The Darkest Days of the War- the Battles of Iuka and Corinth
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Sixty-fourth Illinois Infantry, 228, 240- 41, 326
Sixty-third Ohio Infantry, 154, 225, 233, 255–66 passim, 325, 326
Slemon’s Cavalry Regiment, 328
Sloggy, Pvt. Andrew, 170
Smith, Maj. Gen. Charles F., 16
Smith, Maj. Gen. Edmund Kirby, 40- 41,45,317,322
Smith, Col. Joseph Lee Kirby, 225–26, 232, 256, 275–76
Snead, Lt. Col. Thomas, 23, 25, 26, 43, 52, 119–21, 136,140
Snyder, Pvt. Will, 248
Soper, Cpl. Erastus B., 208
Spaulding, Maj. Zephaniah, 233
Spencer, Pvt. Daniel, 104
Spoor, Nelson T., 209, 213
Spoor’s Battery. See Second Battery, Iowa Light Artillery Sprague, Col. John, 259, 263–65
Spring Hill, Tenn., 324
Stanley, Brig. Gen. David Sloane, 34, 146, 152–53, 276, 315, 325, 326, 345 (n.21); actions of, during Iuka campaign, 68, 71, 110–111, 113, 122, 131; battle actions of, at Corinth, 154, 200, 213, 225, 235–36, 256, 258- 59, 261, 264, 269, 276; actions of, during pursuit from Corinth, 293–95, 301
Stanton, Edwin M., 13, 16, 127
State Line road, 280–82, 284, 288–89, 291
Stirman, Col. Ras, 289, 306
Stirman’s Arkansas Sharpshooters, 267, 286, 289, 328, 329
Stone, Maj. George, 204–5, 327
Sullivan, Brig. Gen. Jeremiah, 83–85, 103–8, 153, 217, 269, 274, 325, 326
Swarthout, Lt. Col. William, 182, 186
Swayne, Lt. Col. Wager, 260
Sweeny, Col. Thomas W., 165, 205, 228, 242, 243, 327
Sweet, Benjamin, 123
Sykes, Lt. Col. Columbus, 235
Tallahatchie River, 310
Tenth Battery, Ohio Light Artillery, 327
Tenth Iowa Infantry, 84, 85, 102, 227, 244–45, 325> 326
Tenth Missouri Infantry (U.S.), 227, 248–49, 257, 325, 326
Third Arkansas Dismounted Cavalry, 267, 328, 329
Third Battery, Michigan Light Artillery, 325,326,327
Third Iowa Infantry, 289, 328
Third Kentucky Infantry (C.S.), 166, 328
Third Louisiana Infantry, 39–40, 57, 86, 92–93, 95, 99, 106, 114, 250–51, 325,
Third Michigan Cavalry, 71, 74–76, 83, 125,325,326
Third Missouri Dismounted Cavalry (C.S.), 326, 327
Third Missouri Infantry (C.S.), 243, 325'327
Third Texas Dismounted Cavalry, 57, 78–79, 88, 90–92, 96, 98–99, 105–6, 25°* 325* 327
Thirteenth Iowa, 187–88, 327
Thirty-eighth Mississippi Infantry, 87, 100, 103, 327
Thirty-fifth Alabama Infantry, 167–68, 173,328
Thirty-fifth Mississippi Infantry, 172, 183, 254, 262, 267, 285–86, 327, 329
Thirty-first Alabama Infantry, 167–68,
Thirty-ninth Mississippi Infantry, 172, 328
Thirty-ninth Ohio Infantry, 112–13, 123–24, 225, 258, 267, 325, 326
Thirty-second Illinois Infantry, 289, 328
Thirty-seventh Alabama Infantry, 87, 100–101, 112, 326, 327
Thirty-seventh Mississippi Infantry, 87,100–101,112, 326, 327
Thirty-sixth Mississippi Infantry, 87100, 112, 326, 327
Thirty-third Mississippi Infantry, 170, 173»328
Thompson’s Corner, Miss., 71 Thrush, Col. William, 200, 211
Tilghman, Maj. Gen. Lloyd, 308
Tishomingo County, Miss., 19
Tishomingo Hotel, 22,186, 221, 222, 234, 251, 267–69, 319
Tobin, Lt. Thomas, 233
Tompkins, Pvt. Charles, 130
Trans-Mississippi District (C.S.), 7
Trezevant, Lt. E. B., 74
Trowbridge, Silas, 319–21
Trumball, Capt. Matthew, 289–90
Tucker, Sgt. William, 147
Tunnard, Sgt. Willie, 57–58, 86, 88, 92, 122, 150, 298, 301
