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Page 9

by Bishop, K. M.

  I thought for a moment. When did we switch gears? It must have happened before I started paying attention. Ok, this could be fun.

  “I have never really done anything that crazy,” I said, but I left the seed of doubt to linger as my voice trailed off.

  Chance’s eyes flashed as he winked at me. “Oh, I don’t believe that for a second.”

  “Well, why don’t you tell me some of your exciting stories of debauchery?”

  “Debauchery? Oh, I don’t think what I’m about to tell you qualifies for debauchery.”

  “Well, I’ll be the judge of that. Don’t hold back or I will know. I’m a journalist; I can always tell when someone is telling me a made up story.”

  Chance took a sip of his wine and ran a hand through his other. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to think about what the best story was he could tell me. I could only imagine the catalog he had in mind. I would love to have sat there all night and just pick his brain.

  “During my senior year of high school my high school girlfriend and I decided that it would be fun if we had sex in our teacher’s car during the school day.”

  I could not stop laughing. “What? How did you manage that?”

  “It was simple,” he said. “I stole his keys when he wasn’t looking from his desk, and then we went out to the parking lot and went at it in the back seat.”

  “That’s bold,” I said. “It’s a good thing you weren’t caught.”

  “Oh, I didn’t care about getting caught. In fact I put my phone up on the front head rest and videoed the whole thing, streaming it live on the internet. The whole school saw it, but by the time the teacher found out, we were gone. And it was the last day of school. And I had a football scholarship to play here.”

  “That’s incredible. You didn’t care that all of the student body was going to see you?”

  He shrugged. “No. That was the point. Most of them were people I would never see again. And it made me a legend at the school.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “Oh, by the way, did I mention that the teacher was my girlfriend’s father?”

  I stared at him. He had to be joking. I studied his eyes for a few seconds and I could see the cold truth lying there behind them. Wow, that was so hot. The balls this guy had.

  Before I could tell him that I believed him he was pulling out his phone and then the video was right there on my phone. An eighteen year old Chance having sex with his girlfriend. And it was hot. He looked almost the same, except he was even more fit now.

  “That’s crazy…”I repeated. “How in the world did you think of that?”

  He shrugged. “It was an idea I had for a while actually. That guy was such a hard ass and he hated jocks. He was always giving me crap, mostly because he hated that I was dating his daughter. She didn’t get along with him either. So one night after they had a fight she suggested putting that idea of mine I’d told her about a while back into motion. She did not have to ask me twice.”

  “Wow, that is pretty hot. I don’t think I could ever top something like that.”

  He shook his head. “Oh, it would be easy to top that.”

  “Really? How?” I was interested to see what ideas he might have had.

  “We could do it right here.”

  I didn’t speak. Right here? What in the world was his mind cooking up? Surely not… he had to be messing with me.

  “Like what?” I asked with my chest tightening around my breath. I was terrified to hear the answer. What was I getting myself into?

  “Well, for instance…” Chance said. He grabbed one of the long fairly crunchy breadsticks off the table and bit into them. He smiled at me. “What if I told you this would taste so much better with a bit of yourself on them?”

  Then it suddenly clicked in my mind. There was no way in hell I was going to do that. Was he certifiably insane?

  I could tell that he was. The way he was smiling at me and shaking his head ‘yes’… he was actually serious.

  And the idea was turning me on just a bit. What was wrong with me now? I had never done anything remotely sexual in public, not even in the ladies bathroom. Nothing. And now I was entertaining this idea.

  “I am not doing that,” I said. “You will just have to try it with someone else.”

  He did not seem impressed. “Ok, but you are missing out on good fun.”

  He took another bite and then moaned quietly in a pleasurable vein. This was turning me on so much. Oh, I wanted him badly. I was getting wet and very turned on.

  I glanced around the room. Nobody was paying attention to us. We were actually fairly well off on our own for the most part. The couple seated beside us had actually left a bit ago, and now we were enjoying some quiet time for the two of us. It was nice.

  “I thought you were a lot more courageous than that,” Chance said. “Are you going to prove me totally wrong?”

  I couldn’t believe I was actually considering doing this. There had to be something wrong with my mind lately. Or I was just stepping outside of the bubble that I normally held myself in and trying something totally new and crazy. And I was loving it.

  I reached under the table and while still glancing around the restaurant to make sure no one’s gaze was floating over to us, I pulled my underwear down to my ankles. I stepped out of them and discretely put them in my purse.

  Chance was smiling widely now. He seemed impressed that I was actually going to go through with this. Well, I was a lot stronger than he might have guessed. And I was proving to myself that I was much braver than I had ever known. And it felt good. It was empowering. It was like some light had just clicked on inside of me. What was this man doing to me? He’d discovered something inside that I never knew existed.

  And I was so eager to meet this new person.

  I grabbed a breadstick off the table and placed it under the table, ensuring that it was still well hidden by the long, elegant table cloth. I was still very much covered. No one would see or suspect a thing.

