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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 17

by Ambere Sabo

  “Martinez was his cousin, and that’s the only reason he was spared when he fucked up by letting me live as a kid,” Venom’s voice chimes in behind my head.

  “Fucking figures. Then there’s the business of whether or not Wrecker took off with the cash Enterrador paid for you girls. If he actually paid the money, in his eyes, you’re his to take whenever he chooses.”

  Venom stiffens behind me, and his hold tightens to a nearly painful grip. He and I share the same worry. As long as Enterrador is out there, will I ever feel safe?

  “We have no idea if they’ll realize that we have the girls from the cells or if they’ll think that Wrecker has taken them. We may not only have killed someone in his family today, but taken money out of his pocket as well.” Snoop shakes his head with a look of concern coloring his features before he gives voice to what we all fear. “I don’t think he’ll let that go unpunished.”

  Chapter 33


  After what Snoopy tells us, the severity of what went down today is on everyone’s minds as we all sit in church and go over the consequences that may follow. Angel tells the brothers her story the same as she told me and Reine in the cells. It bothers them just as much as it did me when I heard her tragic tale. She also tells them everything she knows about the cartel's movements in Texas and other locations she was held before being moved here.

  We have no clue if Enterrador will come after us for retribution or what is in store for us when he does, but right now we are trying to focus on the present. I think we all would lose our fucking minds if we just sat here waiting for them to come. Besides, it’s just not our style.

  We all live in the moment, measuring our lives in the risks we take and the bikes we ride. None of us wanted the monotony of a normal life, or we wouldn’t have joined an MC, to begin with. We want the thrill this life brings and the family that comes along with it.

  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and we want to notify as many families as we can that their loved one has been found and is safe. If it was Reine who was missing, I’d be tearing the country apart looking for her. I’m sure the families of the girls who were taken are probably going out of their minds with worry.

  A few of them are underage, and their parents will most likely haul ass to get here to take their babies home for Christmas. Some of the brothers without families have agreed to meet the families halfway, if the girls are comfortable with that, to make it easier.

  Lord knows what kind of impact this will have on their lives in the future. I foresee therapy, probably a shit ton of it, before they can function normally in society without looking over their shoulders a million times throughout the day.

  We all agree that we’ll need to meet the other families in Austin to try to keep our involvement in all of this out of the media. If the cartel finds out girls are being returned home, we need them to think it’s Wrecker’s doing, and that it has nothing do to with us.

  The longer we can keep them focused on him, the better. We’ll need to make all of this clear to the families as well, and hope they respect our wishes. The guaranteed media attention when the girls are returned will hopefully keep the cartel away once they’re returned. We have to make the girls understand that they cannot mention anything about the cartel or us.

  If the cartel thinks they’re bringing unwanted attention, they may take them again, or even worse kill them to keep their mouths shut and then all of this will be for nothing. There are six girls that were sold by their families. They won’t be going back.

  We can’t allow them to go back to their fucked-up parents for potential resale after all the hell they went through. Besides, if they try to sell them back to the Infierno Cartel there will be questions about how they were returned in the first place, and we just can’t take that risk.

  These girls deserve a better life than the ones they’ve had up until now. And we’re going to try our best to make sure they get it. Of the six who were sold, half of them are underage, and we’ll need to find acceptable living situations for them. Reine already has Vic working on that.

  Vic’s offer initially surprises me when Reine first mentions it, because Vic has stayed out of club life ever since she and Wrecker split for Lilly’s sake. Reine thinks that it’s something she feels will help to make up for what her ex-husband put them through. She never met Martinez and is shocked to find out that Wrecker has any other family outside of the club I don’t understand why she thinks any of this is her fault, but we are grateful for her help.

  She gives Snoopy all the information she can about the other girls Wrecker fathered in hopes that we can find them alive and well and far away from the cartel. She wants us to hold off on telling Havoc about all of that for now because she’s worried he may go after the cartel himself to try to get them back.

  Once we know if it’s a real possibility that Wrecker did indeed sell them to the cartel, we’ll have to decide if we tell him or not. Right now, I think telling him would only make the situation worse. He wants Wrecker’s head for what he planned to do to Lilly and Reine, hell we all do, but that needs to be his focus until we’re sure about the rest of his sisters.

  He’ll be fucking pissed that we kept this from him, but we’ll cross that bridge when it comes. Sometimes it’s better to have to ask for forgiveness later and all that. Reine doesn’t like lying to him but would never go against Vic’s wishes no matter how wrong she thinks it is.

  After church is called to a close, Reine and Angel go check on all the girls to make sure they’re settled in for the night. The prospects who gave up their rooms are staying at The Reapers’ clubhouse for now as a good portion of their members have left after everything that came about with Loki.

  Wraith is a good man and will try to rebuild the best he can, but I don’t think The Reapers will ever fully recover from everything that has happened. Some of them will most likely become nomads or join another club somewhere in the state.

  With Blue Bells burned to the ground, their only source of income right now is the guns, but no one has a clue what will happen to that business with the pitiful state of their reputation. Prez has already offered to have Wraith and those he trusted join The Silent Sons, but we run a different kind of MC than The Reapers, so I’m not sure what will come of that.

