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Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1)

Page 3

by G N Wright

  Are guys really into this shit? I mean it doesn’t seem like the dude getting sucked off is, he’s leaning back against a table with his phone in his hand for god’s sake. Talk about bad head. I turn to silently retreat when my bag catches on the handle and makes the door screech. Fuck my life.

  The guy immediately whips his head around and his face comes into view.

  FUCK. I meet the eyes of the boy I told myself I was ready to see. Now a man I am definitely not ready to see, especially so much of him.

  Marcus Riviera. My River.

  Chapter 3


  Ishould be in my first class of the day, but a long summer has made for some eager girls. First period has only just started, and I’ve already got a girl on her knees sucking my dick. It’s sloppy but fuck it, I needed something to take the edge off so when she offered I happily obliged.

  The last two months have been a fucking blood bath here in Hallows. Hell, who am I kidding? The last three years have been. I was thrust into the foster system after my dad was murdered and only then were my eyes opened to the crimes Elliot Donovan was committing right on my own fucking doorstep. Running his drugs and guns into this town like the fucking devil he is. He took everything from me, and I wasn’t about to let that go.

  I started my plans for revenge and then I met my boys and formed my rebellion against the elite. I went from a North Side Prince to a South Side King. Our power and influence increase every day and we have a lot of people who turn to us for help, rely on us, respect us, even fear us. That’s a lot to have for three eighteen-year-old kids who don’t have any real family anymore.

  The tension has been rising with the North Side families getting bolder. Running more drugs and guns than ever before. They’re no longer afraid to get their hands dirty but their deep pockets have a lot of influence. I used to be just like them and now I want to bring every one of them to their knees.

  The girl sucking my dick is making ridiculous noises and I wish she would just choke on my cock silently so I can think straight. I can't even remember her name and once we've finished here, we won't communicate again. The last thing I need is a girlfriend trying to be up in my business. All the girls I get with know it’s one encounter and then I’m done.

  I think I'd rather be in class at this point to be honest, but I just felt like I needed to let off some steam. First day of senior year and I'm already dealing with bullshit hence the mouth I'm slamming my cock into.

  I hear the door creak and realize we have an audience. I turn around to see who our little spectator is when I hear her voice.

  "Wow, you've grown into quite the ladies’ man," a soft sultry tone hits my ear.

  My whole body tenses. No way, it can’t be her. Impossible. Yet here I am looking right at her. Three years feels like an insignificant amount of time as I lock eyes with the beauty in front of me. One glimpse of her and it makes me shoot my load all over the girls face before I can stop myself. The fact she can still affect me after not seeing her for so long is ridiculous. But staring into those ocean blue eyes mixed with her rosy pink smirk and breathy voice there was no stopping me. I would know that voice even if I wasn’t looking at the person who owns it. Doesn’t matter that it has been three years since I’ve heard it.

  I turn to look at her fully, my cock still out and semi hard and glare at the girl in front of me.

  Elle fucking King.

  She's staring at me like it hasn't been three years since I’ve seen her. Since she left me and betrayed my family. What the fuck is she doing here? There are no words coming out of my mouth as she continues to stare at me. I can't form any coherent thoughts let alone a fucking sentence.

  Elle King in all her womanly glory, far from the young girl I remember, lets her gaze assess me slowly, lingering on my still half erect cock. She pops her eyebrow and smirks at me. Fucking smirks.

  "Miss me, River?"

  Hearing her old nickname for me roll off her tongue breaks me out of the trance her return had me in. I pull my pants back up as the girl I was face fucking tries to talk.

  "Ever heard of knocking, bitch? We were..."

  I cut her off before she can even finish her sentence, "Leave," my sharp tone leaves no room for arguing but of course the girl still tries.

  "But Marcus, I thought..."

  "Leave now," this time a command that she will not ignore. My voice is hard and cold as my body vibrates with anger and something else I don't recognize.

  Elle chokes back a laugh and the girl glares at her.

