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  “I gather your session with Kai didn’t go well,” he responded, amused.

  “The man’s a jerk. I can’t stand him. He’s too full of himself.”

  Reese moved closer. “He’s the best trainer we have. Yes, Kai’s demeanor can be cocky, but he’s paramount at his job, and isn’t that what counts? You want the best, don’t you?”

  “How about you? I know you’re a trainer also.”

  He shook his head. “I’m who they call ‘the nice one.’ I’d never be tough enough. I have a feeling you’d push me around and never get your money’s worth. But I’ll make you a deal. I can be your friend if you allow Kai to work his magic.”

  I removed my sunglasses. What, does every hot man on this island want to be my friend? “Doesn’t seem like a fair trade. The guy’s a conceited prick. I know the type. And why would you want to be my friend anyway? I threw up on your boat.”

  He chuckled. “It wasn’t mine, per se. And I told you then you weren’t the first and by no means the last. It takes a while to get sea legs.”

  “So I guess you really are the nice one,” I teased.

  “Well, you haven’t met Jasper yet, and honestly, he’s a stuffier version of Kai. He’s British, and you know how they are,” he confided.

  “So there’s just the three of you?” I asked, curious.

  “We have many trainers, but Kai and I are reserved for A-list clientele. Jasper does minimal training, but he’s more the business end of this venture.”

  “So it’s all work for you?” I inquired with a smile.

  He turned toward my ear. “Oh, our nights are free. It’s when we do our best work.”

  My core warmed at the innuendo. And for the moment, I struggled with the notion of whether this was just small talk or actual flirting. We sat for another hour as I listened to his story about how VIP came to fruition.

  “But then again, you know all about struggle. I’m sure parlaying an adult film career into a multimillion-dollar business was due to dedication and work,” Reese stated.

  “I never wanted to be in porn,” I confessed. “It just kind of happened, and the money was immense. I ignored the fact that I might not ever be known as anything else. I actually hated it, and when I got married, I was hoping it was my way out. I assumed being a domestic goddess was better than having the reputation as the gang-bang queen. But my husband, my ex, was an asshole in the worst way. When I finally got my shit together and divorced that tool, I put together a plan. I didn’t have a business model for Flesh Market, just an idea, but it paid off. I was lucky enough that I saved almost every dime I made in porn, and I finagled a few people to invest.”

  “Not only attractive, but smart. I admire that in a woman.”

  I snorted. “Reese, you’re what, twenty-five?” I asked, smirking.

  “Actually twenty-four.”

  “You’re not one of those chubby chasers, are you?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Um, that would be a no. But it doesn’t mean I can’t be intrigued by you,” he admitted.

  “As much as I’m flattered—and I am; believe me—I’m way too old for you. I could never compete with the younger girls.”

  His expression got serious. “I enjoy older women. I think they have life experience, and I appreciate that. To be honest, younger is fine for sex, but as far as intense long-term intimacy, I find myself drawn to someone more mature.”

  I blushed deeply. He was gorgeous, young, and willing. If this were years ago, I might take his offer, but it had been a long time since I’d physically shared myself with anyone. The way I looked and felt was depressing, even to me, and I had no intention of spoiling this young man’s fantasy of an older woman. “Never going to happen.” I chuckled.

  “Never say never. One of these evenings, after an exhausting day with Kai, you might want the comforting arms of moi.”

  I bumped my shoulder with his. He really was sweet. For the first time since I found out about this vacation, I felt happy. I had a new friend. Someone who knew Kai and would be there for me to share my woes. I expected the worst, and Reese had no idea that his offer of comfort would be a welcome relief after days with Kai.

  Chapter Seven


  Three Weeks Later…

  “I’m gathering today’s session with the porn star didn’t go well either,” Jasper mocked with amusement.

  “If you could call it a session. Every hour with her is full of long, drawn-out arguing, expletives, and agitation. The ex-porn star is by far the most arduous, egotistical person I have ever trained, and on top of it, she never shuts up. She also refuses to acknowledge the fact that she is overweight. Tegan Scott complains about everything. All in all, the woman is insufferable. I always feel as though she’s prepared to kick me in the balls at any time. I swear I’m going to start wearing a damn cup for protection.”