  The breadstick found my opening and then entered me slowly, spreading me apart as I applied a slight bit of more pressure. Instantly my sexual desire was awakened and I felt myself growing lustful, and even more fearless.

  I locked eyes with Chance and his smile widened even farther. Yes, he was enjoying this so much. The look of passion, pleasure, and total desire in his eyes for me—that was the reason I was doing this. I enjoyed pleasing him. And he looked very pleased.

  But this could not be a one sided affair, now could it?

  “Pull it out,” I said.

  Chance looked confused and surprised for a second. At first he might have thought I was talking about the breadstick, but I shook my head. “Yours.”

  He nodded knowingly. Then he reached under the table and made some adjustments. Now he was exposed under the table cloth as his hands now rested on top of the table. He leaned forwards a little bit with a look of total bliss on his face, as if this was the happiest he’d ever been in his life.

  I reached up with my foot and found him. Wow…it was so big. The package beneath my foot, underneath my wiggling toes was huge. And it was hard already. I could feel him growing beneath my touch.

  I shoved the breadstick farther up inside of me until it would no longer go without me breaking it off at some point. Then I pulled it out and handed it to him. I wanted to see him tasting me. I wanted to watch the look in his eyes, the sweet lust burning in his face as he ate my sweet juices.

  His eyes were narrowing slightly as my foot continued to massage him under the table. I handed the breadstick to him and he took it slowly. He kept the eye contact for a few more minutes, until he finally broke it enough to look at the breadstick. He smelled it. His large hands moved up and down it, caressing it almost lovingly.

  And then he placed it in mouth, swallowing it deeply. Yes. That was what I wanted to see. With my own eyes I was watching him savoring the breadstick as he swallowed it. He had yet to bite into it. Right now he was
just enjoying the flavor. Chance breathed in deeply and held it. Then he breathed out as he let the flavor enter his other senses, his nasal passages. His eyes closed behind this. And then he bit into the breadstick and started to chew slowly.

  As all of this was happening, his package was growing hard and long. It was hard as a rock beneath my massaging feet and toes. The way his bulge felt beneath me gave me so much pleasure. I was so wet now. I desperately craved his thickness inside of me spreading me apart and giving me everything that I had ever craved from a man’s body. I had to have him soon. I was aching. My body was crying out for him.

  “This is exquisite,” Chance said.

  I pushed harder against his groin with my foot. I could see the desire lighting up in his eyes, his body moving with it as he rose up and then down again. There was so much strength, so much desire, pleasure, and yet so much pain welling within this man that I wanted to be a part of it all. I wanted to walk away from him. I knew that he was probably the wrong kind of man for me to become involved in, but there was something so real, so genuine about him that I wanted to cradle him and hold him close to me. I just didn’t want to let him go. I had to follow him wherever he went in the world.

  The thoughts in my head were dancing, bouncing around, and colliding with each other not making any sense, but I didn’t care anymore. This was a brand new world I was embracing, a part of myself that had lain dormant and I wasn’t going to let that happen anymore.

  “Would you like to taste more?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he replied. “But, this time I’d like to go straight to the source.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I was so horny when we left the restaurant that I could barely hold it together to drive, but I thought I did very well at keeping it together. I wanted Jamie to think that I was completely calm and relaxed. It wasn’t like me to get worked up like that without any actual sexual exploration going on, but the fact that she had done everything in the restaurant that I wanted was just blowing me away. The moment I let the words slip out of my mouth I felt like I had done something stupid. I was certain that she was going to yell at me and tell me to go fly a kite somewhere.

  But to my surprise Jamie was a trooper and she went right along. When she inserted the breadstick into her body, I could see the sweetness in her eyes getting a bit nervous, but she continued and then she came up with the idea of having me take my part out. Her foot knew exactly how to touch me. She applied just the right amount of pressure. It was perfect.

  And now as we left the restaurant I found myself getting so excited that I almost started to head back to campus. Then my mind came back to me and I remembered that my room was trashed. We were going to my uncle’s house. There would be so much more privacy there anyway. I was sure we’d both want that.

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly so as not to arise suspicion. I was calm, cool, collected—I had this. The night was just beginning and I was with the most amazing woman I’d ever known. How had this perfect angel come into my life right when I thought I should have been totally alone?

  “So, we aren’t going back to campus?” Jamie asked.

  “No. I thought we’d go to a house my family has just outside of the city. It’s pretty sweet. There is a lot of fun stuff to do there, a wild place to unwind. Unless you want to get back for something special.”

  “Oh, no. I don’t have to be back for any reason. So, your family has a house close by?”

  “Yeah, it belongs to my uncle. He is in Europe for a few months. I’ve been staying there quite a bit.”

  When we got to the house, I offered Jamie another glass of wine. She took it and sipped it slowly. I poured myself a whiskey and we sat down on the couch. There was total silence between us for a few seconds. It might have been mistakenly construed as awkward, but I did not hear anything of the sort there.