  She huffs and grabs her things and leaves shoulder checking Elle as she passes. Before I can even react, she has her slammed against the door with a hand around her throat.

  "What the fuck? Get your hands off me, you crazy bitch!"

  I can see Elle squeeze her throat from here and fuck me, it makes my dick harder and I feel it strain against my pants. The fucking traitor.

  "Touch me again and you will regret it," Elle says in a perfectly calm tone.

  She pulls back and slams her head into the door before dropping her and turning back to me like it was nothing.

  What the fuck? We both ignore the girl scrambling up and out the door, our stares now locked on each other. I stalk towards her before I can stop myself and halt when our chests are barely touching. She doesn’t even flinch at me towering over her, just cocks her head back and keeps her eyes on mine. Her once soft stare now seems cold and distant. It’s clear to me that wherever she has been, the last few years have changed her. She’s no longer the little girl I shared my first kiss with and who I used to sneak out to lay under the stars with. No, the girl in front of me now might as well be a stranger.

  “Fuck you doing here, King?" I spit the words at her and her smirk returns. Anger and lust seep into my bones just looking at her. Fuck. I don’t know if I want to kill her or fuck her against the table until she screams my name.

  She leans forward and her breath licks my ear as she responds.

  "Don't worry, River, I'm not here for you," she purrs at me.

  She walks away before I can even conjure up a response and I'm left mesmerized by her tight little body with curves in all the right places. I am well and truly fucked.

  Elle King. My first friend, first crush, first love, first enemy. Fuck. The last few years feels like nothing in this moment. It would be a lie if I said I hadn’t thought about her every day since she left. She has always been at the back of my mind like a leech you can’t offload. I try to remember all the good times we had as kids but the only thing I can think of when my mind invokes her name is how she’s responsible for my dad’s murder. She might not have pulled the trigger, but she helped load the gun.

  I spend the rest of the morning hiding in the shadows and watching Elle move from class to class like she belongs here. I’ve missed the whole morning of classes, but I couldn’t give a fuck at skipping out. It’s not like anyone in this shithole would try to question me on it, they know better.

  The bell for lunch rings out and I head to my locker. I spot my boys down the hall and make my way towards them immediately. Jace, Lincoln and I have been friends since I was put into the system a few years ago and we’ve been down for each other ever since. They’re my family and I’m theirs, we always have each other’s backs no matter what. They are the only people I genuinely care about. My brothers.

  “Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence,” Jace hollers down the hall at me with a huge grin on his face. I don’t know how he manages to stay so easy going and carefree all the time. He’s been through just as much shit as I have.

  I reach them both and we all bump knuckles.

  “You good man?” Lincoln asks like he knows what kind of morning I’ve had and I just nod.

  They get me like no one else does and know when I don’t feel like talking. My head is still reeling from Elle’s return and I need to collect my thoughts. What the fuck is Elle doing here and where the hell has she been for the last few years?
Is she back living with her parents and, if so, why is she here and not at Hallows Prep? And, more importantly, why the fuck do I care? She betrayed me so why should it matter to me what she does. Except it does, doesn’t it? Fuck. I need a drink.

  I am gripping my locker door so tight I think I might just rip it right off its hinges. I try to distract myself with the thoughts of what I heard from my crew yesterday.

  They’ve been watching that fucking snake Donovan and his sons for months now and still they haven’t found anything useful for us to use against them. Add that to the fact that Elle has fucking appeared out of thin air like she never left, and it is safe to say I am fucking on edge.

  Jace pulls my concentration back to them when he mentions Elle.

  “Well, just wait until you see the new chick.”

  Lincoln responds while looking at me, “Already did, brother.”

  “What? When did you get to see her?”

  “Bumped into her in the office this morning when I went to see Lock.”

  “Damn, wish I could have some of that brushed up against me,” he pouts and just the thought of him near her infuriates me and then he nudges me.

