I was.

  The King's are all about connections and apparently their connection with the Donovan’s and friends was more important than the one with their own daughter.

  I haven’t spoken to them in years. I doubt they care and neither do I. They aren’t my family anymore. They are too busy worrying about being better than everyone else, you know that archaic notion of thinking their shit don’t stink and their blood is bluer than most because they’ve had their money longer than others.

  It is all utter bullshit if you ask me. My parents are worth billions in old money going back generations. Zack Royton, my savior, and my new family is worth billions in new money. I know who the better soul is. Zack came to me when I had nothing and no one and gave me everything. I would be lost if not for him, but I’m not. He took me from this town without looking back and welcomed me into his family with open arms.

  Thanks to him I get to be me, just Elle, a dark tainted soul on my path for revenge. Lover of dancing, country music, books, and donuts. The wild colors of the autumn fall and the smell of crisp winter mornings. My biker boots and oversized tees. The girl with many secrets and not enough people to share the burden with. The rich girl who knows money means both everything and nothing in this shitty world.

  It’s time for me to make my mark back in this town and what better time to start that than with my first day of senior year.

  As I was growing up my future was mapped out. It was set in stone that for high school I would attend Hallows Preparatory Academy but that is the last place you would find me now. My parents and Elliot Donovan are on the board there together and I won’t allow them to have any kind of influence on my life.

  Instead I am heading across town to the South Side. To a place I barely know anyone which is the best thing for me. I need to be there to start to execute my plan and put certain things in motion and that starts right there at Hallows High.


  The last three years of my life have been great. Zack was there for me every day. Although it wasn’t a regular childhood I had, he taught me everything I needed to stay safe. He trained me in kickboxing and krav maga. He taught me how to shoot a gun (several guns in fact). He taught me hand to hand combat. He taught me how to blend in and how to stand out. To always think ahead and have a backup plan for your backup plans. To think of every possible outcome, and never to be caught off guard.

  That’s why when I pull up into the parking lot of the local South Side High School, I park in the back corner, giving myself a full view of the school and its surrounding area. There is nothing prestigious about this place, it’s one large square building in desperate need of a paint job, with a couple of back buildings and a shitty football field across the way. Surrounding the entire premises is a large fence that has more holes in it than the fishnets I’m wearing.

  Sitting back, I take it all in from the driver’s seat of my jeep, hiding behind my tinted windows watching all the students milling around. Catching up with old friends, discussing their summer breaks, looking excited about what this year has in store.

  The bell ringing startles me and breaks me from my thoughts. Everyone in the surrounding area starts to slowly make their way inside, still chatting, still looking hopeful. It is the complete opposite to what I feel inside; but why would they feel like I do? They are just here for their education, completely ignorant to the horrors that occur daily on their own doorsteps. I used to be just like them, ignorant, naive but my eyes were opened, and I’ll never be blinded again.

  Once almost everyone has made their way inside, I gather my backpack from the passenger seat and climb from my jeep. I try to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as I make my way up the steps. I wish it was just usual first day nerves but even I know that’s not true. I’m nervous yes, but not because it’s my first day at a new school, but because I know who I’m going to see today. It’s been a long three years, but the time has finally arrived to return to Black Hallows. And to him. My River.

  He’s here. I know he is because I checked. Over the years, I’ve kept low key tabs on him. What was I supposed to do? He was my best friend, my first love, my River. I should probably stop calling him that. It’s been years since I’ve seen him, spoken to him. Ever since that night that changed everything. I couldn’t even reach out to him after I left, it was too dangerous.

  My silence mixed with the devil's lies led him to believe that I abandoned him when he needed me most and I did. It just wasn’t my choice. It’s just another thing they took from me, he doesn’t even know the tip of the iceberg I’m floating on but none of that matters. He blames me for everything including the murder of his father and he should. It’s my fault that Elliot Donovan executed Michael Riviera. Marcus lost everything because Michael helped me escape and I should explain to him what happened to me, but it won’t change anything now and it would only invite him into my danger. Besides, I didn’t come back for him. I am here for the other guys, the ones who stole from me and so many others and it’s time they started to pay for their sins.

  My vengeance begins today.

  I make my way to the door that opens to the school and sigh. I look to the large sign hanging above like some welcome home banner.


  It should just say welcome to hell.

