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L.A. Metro

Page 23

by R J Nolan

  She gave Kim's hand a quick squeeze. "Let's go to work."


  KIM PROPPED UP a four-foot tall Douglas fir and walked around it. Perfect. She didn't have a lot of room for a tree in her condo. As it was, she was going to have to wedge her dining room table against the wall unit that held the TV. She looked around for Jess, eager to show her the tree. Where did she go?

  "Hey, Kim. Over here. I found it."

  She could hear the excitement in Jess's voice. I'm so glad I waited until she could come with me. After laying her tree back on the pile, Kim walked to the next aisle over that held the larger trees.

  Jess was standing next to a tree at least a foot taller than she was. Considering Jess was just an inch shy of six feet, the tree was huge. Its base spread out at least five feet, if not more. "How about this one?"

  There was no way the tree would fit in her condo. How the hell am I going to tell her no? Jess had that same look on her face that she had earlier when she asked her if she had gotten her tree. Eager, but waiting to be disappointed. What in the hell did that bitch Myra do to you?

  "It's really a beautiful tree, Jess. But there's no way it'll fit in my dinky condo."

  "Oh." Jess's shoulders sagged. "Okay." She put the tree back.

  Damn. Kim thought fast. "You could get a tree too. I'm sure this one would fit in your place. I'd help you decorate it."

  Jess's expression brightened. She started to stand the tree back up. Her face fell and she let it go. "I forgot. I don't have any decorations."

  "We could get you some." Inspiration struck. Take a chance. Kim spent most of her time at Jess's. "Or how about this... We could share the tree. You buy the tree and I'll provide the decorations."

  "You would really want to do that?" Jess asked.

  Her tentative manner made Kim more determined than ever to make this a special Christmas for Jess. "Sure. Why not? It'll be fun."

  Jess shook her head. "Of course you would," she said, sounding as if she was talking to herself. When she met Kim's gaze, the sparkle was back in her eyes. "Thank you."

  "No need to thank me. It's been a while since I had someone to share Christmas with." She bumped shoulders with Jess. "I'm really looking forward to it."

  "Me too." Jess wrapped one arm around Kim's shoulders in a brief hug.

  Wow. Wasn't expecting that.

  "Have you ladies decided on a tree?"

  Thought we dumped him. The overeager salesman had followed them around when they first arrived. After Jess turned the full force of her ER Chief persona on him, he had made himself scarce.

  Kim looked over at Jess. "Have we decided?"

  With a broad grin, Jess pointed to the seven-foot tree she had chosen. "That one."

  The salesman put on his gloves and hefted the tree.

  "Can you deliver it today?" Kim asked.

  "Yep. Cost you twenty-five extra, though."

  "We don't need —"

  Kim cut Jess off. "That'll be fine. Thanks." When the salesman was out of earshot, she turned to Jess. "I'll pay for the delivery."

  "I could have taken it home."

  "Do you really want to drive on the freeway with a huge tree tied to the roof of your truck? And have tree sap stuck to your paint job? Plus trying to get that monster in the house?"

  Jess deflated. "Oh. Guess I should have picked a smaller tree."

  Kim bumped Jess's hip. "I love the tree. It's perfect. Come on. Let's set up to have it delivered, then we can buzz by my place and get the decorations."

  They were just getting ready to leave the Christmas tree lot when Jess's phone rang. She pulled her phone off her belt and glanced at the screen. "It's my sister. I can call her back later."

  "No. It's okay. Go ahead and answer it if you want." Kim was curious to see what the interaction on the phone was like between Sam and Jess.

  Smiling, Jess pressed the phone to her ear. "Hey, Sam. What's up?" She listened for a moment, then laughed. "That's not a very subtle hint." Tilting the phone away from her mouth, she said, "She's telling me where the video game she wants for Christmas is on sale." She turned her attention back to the phone. "I was talking to Kim..." She rolled her eyes. "No. We just bought a Christmas tree for my place." Jess's eyes grew wide. "No. I will not tell her that."

  Kim was dying to hear the other side of the conversation. She caught herself leaning closer to Jess. If she wants you to know, she'll tell you.

  "I have to go, Sam. I'll talk to you later... Okay... Bye."