  “Here comes that fine piece of ass now,” he says to me quietly before yelling out behind me “Yo newb, ready to show me what that mouth can do, yet?”

  “How about tell you to get fucked by your own hand, pretty boy?” Elle quips back without even missing a beat.

  Lincoln smiles slightly which is a rare thing and Jace continues to haggle her.

  “Come on now, baby, I’m a nice guy, really. Let me show you just how good I can be.”

  She just laughs at him “Maybe ask your friend how I feel about the good guys?”

  At first, I think she is outing that we know each other but then Lincoln grunts a laugh knowingly and I can’t take it anymore. I turn around and she’s leaning against what must be her locker right across from mine with that signature smirk on her face. She’s rocking ripped fishnets and boots like they were made for her and I can see a peak of ink darting down her wrist and across her thigh.

  She looks like a fucking rock princess with curves that are made to be caressed. I just want to wipe that smug look off her face and can’t help myself from snapping at her.

  “That’s funny because I thought you preferred preppy little fucks with daddy’s credit card, princess.”

  She frowns slightly at that but then schools her expression and responds, “I do that’s why you're off my radar now, River.”

  “You don’t get to call me that anymore,” I snap loudly.

  “Sorry, didn’t realize there was a statute of limitations on a childhood nickname.”

  “Only for traitorous whores.”

  A sad expression covers her face, but she masks it with a laugh. It’s clear there are multiple people now watching our exchange take place including my boys.

  “Oh, and you're well acquainted with all the whores around here, aren’t you River? Enjoy your next tragic face fuck.”

  She turns off towards the cafeteria before I can even reply, and I am left staring at her retreating form.

  “Dude what the fuck? Do you know her?” Jace asks as he stares after and I can feel Lincoln staring at me.

  “Yeah. That’s Elle King,” I reply through gritted teeth. Only Lincoln will have any idea what that name means to me.

  Chapter 4


  What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m supposed to be laying low and getting the scope of things, not taking part in verbal sparring matches with Marcus. Why the fuck did I even speak to him this morning? I should have just turned and walked away and ignored him, but I just couldn’t. Seeing him lit a spark in me that I haven’t felt in years.

  I thought it would be like old times when he first locked eyes with me but then I saw the clear disdain in his stare. He hates me, which I knew he would but damn if it didn’t hurt to see him look at me that way. It’s for the best that he feels that way, I need to keep him away from me and out of the reason that I am back here. He’s already paid too high of a price for his family getting involved in business with the Donovan’s. He lost his dad because he chose to save me and I won't let Marcus make the same mistake, I'd die before letting him bleed for me.

  I make my way to lunch and try not to linger on the two interactions I’ve already had with Marcus. Why does he have to be so beautiful?

  He’s no longer the sweet little boy I left behind but all man. Tall, dark, and handsome with that bad boy edge and of course he is friends with the other two hotties I met this morning. I bet they have every girl in this place hanging off their dicks.

  I heard Marcus’ name multiple times throughout the morning along with his two friends who I have since learned are Jace Conrad and Lincoln Blackwell or the Rebels as they are apparently known around town. It’s clear from what I’ve heard so far that they pretty much run things around here. That usual top of the food chain bullshit but I can’t be caught up in whatever they have going on, I’ve got my own stuff to be doing.

  I just hope Marcus isn’t going to try and ignite some bullshit vendetta against me and get in the way of what I actually came back to this shitty town for.

  I enter the cafeteria and it’s like every eye hits me, but I just ignore them and get in line and fill my tray. I’m so anxious after the morning’s events that I need a major carb load. I grab a huge chicken bagel, bag of chips, a donut, and a soda. I pay and make my way to an empty table at the edge of the room which gives me a full view of everyone else and all the exits.

  There are plenty of people giving me curious glances and trying to make eye contact to get my attention, but I just want to eat my lunch in peace.

  “Hey, it’s Elle, right?”