  Well, there’s no going back now. Let’s do this, I’ve taken on guys twice my size and won in training, surely, I can handle high school. Fuck, who am I kidding? This is going to be a shit show but I’m already here so in I go.

  Chapter 2


  Icurl my palm around the door handle and hesitate one more time, I take a deep breath trying to fortify my inner strength for what I am about to begin. There is still time to change my mind, turn around and leave this town for good but I need to do this. For me, for them, for Michael. I have my reasons, my secrets, secrets that I need to protect and taking down the Donovan’s is the only way to do that.

  “Are you planning on going in or are you just gonna block the way all day?” a smooth cocky voice with a dark edge breaks me out of my stupor.

  I turn to an Adonis smiling back at me with a cheeky grin on his face. I’m not joking, that is the only way to describe the pure perfection of this guy. He’s tall, easily over 6ft, with a lean muscular frame, his hazel eyes slowly assessing me from head to toe. His dark blonde hair is long and tied into a messy man bun, he’s got one ear pierced and half a joint hanging from his lips looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  He’s leaning on a beautiful red dodge charger which like my white G63 Mercedes jeep looks largely out of place in the lot of run-down cars. He’s parked it right at the front of the lot next to a top of the line blacked out SUV similar to Zack’s and a black Ducati motorbike. None of them fit the profile of a south sider high school student so I can’t help but wonder who the hell he is.

  I have done more than enough research into the people of this town but that concentrated mainly on the elite and regardless of what he drives if he fell into that category he wouldn’t be here.

  I flick my eyes back to him to assess him some more and the cocky grin on his face only grows the longer I stare at him. He pushes off the hood of what I presume is his car and makes his way to the bottom of the steps and looks up to me.

  “You’re new, I haven’t seen you round here before.”

  “Actually, I’m old, a wanderer returning,” I muse. I nod to the joint as I continue, “Might wanna hide that before you get caught?”

  He shakes his head with a chuckle like what I just said was the dumbest thing he’s ever heard.

  "Oh, Princess, you are definitely new if you think anyone would try to call me out for this,” he makes a show of taking a big drag as he slowly ascends the stairs until we are toe to toe and then blows the smoke directly into my face.

  “Want some?” he asks, cocking his brow at me.

  “No thanks, I don’t smoke.”

  “Who said I was talking about the joint?” he smirks a devilish grin before he adds, “I’ve got something else for your mouth.”

  It takes me a second to register what he just said and then I almost choke on my breath. What the hell is this guy for real, is this how he picks up girls? I mean probably considering he looks like that; they probably drop to his feet daily. He’s probably had every girl here wrap their lips around his cock which I’m sure is no doubt just as magnificent as him. Like good looks and that bad boy attitude isn’t enough I am sure God gifted him with a super dick too. I can tell he is that fun kind of dangerous, the kind of guy you know will rock your world and break your heart all at the same time.

  I am not used to spending time with any guys my age, well not ones who openly flirt with me anyway. So my inner bitch claps back before I can stop her.

  “No thanks, pretty boy, I don’t have time to choke on anything that small, I need to get to the office.”

  His laughter follows me as I turn and walk away. What the hell - where did that come from Elle?

  He hollers after me, “I can’t wait to give you a Rebel’s welcome, newb.”

  I throw him a vague wave to his statement and whatever it means and carry on my way.

  There are a few students still lingering in the hallway but none of them pay me any attention as I make my way down the hall to the principal’s office. Even if they did, there isn’t anyone who would know who I am in this school. I am sure by the end of the day everyone will know my name. That’s just how high school works isn’t it? The gossip, the drama, the rumors, the lies. All bullshit that I don’t care for or bother listening too. It’s irrelevant to my life and why I’m here.

  With the amount of zeros in my account balance, you would think walking down these shitty rundown halls would make me feel out of place but I don't; I feel freedom, power and control over my own life. That is the most important thing. Seeing the dented lockers and walls that are in dire need of a paint job just reminds me that I am not being controlled by the demons over at Hallows Prep. The strong smell of cleaning products mixes with the stench of weed and it may as well be a summer field to my nostrils as it smells nothing like wealth. I inhale it deeply with a smile on my face as I continue on my way, excitement burning across my skin. This is the start of my new life, I’m going to get my revenge, finish high school and then get the hell out of dodge.