  When Jess set her phone on the center console, Kim noticed a crack in the screen. "What happened to your phone?"

  "Um..." Jess looked everywhere but at her. "It got knocked off the coffee table. Thor stepped on it." She shoved the phone back into its holder on her belt and glanced at Kim.

  Kim quirked an eyebrow at Jess. Come on. Tell me. There was more to this story, she just knew it.

  Jess blushed. She shifted in her seat and then seemed to come to a decision. "Well... Sam and I were playing video games and sort of arguing over whose turn it was." She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. "We started wrestling over the game controller. Thor rushed over and tried to join in." She looked down. "One of us either sat on my phone or Thor stepped on it... I'm not sure," she finished in a rush.

  Kim had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. I wish I could have seen that. She hoped she would get a chance to meet Sam soon. She had a feeling she would get to see a whole other side of Jess when she did.

  "So did you win?" Kim asked.

  "Huh?" Jess looked up.

  "Did you win at the video game?"

  Jess grinned. "I got two levels farther than Sam. Without killing her once."

  Kim was having too much fun to let this go. "Sam?"

  "No." Jess laughed. "Adara."

  I should have known. "Ah. The intrepid explorer of exotic lands." Who just happens to be incredibly stacked. Now I have an idea of what to get Jess for Christmas.

  Jess's eyebrows shot up. "You know the games?"

  "I haven't played in a while." Kim grinned. "But yeah. I might have played some of the earlier ones... a time or two."

  "All right. Sam is going to be so jealous. She hasn't dated a woman yet who likes Adara."

  Kim's jaw dropped. No way. "Your sister is a lesbian?" she blurted before she could stop herself.

  "Oh. I thought I mentioned that." Jess arched an eyebrow and grinned. "Is that a problem?"

  Kim snorted. "Hardly." Her stomach chose that moment to growl loudly. "I'm starving. What do you say we get some lunch before they deliver the tree?"

  Jess laughed. "What's new?" She dodged Kim's playful poke. "Okay. I give." She started the engine. "Mexican?"

  "Of course," Kim said.

  "Ready?" Kim bent toward the outlet.

  "No. Wait. Let me turn off the lights." Jess doused the room lights. "Okay. Go."

  Kim smiled. Jess's exuberance as they decorated the tree had been heartwarming. It was the most fun that Kim had had decorating a tree in more years than she could count. She plugged in the Christmas tree lights.

  When she stepped from behind the tree, she saw Jess staring at the tree with an awestruck expression. Moving close to her side, Kim asked, "Like it?"

  "It's perfect." Jess cradled Kim's face in her hands. "Just like you."

  Kim flushed from the heat of Jess's gaze. "I'm not even close to perfect."

  "You are to me," Jess said. She drew Kim into her arms and kissed her long and lovingly.

  Pressing herself against Jess, Kim whimpered as Jess's tongue slid into her mouth. Oh, what you do to me with just a kiss. She wrapped her arms around Jess's back. The press of their breasts ratcheted her arousal higher.

  Jess grasped her ass and pulled Kim tightly into the space between her spread legs.

  Unable to stop herself, Kim ground herself against Jess's pelvis. She pulled away from the torrid kiss, panting. "God, Jess." When Jess began to tug at her clothes, Kim groaned i
n relief. "Yes." She lifted her arms and allowed Jess to pull her sweater over her head.

  Jess's eyes sparked fire at the sight of Kim's bra-clad form. "Just perfect." Her hands came up and cupped full breasts, then squeezed.

  Her legs going weak, Kim latched onto Jess's shoulders. "I'm going to fall."

  "I've got you." Jess guided Kim to the couch and urged her down onto it.

  The lights from the Christmas tree formed a multicolored aura around Jess.

  Unwilling to wait a moment longer to feel Jess on her, Kim reached up and tugged at Jess's belt. "Come here."

  Jess resisted. "Wait," she said, her voice velvety soft with arousal. She pulled her shirt from her pants and struggled with the buttons. Growling, Jess jerked the shirt over her head. She pulled off her sports bra and then leaned down and slid her hands behind Kim's back to unlatch her bra. "Take this off."