  Fuck me sideways. I look up and see your typical jock staring at me and I just offer him a simple nod and smile.

  “Can I sit?” he asks pointlessly as he slumps into the chair across from me.

  “Sureeee,” I drag out the word sarcastically.

  “I’m Josh it’s nice to---”

  “Beat it, Sanders.”

  I don’t even have to look to know it was Marcus that spoke, and my new lunch buddy, Josh, is already scrambling from the chair opposite me. Pathetic.

  I look up and swing my gaze across the three of them slowly, making sure to linger on Jace and Lincoln longer before I look at Marcus.

  Jace looks like the most laid back of the three with his arrogant grin and cocky swagger. He’s wearing a band shirt like me with baggy jeans and vans and has another joint perched behind his ear. He is giving off those I don’t give a fuck about the world or anyone in it vibes but I recognize pain in his eyes.

  Lincoln looks like the quiet reserved type. He’s no longer wearing the glasses he was rocking this morning so either he doesn’t need them all the time, or he is wearing contacts.

  Dressed in a fitted shirt and jeans you’d think he was a grown man going to work rather than a student at a rundown school.

  Then there is Marcus, he is the tallest of the three and a contrast to both of their light features with his dark hair and dark eyes. There is a slight covering of facial hair dusting across a jawline so sharp it could cut glass. He looks sinful in his fitted black jeans, white tee and black leather jacket.

  The three of them together are a dangerous cocktail that I bet everyone wants a taste of. I need to deter their attention away from me and quickly.

  “Oh goodie, the Rebels have decided to grace little old me with their presence.”

  I throw their nickname in their face to taunt them that I already know who they are and that I just don’t care. Marcus tightens his jaw and cricks his neck slightly before responding.

  “We just thought you’d be up for adding three cocks to your roster, princess, or are our wallets not thick enough?”

  His statement is bold and loud enough to draw most people’s attention and he smirks. It’s clear he wants to put me in my place in front of his minions without alerti
ng them to our past. He thinks he will get one over on me, but I am more than happy to play his little game.

  I exaggerate a fake gag, “Sorry, almost lost my bagel there,” and I see a few people hiding a smirk in my peripheral.

  Marcus is not impressed so his little buddy tries to jump in to help him in what I am quickly learning is typical Jace humor.

  “Oh, come on, baby girl. Marcus might be picky, but I’ll let you take a ride on my cock. I’m all for a little charity work.”

  I keep Marcus’ eye as I throw back with my inner bitch out in full force.

  “He didn’t look too picky this morning when he was shoving his cock into some sloppy Sally.”

  I hear a few gasps and chuckles around me and it’s clear no one has ever dared to speak back to their precious Rebels before. It makes me feel giddy inside and I am thriving off it. Before Marcus can even respond I turn my gaze to Jace.

  “I have some time for you right now though, pretty boy.” I say breathily.

  “What?” he stutters, slightly confused while glancing back at Marcus.

  “To jump on your cock. Wanna go at it right here on the table where everyone can watch?”

  I don’t even know who I am with the words spurting from my mouth, but I can’t seem to stop myself from riling Marcus up. It’s just like when we were kids except that little flicker between us is now a full-blown inferno.

  “I’ll do you and even Superman here,” I nod my head to Lincoln, “but Marcus will have to take care of himself I don’t fuck assholes.'' I make sure to project my voice across the room so everyone can hear.

  He is seething now the anger rolling off him in waves, he bares his teeth grinding them when he spits out his response.

  “Listen here, you mouthy little traitor, I don’t know why you thought you could come back here but you aren’t welcome. Leave while you still have the chance, or you won’t like the consequences.”

  The word traitor spurs me out of control and before I can even second guess what I am about to do I am up and over the table. I push into Marcus and I slip my knife from the sheath concealed on my thigh and press it into his cock, I see his eyes widen when he realizes what’s in my hand. His boys tense beside him but make no move to help him. Nobody can see the knife but the four of us.


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