  I’ve known Principle Lock my whole life thanks to the hefty donations my parents used to pour into this place to make themselves look good. I can tell from the rundown look of things that their generosity has since ceased to exist and I make a mental note to have a chat with Zack about giving them some funding. Lock was surprised when I got back in touch with him but happy to welcome me here.

  Graham is only in his forties but his graying hair and wrinkled eyes make him look a lot older. Not that it surprises me, the stress of running this school would send a lesser man into an early grave. “Are you sure this is what you want, Elle? I could have you in Hallows Prep by tomorrow, it would only take one call.”

  “Graham,” I start, and he raises his brow at me, “Sorry, Principle Lock.” I correct scolding myself internally for not remembering that I must address him by title while at school.

  “Gonna take some getting used to huh, Elle?”

  I laugh, “Definitely and you know the last place I want to be is Hallows Prep. I will not let them have any aspect of control over me.”

  He nods understanding me completely without me having to explain. He knows what happened to me and why I’m here. I needed an ally here and he was my top pick.

  “Okay, well everything you need is in that pack and don’t hesitate to come to me if you need anything else.”

  “Thanks, I won’t.”

  I stand to leave and move towards the door when he calls my name and I turn around.

  “Ells, try and stay out of trouble.”

  “I will.”

  He laughs, “Now we both know that isn’t true.”

  I smirk as I leave his office, he knows me too well.

  I slip out of the office doors and move down the corridor to turn the corner and slam straight into a hard body. Not just a hard body but a hard, hot as fuck body. A broad chest and strong arms bulging against a white button down. Fuck me sideways is everyone in this school a fucking god like specimen. What the hell is in the water in this place?

  He’s got a sharp jawline with a little scruff of a beard, brownish blonde hair that’s short on the sides and a little longer and styled on top. Sparkling green eyes staring back at me from behind a pair of glasses perched on his nose. He looks far too mature and serious to be a student but he doesn’t give off a teacher vibe either. Fuck, if he is a teacher a bitch might just pay extra attention.

  He is so beautiful that I don’t think before I blurt out, “Woah, Clark Kent watch it.”

  His lips quirk up at that in amusement and it just highlights his beautiful face more.

  “Don’t be fooled, sweetheart. I’m no hero,” his voice is low and deep and makes my arms tingle in goose bumps.

  He stares at me intently like he knows me until he abruptly turns to walk past me to the office when I call out to his back, “All heroes become villains eventually.”

  He stops and cocks his head slightly to the side to look at me and his smirk broadens.

  “And do you prefer the hero or the villain, Elle?” he must have seen my name on the folder in my hands, the way it rolls off his tongue makes it sound like he knows me already, throwing me off slightly, but I keep my expression neutral as I respond.

/>   “A hero is just someone hiding their true identity, at least with a villain you know where you stand.”

  What can I say being traumatized and raped at the age of fourteen really makes a girl cynical and unwilling to trust. Sue me. I imagine an answer like that is probably going to make this guy think I am certifiable, but he seems amused by it as he just nods and enters the office.

  Lord help me, I have barely been in the school twenty minutes and already I’ve met what I am sure are two part time Abercrombie models. How do the girls here even focus with guys like that sharing their classrooms?

  The hallways are empty now. I’ve got my bag on my shoulder and my welcome pack in my hand. The pack includes my locker details, class schedule and school map all of which are useless. Zack already hacked the school system so I could memorize all the details, so I shove the pack into my bag.

  I step into the restroom to take one last look at myself. I’ve left my blonde hair long and loose with its natural curls framing my face and tumbling down my back. My makeup is a simple flick of eyeliner, mascara, a nude lip with a dab of blush. I’ve paired my oversized guns and roses t-shirt dress with my favourite checked shirt tied round my waist, fishnets and black boots. I look nothing like the pink preppy princess I used to try and be and I’ve never felt more like myself.

  I leave and move towards my first class of the day when I’m stopped in my tracks by moaning.

  What the hell is someone actually getting their rocks off in a school and on the first day back. Seriously? I look around the deserted hallways and decide there is no harm in peeking to where the sounds seem to be coming from. What can I say? I’m a nosey ass bitch.

  I dip my head into a dark classroom, and I am greeted with the back of some guy who’s clearly got some chick on her knees going for it on his dick. Jesus Christ it’s not even 9am. The slurping noises coming from her are almost comical and must be exaggerated, I mean I’m no expert but it’s so over the top it brings a smirk to my face.


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