  As I stand at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Reine to come out so she can go up to bed with me, my eyes fall on the back booth. I can’t believe how much has happened in just a few short months. I went from wanting nothing to do with the girl who was giving the brothers a show with Rosie, to being completely in love with her. Life sure as fuck can throw curve balls but as she walks up to me, I have to admit this may just be the best one yet.

  Chapter 34


  For at least two hours now, all I have wanted to do is curl up in Venom’s arms and fall asleep. The meeting takes for-fucking-ever, and it's now officially Christmas Eve. Angel and I make sure all the girls are settled in for the night. I let the twelve girls who were actually taken know they will hopefully be going home within the next twenty-four hours.

  I know Snoopy is already making the phone calls to their families to arrange everything. Thankfully the girls all had contact numbers we can use to reach them instead of having to hunt down their information; it’ll save Snoopy a lot of time.

  Angel is going stay here with us while we get the other six settled either with foster families or into a place of their own. I suspect the three of age will probably opt to live together, at least in the beginning.

  I want to help pay for whatever is needed to get them started. I have more than enough money with all that Pops left me when he died. But Wraith wants to handle it on behalf of The Reapers. The Reapers may not mind being a club on the wrong side of the law, but smuggling girls isn’t ever something they even dabbled in as a club.

  That’s probably why Wrecker kept it hidden from everyone like he did. We still have no clue how Loki got involved with all that. It seems as if Pops’
club has imploded since he died. There’s a lot left to sort out and try to move on from. I know Wraith will be happy as fuck when they get the clubhouse swept for bugs, but for now, he is concentrating on the girls.

  As I meet Venom at the bottom of the stairs, he is off somewhere in his head, and I worry about what kind of impact all of this will have on our relationship. Hell, we were only an actual couple for a few weeks when he disappeared.

  Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a rollercoaster with him these last few months, but fuck if this man doesn’t have my heart for eternity, if he wants it. Thinking I’d lost him cemented that feeling, and I don’t think it’ll ever go away. I just hope the same applies to him.

  Placing my hand on his shoulder brings him back to the present, and the smile he gives me puts butterflies in my stomach. He doesn’t smile often, so fuck if I don’t love it when he does. Hopefully one day, he’ll find a reason to smile all the time. Though we may end up locked in a room if that happens, because damn if it isn’t sexy as hell. He grabs my hand as he turns to walk up the stairs to his room.

  When we reach his door, he presses a quick kiss to my lips and tells me, “Close your eyes?”

  Never one to just listen and do like I’m told, I question, “Why the hell do I need to close my eyes?”

  He huffs out in frustration, “Will you just do it? Please?” He gives me puppy dog eyes, and I melt. I nod my head in response, not knowing what the fuck he could need my eyes closed for…but fuck it, I’ll give him what he asks. I close my eyes. The door opens with a slight squeak, and he pulls me into the room. I’m only three steps in when he tells me, “Okay, you can open them now.”

  The room is filled with lilies—my favorite—and candles. It’s beautiful and romantic. And there next to the bed is a bottle of our tequila and a tub, a whole fucking TUB, of red vines. I can’t hold in the laugh that escapes me when I take in what he has done.

  “How did you do this? We’ve been in church forever,” I say.

  “Lil and Vic helped me get it all set up. I wanted to try to get you out of your head for the night. I know you, you’ll be up half the night stressing over all that needs to be done. But right now you need to take care of you, and I intend to make that happen,” he explains with a small smile, and I can’t help but love him just a little more.

  He’s right too, no matter how tired I am, the minute my head hits the pillow my mind will turn on, and I’ll be thinking too much to sleep.

  Walking over to the bed, he pours us each a shot. Then he sits down and waves me over. I meet him at the bed and place myself between his thighs. With him sitting, we’re actually eye level with one another for once. He hands me the salt and holds my shot while I put some on my hand, but he has other ideas. He leans forward and licks my collarbone before sprinkling salt there.

  I keep my head tilted to the side as he lifts his glass waiting for me to mirror him. When I do, he says, “To love someone deeply gives you courage, but having someone who loves you deeply gives you strength. You are the reason I had strength and courage over the last few weeks, Reine. And I will spend forever showing you how much that meant to me.”

  I am so taken aback by his words that my breath leaves me when he leans forward and licks the salt from my collarbone before taking his shot.

  When he finishes, I still haven’t taken mine. Grabbing my hand, he looks at me with concern and asks, “Is us not something you still want, Reine?”

  “What? Why would you think that?” I exclaim.

  He rubs the back of his neck looking away as he says, “Well everything has been so crazy I just wasn’t…” I silence his words by taking his lips with mine trying to show him just how much he means to me with my actions.

  Pulling back, I take my shot and place the glass on the table before taking his face in my hands, “No one has ever told me something as beautiful as what you just did. I thought I lost you, Venom. And that scared the shit out of me, but I will love you until my dying day.” I finish by pulling his lips to mine in the softest of kisses.

