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Page 10

by Bishop, K. M.

I took a deep breath. “Jamie, I’m honored. But I am curious. Why me?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know exactly. It’s just something I feel. Somehow I feel that it’s always supposed to have been you. I’ve always known that when I had my first time that it would be truly special and it would be with the right man. And though we’ve known each other a very short time, there is no doubt in my mind or body that this right man is you. And the right time is now.”

  I felt incredibly humbled by her kind words. I had never been anyone’s first before.

  “Thank you,” I said. “I will do everything I can to make this a remarkable experience that you will always remember and I will be slow and gentle. I appreciate you telling me this before we really got into it.”

  “I suppose that I should be scared, but I’m not at all. This is just something I know feels right and it is what I want. I think I made this choice the moment I met you.”

  I leaned in and kissed her again, this time more forcefully on the mouth. Her lips opened as she began to massage my mouth with hers, almost wrestling me with a newfound sense of urgency. We were going to do this and we were going to make it perfect.

  My hand resumed its place moving up her inner thigh as I continued to kiss Jamie passionately. This felt so good, so pure. I was not sure how to take the fact that I was actually going to take Jamie’s virginity. This was a bit frightening for me. What if I didn’t live up to her expectations? What if something happened where things just didn’t work out between us? Would she ever regret giving me this amazing prestige?

  I shut those thoughts out of my mind and focused on enjoying the experience and the moment with this sweet angel. My fingers were at the base of her entrance yet again. I took the leap and placed my finger inside of her, moving gently and just enough to get a glimpse of what I was about to experience.

  I wasn’t sure exactly how far I could go, until I hit the least little bit of resistance from her body. There it was….on the other side of that small barrier was the paradise that both of us were seeking.

  I got down on my knees then and placed Jamie’s legs over my shoulders as she lay on the couch. Then I eased myself into her crotch and began to massage her with my mouth, increasing the wetness and the sensitivity within her as I continued to lick her. My tongue was ablaze with the sweetest of tastes. She was perfect. It blew my mind to another world as I sat there and took my time sliding in and out of her with my soft tongue and then lapping at the outer lips of her core as well. She moaned softly as her hands played with my hair, running through the waves from the top of my head to the bottom, and then back up. Her legs were almost cradling my head then, effectively trapping my head to her body, which was the only place that I really wanted to be anyway.

  I licked her nub, cradling it in my mouth, between my lips. My finger probed just inside of her, as if asking politely for the wetness to increase, which it continued to do. The gleam that coated my finger now was beautiful. I placed my finger to my lips and then opened my mouth wide to taste her fully. I felt like the two of us were actually becoming one person now.

  She moaned softly, her eyes staring into mine with the look of a woman who was going mad with urge. And I was keeping that urge contained for the moment. I wanted to make it last for us. It was important for me to go slow with her. But I knew that she was getting wild, almost like a wild animal that had been caged for far too long. She was ready to break free and once she did there would be nothing but carnage in her wake.

  And I wanted to experience that kind of carnage with her and allow her to do with me what she would.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” I said.

  I stood up then and gently grabbed her hand. She followed me to the bedroom upstairs. There I removed her dress and her bra. Her breasts were amazing. They were full, large, soft yet firm, and the way she moaned when I touched them set me on fire with a fury of passion. I was so hard, so ready to be inside of her. I was certain that I would come soon. I couldn’t allow that to happen though. No I didn’t want that to happen too soon. I had to make sure I could hold out as long as possible.

  Then when I finally did let it release, I would know what real happiness felt like.

  I took off my clothes piece by piece, moving slowly as Jamie watched nude and writhing on the bed. She couldn’t leave her hands off herself and it was hypnotic to watch. I could not look away from the way she was touching it, pushing her fingers in just a little and then rubbing furiously on her clit.

  As I dropped my underwear to the floor and lightly kicked them away I found myself standing there for several seconds in front of Jamie, letting her take all of my body in. My body was tight and toned from years of dedication to athletics. And my cock stood out from my body. It was hard as a rock just waiting for Jamie to do her magic with it. I wanted her to touch it, taste it, to consume it any way she wanted to.

  “Is this what you expected?” I asked.

  Jamie continued to masturbate in front of me furiously. She was so ready for me. And I was ready for her, but it was fun for me to delay the inevitable.

  “Yes,” Jamie said. “What about this? Is this what you’ve been waiting for? You want this hot, wet, virgin pussy?”

  I took a deep breath. The way she growled right then at me was all it took to suddenly break me down.

  I walked over to her and spread her legs apart as I climbed onto the bed. I placed the head of my thick, member against her and then I kissed her softly as I entered her. I encountered a bit of resistance as was to be expected from her body, but then suddenly the barrier broke and I heard her gasp in pain. She wrapped her legs tightly around my body and held on to me.

  I was still, waiting for the pain to pass. It would happen soon, I knew, but she had to feel it and let her body get used to the sudden shock of what was happening to her. I leaned down and kissed her lovingly on the lips.