Tupelo, Miss., 23, 322
Turnpike Hill, 67
Tuscumbia River, 137, 154, 277, 295, 345 (n.21)
Tuscumbia road, 64, 70
Twelfth Battery, Wisconsin Light Artillery, 84, 102, 227, 248, 325, 326
Twelfth Illinois Infantry, 164, 176, 178–79, 196, 242, 327
Twelfth Iowa Infantry, 327
Twelfth Michigan Infantry, 328
Twentieth Arkansas Infantry, 213, 257, 328,329
Twenty-eighth Illinois Infantry, 288, 328
Twenty-fifth Indiana Infantry, 281–82, 287, 328
Twenty-first Arkansas Infantry, 328, 329
Twenty-first Missouri (U.S.), 154, 161, 166, 182–83, 327
Twenty Mile Creek, 53
Twenty-second Mississippi Infantry, 150, 169–71, 328
Twenty-second Ohio Infantry, 327
Twenty-seventh Ohio Infantry, 225, 233* 259* 266–67, 325* 326
Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry, 111, 208, 211, 325, 326
Twenty-sixth Missouri Infantry (U.S.), 76–77, 82, 85, 93–95, 106, 325, 326
Twenty-third Arkansas Infantry, 172, 183,267,327,329
Tyler, Maj. John, 139, 159, 176, 214, 271,277
Union Brigade, 154, 196, 207–11, 242
Vandoozer, Pvt. J. M., 170
Van Dorn, Maj. Gen. Earl, 22, 23, 38, 274, 276, 286, 303, 315, 317, 327; background and character of, 6–7; early Civil War service of, 9–12; unpopularity of, 10–11, 297, 323–24; as district commander, 42, 45; command relations of, with Bragg, 43; command relations of, with Price, 43–46, 51, 318; actions of, during Iuka campaign, 59–60, 66, 132; plans attack on Corinth, 136–37, 140–41; actions of, during march on Corinth, 150, 155; battle actions of, at Corinth (4 October), 159, 161, 193, 203, 216, 217; believes Federals reinforced, 228–29; plans of, for 4 October, 229–30, 233, 251; battle actions of, at Corinth (4 October), 235, 252, 272–73; quixotic behavior of, during retreat from Corinth, 277–79, 282, 291, 294, 298, 300, 306; excoriated for defeat, 306- 8; depressed state of mind of, 307- 8; court of inquiry against, 308- 9; final days of, 310, 322–24
Van Dorn, Emily, 307–8, 323
Van Eman, Pvt. J. H., 113
Vaughan, Capt. Levi, 160, 170, 181
Veatch, Brig. Gen. James, 281–83, 287–288, 290, 328
Vicksburg, Miss., 44, 300, 303, 307, 309, 316, 322
Villepigue, Brig. Gen. John, 142, 155, 174> 193,272–273328
Wade’s Missouri Battery (C.S.), 176, 205, 220, 325, 327
Washburne, Elihu, 16
Watson (Louisiana) Artillery, 272, 328
Wayne County, Ohio, 264
Weber, Maj. Andrew, 110, 112
Welch, Thad, 297
Western Sharpshooters, 327
White, Maj. Robert, 266
White House, 195, 198–199, 210, 212
White House fields, 195–196, 201, 204–205, 210–211, 213–214, 348 (n.2)
Whitfield, Col. John, 86, 88, 91, 99
Whitfield, Pvt. W. G., 167–68
Wilcox, Lt. Col. John, 205, 243
Willcox, Capt. Lyman, 71, 73–74
Williams, Brig. Gen. Alpheus, 226
Williams, Capt. George A., 37, 234
Wilson, Hunt, 219–20
Wilson, Sgt. T. P., 82
Wilson house, 248
Wilson’s Creek, Battle of, 4
Wounded: suffering and treatment of, 116–17, 124, 171–72, 214, 221–22, 225, 234, 276, 308–9, 319–321
Wright, Cpl. Charles, 164, 175, 178, 180, 197, 206, 208
Yallabusha River, 310
Yates Sharpshooters. See Sixty-fourth Illinois Infantry Young, Capt. John, 104–5, 108
Young, Pvt. John, 149
Young’s Bridge, 291, 295, 299
Yow house, 102–3
Zearing, Capt. James, 168