  Jasper laughed, which was a rarity for him. “So the woman gets under your skin. It isn’t like you to get vexed over an inferior female of the older persuasion.”

  “It’s nothing. She just grates on my nerves. Tomorrow will be better.” I tried to respond convincingly. Another round like today of said porn star’s bullshit and the remaining days will seem like an eternity.

  “Just a heads-up, but I saw young Reese sitting with her again, this time on the south side of the beach. They seemed rather cozy and appear to be spending a bit of time together.” Jasper paused. “Well, you have always spouted he’s the nice one.”

  “Jesus, just what I need. Reese wanting to fuck the porn star. If that’s his game, he’ll be flying solo. I want no part of her,” I declared harshly.

  “Calm the hell down. I’ve only ever seen them talking. It could be all that transpired. If he hasn’t made a move by now, he isn’t going to. Well, he’s possibly waiting for an opportune time. You do know he’s never been that keen on the girls we prefer. I think his tastes lie more with mature women. Just my opinion.”

  I had an epiphany. “Well, good, if his friendship is what it takes to get her to chill and stick with the program. I need her motivated. We have to work together, and I’m telling you it’s hell,” I responded, sweeping my hand through my hair.

  “You appear miffed, Kai. You’ve had difficult clients before. It’s part of the job. You’ve never gotten this agitated before. What is it?”

  I haven’t a fucking clue. I wish I did. Tegan Scott just pisses me off. “Nothing that a beer with a pussy chaser can’t fix.”

  Jasper stood as he carefully picked the lint from his pants. “That’s the man I know and love. Love meaning us shagging the same woman. I think Jamie is free tonight. I promised her a second round.”

  Shaking my head, I spun in my desk chair. “You know how I hate to patronize the same woman unless the sex was exceptional. You go ahead. I think I’ll head to the mainland and procure a new piece for tonight.”

  “But Jamie will expect us both,” Jasper argued.

  “I’m sure you can handle her by yourself. Or take Reese. I’m looking for something fresh to take my mind off of the fact that I’m stuck with the client from hell.”

  “I’m sure Reese will say no. You know, even if she thinks it’s only friendship, he might be looking for more, and once he sets his sights on someone, he will pursue with fury. And I’m thinking possibly another week until he gets into the porn star’s pants. Care to wager, Kai?”

  “No, I’m not going to have a bet with you about Reese’s love life. But I am going to talk with him, because fucking a client is against the rules and he knows that. Friendship is one thing, but screwing her can’t happen. I want Ms. Scott’s head in the game. She needs to be concentrating on getting fit, rather than having sex with some boy toy.”

  Jasper snickered. “While you’re having a chat with Reese, you might want to examine yourself. I get the feeling there’s more to this than you’re telling me.” He smiled calmly as he walked toward the door. “The truth is, Kai, you have rules. And the ones I’m tal
king about, you are now questioning. What it comes down to is a tiger cannot change its stripes. So don’t even try.”

  “Whatever. Get out of my office. You have your own,” I growled.

  Jasper whistled as he strolled down the hall. I really despised whistling. The man was a prick.

  He was right in his observations. I was incensed at the thought of Reese laying claim to Tegan. What infuriated me more was not knowing why it bothered me. Thirty minutes after I’d met her, I’d figured out why she had gained weight. Her mannerisms reflected a woman who loathed men, and what better way to keep them at bay? Become something they no longer desired. But she was playing a dangerous game because she was exactly the woman Reese would go after. Beautiful and broken. He never cared about their body, and although he was an athlete himself, as well as a trainer, he found skinny women to be extremely fragile.

  Reese was looking for a woman he could fix. And Tegan was her.

  I slammed my fist on the desk as I kicked my chair out from under me. There was something unnerving about Reese sticking his cock inside her. Rage bubbled up inside me when I imagined them together, writhing in passion.