  Kim lifted up enough for Jess to complete her task. As soon as her bra was undone, she pulled it off and tossed it to the floor. She looked up at Jess. "I need to feel you on me. Now."

  A whimper escaped Jess's throat. She moved into place on top of Kim.

  They both groaned at the feel of their bare breasts pressed together.

  Jess slid one leg between Kim's thighs and pushed against her center.

  Kim's hips bucked up into Jess, trying to deepen the contact.

  Jess took Kim's lips in another deep kiss, keeping pressure against her center as she rocked her hips.

  The seam of Kim's jeans rubbed against her clit. Arousal skyrocketing, she grabbed the firm globes of Jess's ass and urged her on. "Harder."

  Jess lifted up enough to grasp the armrest behind Kim's head. Shifting position, she straddled Kim's thigh. Her eyes locked with Kim's. Jess's hips began to pump, hard and fast.

  "God. Yes. That's it." Kim growled. She squeezed Jess's ass in rhythm with her thrusts. Pleasure coiled in her belly and shot down her legs. Her eyes slammed shut and she cried out. Her hips arched with enough force to lift them both off the couch.

  Jess thrust one final time. An inarticulate sound was torn from her lips as she slumped down onto Kim.

  Her chest heaving, Jess tried to move her shaking body off of Kim. My God. The force of her orgasm had been mind-blowing.

  Kim's arms wrapped around her back. "Don't go."

  "I'm not going anywhere. Just don't want to squash you," Jess said.

  They shifted positions until Jess was lying behind Kim on the couch. Jess traced languid patterns in the sweat on Kim's bare stomach. She had never considered her libido particularly strong. As with so many things in Jess's life, Kim was rapidly changing that notion. Jess couldn't seem to keep her hands off her.

  Kim sighed and snuggled back against Jess. "That was a unique tree-lighting ritual."

  "I found it particularly enjoyable." Her hand slid up to stroke a soft breast. "We should make it a tradition."

  "Mm... that could be arranged." Kim captured Jess's hand. "So you like the tree?"

  Jess gazed at the tree. Multicolored lights twinkled in the darkened room. "Best tree I've ever had."

  Kim laughed. "Well, you mentioned before that you didn't put up a tree. So since it's the first tree you've had, that's not saying much. But I'm glad you like it."

  It was easier for Jess to tell the truth without having to face Kim directly. "Well, actually that wasn't quite the whole truth. I've had a tree here before... just not for the last several years." Jess smiled when Kim interlaced their fingers and hugged them against her belly.

  "Why did you stop putting up a tree?" Kim asked.

  Her defenses down, the words came tumbling out. "Myra didn't believe in Christmas. She made me feel stupid and childish for being excited about the holiday. And a total heathen for killing a tree." She scowled. "But she made sure she let me know exactly what she wanted for a winter solstice gift. And after she left..." Jess shrugged. Note to self: Incredible sex makes your brain mush and turns you into a big blabbermouth. Could you sound any more pathetic? "Sorry. I shouldn't be telling you all this. I'm ruining our day. You don't want to hear about me and my ex."

  "That's where you're wrong." Kim cradled their entwined hands between her breasts. "I want to know everything about you that affects you — good or bad."

  The declaration simultaneously thrilled and scared the hell out of Jess. She buried her face in Kim's silky hair. Please don't let me screw up the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  "It's incredible," Kim said. This was a wonderful way to end an already amazing day. Well, spending another night in Jess's bed would make a perfect ending to the day. But this is an excellent second choice.

  They were strolling down the main thoroughfare of the fairgrounds. A sea of Christmas lights sparkled in every hue. A multitude of festive holiday displays competed for attention. The excited laughter and delighted smiles of children and adults alike abounded.

  "And it gets more elaborate every year." The lights reflected off Jess's face, highlighting her exuberance. "We'll have to make this part of our Christmas tradition."

  Kim barely resisted the urge to hug Jess. Joy filled her heart as she heard Jess talking about their future.

  Old fears surfaced to dim her happiness. A future together was something she had not allowed herself to contemplate with any of her lovers. You let yourself care for someone too deeply and they leave you. One way or the other. Kim forced the thought away. No. Not this time. Things are different with Jess.