  “It’s beautiful,” Jamie said. She scooted over on the sofa towards me a little. I caught a whiff of her sweet perfume and it drove my senses wild. My eyes could not stop rolling over her amazing body from head to toe and then settling in her magical looking eyes. There was a connection between the two of us that transcended anything I had ever felt before. This was going to be a night that neither of us would ever forget. I just hoped that when it was over the magic continued. That was the risk one took when entering into a fast, whirlwind romance. There was just so much to think about that it could make you hesitant to even make that leap. As confident as I’ve always been, I have always feared actually getting my heart broken one day by some unrequited love or love gone bad. That was the risk, the gamble of it. And that was one of the things that made it so appealing. It reached out to my sense of adventure and my devil may care attitude.

  “I can’t get that image out of my mind,” I said.

  “Which one?” Jamie whispered.

  She was very close to me now, moving in. I knew what she was doing and I decided to toy with the idea. This was interesting. I was usually the aggressor. Jamie was trying the role on for size and she was decently effective with it, but somehow it felt a little bit unnatural for me to ease back away from it.

  “The way you just took that breadstick and covered it with your juices. You barely hesitated. You just knew that this was what I wanted and then you took ownership of it and it became something we wanted, something we were sharing together. That willingness to take those risks, that is important to me.”

  “Me too,” Jamie said. “It’s funny though, but until I met you I thought I was a risk taker. But you have opened my eyes to a whole new world. I have a feeling that life is about to get much more fun.”

  I leaned in just then and kissed her softly on the mouth. Her lips were sweet, coated with the flavor of the wine. It was a soft kiss, a sweet kiss, and the romance of it was very strong between us. As I touched her lips to mine it felt like the world around us was closing in, but not to smother us, instead to just comfort us and let the two of us know that we were safe and sound together here. There was nothing that would come between this new love.

  I kissed her harder then, running my fingers through her hair as I pulled her closer to me still in a big embrace. My other arm wrapped around her body. She fit me so well, as if her body was designed to coincide with me. Her curves were so soft, and a little thick, exactly the way I loved a woman to feel with me. My lips were kissing her harder now, licking slightly at the very beginning of each kiss as if warming her mouth up and showing her just that little extra bit of affection.

  I was getting so worked up. I could feel the sweat beginning to trickle out of my pours now. The beads of perspiration were rolling down my back staining my nice clothing and probably whipping up a slightly unpleasant smell from my body, but as Jamie’s breathing increased she seemed to be getting turned on by it.

  Was she getting excited by the pheromones my body was most likely releasing? Was this same thing happening to me? She smelled phenomenal. I just wanted to taste every single inch of her skin and drag my tongue from pore to pore. That would have been the ultimate feeling.

  I eased my tongue into her warm, soft mouth and instantly she met mine and our tongues began to wiggle together, dancing around each other and then colliding with exquisite force before retreating back to the safety of the dance. Her mouth closed around my tongue and sucked it back into her before she released me and I returned the favor, doing my best to be gentle but firm and swallow her oral exclamation into me. She tasted perfect. My head was spinning. My whole body was on fire. I wanted to break free of my skin. It was so constricting, so confining to me.

  My hand was moving up the inside of Jamie’s leg, approaching her thigh and heading up under the skirt. I was going to be very soon easing my fingers into the wetness of her sex, and then I would be able to taste the real essence of who she was and the direction our lust would soon take us. It was something I’d had on my mind probably since I’d first seen her in that locker room. I wondered how much she’d thought
about me and how quickly we might actually get together.

  My hand broke the barrier of her skirt and I was now almost touching her sweetness. I remembered that she’d taken her underwear off and that her panties were sitting in her purse. Oh, that was hot. She was open for easy access. There was literally nothing between her and me.

  I was there. I was touching her core, those soft lips of her entrance. My fingers were wiggling, shaking with excitement and nervous tension. Our lips, our tongues were still very much intertwined.

  I decided to go slow and move only one finger into her, just testing the waters and making sure everything was right where it needed to be in this journey of discovery.

  Jamie pulled back slowly, but suddenly. I was confused. Was this not where this was headed? Did I jump the gun and get a bit too brash with things?

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” Jamie said. “There is just something that I have to tell you first.”

  “Ok,” I said. This was a bit alarming, but I was intrigued.

  ‘I’ve never really done this before,” Jamie said.

  I wasn’t sure I heard her correctly. Was Jamie telling me that she was a Virgin? There was no way a woman this beautiful and this amazing had never been with anyone… unless it was a conscious choice to wait. But then why was she going to extend this gift to me? What made me that special? I agreed that what we had or could have was very wonderful and it would in time grow into something amazing and beautiful if we wanted that, but I did not think that we were there yet.

  But apparently, Jamie did. And that made me feel like the most important man in the world. This woman wanted to share something this precious with me. Wow… I hardly knew what to say.

  “Ok,” I said. “You want me to be your first?”

  Jamie looked up at me with a soft, loving look. She ran her hand through my hair and then leaned in to kiss me sweetly. “I do.”


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