  What the fuck, Kai? Get it together. She’s just a fatty ex-porn star who knows how to take “the nice one” to heights he’s never dreamed about.

  Reese was my competition. I would never allow him there first. And while sleeping with her was out of the question, a blowjob wasn’t.

  I pressed my intercom system. “Angie, tell Reese I want to see him right away. It’s important.”

  I grabbed some water as I sat back in my chair. In another two hours, it would be five. After I showered and dressed, I could be off to the mainland. I figured by seven, I’d be having that beer, followed by some new pussy.

  Ten minutes later, there was a knock at my door. “Enter,” I announced.

  Reese was wiping perspiration from his brow as he walked in. “You asked to see me, my liege,” he quipped as he bowed.

  “Don’t you dare sit on my sofa. You’re drenched in sweat. And Jasper is the fucking king. Only because his dick is bigger by an inch.”

  Reese laughed. “Okay, does that make you the queen… or maybe the prince? I’ve never seen two men so obsessed with a measuring tape,” he admitted. “It’s safe for me to sit on the end of your desk. Sorry about the way I look, but some of us had clients today.”

  “Don’t act so smug. I’m sure you’ve already heard about the many debacles that would be my sessions with Tegan.”

  Reese adjusted his body as he sat halfway on the edge of my desk. “I may have heard a little something.”

  “Don’t act coy, Reese. It’s not your strong suit. Jasper told me he saw you and her together again on the beach, thick as thieves.”

  Reese’s smile quickly faded. “Are you two spying on me?”

  “Hell no. Jesus, you’re fucking paranoid. Jasper happened to see you both deep in conversation, and I wondered if I was mentioned.”

  “Yeah, I think she did mention some arrogant prick. After three weeks, I’ve concluded she means you. I’d appreciate you not acting like my father. Because unlike yours, mine wasn’t a deadbeat.

  “Wow. That was even lower than usual. Feeling self-assured, are we?” I questioned, my tone dripping with disdain. “And while we’re on the subject of arrogant pricks, yours will not be entertaining Tegan.”

  Reese appeared unmoved. “And why is that? You surely aren’t interested, and she’s an alluring woman.”

  I shook my head at him. “We have rules, and do I have to remind you the clients are off-limits? Find someone else. I can’t have you fucking with Tegan’s head. I don’t need her confused. I need her focused. And she certainly can’t do that if you’re constantly trying to seduce her or whatever you think you’re doing.” I waved my hands in the air.

  “Good grief. We’re only talking. And why the hell do I even have to explain anything to you? Jealous?”

  I stood, balling my fists at my sides. “And why exactly would I be jealous? I date size ones, not fourteens. I date young, not haggard.”

  “And there lies your problem, Kai. You fuck. Don’t call it dating.”

  Chapter Eight


  “So how was your day?” Ronnie asked as she tossed her sunglasses and towel on the floor.

  She looked slightly sunburned, or that might have been the glow of the pretty people. I was annoyed.

  “I thought you were coming to the pool after your workout session. You always say you are, then never show up.”

  “Yeah, about that.” I started. “As I’ve explained a million times, Kai is a douche with a capital D, and after these sessions with him, you honestly don’t think I’m going to hang out with you and all your new modelesque friends. The stick figures. Shit, Ronnie, I’d be the only one that isn’t a fucking size zero. Not very ego boosting. I’ve already been told what a fat cow I am,” I complained.

  “You have not. For what you’re paying him, I seriously doubt he called you a fat anything,” she retorted with a raised brow.

  I chewed on my lip because dinner wasn’t for another forty-five minutes, and I was ravenous. “So maybe he never verbalized it, but I’m sure he thought it.”

  “Bullshit, he thought no such thing,” she remarked as she untied her bikini top. “And what? Now you’re able to read minds? I know you. You go in there every day with both barrels blasting, and now you’re blaming him by putting words in his mouth.”

  I’d like to put something else in his mouth, like a big-ass kielbasa. Fuck, now I want kielbasa and sauerkraut. Damn him. “Whatever. Do you think this is a stripper room? Should I order you a pole? I could really do without seeing your tits. Spare me the free show. Put on a shirt or something.”