  “It’s ok, baby,” I whispered. I moved in even closer and held her tightly to me. She was shaking, actually trembling with fear, anticipation, and a bit of pain. I could feel the wetness growing between us. She was so tight. Her body gripped me and pulled me into her and I resisted ever so slightly.

  As I felt her becoming more accepting of what was happening, I moved in more deeply. And then I was fully inside of her. I am big and I had to consider this as I made love to Jamie.

  “Are you alright?” I whispered into her ear.

  She gasped, took a breath, and replied, “Yes. Oh, yes…”

  I kissed her deeply as the lovemaking intensified. Hearing her soft moans and gasping breaths in my ear was like the sweetest music that I’d ever heard in my life. This was what I’d been dreaming about and wishing for ever since this beautiful woman entered my life. This was what I had been so afraid to pursue because I mistakenly thought it might send me somewhere that I didn’t want to go towards. A shaking thought arose in me…what if I hadn’t taken this chance? What if I hadn’t pursued this gamble? That would have been a total tragedy.

  Jamie’s tightness was unlike anything I’d ever known. Her body was grabbing me like a vise and pulling me into her, resisting every single movement as I tried to manage micro escapes before plunging back into her pool of ecstasy.

  As we made love, one thing I was so certain of was the fact that this would have a profound impact on the both of us going forward in our lives, even if our own respective paths took us down different roads that would never again meet. This was something that both of us would treasure.

  I pulled back from Jamie and I guided her into the doggy style position. She seemed a bit apprehensive to try it, but I assured her it would be fine. “It’s ok, honey. I’ll show you. Just let me take care of everything.”

  She smiled and leaned into the position. I placed one foot on the bed to prop myself up and then I put one hand on her shoulder and the other hand on her hip. Then I entered her from behind. She seemed to be getting even wetter. I wasn’t sure how that managed to happen but I was not in the habit of que
stioning beauty.

  I entered her softly, pressing my hard, rigid flesh into her waiting soft moisture. I held it there as I entered, waiting for her body to respond and the profound pleasure that awaited us both to grip us and hold us before letting go for the next round.

  Then I continued. I knew that I was going to come soon. As far as I could tell Jamie was getting close as well. Her moans were getting louder and somehow her core was growing tighter around me, squeezing my base hard at the end of every single thrust.

  “I’m going to come,” I said.

  “Yes…do it…” Jamie moaned.

  And then it happened. I closed my eyes and leaned back as my body began to spasm beneath the weight of my orgasm. I tried to moan, tried to talk, and tried to breathe, but everything in the world just stopped and it felt like some invisible walls had just collapsed on my body as every single muscle tensed up.

  Jamie was now yelling with her sweet release as well. I felt it happening around me, and I held on trying to stay inside of her as her inner muscles clamped down almost forcing me out.

  And then it was over. The two of us lay sweating and totally beaten by our desires. I held my beloved to my chest and kissed her sweetly.

  I hoped that it was everything she had always dreamt of. This was the most amazing experience of my life. I searched my thoughts, my mind as deeply back as I could go and tried to remember the best sex I’d had previously, and as I did so I realized that nothing had ever compared to this experience, this wonderful lovemaking - that was exactly what it was - and I wasn’t sure I’d ever really made love before.

  And now that I had, I knew I would never be apart from Jamie. If she would have me, I would stay with her until the end of time. It was such a mind trip to admit that after one night with a woman I barely knew, but after what we’d just shared, I felt like I knew her better than I’d ever known anyone. My mind didn’t know a lot about Jamie. I didn’t have much information on her about her life, her past, her goals and dreams etc. But my heart knew hers and I could just feel it in the air that this was just the beginning for us. This was just the prelude to amazing things to come.

  And I wanted to be there with her every single step of the way. I had to laugh at myself when I thought about how a pact I’d made with myself had almost ruined this chance meeting, this coming together of kindred spirits, my soul mate—none of it would have happened if I had stuck to my guns and stayed the course on the pact I’d made.

  Maybe doing that had somehow led me to the right woman. That was the thing I’ve always thought was so funny about life. There were so many little things that added up to how our lives turned out. If you removed just one little thing then your life as it stands right now does not happen. There are too many weird little coincidences that add up to who we are and who we are sharing our lives with for it to be totally random.

  I believed that Jamie and I were fated to meet and to fall in love. As I lay there in bed holding her, I accepted this realization without trouble. This was true. This was real love and it had finally happened to me.

  It was funny how, I didn’t even try to deny it no matter how crazy it sounded out loud. To me it made perfect sense.

  I just hoped that Jamie felt the same way.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I woke up early, before sunrise. I was still lying in Chance’s arms. The night before was still so fresh in my mind. I couldn’t even remember getting tired and drifting off to sleep. But now I was waking up with him. We were both still nude, still warm, and for some reason I was still sweating. The air conditioning had kicked on in the night and when I woke up it was blowing cool air down on my sweating skin.

  The clock on the nightstand said it was a little after five in the morning. It was very early, but I still had a lot of work to do on the article before I turned it in to my editor by the end of the day. It was coming along well and I giggled to myself as I wondered if I should put anything about last night into the article? I was sure that so many inquiring minds would want to know exactly all about Chance Atkins’ romantic prowess from someone who had actually been there to experience it.