  "Kim," Jess said, sounding a bit worried.

  She pulled herself out of her morose thoughts and smiled at Jess. Don't ruin the day. "Sounds like a wonderful tradition." Leaning close to make sure she wasn't overheard, she added, "But not as wonderful as our tree-lighting tradition."

  Jess grinned. "How about we head over to the pavilion? They've got a vendor that comes in specially for this event. They serve fantastic hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls."

  "Oh. My kind of place. Lead on, Macduff," Kim said, making Jess laugh.

  Jess held the door for Kim and she stepped inside. Kim took a deep breath. The air was awash in heavenly smells. Chocolate and cinnamon dominated. A man walked by with a large cinnamon roll smothered in icing. Her mouth watered. "Oh yeah. I need one of those."

  She started when Jess leaned close to her ear.

  "You're killing me. Mercy," Jess whispered, her voice low and deep.

  Kim looked into silvery-blue eyes. Oh. God. The desire burning brightly in Jess's eyes sent a shaft of desire straight to her center. Kim swallowed heavily. Without thinking, she stepped closer to Jess.

  A group coming in the door behind them jostled them and brought her back to earth.

  Jesus. Kim flushed. She pulled Jess out of the flow of traffic and over next to the wall. "You're dangerous," she said.

  Jess's gaze darted around, then returned to Kim.

  That little half smirk Kim had come to learn meant trouble made an appearance. Uh-oh. She tensed when Jess leaned close, but Jess didn't touch her.

  "I wasn't the one who looked like I wanted to make lo —"

  "Ah..." She wagged her finger at Jess. "Don't even say it," Kim said, trying to hold back her laughter.

  Laughter burst from Jess. She dodged the poke Kim sent her way. "I'll buy you a cinnamon roll and a hot chocolate. If you promise not to torture me."

  Wow. Although Jess had shown her more mischievous side as their friendship had grown, Kim had not thought she would be so open and playful when it came to expressing her sexuality. This was a totally unexpected side of Jess's personality. I love it.

  A saucy smile quirked Kim's lips. "No promises."

  "I'm a dead woman," Jess muttered.

  Kim laughed. "Come on. Let's go get in line. I'm hungry."

  Jess led the way toward the two lines snaking out from the vendor's booth.

  As they took their place in line, Kim scanned the area. There were a number of booths selling food. A large section of the room was filled with tables.

  Her ears perked when she thought she heard a familiar voice from a nearby table. She turned to look and froze. Oh, shit! Jess is going to freak. A short distance away, Penny sat at a table with an older man and woman.

  Kim spun around and grabbed the sleeve of Jess's jacket. Her heart beat frantically in her chest. "We need to leave. Right now."

  Jess's brow furrowed. "What's wrong?" she asked even as she turned to leave.

  "Not in here. Outside." Dodging people right and left, Kim didn't stop until they got outside. She leaned against the building and blew out a breath.

  "What was that all about?" Jess asked.

  "I saw Penny sitting at a table, not four feet from where we were standing." Dark memories from her time with Anna threatened to overwhelm her. It's not the same. Jess just wants to keep her personal life personal, not hide you.

  Jess blinked a couple of times as the information sunk in. "I knew it was just a matter of time. Didn't figure on it being quite this soon, but oh well."

  Kim sighed. Not the end of our day I was hoping for. "We should go, before she comes out."

  "No," Jess said, her voice firm and clear.

  No? "But you know she'll blab all over LA Metro that she saw us together. It won't take much of a leap to figure out we're together." And I don't want you to ever regret becoming involved with me.

  Jess took Kim's hand. She led her over to a bench against the building's wall. "Sit down for a minute."

  Kim's gaze darted toward the doors to the building when Jess took both her hands in hers.

  "Please, look at me."

  She forced her gaze back to Jess.

  "Do I wish we didn't have to deal with this? Yes. Our personal life isn't anyone's business." She tightened her grip when Kim tried to pull her hands back. "But are we going to hide? Absolutely not."

  A lump formed in Kim's throat and tears prickled at the corner of her eyes. She is not Anna. Get that through your head. "I'm sorry. I don't want...." She looked at Jess just in time to see her expression close down.


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