  Ronnie stood and walked out to the balcony to hang her towel, sans top. “Quite a few of the women here go topless. It’s very acceptable.”

  “Just another reason I’m not spending time at your pool. It’s bad enough witnessing all the butt floss.” I groaned.

  “There are two other large pools, you know, and we have that lap pool right outside.”

  “I actually found solace on the beach. I was virtually alone until Reese showed up a few weeks back. You remember, the young hottie from the yacht.”

  Ronnie coughed. “Well, hot damn. Look at you. You made a friend. And never bothered to tell me.”

  “I’m not one hundred percent positive, but I think he’s looking for more. I mean, more than just friendship,” I bragged.

  Her brows arched as she came closer. “Don’t allow him to hurt you. You could have heard what you wanted to. I just don’t want you to expect anything from the men around here. There’s quite a bit of gossip about the trainers from some of the women by the pool. Especially Kai, Reese, and some man named Jasper. They are big-time womanizers.”

  “And since when have I ever believed any man? Not in years. I’m quite satisfied with my battery-operated orgasms. I design sex toys for a living. No man can come close to getting me off the way they do. And just for your information, Reese was quite clear on his objective. Of course, I would never take him up on the offer. He’s too young, but there’s something empowering in being asked and flattered, considering my size,” I admitted. “Now, will you please put on some actual clothes, or do you plan to go down to dinner, boobs exposed?”

  Ronnie laughed as she made her way to the bathroom. “It’s only fair. I’ve seen you naked a zillion times on DVD,” she yelled before shutting the door.

  I would give her that.

  Even with all the weight I’d gained, my breasts were still astounding. Talk about age-defying gravity. They still looked perky, even if the rest of me didn’t. Maybe it was the fact that I was one of the few porn stars that refused to get implants. These babies, like the rest of me, were au naturale.

  I channel surfed as I waited for Ronnie. I was already dressed and ready to go, donning another long sundress to accent some of the color I’d gotten while sitting
on the beach. I had brought along quite a few because they were designed to flatter the figure while hiding everything I was insecure about. Maybe in the future, I could get a smaller size, since I was beginning to see changes due to exercise and better nutrition. But the food still sucked.

  I took out my starvation on Kai. In all fairness, he was only doing the job he was hired for. I had made every session with him a hostile environment. We both wanted to dominate, but neither of us would bend. I was sure he hated me as much as I disliked him. He had to constantly berate me into doing what he wanted. He’d never said the words outright, but I could tell he was at his breaking point with me. I had made our time together intolerable.

  Then there was Reese. What exactly should I do about him? I enjoyed his friendship, and above all, he knew all the particulars of the island.

  So far, I hadn’t seen many fat people. Were they keeping them sequestered?

  Ronnie opened the bathroom door as she styled her hair. She had put on shorts with a bandana shirt. Good thing she was gay, or every man would want a piece of that.

  “You look very island like,” I remarked as I clutched both our bags.

  “Do you think Nadia will like it?” she asked as she put the hairspray away. “She’s meeting us for dinner. Finally, I got her to say yes.”

  “You know I could just eat here. That way I won’t be a third wheel,” I said with disappointment.

  She put her arm through mine. “No way. She’s expecting us both. She reserved a table for three. You’ll never be the third wheel. Hell, baby, you’re my wingwoman.”

  * * *

  So the overweight brigade wasn’t in hiding. They all showed up to eat. It was a buffet. Even though it was quite a spread, none of it, as usual, left me enthusiastic. I settled on a small piece of skinless chicken, some mixed fruit, and tons of raw vegetables. Kai did think I was a cow because he was always talking about “grazing,” and here it was. Actually, some of the vegan choices looked edible. I would try them later. What I wanted currently was gravy-drenched roast beef and a damn cupcake. I frowned because dessert was nowhere on that buffet. According to the nutrition chart we received with each mouthwatering meal, processed sugar products, bakery goods, and chips were the devil.


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