  And what an experience it had been…

  My first time. It had actually happened. For some reason it didn’t seem real to me perhaps because when I dreamt about things or fantasized, I was never having my first time. I wondered why that was. When I entered the world of fantasy, I usually was an experienced sex bomb, a diva about to go off in an explosion of lust.

  But this was real. And it had blown all of my fantasies and preconceived notions about love and sex all away. This was a whole other level of amazing. I was still glowing, still buzzing with the excitement of it all. And I was fine. I had made it through without anything embarrassing happening, and even the slight bit of pain I’d felt at first was very minimal. I thought I might be sore, but I wasn’t. I was fine. And more than that, I was happy.

  But I was awake now. I decided that I would sneak out and call an Uber home so that I could finish working on the article. I did have some classes to attend, but something told me I was going to miss those. That was the peace I’d made when I decided to join Chance on a Sunday date.

  Everything about the evening had been perfect. And I knew without a doubt that I was falling in love with him. I wondered if he felt the same. Of course he didn’t. How could he? We’d been out once together and we’d made love one time. But I saw the look in his eyes when I told him I was a virgin. It was like he was accepting that we had a special connection that went way beyond where it should have been at such an early stage.

  But it was there. I felt it. And it was real. There was no denying that on my part.

  I had sex with Chance. My mind kept returning to this. It had finally happened. I’d found the guy that I really wanted to be with and I’d made that choice. And I did not regret a thing. And I definitely did not regret waiting for him. I couldn’t have imagined any other guy I’d dated sharing that with me. I would have always looked back on that with a bit of disdain. But now I could have the fondest of memories about it all.

  And this was just the start. I had no way of knowing this, but I did. I felt it in my bones. It was lying inside my heart and filling my entire being. I felt like Chance and I were meant to be.

  It was so exciting, but it was frightening, too. What had we gotten ourselves into? Did either of us want this right now? Was this really in the cards for us?

  I slipped out of the bed and found my clothes that Chance had taken off me on the floor. I began to get dressed being as careful as I could be to not wake him up. I wasn’t sure what his schedule was like today, but I wasn’t going to be responsible for him not getting his rest and having a bad day. I could only imagine the type of stress that he had to be under. Everyone was constantly looking to him to lead the team to victory, but he was just one guy. It was a team effort.

  I was just putting my dress back on when the covers began to stir on the bed and I noticed that Chance had sat up. He was staring at me with a look of mild amusement on his face. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  I smiled at him and replied, “Not too bad. Did I wake you?”

  “No. I’m an early riser,” Chance said. He stepped out of the bed. His naked form came towards me confidently. I could see he already had some morning wood going. The sight of it made me weak in the knees, as did the way he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. He was now brushing up against my dress, which only seemed to add to his early erection.

  I was getting turned on myself. Wow…could we do it again so soon. Was I ready? Yes, I was. My desire was returning in a wicked frenzy and I found myself being awakened at the very thought of riding him. That was a position I had yet to try and it sounded like fun. Maybe next time I could take more control, now that I had basically gotten rid of the novice status.

  “I can see that,” I teased as I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his stiffness.

  “Oh, that’s it…” He purre
d in my ear. “Now, you weren’t thinking about leaving, were you?”

  “I have a lot of work to do, and I didn’t want to wake you up,” I said.

  “Work? Oh, that will have to wait,” Chance said. “We haven’t had our shower yet.”

  I giggled. Chance grabbed my hand and led me across the bedroom to the master bathroom. It was huge.

  Before I could even take in the magnitude of the bathroom that was twice the size of my entire dorm room, Chance was removing the dress I’d just put back on and admiring my naked body. He stood back and looked me up and down as he walked around me. I committed to playing the part by spreading my arms a little and seeing if there was anything he really liked here.

  “Oh, this is beautiful,” Chance said. It was hilarious. He was eying me up like a genuine piece of meat, really hamming things up and then he slapped my ass with an open hand fairly firmly on the cheek. It felt good. I had always thought about being dominated in bed, maybe getting into some role playing and I hoped that something like that would be down the road for us in the near future.

  “Thanks,” I said. “I think this is beautiful.”

  I reached out then and grabbed his member, holding it firmly in my hand at first and then quickly adding the other hand stacked up like gripping a baseball bat. He was so large…. It was astounding that he’d ever been all the way inside of me.

  Chance stopped walking and smiled at me. “Oh, this old thing?”

  I giggled. There were so many things that I wanted to do…so many avenues to explore. I hardly knew where to start.

  “What is on your mind?” Chance asked.

  He was good. It amazed me how he already seemed to know when I was lost in thought. This intuition was something I had always associated with people who were very close and I couldn’t remember a time when I had ever experienced this with anyone else.

  “I was just thinking,” I said playfully.


  I decided that it might be better if I showed him what I was thinking. I walked over to the shower and turned it on. I checked the water to make sure it was warming up to the right temperature. Then I headed into the shower and motioned for Chance to follow. He smiled at me and then walked slowly towards me.


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