  Never did I imagine my big, broody biker would have a softer side and damn if it isn’t amazing. He lays back on the bed pulling me with him. In an instant he’s rolling us over, so he is on top. He trails kisses down my neck and onto the top of my chest only breaking contact with my skin to remove my tank top.

  After he tosses my tank top to the floor, he moves below my chest and kisses a path down to my stomach then a line across my belly. Next, he pulls down my pajama pants and trails kisses all the way to my toes. Once he reaches the end of my body, he removes all of his clothes and kisses his way back up until our mouths meet again.

  The look in his eyes is not one of lust, but pure love, and I’m sure he can see the same reflected back in mine. Usually, we fuck. It's fast and hard leaving both of us breathless and completely spent but this…this is totally different.

  Venom takes the time to worship every part of me, and when he finally enters me, it leaves me breathless for a million reasons. He’s passionate and all-encompassing as his eyes never leave mine except for when his mouth is on me. I have never had sex like this before. I feel whole for the first time since my mama passed away and it is all because of this amazing man.

  This man is the missing piece of me and when I finally see stars I know I have found my place in this world. Home is where the heart is, and all that shit, and this man is my heart.



  Two Months Later

  “Boy, I’m not stupid. You’d better get your ass on that bike and go see him. Don’t make me have to throw your ass out of my house,” Vic scolds.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been more fucking nervous in my entire damn life, and that’s saying something. That’s why I waited until the last possible minute to talk to this motherfucker.

  “Alright, alright I’m going. Are you sure you don’t need me to do anything else before I go?” I ask. Yeah, I’m still procrastinating, but fuck the things I do for my baby.

  “Yup, you can tell Maribel bye on your way out, now scoot,” she says pushing me towards the door.

  I give her a kiss on the cheek, then make my way to the porch to do just as I was told. Vic likes to give me hell any chance she can. Reine brought me to Christmas dinner and to Vic that made me family. She’s treated me like it ever since.

  Headed to The Reapers clubhouse on my own volition was never something I thought I would see happen, but over time Wraith has come to grow on me.

  He treats Reine like she’s his own blood, so this is a necessary evil to show my girl just how much she means to me.

  So many things have changed in the last few months. Some good and others not so much. We got all the girls reunited with their families, but some not as quickly as we would’ve liked. We had more trouble than we expected in getting the families to believe we did indeed have their girls and weren’t trying to pull a con on them. Some people have no damn respect when it comes to grieving families, and sadly most of them had dealt with people fucking with their heads before we called.

  Once we got the girls on the phone with them, we had better luck. Most of it went off without an issue, but we did have some complications with a family in Cali. They wanted retribution for what had happened to their baby girl, not that I blamed them. But they went off running their mouths about how Mexico needs to get a handle on the cartels in their country.

  Do I think they were wrong? Not for a damn second, but someone didn’t like the attention it brought to the Mexican officials. They were all slaughtered one night about a month ago. It was a sad day for everyone in the clubhouse, Reine, and Angel, especially.

  They keep in touch with the girls, making sure they are all settling in back at home. Angel more so than Reine, as we are still trying to save it from coming back to us as much as possible. Angel uses a burner phone, and Snoopy makes sure she gets a new one every week or two.

  So far, our name hasn’t been brought up in connection with anythin
g, and hopefully, we can keep it that way. Angel and my baby are close as hell, and I’m glad Reine has someone who really understands and can help her. But I know eventually Angel will want to leave so she can take care of those responsible for her parents’ deaths. Rodeo has been teaching her how to shoot, and when the time comes, I know she’ll be able to handle her own.

  As I pull up to the clubhouse, Wraith is waiting out on the front porch. I wasn’t sure if he would be here or out at Blue Bells. They decided to rebuild it a few weeks ago, and that has been The Reapers’ main focus, besides recruiting new members that is.

  “Vic said you were headed here. Or rather she said if I didn’t see you shortly, she would have your ass,” he says with a chuckle. “Any reason that woman would be calling to scold me about bein’ nice?” he asks with a raised brow.

  Fuck! I haven’t even gotten off of my bike, and I already want to high-tail it out of here.

  Reine says I show every emotion on my face. But I think I have a damn good poker face, and she’s full of shit. However, right now, I’m sure I look like some punk kid coming to pick his girl up for the first time.

  “Jesus, Venom. Get off the damn bike and come say what ya gotta,” he says turning to go inside.

  I take a steadying breath before climbing off of Beauty—Reine said I couldn’t call them both baby, so I had to rename her. Fucking women.

  I head inside, ready to get this the fuck over with, when Wraith catches me off guard, “How’s Maribel doing? Any better with English yet? I know Vic has been having a time with trying to communicate with her since she moved in.”

  Maribel is doing just fine with learning English, she just doesn’t like to talk to a lot of people. Luckily, I’m one of the few she lets know what’s up, but that’s our little secret, for now anyway. When she’s ready to open up to everyone else, she will. She just needs time right now, and for some reason she trusts me. Although, God only knows why.


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